// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "arrow/compute/api_aggregate.h"
#include "arrow/compute/expression.h"
#include "arrow/engine/substrait/type_fwd.h"
#include "arrow/engine/substrait/visibility.h"
#include "arrow/result.h"
#include "arrow/status.h"
#include "arrow/type_fwd.h"
#include "arrow/util/macros.h"
namespace arrow {
namespace engine {
constexpr const char* kSubstraitArithmeticFunctionsUri =
constexpr const char* kSubstraitBooleanFunctionsUri =
constexpr const char* kSubstraitComparisonFunctionsUri =
constexpr const char* kSubstraitDatetimeFunctionsUri =
constexpr const char* kSubstraitLogarithmicFunctionsUri =
constexpr const char* kSubstraitRoundingFunctionsUri =
constexpr const char* kSubstraitStringFunctionsUri =
constexpr const char* kSubstraitAggregateGenericFunctionsUri =
/// If a function call contains this URI then the function is looked up
/// in the registry directly, all arguments are mapped as value arguments,
/// and any options are ignored.
constexpr const char* kArrowSimpleExtensionFunctionsUri =
std::string_view uri, name;
bool empty() const { return uri.empty() && name.empty(); }
std::string ToString() const;
size_t operator()(Id id) const;
bool operator()(Id l, Id r) const;
/// \brief Owning storage for ids
/// Substrait plans may reuse URIs and names in many places. For convenience
/// and performance Substrait ids are typically passed around as views. As we
/// convert a plan from Substrait to Arrow we need to copy these strings out of
/// the Substrait buffer and into owned storage. This class serves as that owned
/// storage.
virtual ~IdStorage() = default;
/// \brief Get an equivalent id pointing into this storage
/// This operation will copy the ids into storage if they do not already exist
virtual Id Emplace(Id id) = 0;
/// \brief Get an equivalent view pointing into this storage for a URI
/// If no URI is found then the uri will be copied into storage
virtual std::string_view EmplaceUri(std::string_view uri) = 0;
/// \brief Get an equivalent id pointing into this storage
/// If no id is found then nullopt will be returned
virtual std::optional<Id> Find(Id id) const = 0;
/// \brief Get an equivalent view pointing into this storage for a URI
/// If no URI is found then nullopt will be returned
virtual std::optional<std::string_view> FindUri(std::string_view uri) const = 0;
static std::unique_ptr<IdStorage> Make();
/// \brief Describes a Substrait call
/// Substrait call expressions contain a list of arguments which can either
/// be enum arguments (which are serialized as strings), value arguments (which)
/// are Arrow expressions, or type arguments (not yet implemented)
class ARROW_ENGINE_EXPORT SubstraitCall {
SubstraitCall(Id id, std::shared_ptr<DataType> output_type, bool output_nullable,
bool is_hash = false)
: id_(id),
is_hash_(is_hash) {}
const Id& id() const { return id_; }
const std::shared_ptr<DataType>& output_type() const { return output_type_; }
bool output_nullable() const { return output_nullable_; }
bool is_hash() const { return is_hash_; }
const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>>& options() const {
return options_;
bool HasEnumArg(int index) const;
Result<std::string_view> GetEnumArg(int index) const;
void SetEnumArg(int index, std::string enum_arg);
Result<compute::Expression> GetValueArg(int index) const;
bool HasValueArg(int index) const;
void SetValueArg(int index, compute::Expression value_arg);
std::optional<std::vector<std::string> const*> GetOption(
std::string_view option_name) const;
void SetOption(std::string_view option_name,
const std::vector<std::string_view>& option_preferences);
bool HasOptions() const;
int size() const { return size_; }
Id id_;
std::shared_ptr<DataType> output_type_;
bool output_nullable_;
// Only needed when converting from Substrait -> Arrow aggregates. The
// Arrow function name depends on whether or not there are any groups
bool is_hash_;
std::unordered_map<int, std::string> enum_args_;
std::unordered_map<int, compute::Expression> value_args_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<std::string>> options_;
int size_ = 0;
/// Substrait identifies functions and custom data types using a (uri, name) pair.
/// This registry is a bidirectional mapping between Substrait IDs and their
/// corresponding Arrow counterparts (arrow::DataType and function names in a function
/// registry)
/// Substrait extension types and variations must be registered with their
/// corresponding arrow::DataType before they can be used!
/// Conceptually this can be thought of as two pairs of `unordered_map`s. One pair to
/// go back and forth between Substrait ID and arrow::DataType and another pair to go
/// back and forth between Substrait ID and Arrow function names.
/// Unlike an ExtensionSet this registry is not created automatically when consuming
/// Substrait plans and must be configured ahead of time (although there is a default
/// instance).
class ARROW_ENGINE_EXPORT ExtensionIdRegistry {
using ArrowToSubstraitCall =
std::function<Result<SubstraitCall>(const arrow::compute::Expression::Call&)>;
using SubstraitCallToArrow =
std::function<Result<arrow::compute::Expression>(const SubstraitCall&)>;
using ArrowToSubstraitAggregate =
std::function<Result<SubstraitCall>(const arrow::compute::Aggregate&)>;
using SubstraitAggregateToArrow =
std::function<Result<arrow::compute::Aggregate>(const SubstraitCall&)>;
/// \brief A mapping between a Substrait ID and an arrow::DataType
struct TypeRecord {
Id id;
const std::shared_ptr<DataType>& type;
/// \brief Return a uri view owned by this registry
/// If the URI has never been emplaced it will return nullopt
virtual std::optional<std::string_view> FindUri(std::string_view uri) const = 0;
/// \brief Return a id view owned by this registry
/// If the id has never been emplaced it will return nullopt
virtual std::optional<Id> FindId(Id id) const = 0;
virtual std::optional<TypeRecord> GetType(const DataType&) const = 0;
virtual std::optional<TypeRecord> GetType(Id) const = 0;
virtual Status CanRegisterType(Id, const std::shared_ptr<DataType>& type) const = 0;
virtual Status RegisterType(Id, std::shared_ptr<DataType>) = 0;
/// \brief Register a converter that converts an Arrow call to a Substrait call
/// Note that there may not be 1:1 parity between ArrowToSubstraitCall and
/// SubstraitCallToArrow because some standard functions (e.g. add) may map to
/// multiple Arrow functions (e.g. add, add_checked)
virtual Status AddArrowToSubstraitCall(std::string arrow_function_name,
ArrowToSubstraitCall conversion_func) = 0;
/// \brief Check to see if a converter can be registered
/// \return Status::OK if there are no conflicts, otherwise an error is returned
virtual Status CanAddArrowToSubstraitCall(
const std::string& arrow_function_name) const = 0;
/// \brief Register a converter that converts an Arrow aggregate to a Substrait
/// aggregate
virtual Status AddArrowToSubstraitAggregate(
std::string arrow_function_name, ArrowToSubstraitAggregate conversion_func) = 0;
/// \brief Check to see if a converter can be registered
/// \return Status::OK if there are no conflicts, otherwise an error is returned
virtual Status CanAddArrowToSubstraitAggregate(
const std::string& arrow_function_name) const = 0;
/// \brief Register a converter that converts a Substrait call to an Arrow call
virtual Status AddSubstraitCallToArrow(Id substrait_function_id,
SubstraitCallToArrow conversion_func) = 0;
/// \brief Check to see if a converter can be registered
/// \return Status::OK if there are no conflicts, otherwise an error is returned
virtual Status CanAddSubstraitCallToArrow(Id substrait_function_id) const = 0;
/// \brief Register a simple mapping function
/// All calls to the function must pass only value arguments. The arguments
/// will be converted to expressions and passed to the Arrow function
virtual Status AddSubstraitCallToArrow(Id substrait_function_id,
std::string arrow_function_name) = 0;
/// \brief Register a converter that converts a Substrait aggregate to an Arrow
/// aggregate
virtual Status AddSubstraitAggregateToArrow(
Id substrait_function_id, SubstraitAggregateToArrow conversion_func) = 0;
/// \brief Check to see if a converter can be registered
/// \return Status::OK if there are no conflicts, otherwise an error is returned
virtual Status CanAddSubstraitAggregateToArrow(Id substrait_function_id) const = 0;
/// \brief Return a list of Substrait functions that have a converter
/// The function ids are encoded as strings using the pattern {uri}#{name}
virtual std::vector<std::string> GetSupportedSubstraitFunctions() const = 0;
/// \brief Find a converter to map Arrow calls to Substrait calls
/// \return A converter function or an invalid status if no converter is registered
virtual Result<ArrowToSubstraitCall> GetArrowToSubstraitCall(
const std::string& arrow_function_name) const = 0;
/// \brief Find a converter to map Arrow aggregates to Substrait aggregates
/// \return A converter function or an invalid status if no converter is registered
virtual Result<ArrowToSubstraitAggregate> GetArrowToSubstraitAggregate(
const std::string& arrow_function_name) const = 0;
/// \brief Find a converter to map a Substrait aggregate to an Arrow aggregate
/// \return A converter function or an invalid status if no converter is registered
virtual Result<SubstraitAggregateToArrow> GetSubstraitAggregateToArrow(
Id substrait_function_id) const = 0;
/// \brief Find a converter to map a Substrait call to an Arrow call
/// \return A converter function or an invalid status if no converter is registered
virtual Result<SubstraitCallToArrow> GetSubstraitCallToArrow(
Id substrait_function_id) const = 0;
/// \brief Similar to \see GetSubstraitCallToArrow but only uses the name
/// There may be multiple functions with the same name and this will return
/// the first. This is slower than GetSubstraitCallToArrow and should only
/// be used when the plan does not include a URI (or the URI is "/")
virtual Result<SubstraitCallToArrow> GetSubstraitCallToArrowFallback(
std::string_view function_name) const = 0;
/// \brief Similar to \see GetSubstraitAggregateToArrow but only uses the name
/// \see GetSubstraitCallToArrowFallback for details on the fallback behavior
virtual Result<SubstraitAggregateToArrow> GetSubstraitAggregateToArrowFallback(
std::string_view function_name) const = 0;
constexpr std::string_view kArrowExtTypesUri =
// Extension types that don't match 1:1 with a data type (or the data type is
// parameterized)
constexpr std::string_view kTimeNanosTypeName = "time_nanos";
constexpr Id kTimeNanosId = {kArrowExtTypesUri, kTimeNanosTypeName};
/// A default registry with all supported functions and data types registered
/// Note: Function support is currently very minimal, see ARROW-15538
ARROW_ENGINE_EXPORT ExtensionIdRegistry* default_extension_id_registry();
/// \brief Make a nested registry with a given parent.
/// A nested registry supports registering types and functions other and on top of those
/// already registered in its parent registry. No conflicts in IDs and names used for
/// lookup are allowed. Normally, the given parent is the default registry.
/// One use case for a nested registry is for dynamic registration of functions defined
/// within a Substrait plan while keeping these registrations specific to the plan. When
/// the Substrait plan is disposed of, normally after its execution, the nested registry
/// can be disposed of as well.
ARROW_ENGINE_EXPORT std::shared_ptr<ExtensionIdRegistry> nested_extension_id_registry(
const ExtensionIdRegistry* parent);
/// \brief A set of extensions used within a plan
/// Each time an extension is used within a Substrait plan the extension
/// must be included in an extension set that is defined at the root of the
/// plan.
/// The plan refers to a specific extension using an "anchor" which is an
/// arbitrary integer invented by the producer that has no meaning beyond a
/// plan but which should be consistent within a plan.
/// To support serialization and deserialization this type serves as a
/// bidirectional map between Substrait ID and "anchor"s.
/// When deserializing a Substrait plan the extension set should be extracted
/// after the plan has been converted from Protobuf and before the plan
/// is converted to an execution plan.
/// The extension set can be kept and reused during serialization if a perfect
/// round trip is required. If serialization is not needed or round tripping
/// is not required then the extension set can be safely discarded after the
/// plan has been converted into an execution plan.
/// When converting an execution plan into a Substrait plan an extension set
/// can be automatically generated or a previously generated extension set can
/// be used.
/// ExtensionSet does not own strings; it only refers to strings in an
/// ExtensionIdRegistry.
class ARROW_ENGINE_EXPORT ExtensionSet {
struct FunctionRecord {
Id id;
std::string_view name;
struct TypeRecord {
Id id;
std::shared_ptr<DataType> type;
/// Construct an empty ExtensionSet to be populated during serialization.
explicit ExtensionSet(const ExtensionIdRegistry* = default_extension_id_registry());
/// Construct an ExtensionSet with explicit extension ids for efficient referencing
/// during deserialization. Note that input vectors need not be densely packed; an empty
/// (default constructed) Id may be used as a placeholder to indicate an unused
/// _anchor/_reference. This factory will be used to wrap the extensions declared in a
/// substrait::Plan before deserializing the plan's relations.
/// Views will be replaced with equivalent views pointing to memory owned by the
/// registry.
/// Note: This is an advanced operation. The order of the ids, types, and functions
/// must match the anchor numbers chosen for a plan.
/// An extension set should instead be created using
/// arrow::engine::GetExtensionSetFromPlan
static Result<ExtensionSet> Make(
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::string_view> uris,
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, Id> type_ids,
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, Id> function_ids,
const ConversionOptions& conversion_options,
const ExtensionIdRegistry* = default_extension_id_registry());
const std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::string_view>& uris() const { return uris_; }
/// \brief Returns a data type given an anchor
/// This is used when converting a Substrait plan to an Arrow execution plan.
/// If the anchor does not exist in this extension set an error will be returned.
Result<TypeRecord> DecodeType(uint32_t anchor) const;
/// \brief Returns the number of custom type records in this extension set
/// Note: the types are currently stored as a sparse vector, so this may return a value
/// larger than the actual number of types. This behavior may change in the future; see
/// ARROW-15583.
std::size_t num_types() const { return types_.size(); }
/// \brief Lookup the anchor for a given type
/// This operation is used when converting an Arrow execution plan to a Substrait plan.
/// If the type has been previously encoded then the same anchor value will returned.
/// If the type has not been previously encoded then a new anchor value will be created.
/// If the type does not exist in the extension id registry then an error will be
/// returned.
/// \return An anchor that can be used to refer to the type within a plan
Result<uint32_t> EncodeType(const DataType& type);
/// \brief Return a function id given an anchor
/// This is used when converting a Substrait plan to an Arrow execution plan.
/// If the anchor does not exist in this extension set an error will be returned.
Result<Id> DecodeFunction(uint32_t anchor) const;
/// \brief Lookup the anchor for a given function
/// This operation is used when converting an Arrow execution plan to a Substrait plan.
/// If the function has been previously encoded then the same anchor value will be
/// returned.
/// If the function has not been previously encoded then a new anchor value will be
/// created.
/// If the function name is not in the extension id registry then an error will be
/// returned.
/// \return An anchor that can be used to refer to the function within a plan
Result<uint32_t> EncodeFunction(Id function_id);
/// \brief Stores a plan-specific id that is not known to the registry
/// This is used when converting an Arrow execution plan to a Substrait plan.
/// If the function is a UDF, something that wasn't known to the registry,
/// then we need long term storage of the function name (the ids are just
/// views)
Id RegisterPlanSpecificId(Id id);
/// \brief Return the number of custom functions in this extension set
std::size_t num_functions() const { return functions_.size(); }
const ExtensionIdRegistry* registry() const { return registry_; }
const ExtensionIdRegistry* registry_;
// If the registry is not aware of an id then we probably can't do anything
// with it. However, in some cases, these may represent extensions or features
// that we can safely ignore. For example, we can usually safely ignore
// extension type variations if we assume the plan is valid. These ignorable
// ids are stored here.
std::unique_ptr<IdStorage> plan_specific_ids_ = IdStorage::Make();
// Map from anchor values to URI values referenced by this extension set
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::string_view> uris_;
// Map from anchor values to type definitions, used during Substrait->Arrow
// and populated from the Substrait extension set
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, TypeRecord> types_;
// Map from anchor values to function ids, used during Substrait->Arrow
// and populated from the Substrait extension set
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, Id> functions_;
// Map from type names to anchor values. Used during Arrow->Substrait
// and built as the plan is created.
std::unordered_map<Id, uint32_t, IdHashEq, IdHashEq> types_map_;
// Map from function names to anchor values. Used during Arrow->Substrait
// and built as the plan is created.
std::unordered_map<Id, uint32_t, IdHashEq, IdHashEq> functions_map_;
Status CheckHasUri(std::string_view uri);
void AddUri(std::pair<uint32_t, std::string_view> uri);
Status AddUri(Id id);
} // namespace engine
} // namespace arrow