// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
// Private header, not to be exported
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "arrow/array/builder_binary.h"
#include "arrow/buffer_builder.h"
#include "arrow/result.h"
#include "arrow/status.h"
#include "arrow/type_fwd.h"
#include "arrow/type_traits.h"
#include "arrow/util/bit_util.h"
#include "arrow/util/bitmap_builders.h"
#include "arrow/util/endian.h"
#include "arrow/util/logging.h"
#include "arrow/util/macros.h"
#include "arrow/util/ubsan.h"
#include "arrow/vendored/xxhash.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
namespace arrow {
namespace internal {
// XXX would it help to have a 32-bit hash value on large datasets?
typedef uint64_t hash_t;
// Notes about the choice of a hash function.
// - XXH3 is extremely fast on most data sizes, from small to huge;
// faster even than HW CRC-based hashing schemes
// - our custom hash function for tiny values (< 16 bytes) is still
// significantly faster (~30%), at least on this machine and compiler
template <uint64_t AlgNum>
inline hash_t ComputeStringHash(const void* data, int64_t length);
/// \brief A hash function for bitmaps that can handle offsets and lengths in
/// terms of number of bits. The hash only depends on the bits actually hashed.
/// It's the caller's responsibility to ensure that bits_offset + num_bits are
/// readable from the bitmap.
/// \pre bits_offset >= 0
/// \pre num_bits >= 0
/// \pre (bits_offset + num_bits + 7) / 8 <= readable length in bytes from bitmap
/// \param bitmap The pointer to the bitmap.
/// \param seed The seed for the hash function (useful when chaining hash functions).
/// \param bits_offset The offset in bits relative to the start of the bitmap.
/// \param num_bits The number of bits after the offset to be hashed.
ARROW_EXPORT hash_t ComputeBitmapHash(const uint8_t* bitmap, hash_t seed,
int64_t bits_offset, int64_t num_bits);
template <typename Scalar, uint64_t AlgNum>
struct ScalarHelperBase {
static bool CompareScalars(Scalar u, Scalar v) { return u == v; }
static hash_t ComputeHash(const Scalar& value) {
// Generic hash computation for scalars. Simply apply the string hash
// to the bit representation of the value.
// XXX in the case of FP values, we'd like equal values to have the same hash,
// even if they have different bit representations...
return ComputeStringHash<AlgNum>(&value, sizeof(value));
template <typename Scalar, uint64_t AlgNum = 0, typename Enable = void>
struct ScalarHelper : public ScalarHelperBase<Scalar, AlgNum> {};
template <typename Scalar, uint64_t AlgNum>
struct ScalarHelper<Scalar, AlgNum, enable_if_t<std::is_integral<Scalar>::value>>
: public ScalarHelperBase<Scalar, AlgNum> {
// ScalarHelper specialization for integers
static hash_t ComputeHash(const Scalar& value) {
// Faster hash computation for integers.
// Two of xxhash's prime multipliers (which are chosen for their
// bit dispersion properties)
static constexpr uint64_t multipliers[] = {11400714785074694791ULL,
// Multiplying by the prime number mixes the low bits into the high bits,
// then byte-swapping (which is a single CPU instruction) allows the
// combined high and low bits to participate in the initial hash table index.
auto h = static_cast<hash_t>(value);
return bit_util::ByteSwap(multipliers[AlgNum] * h);
template <typename Scalar, uint64_t AlgNum>
struct ScalarHelper<Scalar, AlgNum,
enable_if_t<std::is_same<std::string_view, Scalar>::value>>
: public ScalarHelperBase<Scalar, AlgNum> {
// ScalarHelper specialization for std::string_view
static hash_t ComputeHash(std::string_view value) {
return ComputeStringHash<AlgNum>(value.data(), static_cast<int64_t>(value.size()));
template <typename Scalar, uint64_t AlgNum>
struct ScalarHelper<Scalar, AlgNum, enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point<Scalar>::value>>
: public ScalarHelperBase<Scalar, AlgNum> {
// ScalarHelper specialization for reals
static bool CompareScalars(Scalar u, Scalar v) {
if (std::isnan(u)) {
// XXX should we do a bit-precise comparison?
return std::isnan(v);
return u == v;
template <uint64_t AlgNum = 0>
hash_t ComputeStringHash(const void* data, int64_t length) {
if (ARROW_PREDICT_TRUE(length <= 16)) {
// Specialize for small hash strings, as they are quite common as
// hash table keys. Even XXH3 isn't quite as fast.
auto p = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(data);
auto n = static_cast<uint32_t>(length);
if (n <= 8) {
if (n <= 3) {
if (n == 0) {
return 1U;
uint32_t x = (n << 24) ^ (p[0] << 16) ^ (p[n / 2] << 8) ^ p[n - 1];
return ScalarHelper<uint32_t, AlgNum>::ComputeHash(x);
// 4 <= length <= 8
// We can read the string as two overlapping 32-bit ints, apply
// different hash functions to each of them in parallel, then XOR
// the results
uint32_t x, y;
hash_t hx, hy;
x = util::SafeLoadAs<uint32_t>(p + n - 4);
y = util::SafeLoadAs<uint32_t>(p);
hx = ScalarHelper<uint32_t, AlgNum>::ComputeHash(x);
hy = ScalarHelper<uint32_t, AlgNum ^ 1>::ComputeHash(y);
return n ^ hx ^ hy;
// 8 <= length <= 16
// Apply the same principle as above
uint64_t x, y;
hash_t hx, hy;
x = util::SafeLoadAs<uint64_t>(p + n - 8);
y = util::SafeLoadAs<uint64_t>(p);
hx = ScalarHelper<uint64_t, AlgNum>::ComputeHash(x);
hy = ScalarHelper<uint64_t, AlgNum ^ 1>::ComputeHash(y);
return n ^ hx ^ hy;
# error XXH3_SECRET_SIZE_MIN changed, please fix kXxh3Secrets
// XXH3_64bits_withSeed generates a secret based on the seed, which is too slow.
// Instead, we use hard-coded random secrets. To maximize cache efficiency,
// they reuse the same memory area.
static constexpr unsigned char kXxh3Secrets[XXH3_SECRET_SIZE_MIN + 1] = {
0xe7, 0x8b, 0x13, 0xf9, 0xfc, 0xb5, 0x8e, 0xef, 0x81, 0x48, 0x2c, 0xbf, 0xf9, 0x9f,
0xc1, 0x1e, 0x43, 0x6d, 0xbf, 0xa6, 0x6d, 0xb5, 0x72, 0xbc, 0x97, 0xd8, 0x61, 0x24,
0x0f, 0x12, 0xe3, 0x05, 0x21, 0xf7, 0x5c, 0x66, 0x67, 0xa5, 0x65, 0x03, 0x96, 0x26,
0x69, 0xd8, 0x29, 0x20, 0xf8, 0xc7, 0xb0, 0x3d, 0xdd, 0x7d, 0x18, 0xa0, 0x60, 0x75,
0x92, 0xa4, 0xce, 0xba, 0xc0, 0x77, 0xf4, 0xac, 0xb7, 0x03, 0x53, 0xf0, 0x98, 0xce,
0xe6, 0x2b, 0x20, 0xc7, 0x82, 0x91, 0xab, 0xbf, 0x68, 0x5c, 0x62, 0x4d, 0x33, 0xa3,
0xe1, 0xb3, 0xff, 0x97, 0x54, 0x4c, 0x44, 0x34, 0xb5, 0xb9, 0x32, 0x4c, 0x75, 0x42,
0x89, 0x53, 0x94, 0xd4, 0x9f, 0x2b, 0x76, 0x4d, 0x4e, 0xe6, 0xfa, 0x15, 0x3e, 0xc1,
0xdb, 0x71, 0x4b, 0x2c, 0x94, 0xf5, 0xfc, 0x8c, 0x89, 0x4b, 0xfb, 0xc1, 0x82, 0xa5,
0x6a, 0x53, 0xf9, 0x4a, 0xba, 0xce, 0x1f, 0xc0, 0x97, 0x1a, 0x87};
static_assert(AlgNum < 2, "AlgNum too large");
static constexpr auto secret = kXxh3Secrets + AlgNum;
return XXH3_64bits_withSecret(data, static_cast<size_t>(length), secret,
// XXX add a HashEq<ArrowType> struct with both hash and compare functions?
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// An open-addressing insert-only hash table (no deletes)
template <typename Payload>
class HashTable {
static constexpr hash_t kSentinel = 0ULL;
static constexpr int64_t kLoadFactor = 2UL;
struct Entry {
hash_t h;
Payload payload;
// An entry is valid if the hash is different from the sentinel value
operator bool() const { return h != kSentinel; }
HashTable(MemoryPool* pool, uint64_t capacity) : entries_builder_(pool) {
DCHECK_NE(pool, nullptr);
// Minimum of 32 elements
capacity = std::max<uint64_t>(capacity, 32UL);
capacity_ = bit_util::NextPower2(capacity);
capacity_mask_ = capacity_ - 1;
size_ = 0;
// Lookup with non-linear probing
// cmp_func should have signature bool(const Payload*).
// Return a (Entry*, found) pair.
template <typename CmpFunc>
std::pair<Entry*, bool> Lookup(hash_t h, CmpFunc&& cmp_func) {
auto p = Lookup<DoCompare, CmpFunc>(h, entries_, capacity_mask_,
return {&entries_[p.first], p.second};
template <typename CmpFunc>
std::pair<const Entry*, bool> Lookup(hash_t h, CmpFunc&& cmp_func) const {
auto p = Lookup<DoCompare, CmpFunc>(h, entries_, capacity_mask_,
return {&entries_[p.first], p.second};
Status Insert(Entry* entry, hash_t h, const Payload& payload) {
// Ensure entry is empty before inserting
entry->h = FixHash(h);
entry->payload = payload;
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(NeedUpsizing())) {
// Resize less frequently since it is expensive
return Upsize(capacity_ * kLoadFactor * 2);
return Status::OK();
uint64_t size() const { return size_; }
// Visit all non-empty entries in the table
// The visit_func should have signature void(const Entry*)
template <typename VisitFunc>
void VisitEntries(VisitFunc&& visit_func) const {
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < capacity_; i++) {
const auto& entry = entries_[i];
if (entry) {
// NoCompare is for when the value is known not to exist in the table
enum CompareKind { DoCompare, NoCompare };
// The workhorse lookup function
template <CompareKind CKind, typename CmpFunc>
std::pair<uint64_t, bool> Lookup(hash_t h, const Entry* entries, uint64_t size_mask,
CmpFunc&& cmp_func) const {
static constexpr uint8_t perturb_shift = 5;
uint64_t index, perturb;
const Entry* entry;
h = FixHash(h);
index = h & size_mask;
perturb = (h >> perturb_shift) + 1U;
while (true) {
entry = &entries[index];
if (CompareEntry<CKind, CmpFunc>(h, entry, std::forward<CmpFunc>(cmp_func))) {
// Found
return {index, true};
if (entry->h == kSentinel) {
// Empty slot
return {index, false};
// Perturbation logic inspired from CPython's set / dict object.
// The goal is that all 64 bits of the unmasked hash value eventually
// participate in the probing sequence, to minimize clustering.
index = (index + perturb) & size_mask;
perturb = (perturb >> perturb_shift) + 1U;
template <CompareKind CKind, typename CmpFunc>
bool CompareEntry(hash_t h, const Entry* entry, CmpFunc&& cmp_func) const {
if (CKind == NoCompare) {
return false;
} else {
return entry->h == h && cmp_func(&entry->payload);
bool NeedUpsizing() const {
// Keep the load factor <= 1/2
return size_ * kLoadFactor >= capacity_;
Status UpsizeBuffer(uint64_t capacity) {
entries_ = entries_builder_.mutable_data();
memset(static_cast<void*>(entries_), 0, capacity * sizeof(Entry));
return Status::OK();
Status Upsize(uint64_t new_capacity) {
assert(new_capacity > capacity_);
uint64_t new_mask = new_capacity - 1;
assert((new_capacity & new_mask) == 0); // it's a power of two
// Stash old entries and seal builder, effectively resetting the Buffer
const Entry* old_entries = entries_;
ARROW_ASSIGN_OR_RAISE(auto previous, entries_builder_.FinishWithLength(capacity_));
// Allocate new buffer
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < capacity_; i++) {
const auto& entry = old_entries[i];
if (entry) {
// Dummy compare function will not be called
auto p = Lookup<NoCompare>(entry.h, entries_, new_mask,
[](const Payload*) { return false; });
// Lookup<NoCompare> (and CompareEntry<NoCompare>) ensure that an
// empty slots is always returned
entries_[p.first] = entry;
capacity_ = new_capacity;
capacity_mask_ = new_mask;
return Status::OK();
hash_t FixHash(hash_t h) const { return (h == kSentinel) ? 42U : h; }
// The number of slots available in the hash table array.
uint64_t capacity_;
uint64_t capacity_mask_;
// The number of used slots in the hash table array.
uint64_t size_;
Entry* entries_;
TypedBufferBuilder<Entry> entries_builder_;
// XXX typedef memo_index_t int32_t ?
constexpr int32_t kKeyNotFound = -1;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A base class for memoization table.
class MemoTable {
virtual ~MemoTable() = default;
virtual int32_t size() const = 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A memoization table for memory-cheap scalar values.
// The memoization table remembers and allows to look up the insertion
// index for each key.
template <typename Scalar, template <class> class HashTableTemplateType = HashTable>
class ScalarMemoTable : public MemoTable {
explicit ScalarMemoTable(MemoryPool* pool, int64_t entries = 0)
: hash_table_(pool, static_cast<uint64_t>(entries)) {}
int32_t Get(const Scalar& value) const {
auto cmp_func = [value](const Payload* payload) -> bool {
return ScalarHelper<Scalar, 0>::CompareScalars(payload->value, value);
hash_t h = ComputeHash(value);
auto p = hash_table_.Lookup(h, cmp_func);
if (p.second) {
return p.first->payload.memo_index;
} else {
return kKeyNotFound;
template <typename Func1, typename Func2>
Status GetOrInsert(const Scalar& value, Func1&& on_found, Func2&& on_not_found,
int32_t* out_memo_index) {
auto cmp_func = [value](const Payload* payload) -> bool {
return ScalarHelper<Scalar, 0>::CompareScalars(value, payload->value);
hash_t h = ComputeHash(value);
auto p = hash_table_.Lookup(h, cmp_func);
int32_t memo_index;
if (p.second) {
memo_index = p.first->payload.memo_index;
} else {
memo_index = size();
RETURN_NOT_OK(hash_table_.Insert(p.first, h, {value, memo_index}));
*out_memo_index = memo_index;
return Status::OK();
Status GetOrInsert(const Scalar& value, int32_t* out_memo_index) {
return GetOrInsert(
value, [](int32_t i) {}, [](int32_t i) {}, out_memo_index);
int32_t GetNull() const { return null_index_; }
template <typename Func1, typename Func2>
int32_t GetOrInsertNull(Func1&& on_found, Func2&& on_not_found) {
int32_t memo_index = GetNull();
if (memo_index != kKeyNotFound) {
} else {
null_index_ = memo_index = size();
return memo_index;
int32_t GetOrInsertNull() {
return GetOrInsertNull([](int32_t i) {}, [](int32_t i) {});
// The number of entries in the memo table +1 if null was added.
// (which is also 1 + the largest memo index)
int32_t size() const override {
return static_cast<int32_t>(hash_table_.size()) + (GetNull() != kKeyNotFound);
// Copy values starting from index `start` into `out_data`
void CopyValues(int32_t start, Scalar* out_data) const {
hash_table_.VisitEntries([=](const HashTableEntry* entry) {
int32_t index = entry->payload.memo_index - start;
if (index >= 0) {
out_data[index] = entry->payload.value;
// Zero-initialize the null entry
if (null_index_ != kKeyNotFound) {
int32_t index = null_index_ - start;
if (index >= 0) {
out_data[index] = Scalar{};
void CopyValues(Scalar* out_data) const { CopyValues(0, out_data); }
struct Payload {
Scalar value;
int32_t memo_index;
using HashTableType = HashTableTemplateType<Payload>;
using HashTableEntry = typename HashTableType::Entry;
HashTableType hash_table_;
int32_t null_index_ = kKeyNotFound;
hash_t ComputeHash(const Scalar& value) const {
return ScalarHelper<Scalar, 0>::ComputeHash(value);
// defined here so that `HashTableType` is visible
// Merge entries from `other_table` into `this->hash_table_`.
Status MergeTable(const ScalarMemoTable& other_table) {
const HashTableType& other_hashtable = other_table.hash_table_;
other_hashtable.VisitEntries([this](const HashTableEntry* other_entry) {
int32_t unused;
DCHECK_OK(this->GetOrInsert(other_entry->payload.value, &unused));
// TODO: ARROW-17074 - implement proper error handling
return Status::OK();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A memoization table for small scalar values, using direct indexing
template <typename Scalar, typename Enable = void>
struct SmallScalarTraits {};
template <>
struct SmallScalarTraits<bool> {
static constexpr int32_t cardinality = 2;
static uint32_t AsIndex(bool value) { return value ? 1 : 0; }
template <typename Scalar>
struct SmallScalarTraits<Scalar, enable_if_t<std::is_integral<Scalar>::value>> {
using Unsigned = typename std::make_unsigned<Scalar>::type;
static constexpr int32_t cardinality = 1U + std::numeric_limits<Unsigned>::max();
static uint32_t AsIndex(Scalar value) { return static_cast<Unsigned>(value); }
template <typename Scalar, template <class> class HashTableTemplateType = HashTable>
class SmallScalarMemoTable : public MemoTable {
explicit SmallScalarMemoTable(MemoryPool* pool, int64_t entries = 0) {
std::fill(value_to_index_, value_to_index_ + cardinality + 1, kKeyNotFound);
int32_t Get(const Scalar value) const {
auto value_index = AsIndex(value);
return value_to_index_[value_index];
template <typename Func1, typename Func2>
Status GetOrInsert(const Scalar value, Func1&& on_found, Func2&& on_not_found,
int32_t* out_memo_index) {
auto value_index = AsIndex(value);
auto memo_index = value_to_index_[value_index];
if (memo_index == kKeyNotFound) {
memo_index = static_cast<int32_t>(index_to_value_.size());
value_to_index_[value_index] = memo_index;
DCHECK_LT(memo_index, cardinality + 1);
} else {
*out_memo_index = memo_index;
return Status::OK();
Status GetOrInsert(const Scalar value, int32_t* out_memo_index) {
return GetOrInsert(
value, [](int32_t i) {}, [](int32_t i) {}, out_memo_index);
int32_t GetNull() const { return value_to_index_[cardinality]; }
template <typename Func1, typename Func2>
int32_t GetOrInsertNull(Func1&& on_found, Func2&& on_not_found) {
auto memo_index = GetNull();
if (memo_index == kKeyNotFound) {
memo_index = value_to_index_[cardinality] = size();
} else {
return memo_index;
int32_t GetOrInsertNull() {
return GetOrInsertNull([](int32_t i) {}, [](int32_t i) {});
// The number of entries in the memo table
// (which is also 1 + the largest memo index)
int32_t size() const override { return static_cast<int32_t>(index_to_value_.size()); }
// Merge entries from `other_table` into `this`.
Status MergeTable(const SmallScalarMemoTable& other_table) {
for (const Scalar& other_val : other_table.index_to_value_) {
int32_t unused;
RETURN_NOT_OK(this->GetOrInsert(other_val, &unused));
return Status::OK();
// Copy values starting from index `start` into `out_data`
void CopyValues(int32_t start, Scalar* out_data) const {
DCHECK_GE(start, 0);
DCHECK_LE(static_cast<size_t>(start), index_to_value_.size());
int64_t offset = start * static_cast<int32_t>(sizeof(Scalar));
memcpy(out_data, index_to_value_.data() + offset, (size() - start) * sizeof(Scalar));
void CopyValues(Scalar* out_data) const { CopyValues(0, out_data); }
const std::vector<Scalar>& values() const { return index_to_value_; }
static constexpr auto cardinality = SmallScalarTraits<Scalar>::cardinality;
static_assert(cardinality <= 256, "cardinality too large for direct-addressed table");
uint32_t AsIndex(Scalar value) const {
return SmallScalarTraits<Scalar>::AsIndex(value);
// The last index is reserved for the null element.
int32_t value_to_index_[cardinality + 1];
std::vector<Scalar> index_to_value_;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// A memoization table for variable-sized binary data.
template <typename BinaryBuilderT>
class BinaryMemoTable : public MemoTable {
using builder_offset_type = typename BinaryBuilderT::offset_type;
explicit BinaryMemoTable(MemoryPool* pool, int64_t entries = 0,
int64_t values_size = -1)
: hash_table_(pool, static_cast<uint64_t>(entries)), binary_builder_(pool) {
const int64_t data_size = (values_size < 0) ? entries * 4 : values_size;
int32_t Get(const void* data, builder_offset_type length) const {
hash_t h = ComputeStringHash<0>(data, length);
auto p = Lookup(h, data, length);
if (p.second) {
return p.first->payload.memo_index;
} else {
return kKeyNotFound;
int32_t Get(std::string_view value) const {
return Get(value.data(), static_cast<builder_offset_type>(value.length()));
template <typename Func1, typename Func2>
Status GetOrInsert(const void* data, builder_offset_type length, Func1&& on_found,
Func2&& on_not_found, int32_t* out_memo_index) {
hash_t h = ComputeStringHash<0>(data, length);
auto p = Lookup(h, data, length);
int32_t memo_index;
if (p.second) {
memo_index = p.first->payload.memo_index;
} else {
memo_index = size();
// Insert string value
RETURN_NOT_OK(binary_builder_.Append(static_cast<const char*>(data), length));
// Insert hash entry
hash_table_.Insert(const_cast<HashTableEntry*>(p.first), h, {memo_index}));
*out_memo_index = memo_index;
return Status::OK();
template <typename Func1, typename Func2>
Status GetOrInsert(std::string_view value, Func1&& on_found, Func2&& on_not_found,
int32_t* out_memo_index) {
return GetOrInsert(value.data(), static_cast<builder_offset_type>(value.length()),
std::forward<Func1>(on_found), std::forward<Func2>(on_not_found),
Status GetOrInsert(const void* data, builder_offset_type length,
int32_t* out_memo_index) {
return GetOrInsert(
data, length, [](int32_t i) {}, [](int32_t i) {}, out_memo_index);
Status GetOrInsert(std::string_view value, int32_t* out_memo_index) {
return GetOrInsert(value.data(), static_cast<builder_offset_type>(value.length()),
int32_t GetNull() const { return null_index_; }
template <typename Func1, typename Func2>
int32_t GetOrInsertNull(Func1&& on_found, Func2&& on_not_found) {
int32_t memo_index = GetNull();
if (memo_index == kKeyNotFound) {
memo_index = null_index_ = size();
} else {
return memo_index;
int32_t GetOrInsertNull() {
return GetOrInsertNull([](int32_t i) {}, [](int32_t i) {});
// The number of entries in the memo table
// (which is also 1 + the largest memo index)
int32_t size() const override {
return static_cast<int32_t>(hash_table_.size() + (GetNull() != kKeyNotFound));
int64_t values_size() const { return binary_builder_.value_data_length(); }
// Copy (n + 1) offsets starting from index `start` into `out_data`
template <class Offset>
void CopyOffsets(int32_t start, Offset* out_data) const {
DCHECK_LE(start, size());
const builder_offset_type* offsets = binary_builder_.offsets_data();
const builder_offset_type delta =
start < binary_builder_.length() ? offsets[start] : 0;
for (int32_t i = start; i < size(); ++i) {
const builder_offset_type adjusted_offset = offsets[i] - delta;
Offset cast_offset = static_cast<Offset>(adjusted_offset);
assert(static_cast<builder_offset_type>(cast_offset) ==
adjusted_offset); // avoid truncation
*out_data++ = cast_offset;
// Copy last value since BinaryBuilder only materializes it on in Finish()
*out_data = static_cast<Offset>(binary_builder_.value_data_length() - delta);
template <class Offset>
void CopyOffsets(Offset* out_data) const {
CopyOffsets(0, out_data);
// Copy values starting from index `start` into `out_data`
void CopyValues(int32_t start, uint8_t* out_data) const {
CopyValues(start, -1, out_data);
// Same as above, but check output size in debug mode
void CopyValues(int32_t start, int64_t out_size, uint8_t* out_data) const {
DCHECK_LE(start, size());
// The absolute byte offset of `start` value in the binary buffer.
const builder_offset_type offset = binary_builder_.offset(start);
const auto length = binary_builder_.value_data_length() - static_cast<size_t>(offset);
if (out_size != -1) {
assert(static_cast<int64_t>(length) <= out_size);
auto view = binary_builder_.GetView(start);
memcpy(out_data, view.data(), length);
void CopyValues(uint8_t* out_data) const { CopyValues(0, -1, out_data); }
void CopyValues(int64_t out_size, uint8_t* out_data) const {
CopyValues(0, out_size, out_data);
void CopyFixedWidthValues(int32_t start, int32_t width_size, int64_t out_size,
uint8_t* out_data) const {
// This method exists to cope with the fact that the BinaryMemoTable does
// not know the fixed width when inserting the null value. The data
// buffer hold a zero length string for the null value (if found).
// Thus, the method will properly inject an empty value of the proper width
// in the output buffer.
if (start >= size()) {
int32_t null_index = GetNull();
if (null_index < start) {
// Nothing to skip, proceed as usual.
CopyValues(start, out_size, out_data);
builder_offset_type left_offset = binary_builder_.offset(start);
// Ensure that the data length is exactly missing width_size bytes to fit
// in the expected output (n_values * width_size).
#ifndef NDEBUG
int64_t data_length = values_size() - static_cast<size_t>(left_offset);
assert(data_length + width_size == out_size);
auto in_data = binary_builder_.value_data() + left_offset;
// The null use 0-length in the data, slice the data in 2 and skip by
// width_size in out_data. [part_1][width_size][part_2]
auto null_data_offset = binary_builder_.offset(null_index);
auto left_size = null_data_offset - left_offset;
if (left_size > 0) {
memcpy(out_data, in_data + left_offset, left_size);
// Zero-initialize the null entry
memset(out_data + left_size, 0, width_size);
auto right_size = values_size() - static_cast<size_t>(null_data_offset);
if (right_size > 0) {
// skip the null fixed size value.
auto out_offset = left_size + width_size;
assert(out_data + out_offset + right_size == out_data + out_size);
memcpy(out_data + out_offset, in_data + null_data_offset, right_size);
// Visit the stored values in insertion order.
// The visitor function should have the signature `void(std::string_view)`
// or `void(const std::string_view&)`.
template <typename VisitFunc>
void VisitValues(int32_t start, VisitFunc&& visit) const {
for (int32_t i = start; i < size(); ++i) {
// Visit the stored value at a specific index in insertion order.
// The visitor function should have the signature `void(std::string_view)`
// or `void(const std::string_view&)`.
template <typename VisitFunc>
void VisitValue(int32_t idx, VisitFunc&& visit) const {
struct Payload {
int32_t memo_index;
using HashTableType = HashTable<Payload>;
using HashTableEntry = typename HashTable<Payload>::Entry;
HashTableType hash_table_;
BinaryBuilderT binary_builder_;
int32_t null_index_ = kKeyNotFound;
std::pair<const HashTableEntry*, bool> Lookup(hash_t h, const void* data,
builder_offset_type length) const {
auto cmp_func = [&](const Payload* payload) {
std::string_view lhs = binary_builder_.GetView(payload->memo_index);
std::string_view rhs(static_cast<const char*>(data), length);
return lhs == rhs;
return hash_table_.Lookup(h, cmp_func);
Status MergeTable(const BinaryMemoTable& other_table) {
other_table.VisitValues(0, [this](std::string_view other_value) {
int32_t unused;
DCHECK_OK(this->GetOrInsert(other_value, &unused));
return Status::OK();
template <typename T, typename Enable = void>
struct HashTraits {};
template <>
struct HashTraits<BooleanType> {
using MemoTableType = SmallScalarMemoTable<bool>;
template <typename T>
struct HashTraits<T, enable_if_8bit_int<T>> {
using c_type = typename T::c_type;
using MemoTableType = SmallScalarMemoTable<typename T::c_type>;
template <typename T>
struct HashTraits<T, enable_if_t<has_c_type<T>::value && !is_8bit_int<T>::value>> {
using c_type = typename T::c_type;
using MemoTableType = ScalarMemoTable<c_type, HashTable>;
template <typename T>
struct HashTraits<T, enable_if_t<has_string_view<T>::value &&
!std::is_base_of<LargeBinaryType, T>::value>> {
using MemoTableType = BinaryMemoTable<BinaryBuilder>;
template <typename T>
struct HashTraits<T, enable_if_decimal<T>> {
using MemoTableType = BinaryMemoTable<BinaryBuilder>;
template <typename T>
struct HashTraits<T, enable_if_t<std::is_base_of<LargeBinaryType, T>::value>> {
using MemoTableType = BinaryMemoTable<LargeBinaryBuilder>;
template <typename MemoTableType>
static inline Status ComputeNullBitmap(MemoryPool* pool, const MemoTableType& memo_table,
int64_t start_offset, int64_t* null_count,
std::shared_ptr<Buffer>* null_bitmap) {
int64_t dict_length = static_cast<int64_t>(memo_table.size()) - start_offset;
int64_t null_index = memo_table.GetNull();
*null_count = 0;
*null_bitmap = nullptr;
if (null_index != kKeyNotFound && null_index >= start_offset) {
null_index -= start_offset;
*null_count = 1;
internal::BitmapAllButOne(pool, dict_length, null_index));
return Status::OK();
struct StringViewHash {
// std::hash compatible hasher for use with std::unordered_*
// (the std::hash specialization provided by nonstd constructs std::string
// temporaries then invokes std::hash<std::string> against those)
hash_t operator()(std::string_view value) const {
return ComputeStringHash<0>(value.data(), static_cast<int64_t>(value.size()));
} // namespace internal
} // namespace arrow