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/ include / arrow / util / thread_pool.h

// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
//   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.

#pragma once

#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <type_traits>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>

#include "arrow/result.h"
#include "arrow/status.h"
#include "arrow/util/cancel.h"
#include "arrow/util/config.h"
#include "arrow/util/functional.h"
#include "arrow/util/future.h"
#include "arrow/util/iterator.h"
#include "arrow/util/macros.h"
#include "arrow/util/visibility.h"

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
// Disable harmless warning for decorated name length limit
#  pragma warning(disable : 4503)

namespace arrow {

/// \brief Get the capacity of the global thread pool
/// Return the number of worker threads in the thread pool to which
/// Arrow dispatches various CPU-bound tasks.  This is an ideal number,
/// not necessarily the exact number of threads at a given point in time.
/// You can change this number using SetCpuThreadPoolCapacity().
ARROW_EXPORT int GetCpuThreadPoolCapacity();

/// \brief Set the capacity of the global thread pool
/// Set the number of worker threads int the thread pool to which
/// Arrow dispatches various CPU-bound tasks.
/// The current number is returned by GetCpuThreadPoolCapacity().
ARROW_EXPORT Status SetCpuThreadPoolCapacity(int threads);

namespace internal {

// Hints about a task that may be used by an Executor.
// They are ignored by the provided ThreadPool implementation.
struct TaskHints {
  // The lower, the more urgent
  int32_t priority = 0;
  // The IO transfer size in bytes
  int64_t io_size = -1;
  // The approximate CPU cost in number of instructions
  int64_t cpu_cost = -1;
  // An application-specific ID
  int64_t external_id = -1;

class ARROW_EXPORT Executor {
  using StopCallback = internal::FnOnce<void(const Status&)>;

  virtual ~Executor();

  // Spawn a fire-and-forget task.
  template <typename Function>
  Status Spawn(Function&& func) {
    return SpawnReal(TaskHints{}, std::forward<Function>(func), StopToken::Unstoppable(),
  template <typename Function>
  Status Spawn(Function&& func, StopToken stop_token) {
    return SpawnReal(TaskHints{}, std::forward<Function>(func), std::move(stop_token),
  template <typename Function>
  Status Spawn(TaskHints hints, Function&& func) {
    return SpawnReal(hints, std::forward<Function>(func), StopToken::Unstoppable(),
  template <typename Function>
  Status Spawn(TaskHints hints, Function&& func, StopToken stop_token) {
    return SpawnReal(hints, std::forward<Function>(func), std::move(stop_token),
  template <typename Function>
  Status Spawn(TaskHints hints, Function&& func, StopToken stop_token,
               StopCallback stop_callback) {
    return SpawnReal(hints, std::forward<Function>(func), std::move(stop_token),

  // Transfers a future to this executor.  Any continuations added to the
  // returned future will run in this executor.  Otherwise they would run
  // on the same thread that called MarkFinished.
  // This is necessary when (for example) an I/O task is completing a future.
  // The continuations of that future should run on the CPU thread pool keeping
  // CPU heavy work off the I/O thread pool.  So the I/O task should transfer
  // the future to the CPU executor before returning.
  // By default this method will only transfer if the future is not already completed.  If
  // the future is already completed then any callback would be run synchronously and so
  // no transfer is typically necessary.  However, in cases where you want to force a
  // transfer (e.g. to help the scheduler break up units of work across multiple cores)
  // then you can override this behavior with `always_transfer`.
  template <typename T>
  Future<T> Transfer(Future<T> future) {
    return DoTransfer(std::move(future), false);

  // Overload of Transfer which will always schedule callbacks on new threads even if the
  // future is finished when the callback is added.
  // This can be useful in cases where you want to ensure parallelism
  template <typename T>
  Future<T> TransferAlways(Future<T> future) {
    return DoTransfer(std::move(future), true);

  // Submit a callable and arguments for execution.  Return a future that
  // will return the callable's result value once.
  // The callable's arguments are copied before execution.
  template <typename Function, typename... Args,
            typename FutureType = typename ::arrow::detail::ContinueFuture::ForSignature<
                Function && (Args && ...)>>
  Result<FutureType> Submit(TaskHints hints, StopToken stop_token, Function&& func,
                            Args&&... args) {
    using ValueType = typename FutureType::ValueType;

    auto future = FutureType::Make();
    auto task = std::bind(::arrow::detail::ContinueFuture{}, future,
                          std::forward<Function>(func), std::forward<Args>(args)...);
    struct {
      WeakFuture<ValueType> weak_fut;

      void operator()(const Status& st) {
        auto fut = weak_fut.get();
        if (fut.is_valid()) {
    } stop_callback{WeakFuture<ValueType>(future)};
    ARROW_RETURN_NOT_OK(SpawnReal(hints, std::move(task), std::move(stop_token),

    return future;

  template <typename Function, typename... Args,
            typename FutureType = typename ::arrow::detail::ContinueFuture::ForSignature<
                Function && (Args && ...)>>
  Result<FutureType> Submit(StopToken stop_token, Function&& func, Args&&... args) {
    return Submit(TaskHints{}, stop_token, std::forward<Function>(func),

  template <typename Function, typename... Args,
            typename FutureType = typename ::arrow::detail::ContinueFuture::ForSignature<
                Function && (Args && ...)>>
  Result<FutureType> Submit(TaskHints hints, Function&& func, Args&&... args) {
    return Submit(std::move(hints), StopToken::Unstoppable(),
                  std::forward<Function>(func), std::forward<Args>(args)...);

  template <typename Function, typename... Args,
            typename FutureType = typename ::arrow::detail::ContinueFuture::ForSignature<
                Function && (Args && ...)>>
  Result<FutureType> Submit(Function&& func, Args&&... args) {
    return Submit(TaskHints{}, StopToken::Unstoppable(), std::forward<Function>(func),

  // Return the level of parallelism (the number of tasks that may be executed
  // concurrently).  This may be an approximate number.
  virtual int GetCapacity() = 0;

  // Return true if the thread from which this function is called is owned by this
  // Executor. Returns false if this Executor does not support this property.
  virtual bool OwnsThisThread() { return false; }

  // Return true if this is the current executor being called
  // n.b. this defaults to just calling OwnsThisThread
  // unless the threadpool is disabled
  virtual bool IsCurrentExecutor() { return OwnsThisThread(); }

  /// \brief An interface to represent something with a custom destructor
  /// \see KeepAlive
  class ARROW_EXPORT Resource {
    virtual ~Resource() = default;

  /// \brief Keep a resource alive until all executor threads have terminated
  /// Executors may have static storage duration.  In particular, the CPU and I/O
  /// executors are currently implemented this way.  These threads may access other
  /// objects with static storage duration such as the OpenTelemetry runtime context
  /// the default memory pool, or other static executors.
  /// The order in which these objects are destroyed is difficult to control.  In order
  /// to ensure those objects remain alive until all threads have finished those objects
  /// should be wrapped in a Resource object and passed into this method.  The given
  /// shared_ptr will be kept alive until all threads have finished their worker loops.
  virtual void KeepAlive(std::shared_ptr<Resource> resource);


  Executor() = default;

  template <typename T, typename FT = Future<T>, typename FTSync = typename FT::SyncType>
  Future<T> DoTransfer(Future<T> future, bool always_transfer = false) {
    auto transferred = Future<T>::Make();
    if (always_transfer) {
      CallbackOptions callback_options = CallbackOptions::Defaults();
      callback_options.should_schedule = ShouldSchedule::Always;
      callback_options.executor = this;
      auto sync_callback = [transferred](const FTSync& result) mutable {
      future.AddCallback(sync_callback, callback_options);
      return transferred;

    // We could use AddCallback's ShouldSchedule::IfUnfinished but we can save a bit of
    // work by doing the test here.
    auto callback = [this, transferred](const FTSync& result) mutable {
      auto spawn_status =
          Spawn([transferred, result]() mutable { transferred.MarkFinished(result); });
      if (!spawn_status.ok()) {
    auto callback_factory = [&callback]() { return callback; };
    if (future.TryAddCallback(callback_factory)) {
      return transferred;
    // If the future is already finished and we aren't going to force spawn a thread
    // then we don't need to add another layer of callback and can return the original
    // future
    return future;

  // Subclassing API
  virtual Status SpawnReal(TaskHints hints, FnOnce<void()> task, StopToken,
                           StopCallback&&) = 0;

/// \brief An executor implementation that runs all tasks on a single thread using an
/// event loop.
/// Note: Any sort of nested parallelism will deadlock this executor.  Blocking waits are
/// fine but if one task needs to wait for another task it must be expressed as an
/// asynchronous continuation.
class ARROW_EXPORT SerialExecutor : public Executor {
  template <typename T = ::arrow::internal::Empty>
  using TopLevelTask = internal::FnOnce<Future<T>(Executor*)>;

  ~SerialExecutor() override;

  int GetCapacity() override { return 1; };
  bool OwnsThisThread() override;
  Status SpawnReal(TaskHints hints, FnOnce<void()> task, StopToken,
                   StopCallback&&) override;

  // Return the number of tasks either running or in the queue.
  int GetNumTasks();

  /// \brief Runs the TopLevelTask and any scheduled tasks
  /// The TopLevelTask (or one of the tasks it schedules) must either return an invalid
  /// status or call the finish signal. Failure to do this will result in a deadlock.  For
  /// this reason it is preferable (if possible) to use the helper methods (below)
  /// RunSynchronously/RunSerially which delegates the responsibility onto a Future
  /// producer's existing responsibility to always mark a future finished (which can
  /// someday be aided by ARROW-12207).
  template <typename T = internal::Empty, typename FT = Future<T>,
            typename FTSync = typename FT::SyncType>
  static FTSync RunInSerialExecutor(TopLevelTask<T> initial_task) {
    Future<T> fut = SerialExecutor().Run<T>(std::move(initial_task));
    return FutureToSync(fut);

  /// \brief Transform an AsyncGenerator into an Iterator
  /// An event loop will be created and each call to Next will power the event loop with
  /// the calling thread until the next item is ready to be delivered.
  /// Note: The iterator's destructor will run until the given generator is fully
  /// exhausted. If you wish to abandon iteration before completion then the correct
  /// approach is to use a stop token to cause the generator to exhaust early.
  template <typename T>
  static Iterator<T> IterateGenerator(
      internal::FnOnce<Result<std::function<Future<T>()>>(Executor*)> initial_task) {
    auto serial_executor = std::unique_ptr<SerialExecutor>(new SerialExecutor());
    auto maybe_generator = std::move(initial_task)(serial_executor.get());
    if (!maybe_generator.ok()) {
      return MakeErrorIterator<T>(maybe_generator.status());
    auto generator = maybe_generator.MoveValueUnsafe();
    struct SerialIterator {
      SerialIterator(std::unique_ptr<SerialExecutor> executor,
                     std::function<Future<T>()> generator)
          : executor(std::move(executor)), generator(std::move(generator)) {}
      ~SerialIterator() {
        // A serial iterator must be consumed before it can be destroyed.  Allowing it to
        // do otherwise would lead to resource leakage.  There will likely be deadlocks at
        // this spot in the future but these will be the result of other bugs and not the
        // fact that we are forcing consumption here.

        // If a streaming API needs to support early abandonment then it should be done so
        // with a cancellation token and not simply discarding the iterator and expecting
        // the underlying work to clean up correctly.
        if (executor && !executor->IsFinished()) {
          while (true) {
            Result<T> maybe_next = Next();
            if (!maybe_next.ok() || IsIterationEnd(*maybe_next)) {

      Result<T> Next() {
        // This call may lead to tasks being scheduled in the serial executor
        Future<T> next_fut = generator();
        next_fut.AddCallback([this](const Result<T>& res) {
          // If we're done iterating we should drain the rest of the tasks in the executor
          if (!res.ok() || IsIterationEnd(*res)) {
          // Otherwise we will break out immediately, leaving the remaining tasks for
          // the next call.
        // future must run on this thread
        // Borrow this thread and run tasks until the future is finished
        if (!next_fut.is_finished()) {
          // Not clear this is possible since RunLoop wouldn't generally exit
          // unless we paused/finished which would imply next_fut has been
          // finished.
          return Status::Invalid(
              "Serial executor terminated before next result computed");
        // At this point we may still have tasks in the executor, that is ok.
        // We will run those tasks the next time through.
        return next_fut.result();

      std::unique_ptr<SerialExecutor> executor;
      std::function<Future<T>()> generator;
    return Iterator<T>(SerialIterator{std::move(serial_executor), std::move(generator)});

  // run a pending task from loop
  // returns true if any tasks were run in the last go round the loop (i.e. if it
  // returns false, all executors are waiting)
  static bool RunTasksOnAllExecutors();
  static SerialExecutor* GetCurrentExecutor();

  bool IsCurrentExecutor() override;


  virtual void RunLoop();

  // State uses mutex
  struct State;
  std::shared_ptr<State> state_;


  // We mark the serial executor "finished" when there should be
  // no more tasks scheduled on it.  It's not strictly needed but
  // can help catch bugs where we are trying to use the executor
  // after we are done with it.
  void Finish();
  bool IsFinished();
  // We pause the executor when we are running an async generator
  // and we have received an item that we can deliver.
  void Pause();
  void Unpause();

  template <typename T, typename FTSync = typename Future<T>::SyncType>
  Future<T> Run(TopLevelTask<T> initial_task) {
    auto final_fut = std::move(initial_task)(this);
    final_fut.AddCallback([this](const FTSync&) { Finish(); });
    return final_fut;

  // we have to run tasks from all live executors
  // during RunLoop if we don't have threading
  static std::unordered_set<SerialExecutor*> all_executors;
  // a pointer to the last one called by the loop
  // so all tasks get spawned equally
  // on multiple calls to RunTasksOnAllExecutors
  static SerialExecutor* last_called_executor;
  // without threading we can't tell which executor called the
  // current process - so we set it in spawning the task
  static SerialExecutor* current_executor;


/// An Executor implementation spawning tasks in FIFO manner on a fixed-size
/// pool of worker threads.
/// Note: Any sort of nested parallelism will deadlock this executor.  Blocking waits are
/// fine but if one task needs to wait for another task it must be expressed as an
/// asynchronous continuation.
class ARROW_EXPORT ThreadPool : public Executor {
  // Construct a thread pool with the given number of worker threads
  static Result<std::shared_ptr<ThreadPool>> Make(int threads);

  // Like Make(), but takes care that the returned ThreadPool is compatible
  // with destruction late at process exit.
  static Result<std::shared_ptr<ThreadPool>> MakeEternal(int threads);

  // Destroy thread pool; the pool will first be shut down
  ~ThreadPool() override;

  // Return the desired number of worker threads.
  // The actual number of workers may lag a bit before being adjusted to
  // match this value.
  int GetCapacity() override;

  // Return the number of tasks either running or in the queue.
  int GetNumTasks();

  bool OwnsThisThread() override;
  // Dynamically change the number of worker threads.
  // This function always returns immediately.
  // If fewer threads are running than this number, new threads are spawned
  // on-demand when needed for task execution.
  // If more threads are running than this number, excess threads are reaped
  // as soon as possible.
  Status SetCapacity(int threads);

  // Heuristic for the default capacity of a thread pool for CPU-bound tasks.
  // This is exposed as a static method to help with testing.
  static int DefaultCapacity();

  // Shutdown the pool.  Once the pool starts shutting down, new tasks
  // cannot be submitted anymore.
  // If "wait" is true, shutdown waits for all pending tasks to be finished.
  // If "wait" is false, workers are stopped as soon as currently executing
  // tasks are finished.
  Status Shutdown(bool wait = true);

  // Wait for the thread pool to become idle
  // This is useful for sequencing tests
  void WaitForIdle();

  void KeepAlive(std::shared_ptr<Executor::Resource> resource) override;

  struct State;

  FRIEND_TEST(TestThreadPool, SetCapacity);
  FRIEND_TEST(TestGlobalThreadPool, Capacity);
  ARROW_FRIEND_EXPORT friend ThreadPool* GetCpuThreadPool();


  Status SpawnReal(TaskHints hints, FnOnce<void()> task, StopToken,
                   StopCallback&&) override;

  // Collect finished worker threads, making sure the OS threads have exited
  void CollectFinishedWorkersUnlocked();
  // Launch a given number of additional workers
  void LaunchWorkersUnlocked(int threads);
  // Get the current actual capacity
  int GetActualCapacity();

  static std::shared_ptr<ThreadPool> MakeCpuThreadPool();

  std::shared_ptr<State> sp_state_;
  State* state_;
  bool shutdown_on_destroy_;
// an executor implementation which pretends to be a thread pool but runs everything
// on the main thread using a static queue (shared between all thread pools, otherwise
// cross-threadpool dependencies will break everything)
class ARROW_EXPORT ThreadPool : public SerialExecutor {
  ARROW_FRIEND_EXPORT friend ThreadPool* GetCpuThreadPool();

  static Result<std::shared_ptr<ThreadPool>> Make(int threads);

  // Like Make(), but takes care that the returned ThreadPool is compatible
  // with destruction late at process exit.
  static Result<std::shared_ptr<ThreadPool>> MakeEternal(int threads);

  // Destroy thread pool; the pool will first be shut down
  ~ThreadPool() override;

  // Return the desired number of worker threads.
  // The actual number of workers may lag a bit before being adjusted to
  // match this value.
  int GetCapacity() override;

  virtual int GetActualCapacity();

  bool OwnsThisThread() override { return true; }

  // Dynamically change the number of worker threads.
  // without threading this is equal to the
  // number of tasks that can be running at once
  // (inside each other)
  Status SetCapacity(int threads);

  static int DefaultCapacity() { return 8; }

  // Shutdown the pool.  Once the pool starts shutting down, new tasks
  // cannot be submitted anymore.
  // If "wait" is true, shutdown waits for all pending tasks to be finished.
  // If "wait" is false, workers are stopped as soon as currently executing
  // tasks are finished.
  Status Shutdown(bool wait = true);

  // Wait for the thread pool to become idle
  // This is useful for sequencing tests
  void WaitForIdle();

  static std::shared_ptr<ThreadPool> MakeCpuThreadPool();


// Return the process-global thread pool for CPU-bound tasks.
ARROW_EXPORT ThreadPool* GetCpuThreadPool();

/// \brief Potentially run an async operation serially (if use_threads is false)
/// \see RunSerially
/// If `use_threads` is true, the global CPU executor is used.
/// If `use_threads` is false, a temporary SerialExecutor is used.
/// `get_future` is called (from this thread) with the chosen executor and must
/// return a future that will eventually finish. This function returns once the
/// future has finished.
template <typename Fut, typename ValueType = typename Fut::ValueType>
typename Fut::SyncType RunSynchronously(FnOnce<Fut(Executor*)> get_future,
                                        bool use_threads) {
  if (use_threads) {
    auto fut = std::move(get_future)(GetCpuThreadPool());
    return FutureToSync(fut);
  } else {
    return SerialExecutor::RunInSerialExecutor<ValueType>(std::move(get_future));

/// \brief Potentially iterate an async generator serially (if use_threads is false)
/// \see IterateGenerator
/// If `use_threads` is true, the global CPU executor will be used.  Each call to
///   the iterator will simply wait until the next item is available.  Tasks may run in
///   the background between calls.
/// If `use_threads` is false, the calling thread only will be used.  Each call to
///   the iterator will use the calling thread to do enough work to generate one item.
///   Tasks will be left in a queue until the next call and no work will be done between
///   calls.
template <typename T>
Iterator<T> IterateSynchronously(
    FnOnce<Result<std::function<Future<T>()>>(Executor*)> get_gen, bool use_threads) {
  if (use_threads) {
    auto maybe_gen = std::move(get_gen)(GetCpuThreadPool());
    if (!maybe_gen.ok()) {
      return MakeErrorIterator<T>(maybe_gen.status());
    return MakeGeneratorIterator(*maybe_gen);
  } else {
    return SerialExecutor::IterateGenerator(std::move(get_gen));

}  // namespace internal
}  // namespace arrow