// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "datetime.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
#include <iomanip>
#include <regex>
#include <string_view>
#include "arrow/array.h"
#include "arrow/python/arrow_to_python_internal.h"
#include "arrow/python/common.h"
#include "arrow/python/helpers.h"
#include "arrow/python/platform.h"
#include "arrow/scalar.h"
#include "arrow/status.h"
#include "arrow/type.h"
#include "arrow/util/logging.h"
#include "arrow/util/regex.h"
#include "arrow/util/value_parsing.h"
namespace arrow {
using internal::RegexMatch;
namespace py {
namespace internal {
namespace {
bool MatchFixedOffset(const std::string& tz, std::string_view* sign,
std::string_view* hour, std::string_view* minute) {
static const std::regex regex("^([+-])(0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9])$");
if (tz.size() < 5) {
return false;
return RegexMatch(regex, tz, {sign, hour, minute});
constexpr char* NonConst(const char* st) {
// Hack for python versions < 3.7 where members of PyStruct members
// where non-const (C++ doesn't like assigning string literals to these types)
return const_cast<char*>(st);
static PyTypeObject MonthDayNanoTupleType = {};
static PyStructSequence_Field MonthDayNanoField[] = {
{NonConst("months"), NonConst("The number of months in the interval")},
{NonConst("days"), NonConst("The number days in the interval")},
{NonConst("nanoseconds"), NonConst("The number of nanoseconds in the interval")},
{nullptr, nullptr}};
static PyStructSequence_Desc MonthDayNanoTupleDesc = {
NonConst("A calendar interval consisting of months, days and nanoseconds."),
} // namespace
PyDateTime_CAPI* datetime_api = nullptr;
void InitDatetime() {
PyAcquireGIL lock;
datetime_api =
reinterpret_cast<PyDateTime_CAPI*>(PyCapsule_Import(PyDateTime_CAPSULE_NAME, 0));
if (datetime_api == nullptr) {
Py_FatalError("Could not import datetime C API");
// The following code is adapted from
// https://github.com/numpy/numpy/blob/main/numpy/core/src/multiarray/datetime.c
// Days per month, regular year and leap year
static int64_t _days_per_month_table[2][12] = {
{31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31},
{31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}};
static bool is_leapyear(int64_t year) {
return (year & 0x3) == 0 && // year % 4 == 0
((year % 100) != 0 || (year % 400) == 0);
// Calculates the days offset from the 1970 epoch.
static int64_t get_days_from_date(int64_t date_year, int64_t date_month,
int64_t date_day) {
int64_t i, month;
int64_t year, days = 0;
int64_t* month_lengths;
year = date_year - 1970;
days = year * 365;
// Adjust for leap years
if (days >= 0) {
// 1968 is the closest leap year before 1970.
// Exclude the current year, so add 1.
year += 1;
// Add one day for each 4 years
days += year / 4;
// 1900 is the closest previous year divisible by 100
year += 68;
// Subtract one day for each 100 years
days -= year / 100;
// 1600 is the closest previous year divisible by 400
year += 300;
// Add one day for each 400 years
days += year / 400;
} else {
// 1972 is the closest later year after 1970.
// Include the current year, so subtract 2.
year -= 2;
// Subtract one day for each 4 years
days += year / 4;
// 2000 is the closest later year divisible by 100
year -= 28;
// Add one day for each 100 years
days -= year / 100;
// 2000 is also the closest later year divisible by 400
// Subtract one day for each 400 years
days += year / 400;
month_lengths = _days_per_month_table[is_leapyear(date_year)];
month = date_month - 1;
// Add the months
for (i = 0; i < month; ++i) {
days += month_lengths[i];
// Add the days
days += date_day - 1;
return days;
// Modifies '*days_' to be the day offset within the year,
// and returns the year.
static int64_t days_to_yearsdays(int64_t* days_) {
const int64_t days_per_400years = (400 * 365 + 100 - 4 + 1);
// Adjust so it's relative to the year 2000 (divisible by 400)
int64_t days = (*days_) - (365 * 30 + 7);
int64_t year;
// Break down the 400 year cycle to get the year and day within the year
if (days >= 0) {
year = 400 * (days / days_per_400years);
days = days % days_per_400years;
} else {
year = 400 * ((days - (days_per_400years - 1)) / days_per_400years);
days = days % days_per_400years;
if (days < 0) {
days += days_per_400years;
// Work out the year/day within the 400 year cycle
if (days >= 366) {
year += 100 * ((days - 1) / (100 * 365 + 25 - 1));
days = (days - 1) % (100 * 365 + 25 - 1);
if (days >= 365) {
year += 4 * ((days + 1) / (4 * 365 + 1));
days = (days + 1) % (4 * 365 + 1);
if (days >= 366) {
year += (days - 1) / 365;
days = (days - 1) % 365;
*days_ = days;
return year + 2000;
// Extracts the month and year and day number from a number of days
static void get_date_from_days(int64_t days, int64_t* date_year, int64_t* date_month,
int64_t* date_day) {
int64_t *month_lengths, i;
*date_year = days_to_yearsdays(&days);
month_lengths = _days_per_month_table[is_leapyear(*date_year)];
for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
if (days < month_lengths[i]) {
*date_month = i + 1;
*date_day = days + 1;
} else {
days -= month_lengths[i];
// Should never get here
// Splitting time quantities, for example splitting total seconds into
// minutes and remaining seconds. After we run
// int64_t remaining = split_time(total, quotient, &next)
// we have
// total = next * quotient + remaining. Handles negative values by propagating
// them: If total is negative, next will be negative and remaining will
// always be non-negative.
static inline int64_t split_time(int64_t total, int64_t quotient, int64_t* next) {
int64_t r = total % quotient;
if (r < 0) {
*next = total / quotient - 1;
return r + quotient;
} else {
*next = total / quotient;
return r;
static inline Status PyTime_convert_int(int64_t val, const TimeUnit::type unit,
int64_t* hour, int64_t* minute, int64_t* second,
int64_t* microsecond) {
switch (unit) {
case TimeUnit::NANO:
if (val % 1000 != 0) {
return Status::Invalid("Value ", val, " has non-zero nanoseconds");
val /= 1000;
// fall through
case TimeUnit::MICRO:
*microsecond = split_time(val, 1000000LL, &val);
*second = split_time(val, 60, &val);
*minute = split_time(val, 60, hour);
case TimeUnit::MILLI:
*microsecond = split_time(val, 1000, &val) * 1000;
// fall through
case TimeUnit::SECOND:
*second = split_time(val, 60, &val);
*minute = split_time(val, 60, hour);
return Status::OK();
static inline Status PyDate_convert_int(int64_t val, const DateUnit unit, int64_t* year,
int64_t* month, int64_t* day) {
switch (unit) {
case DateUnit::MILLI:
val /= 86400000LL; // fall through
case DateUnit::DAY:
get_date_from_days(val, year, month, day);
return Status::OK();
PyObject* NewMonthDayNanoTupleType() {
if (MonthDayNanoTupleType.tp_name == nullptr) {
if (PyStructSequence_InitType2(&MonthDayNanoTupleType, &MonthDayNanoTupleDesc) != 0) {
Py_FatalError("Could not initialize MonthDayNanoTuple");
return (PyObject*)&MonthDayNanoTupleType;
Status PyTime_from_int(int64_t val, const TimeUnit::type unit, PyObject** out) {
int64_t hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0, microsecond = 0;
RETURN_NOT_OK(PyTime_convert_int(val, unit, &hour, &minute, &second, µsecond));
*out = PyTime_FromTime(static_cast<int32_t>(hour), static_cast<int32_t>(minute),
static_cast<int32_t>(second), static_cast<int32_t>(microsecond));
return Status::OK();
Status PyDate_from_int(int64_t val, const DateUnit unit, PyObject** out) {
int64_t year = 0, month = 0, day = 0;
RETURN_NOT_OK(PyDate_convert_int(val, unit, &year, &month, &day));
*out = PyDate_FromDate(static_cast<int32_t>(year), static_cast<int32_t>(month),
return Status::OK();
Status PyDateTime_from_int(int64_t val, const TimeUnit::type unit, PyObject** out) {
int64_t hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0, microsecond = 0;
RETURN_NOT_OK(PyTime_convert_int(val, unit, &hour, &minute, &second, µsecond));
int64_t total_days = 0;
hour = split_time(hour, 24, &total_days);
int64_t year = 0, month = 0, day = 0;
get_date_from_days(total_days, &year, &month, &day);
*out = PyDateTime_FromDateAndTime(
static_cast<int32_t>(year), static_cast<int32_t>(month), static_cast<int32_t>(day),
static_cast<int32_t>(hour), static_cast<int32_t>(minute),
static_cast<int32_t>(second), static_cast<int32_t>(microsecond));
return Status::OK();
int64_t PyDate_to_days(PyDateTime_Date* pydate) {
return get_days_from_date(PyDateTime_GET_YEAR(pydate), PyDateTime_GET_MONTH(pydate),
Result<int64_t> PyDateTime_utcoffset_s(PyObject* obj) {
// calculate offset from UTC timezone in seconds
// supports only PyDateTime_DateTime and PyDateTime_Time objects
OwnedRef pyoffset(PyObject_CallMethod(obj, "utcoffset", NULL));
if (pyoffset.obj() != nullptr && pyoffset.obj() != Py_None) {
auto delta = reinterpret_cast<PyDateTime_Delta*>(pyoffset.obj());
return internal::PyDelta_to_s(delta);
} else {
return 0;
Result<std::string> PyTZInfo_utcoffset_hhmm(PyObject* pytzinfo) {
// attempt to convert timezone offset objects to "+/-{hh}:{mm}" format
OwnedRef pydelta_object(PyObject_CallMethod(pytzinfo, "utcoffset", "O", Py_None));
if (!PyDelta_Check(pydelta_object.obj())) {
return Status::Invalid(
"Object returned by tzinfo.utcoffset(None) is not an instance of "
auto pydelta = reinterpret_cast<PyDateTime_Delta*>(pydelta_object.obj());
// retrieve the offset as seconds
auto total_seconds = internal::PyDelta_to_s(pydelta);
// determine whether the offset is positive or negative
auto sign = (total_seconds < 0) ? "-" : "+";
total_seconds = abs(total_seconds);
// calculate offset components
int64_t hours, minutes, seconds;
seconds = split_time(total_seconds, 60, &minutes);
minutes = split_time(minutes, 60, &hours);
if (seconds > 0) {
// check there are no remaining seconds
return Status::Invalid("Offset must represent whole number of minutes");
// construct the timezone string
std::stringstream stream;
stream << sign << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << hours << ":" << std::setfill('0')
<< std::setw(2) << minutes;
return stream.str();
// Converted from python. See https://github.com/apache/arrow/pull/7604
// for details.
Result<PyObject*> StringToTzinfo(const std::string& tz) {
std::string_view sign_str, hour_str, minute_str;
OwnedRef pytz;
OwnedRef zoneinfo;
OwnedRef datetime;
if (internal::ImportModule("pytz", &pytz).ok()) {
if (MatchFixedOffset(tz, &sign_str, &hour_str, &minute_str)) {
int sign = -1;
if (sign_str == "+") {
sign = 1;
OwnedRef fixed_offset;
RETURN_NOT_OK(internal::ImportFromModule(pytz.obj(), "FixedOffset", &fixed_offset));
uint32_t minutes, hours;
if (!::arrow::internal::ParseUnsigned(hour_str.data(), hour_str.size(), &hours) ||
!::arrow::internal::ParseUnsigned(minute_str.data(), minute_str.size(),
&minutes)) {
return Status::Invalid("Invalid timezone: ", tz);
OwnedRef total_minutes(PyLong_FromLong(
sign * ((static_cast<int>(hours) * 60) + static_cast<int>(minutes))));
auto tzinfo =
PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(fixed_offset.obj(), total_minutes.obj(), NULL);
return tzinfo;
OwnedRef timezone;
RETURN_NOT_OK(internal::ImportFromModule(pytz.obj(), "timezone", &timezone));
OwnedRef py_tz_string(
PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize(tz.c_str(), static_cast<Py_ssize_t>(tz.size())));
auto tzinfo = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(timezone.obj(), py_tz_string.obj(), NULL);
return tzinfo;
// catch fixed offset if pytz is not present
if (MatchFixedOffset(tz, &sign_str, &hour_str, &minute_str)) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(internal::ImportModule("datetime", &datetime));
int sign = -1;
if (sign_str == "+") {
sign = 1;
// import timezone and timedelta module to create a tzinfo object
OwnedRef class_timezone;
OwnedRef class_timedelta;
internal::ImportFromModule(datetime.obj(), "timezone", &class_timezone));
internal::ImportFromModule(datetime.obj(), "timedelta", &class_timedelta));
// check input
uint32_t minutes, hours;
if (!::arrow::internal::ParseUnsigned(hour_str.data(), hour_str.size(), &hours) ||
!::arrow::internal::ParseUnsigned(minute_str.data(), minute_str.size(),
&minutes)) {
return Status::Invalid("Invalid timezone: ", tz);
// save offset as a signed integer
OwnedRef total_minutes(PyLong_FromLong(
sign * ((static_cast<int>(hours) * 60) + static_cast<int>(minutes))));
// create zero integers for empty arguments in datetime.timedelta
OwnedRef zero(PyLong_FromLong(static_cast<int>(0)));
// call datetime.timedelta to get correct offset object for datetime.timezone
auto offset =
PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(class_timedelta.obj(), zero.obj(), zero.obj(),
zero.obj(), zero.obj(), total_minutes.obj(), NULL);
// call datetime.timezone
auto tzinfo = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(class_timezone.obj(), offset, NULL);
return tzinfo;
// fallback on zoneinfo if tz is string and pytz is not present
if (internal::ImportModule("zoneinfo", &zoneinfo).ok()) {
OwnedRef class_zoneinfo;
internal::ImportFromModule(zoneinfo.obj(), "ZoneInfo", &class_zoneinfo));
OwnedRef py_tz_string(
PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize(tz.c_str(), static_cast<Py_ssize_t>(tz.size())));
auto tzinfo =
PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(class_zoneinfo.obj(), py_tz_string.obj(), NULL);
return tzinfo;
return Status::Invalid(
"Pytz package or Python>=3.8 for zoneinfo module must be installed.");
Result<std::string> TzinfoToString(PyObject* tzinfo) {
OwnedRef module_pytz; // import pytz
OwnedRef module_datetime; // import datetime
OwnedRef module_zoneinfo; // import zoneinfo
OwnedRef module_dateutil; // import dateutil
OwnedRef class_timezone; // from datetime import timezone
OwnedRef class_fixedoffset; // from pytz import _FixedOffset
OwnedRef class_basetzinfo; // from pytz import BaseTzInfo
OwnedRef class_zoneinfo; // from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
OwnedRef class_tzfile; // from zoneinfo import tzfile
// import necessary modules
RETURN_NOT_OK(internal::ImportModule("datetime", &module_datetime));
// import necessary classes
internal::ImportFromModule(module_datetime.obj(), "timezone", &class_timezone));
// check that it's a valid tzinfo object
if (!PyTZInfo_Check(tzinfo)) {
return Status::TypeError("Not an instance of datetime.tzinfo");
// if tzinfo is an instance of datetime.timezone return the
// HH:MM offset string representation
if (PyObject_IsInstance(tzinfo, class_timezone.obj())) {
// still recognize datetime.timezone.utc as UTC (instead of +00:00)
OwnedRef tzname_object(PyObject_CallMethod(tzinfo, "tzname", "O", Py_None));
if (PyUnicode_Check(tzname_object.obj())) {
std::string result;
RETURN_NOT_OK(internal::PyUnicode_AsStdString(tzname_object.obj(), &result));
if (result == "UTC") {
return result;
return PyTZInfo_utcoffset_hhmm(tzinfo);
// Try to import pytz if it is available
if (internal::ImportModule("pytz", &module_pytz).ok()) {
RETURN_NOT_OK(internal::ImportFromModule(module_pytz.obj(), "_FixedOffset",
internal::ImportFromModule(module_pytz.obj(), "BaseTzInfo", &class_basetzinfo));
// if tzinfo is an instance of pytz._FixedOffset return the
// HH:MM offset string representation
if (module_pytz.obj() != nullptr &&
PyObject_IsInstance(tzinfo, class_fixedoffset.obj())) {
OwnedRef tzname_object(PyObject_CallMethod(tzinfo, "tzname", "O", Py_None));
return PyTZInfo_utcoffset_hhmm(tzinfo);
// if pytz is installed and tzinfo is and instance of pytz.BaseTzInfo
if (module_pytz.obj() != nullptr &&
PyObject_IsInstance(tzinfo, class_basetzinfo.obj())) {
OwnedRef zone(PyObject_GetAttrString(tzinfo, "zone"));
std::string result;
RETURN_NOT_OK(internal::PyUnicode_AsStdString(zone.obj(), &result));
return result;
// Try to import zoneinfo if it is available
if (internal::ImportModule("zoneinfo", &module_zoneinfo).ok()) {
internal::ImportFromModule(module_zoneinfo.obj(), "ZoneInfo", &class_zoneinfo));
// if zoneinfo is installed and tzinfo is an instance of zoneinfo.ZoneInfo
if (module_zoneinfo.obj() != nullptr &&
PyObject_IsInstance(tzinfo, class_zoneinfo.obj())) {
OwnedRef key(PyObject_GetAttrString(tzinfo, "key"));
std::string result;
RETURN_NOT_OK(internal::PyUnicode_AsStdString(key.obj(), &result));
return result;
// Try to import dateutil if it is available
if (internal::ImportModule("dateutil.tz", &module_dateutil).ok()) {
internal::ImportFromModule(module_dateutil.obj(), "tzfile", &class_tzfile));
// if dateutil is installed and tzinfo is an instance of dateutil.tz.tzfile
if (module_dateutil.obj() != nullptr &&
PyObject_IsInstance(tzinfo, class_tzfile.obj())) {
OwnedRef _filename(PyObject_GetAttrString(tzinfo, "_filename"));
std::string result;
RETURN_NOT_OK(internal::PyUnicode_AsStdString(_filename.obj(), &result));
// _filename returns a full path in general ('/usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Paris')
// or POSIX name on Windows ('Europe/Paris') - we need a substring in first case
std::size_t pos = result.find("zoneinfo/");
if (pos != std::string::npos) {
return result.substr(pos + 9);
return result;
// attempt to call tzinfo.tzname(None)
OwnedRef tzname_object(PyObject_CallMethod(tzinfo, "tzname", "O", Py_None));
if (PyUnicode_Check(tzname_object.obj())) {
std::string result;
RETURN_NOT_OK(internal::PyUnicode_AsStdString(tzname_object.obj(), &result));
return result;
// fall back to HH:MM offset string representation based on tzinfo.utcoffset(None)
return PyTZInfo_utcoffset_hhmm(tzinfo);
PyObject* MonthDayNanoIntervalToNamedTuple(
const MonthDayNanoIntervalType::MonthDayNanos& interval) {
OwnedRef tuple(PyStructSequence_New(&MonthDayNanoTupleType));
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(tuple.obj() == nullptr)) {
return nullptr;
PyStructSequence_SetItem(tuple.obj(), /*pos=*/0, PyLong_FromLong(interval.months));
PyStructSequence_SetItem(tuple.obj(), /*pos=*/1, PyLong_FromLong(interval.days));
PyStructSequence_SetItem(tuple.obj(), /*pos=*/2,
return tuple.detach();
namespace {
// Wrapper around a Python list object that mimics dereference and assignment
// operations.
struct PyListAssigner {
explicit PyListAssigner(PyObject* list) : list_(list) { DCHECK(PyList_Check(list_)); }
PyListAssigner& operator*() { return *this; }
void operator=(PyObject* obj) {
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(PyList_SetItem(list_, current_index_, obj) == -1)) {
Py_FatalError("list did not have the correct preallocated size.");
PyListAssigner& operator++() {
return *this;
PyListAssigner& operator+=(int64_t offset) {
current_index_ += offset;
return *this;
PyObject* list_;
int64_t current_index_ = 0;
} // namespace
Result<PyObject*> MonthDayNanoIntervalArrayToPyList(
const MonthDayNanoIntervalArray& array) {
OwnedRef out_list(PyList_New(array.length()));
PyListAssigner out_objects(out_list.obj());
auto& interval_array =
arrow::internal::checked_cast<const MonthDayNanoIntervalArray&>(array);
[&](const MonthDayNanoIntervalType::MonthDayNanos& interval, PyListAssigner& out) {
PyObject* tuple = internal::MonthDayNanoIntervalToNamedTuple(interval);
if (ARROW_PREDICT_FALSE(tuple == nullptr)) {
*out = tuple;
return Status::OK();
return out_list.detach();
Result<PyObject*> MonthDayNanoIntervalScalarToPyObject(
const MonthDayNanoIntervalScalar& scalar) {
if (scalar.is_valid) {
return internal::MonthDayNanoIntervalToNamedTuple(scalar.value);
} else {
return Py_None;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace py
} // namespace arrow