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Version: 0.5.1 

/ usr / lib / azk / node_modules / memcached / benchmarks / benchmark.js

 * Benchmark dependencies
var Benchmark = require('benchmark')
  , microtime = require('microtime')
  , http = require('http')
  , path = require('path')
  , fs = require('fs')
  , common = require('../tests/common');
 * Different memcached drivers
var Memcached = require('../')
  , Memcache = require('memcache').Client;

 * Generate data that will be used for testing
var tinyString = common.alphabet(12)
  , smallString = common.alphabet(1E3)
  , mediumString = common.alphabet(25E3)
  , largeString = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../tests/fixtures/lipsum.txt'));

 * Setup the different benchmarks and stress tests
var suites = {}
  , memcached = new Memcached(common.servers.single)
  , memcache = new Memcache(common.servers.single.split(':')[0], common.servers.single.split(':')[1]);

 * Some drivers need connect commands..

 * Benchmark setting of tiny strings
suites.tinySet = new Benchmark.Suite;
// memcached client
.add('Memcached', function(){
  // fire and forget
  memcached.set('benchmark:set:1', tinyString, 0, function(){});

// memcache client
.add('Memcache', function(){
  // fire and forget
  memcache.set('benchmark:set:1', tinyString, function(){});

// output logging
.on('cycle', function(bench){
  console.log("Executing benchmark:" + bench);
.on('complete', function(){
  console.log('Fastest Memcached driver for setting a `tiny` string is ' + this.filter('fastest').pluck('name'));
  }, 2500); // let the memcache server rest for a while, before we hit it again

 * Benchmark setting of small strings
suites.smallSet = new Benchmark.Suite;

// memcached client
.add('Memcached', function(){
  // fire and forget
  memcached.set('benchmark:set:2', smallString, 0, function(){});

// memcache client
.add('Memcache', function(){
  // fire and forget
  memcache.set('benchmark:set:2', smallString, function(){});

// output logging
.on('cycle', function(bench){
  console.log("Executing benchmark:" + bench);
.on('complete', function(){
  console.log('Fastest Memcached driver for setting a `small` string is ' + this.filter('fastest').pluck('name'));
  }, 2500); // let the memcache server rest for a while, before we hit it again

 * Benchmark setting of medium strings
suites.mediumSet = new Benchmark.Suite;

// memcached client
.add('Memcached', function(){
  // fire and forget
  memcached.set('benchmark:set:3', mediumString, 0, function(){});

// memcache client
.add('Memcache', function(){
  // fire and forget
  memcache.set('benchmark:set:3', mediumString, function(){});

// output logging
.on('cycle', function(bench){
  console.log("Executing benchmark:" + bench);
.on('complete', function(){
  console.log('Fastest Memcached driver for setting a `medium` string is ' + this.filter('fastest').pluck('name'));
  }, 2500); // let the memcache server rest for a while, before we hit it again

 * Benchmark setting of medium strings
suites.largeSet = new Benchmark.Suite;

// memcached client
.add('Memcached', function(){
  // fire and forget
  memcached.set('benchmark:set:3', largeString, 0, function(){});

// memcache client
.add('Memcache', function(){
  // fire and forget
  memcache.set('benchmark:set:3', largeString, function(){});

// output logging
.on('cycle', function(bench){
  console.log("Executing benchmark:" + bench);
.on('complete', function(){
  console.log('Fastest Memcached driver for setting a `large` string is ' + this.filter('fastest').pluck('name'));

 * Run the suites