var nMemcached = require( '../' ),
// connect to our memcached server on host, port 11211
memcached = new nMemcached( [ "", "", "" ], { redundancy: 2 });
memcached.set( "hello_redundancy", "pew pew", 10000, function( err, result ){
if( err ) console.error( err );
// I just happen to know that the key "hello_redundancy" was assigned to server So now we can
// just check the other servers for results.
memcached.command(function(){ return {
callback: function( err, res ){
if( res ) console.log( "I have a propper result: %s. From server %s.", res, '' )
command: 'get hello_redundancy'
}}, '' );
memcached.command(function(){ return {
callback: function( err, res ){
if( res ) console.log( "I have a propper result: %s. From server %s.", res, '' )
command: 'get hello_redundancy'
}}, '' );
memcached.end(); // as we are 100% certain we are not going to use the connection again, we are going to end it