var Q = require("q");
var Negotiate = require("./negotiate");
var QS = require("qs");
var URL = require("url2");
* Makes an app that returns a response with static content
* from memory.
* @param {Body} body a Q-JSGI
* response body
* @param {String} contentType
* @param {Number} status
* @returns {App} a Q-JSGI app
exports.Content = function (body, contentType, status) {
return function () {
return exports.content(body, contentType, status);
* Returns a Q-JSGI response with the given content.
* @param {Body} content (optional) defaults to `[""]`
* @param {String} contentType (optional) defaults to `"text/plain"`
* @param {Number} status (optional) defaults to `200`
* @returns {Response}
exports.content =
exports.ok = function (content, contentType, status) {
status = status || 200;
content = content || "";
if (typeof content === "string") {
content = [content];
contentType = contentType || "text/plain";
return {
"status": status,
"headers": {
"content-type": contentType
"body": content
* Wraps an app such that it expects to receive content
* in the request body and passes that content as a string
* to as the second argument to the wrapped JSGI app.
* @param {Function(Request, Object):Response} app
* @returns {App}
exports.ContentRequest = function (app) {
return function (request, response) {
return Q.when(, function (body) {
return app(body, request, response);
* @param {Function(Request):Object}
* @returns {App}
exports.Inspect = function (app) {
return Negotiate.Method({"GET": function (request, response) {
return Q.when(app(request, response), function (object) {
return {
status: 200,
headers: {
"content-type": "text/plain"
body: [inspect(object)]
exports.ParseQuery = function (app) {
return function (request, response) {
request.query = QS.parse(URL.parse(request.url).query || "");
return app(request, response);