var Q = require("q");
var StatusApps = require("./status");
* Makes a Q-JSGI app that only responds when there is nothing left
* on the path to route. If the there is unprocessed data on the
* path, the returned app either forwards to the `notFound` app or
* returns a `404 Not Found` response.
* @param {App} app a Q-JSGI application to
* respond to this end of the routing chain.
* @param {App} notFound (optional) defaults
* to the `notFound` app.
* @returns {App}
exports.Cap = function (app, notFound) {
notFound = notFound || StatusApps.notFound;
return function (request, response) {
// TODO Distinguish these cases
if (request.pathInfo === "" || request.pathInfo === "/") {
return app(request, response);
} else {
return notFound(request, response);
* Wraps an app with a function that will observe incoming requests
* before giving the app an opportunity to respond. If the "tap"
* function returns a response, it will be used in lieu of forwarding
* the request to the wrapped app.
exports.Tap = function (app, tap) {
return function (request, response) {
var self = this, args = arguments;
return Q.when(tap.apply(this, arguments), function (response) {
if (response) {
return response;
} else {
return app.apply(self, args);
* Wraps an app with a "trap" function that intercepts and may
* alter or replace the response of the wrapped application.
exports.Trap = function (app, trap) {
return function (request, response) {
return Q.when(app.apply(this, arguments), function (response) {
if (response) {
response.headers = response.headers || {};
return trap(response, request) || response;
* Makes a Q-JSGI app that branches requests based on the next
* unprocessed path component.
* @param {Object * App} paths a mapping from path components (single
* file or directory names) to Q-JSGI applications for subsequent
* routing. The mapping may be a plain JavaScript `Object` record,
* which must own the mapping properties, or an object that has
* `has(key)` and `get(key)` methods in its prototype chain.
* @param {App} notFound a Q-JSGI application
* that handles requests for which the next file name does not exist
* in paths.
* @returns {App}
exports.Branch = function (paths, notFound) {
if (!paths)
paths = {};
if (!notFound)
notFound = StatusApps.notFound;
return function (request, response) {
if (!/^\//.test(request.pathInfo)) {
return notFound(request, response);
var path = request.pathInfo.slice(1);
var parts = path.split("/");
var part = decodeURIComponent(parts.shift());
if (Object.has(paths, part)) {
request.scriptName = request.scriptName + part + "/";
request.pathInfo = path.slice(part.length);
return Object.get(paths, part)(request, response);
return notFound(request, response);
* Returns the response of the first application that returns a
* non-404 response status.
* @param {Array * App} apps a cascade of applications to try
* successively until one of them returns a non-404 status.
* @returns {App}
exports.FirstFound = function (cascade) {
return function (request, response) {
var i = 0, ii = cascade.length;
function next() {
var response = cascade[i++](request, response);
if (i < ii) {
return Q.when(response, function (response) {
if (response.status === 404) {
return next();
} else {
return response;
} else {
return response;
return next();