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azuki-trusty / azk   deb

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Version: 0.5.1 

/ usr / lib / azk / node_modules / q-io / http-apps / status.js

var Negotiation = require("./negotiate");
var HtmlApps = require("./html");

 * {Object * String} a mapping of HTTP status codes to
 * their standard descriptions.
// Every standard HTTP code mapped to the appropriate message.
// Stolen from Rack which stole from Mongrel
exports.statusCodes = {
    100: 'Continue',
    101: 'Switching Protocols',
    102: 'Processing',
    200: 'OK',
    201: 'Created',
    202: 'Accepted',
    203: 'Non-Authoritative Information',
    204: 'No Content',
    205: 'Reset Content',
    206: 'Partial Content',
    207: 'Multi-Status',
    300: 'Multiple Choices',
    301: 'Moved Permanently',
    302: 'Found',
    303: 'See Other',
    304: 'Not Modified',
    305: 'Use Proxy',
    307: 'Temporary Redirect',
    400: 'Bad Request',
    401: 'Unauthorized',
    402: 'Payment Required',
    403: 'Forbidden',
    404: 'Not Found',
    405: 'Method Not Allowed',
    406: 'Not Acceptable',
    407: 'Proxy Authentication Required',
    408: 'Request Timeout',
    409: 'Conflict',
    410: 'Gone',
    411: 'Length Required',
    412: 'Precondition Failed',
    413: 'Request Entity Too Large',
    414: 'Request-URI Too Large',
    415: 'Unsupported Media Type',
    416: 'Request Range Not Satisfiable',
    417: 'Expectation Failed',
    422: 'Unprocessable Entity',
    423: 'Locked',
    424: 'Failed Dependency',
    500: 'Internal Server Error',
    501: 'Not Implemented',
    502: 'Bad Gateway',
    503: 'Service Unavailable',
    504: 'Gateway Timeout',
    505: 'HTTP Version Not Supported',
    507: 'Insufficient Storage'

 * {Object * Number} a mapping from HTTP status descriptions
 * to HTTP status codes.
exports.statusMessages = {};
for (var code in exports.statusCodes)
    exports.statusMessages[exports.statusCodes[code]] = +code;

 * Determines whether an HTTP response should have a
 * response body, based on its status code.
 * @param {Number} status
 * @returns whether the HTTP response for the given status
 * code has content.
exports.statusWithNoEntityBody = function (status) {
    return (status >= 100 && status <= 199) ||
        status == 204 || status == 304;

 * @param {Number} status
 * @returns {Function(Request) :Response} a JSGI app that returns
 * a plain text response with the given status code.
exports.appForStatus = function (status) {
    return function (request) {
        return exports.responseForStatus(request, status, request.method + " " + request.path);

 * @param {Number} status an HTTP status code
 * @param {String} message (optional) a message to include
 * in the response body.
 * @returns a JSGI HTTP response object with the given status
 * code and message as its body, if the status supports
 * a body.
exports.responseForStatus = function(request, status, addendum) {
    if (exports.statusCodes[status] === undefined)
        throw "Unknown status code";

    var message = exports.statusCodes[status];

    // RFC 2616, 10.2.5:
    // The 204 response MUST NOT include a message-body, and thus is always
    // terminated by the first empty line after the header fields.
    // RFC 2616, 10.3.5:
    // The 304 response MUST NOT contain a message-body, and thus is always
    // terminated by the first empty line after the header fields.
    if (exports.statusWithNoEntityBody(status)) {
        return {status: status, headers: {}};
    } else {
        var handlers = {};
        handlers["text/plain"] = exports.textResponseForStatus;
        if (request.handleHtmlFragmentResponse) {
            handlers["text/html"] = exports.htmlResponseForStatus;
        var responseForStatus = Negotiation.negotiate(request, handlers) || exports.textResponseForStatus;
        return responseForStatus(request, status, message, addendum);

exports.textResponseForStatus = function (request, status, message, addendum) {
    var content = message + "\n";
    if (addendum) {
        content += addendum + "\n";
    var contentLength = content.length;
    return {
        status: status,
        statusMessage: message,
        headers: {
            "content-length": contentLength
        body: [content]

exports.htmlResponseForStatus = function (request, status, message, addendum) {
    return {
        status: status,
        statusMessage: message,
        headers: {},
        htmlTitle: message,
        htmlFragment: {
            forEach: function (write) {
                write("<h1>" + HtmlApps.escapeHtml(message) + "</h1>\n");
                write("<p>Status: " + status + "</p>\n");
                if (addendum) {
                    write("<pre>" + HtmlApps.escapeHtml(addendum) + "</pre>\n");

 * {App} an application that returns a 400 response.
exports.badRequest = exports.appForStatus(400);
 * {App} an application that returns a 404 response.
exports.notFound = exports.appForStatus(404);
 * {App} an application that returns a 405 response.
exports.methodNotAllowed = exports.appForStatus(405);
 * {App} an application that returns a 405 response.
exports.noLanguage =
exports.notAcceptable = exports.appForStatus(406);