* A promise-based Q-JSGI server and client API.
* @module
var HTTP = require("http"); // node
var HTTPS = require("https"); // node
var URL = require("url2"); // node
var Q = require("q");
var Reader = require("./reader");
* @param {respond(request Request)} respond a JSGI responder function that
* receives a Request object as its argument. The JSGI responder promises to
* return an object of the form `{status, headers, body}`. The status and
* headers must be fully resolved, but the body may be a promise for an object
* with a `forEach(write(chunk String))` method, albeit an array of strings.
* The `forEach` method may promise to resolve when all chunks have been
* written.
* @returns a Node Server object.
exports.Server = function (respond) {
var self = Object.create(exports.Server.prototype);
var server = HTTP.createServer(function (_request, _response) {
var request = exports.ServerRequest(_request);
var response = exports.ServerResponse(_response);
var closed = Q.defer();
_request.on("end", function (error, value) {
if (error) {
} else {
Q.when(request, function (request) {
return Q.when(respond(request, response), function (response) {
if (!response)
_response.writeHead(response.status, response.headers);
if (response.onclose || response.onClose)
Q.when(closed, response.onclose || response.onClose);
return Q.when(response.body, function (body) {
var length;
if (
Array.isArray(body) &&
(length = body.length) &&
body.every(function (chunk) {
return typeof chunk === "string"
) {
body.forEach(function (chunk, i) {
if (i < length - 1) {
_response.write(chunk, response.charset);
} else {
_response.end(chunk, response.charset);
} else if (body) {
var end;
var done = body.forEach(function (chunk) {
end = Q.when(end, function () {
return Q.when(chunk, function (chunk) {
_response.write(chunk, response.charset);
return Q.when(done, function () {
return Q.when(end, function () {
} else {
.done(); // should be .fail(self.emitter("error"))
var stopped = Q.defer();
server.on("close", function (err) {
if (err) {
} else {
* Stops the server.
* @returns {Promise * Undefined} a promise that will
* resolve when the server is stopped.
self.stop = function () {
listening = undefined;
return stopped.promise;
var listening = Q.defer();
server.on("listening", function (err) {
if (err) {
} else {
* Starts the server, listening on the given port
* @param {Number} port
* @returns {Promise * Undefined} a promise that will
* resolve when the server is ready to receive
* connections
self.listen = function (/*...args*/) {
if (typeof server.port !== "undefined")
return Q.reject(new Error("A server cannot be restarted or " +
"started on a new port"));
server.listen.apply(server, arguments);
return listening.promise;
self.stopped = stopped.promise;
self.node = server;
self.nodeServer = server; // Deprecated
self.address = server.address.bind(server);
return self;
Object.defineProperties(exports.Server, {
port: {
get: function () {
return this.node.port;
host: {
get: function () {
return this.node.host;
* A wrapper for a Node HTTP Request, as received by
* the Q HTTP Server, suitable for use by the Q HTTP Client.
exports.ServerRequest = function (_request, ssl) {
var request = Object.create(_request, requestDescriptor);
/*** {Array} HTTP version. (JSGI) */
request.version = _request.httpVersion.split(".").map(Math.floor);
/*** {String} HTTP method, e.g., `"GET"` (JSGI) */
request.method = _request.method;
/*** {String} path, starting with `"/"` */
request.path = _request.url;
/*** {String} pathInfo, starting with `"/"`, the
* portion of the path that has not yet
* been routed (JSGI) */
request._pathInfo = null;
/*** {String} scriptName, the portion of the path that
* has already been routed (JSGI) */
request.scriptName = "";
/*** {String} (JSGI) */
request.scheme = "http";
var address = _request.connection.address();
/*** {String} hostname */
if (_request.headers.host) {
request.hostname = _request.headers.host.split(":")[0];
} else {
request.hostname = address.address;
/*** {String} host */
request.port = address.port;
var defaultPort = request.port === (ssl ? 443 : 80);
request.host = request.hostname + (defaultPort ? "" : ":" + request.port);
var socket = _request.socket;
/*** {String} */
request.remoteHost = socket.remoteAddress;
/*** {Number} */
request.remotePort = socket.remotePort;
/*** {String} url */
request.url = URL.format({
protocol: request.scheme,
host: _request.headers.host,
port: request.port === (ssl ? 443 : 80) ? null : request.port,
path: request.path
/*** A Q IO asynchronous text reader */
request.body = Reader(_request);
/*** {Object} HTTP headers (JSGI)*/
request.headers = _request.headers;
/*** The underlying Node request */
request.node = _request;
request.nodeRequest = _request; // Deprecated
/*** The underlying Node TCP connection */
request.nodeConnection = _request.connection;
return Q.when(request.body, function (body) {
request.body = body;
return request;
var requestDescriptor = {
pathInfo: {
get: function () {
// Postpone this until the server requests it because
// decodeURIComponent may throw an error if the path is not valid.
// If we throw while making a server request, it will crash the
// server and be uncatchable.
if (this._pathInfo === null) {
this._pathInfo = decodeURIComponent(URL.parse(this.url).pathname);
return this._pathInfo;
set: function (pathInfo) {
this._pathInfo = pathInfo;
exports.ServerResponse = function (_response, ssl) {
var response = Object.create(_response);
response.ssl = ssl;
response.node = _response;
response.nodeResponse = _response; // Deprecated
return response;
exports.normalizeRequest = function (request) {
if (typeof request === "string") {
request = {url: request};
request.method = request.method || "GET";
request.headers = request.headers || {};
if (request.url) {
var url = URL.parse(request.url);
request.ssl = url.protocol === "https:";
request.hostname = url.hostname;
request.host = url.host;
request.port = +url.port;
request.path = (url.pathname || "") + (url.search || "");
request.auth = url.auth || void 0;
request.host = request.host || request.headers.host;
request.port = request.port || (request.ssl ? 443 : 80);
if (request.host && !request.hostname) {
request.hostname = request.host.split(":")[0];
if (request.hostname && request.port && !request.host) {
var defaultPort = request.ssl ? 443 : 80;
request.host = request.hostname + (defaultPort ? "" : ":" + request.port);
request.headers.host = request.headers.host || request.host;
request.path = request.path || "/";
return request;
exports.normalizeResponse = function (response) {
if (response === void 0) {
if (typeof response == "string") {
response = [response];
if (response.forEach) {
response = {
status: 200,
headers: {},
body: response
return response;
* Issues an HTTP request.
* @param {Request {host, port, method, path, headers,
* body}} request (may be a promise)
* @returns {Promise * Response} promise for a response
exports.request = function (request) {
return Q.when(request, function (request) {
request = exports.normalizeRequest(request);
var deferred = Q.defer();
var http = request.ssl ? HTTPS : HTTP;
var requestOptions = {
hostname: request.hostname,
port: request.port || (request.ssl ? 443 : 80),
localAddress: request.localAddress,
socketPath: request.socketPath,
method: request.method,
path: request.path,
headers: request.headers,
auth: request.auth // Generates the appropriate header
if (request.agent) {
requestOptions.agent = request.agent;
var _request = http.request(requestOptions, function (_response) {
deferred.resolve(exports.ClientResponse(_response, request.charset));
_response.on("error", function (error) {
// TODO find a better way to channel
// this into the response
console.warn(error && error.stack || error);
_request.on("error", function (error) {
Q.when(request.body, function (body) {
var end, done;
if (body) {
done = body.forEach(function (chunk) {
end = Q.when(end, function () {
return Q.when(chunk, function (chunk) {
_request.write(chunk, request.charset);
return Q.when(end, function () {
return Q.when(done, function () {
return deferred.promise;
* Issues a GET request to the given URL and returns
* a promise for a `String` containing the entirety
* of the response.
* @param {String} url
* @returns {Promise * String} or a rejection if the
* status code is not exactly 200. The reason for the
* rejection is the full response object.
exports.read = function (request, qualifier) {
qualifier = qualifier || function (response) {
return response.status === 200;
return Q.when(exports.request(request), function (response) {
if (!qualifier(response)){
var error = new Error("HTTP request failed with code " + response.status);
error.response = response;
throw error;
return Q.post(response.body, 'read', []);
* A wrapper for the Node HTTP Response as provided
* by the Q HTTP Client API, suitable for use by the
* Q HTTP Server API.
exports.ClientResponse = function (_response, charset) {
var response = Object.create(exports.ClientResponse.prototype);
/*** {Number} HTTP status code */
response.status = _response.statusCode;
/*** HTTP version */
response.version = _response.httpVersion;
/*** {Object} HTTP headers */
response.headers = _response.headers;
* A Q IO asynchronous text reader.
response.node = _response;
response.nodeResponse = _response; // Deprecated
response.nodeConnection = _response.connection; // Deprecated
return Q.when(Reader(_response, charset), function (body) {
response.body = body;
return response;