emptyCacheBetweenOperations: true // Needed to be able to test for failure
var SourceMapGenerator = require('source-map').SourceMapGenerator;
var child_process = require('child_process');
var assert = require('assert');
var fs = require('fs');
function compareLines(actual, expected) {
assert(actual.length >= expected.length, 'got ' + actual.length + ' lines but expected at least ' + expected.length + ' lines');
for (var i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
// Some tests are regular expressions because the output format changed slightly between node v0.9.2 and v0.9.3
if (expected[i] instanceof RegExp) {
assert(expected[i].test(actual[i]), JSON.stringify(actual[i]) + ' does not match ' + expected[i]);
} else {
assert.equal(actual[i], expected[i]);
function createEmptySourceMap() {
return new SourceMapGenerator({
file: '.generated.js',
sourceRoot: '.'
function createSourceMapWithGap() {
var sourceMap = createEmptySourceMap();
generated: { line: 100, column: 0 },
original: { line: 100, column: 0 },
source: '.original.js'
return sourceMap;
function createSingleLineSourceMap() {
var sourceMap = createEmptySourceMap();
generated: { line: 1, column: 0 },
original: { line: 1, column: 0 },
source: '.original.js'
return sourceMap;
function createMultiLineSourceMap() {
var sourceMap = createEmptySourceMap();
for (var i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
generated: { line: i, column: 0 },
original: { line: 1000 + i, column: 99 + i },
source: 'line' + i + '.js'
return sourceMap;
function createMultiLineSourceMapWithSourcesContent() {
var sourceMap = createEmptySourceMap();
var original = new Array(1001).join('\n');
for (var i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
generated: { line: i, column: 0 },
original: { line: 1000 + i, column: 4 },
source: 'original.js'
original += ' line ' + i + '\n';
sourceMap.setSourceContent('original.js', original);
return sourceMap;
function compareStackTrace(sourceMap, source, expected) {
// Check once with a separate source map
fs.writeFileSync('', sourceMap);
fs.writeFileSync('.generated.js', 'exports.test = function() {' +
source.join('\n') + '};//@');
try {
delete require.cache[require.resolve('./.generated')];
} catch (e) {
compareLines(e.stack.split('\n'), expected);
// Check again with an inline source map (in a data URL)
fs.writeFileSync('.generated.js', 'exports.test = function() {' +
source.join('\n') + '};//@ sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,' +
new Buffer(sourceMap.toString()).toString('base64'));
try {
delete require.cache[require.resolve('./.generated')];
} catch (e) {
compareLines(e.stack.split('\n'), expected);
function compareStdout(done, sourceMap, source, expected) {
fs.writeFileSync('.original.js', 'this is the original code');
fs.writeFileSync('', sourceMap);
fs.writeFileSync('.generated.js', source.join('\n') +
child_process.exec('node ./.generated', function(error, stdout, stderr) {
try {
compareLines((stdout + stderr).trim().split('\n'), expected);
} catch (e) {
return done(e);
it('normal throw', function() {
compareStackTrace(createMultiLineSourceMap(), [
'throw new Error("test");'
], [
'Error: test',
/^ at Object\.exports\.test \(.*\/line1\.js:1001:101\)$/
it('throw inside function', function() {
compareStackTrace(createMultiLineSourceMap(), [
'function foo() {',
' throw new Error("test");',
], [
'Error: test',
/^ at foo \(.*\/line2\.js:1002:102\)$/,
/^ at Object\.exports\.test \(.*\/line4\.js:1004:104\)$/
it('throw inside function inside function', function() {
compareStackTrace(createMultiLineSourceMap(), [
'function foo() {',
' function bar() {',
' throw new Error("test");',
' }',
' bar();',
], [
'Error: test',
/^ at bar \(.*\/line3\.js:1003:103\)$/,
/^ at foo \(.*\/line5\.js:1005:105\)$/,
/^ at Object\.exports\.test \(.*\/line7\.js:1007:107\)$/
it('eval', function() {
compareStackTrace(createMultiLineSourceMap(), [
'eval("throw new Error(\'test\')");'
], [
'Error: test',
/^ at Object\.eval \(eval at <anonymous> \(.*\/line1\.js:1001:101\)/,
/^ at Object\.exports\.test \(.*\/line1\.js:1001:101\)$/
it('eval inside eval', function() {
compareStackTrace(createMultiLineSourceMap(), [
'eval("eval(\'throw new Error(\\"test\\")\')");'
], [
'Error: test',
/^ at Object\.eval \(eval at <anonymous> \(eval at <anonymous> \(.*\/line1\.js:1001:101\)/,
/^ at Object\.eval \(eval at <anonymous> \(.*\/line1\.js:1001:101\)/,
/^ at Object\.exports\.test \(.*\/line1\.js:1001:101\)$/
it('eval inside function', function() {
compareStackTrace(createMultiLineSourceMap(), [
'function foo() {',
' eval("throw new Error(\'test\')");',
], [
'Error: test',
/^ at eval \(eval at foo \(.*\/line2\.js:1002:102\)/,
/^ at foo \(.*\/line2\.js:1002:102\)/,
/^ at Object\.exports\.test \(.*\/line4\.js:1004:104\)$/
it('eval with sourceURL', function() {
compareStackTrace(createMultiLineSourceMap(), [
'eval("throw new Error(\'test\')//@ sourceURL=sourceURL.js");'
], [
'Error: test',
' at Object.eval (sourceURL.js:1:7)',
/^ at Object\.exports\.test \(.*\/line1\.js:1001:101\)$/
it('eval with sourceURL inside eval', function() {
compareStackTrace(createMultiLineSourceMap(), [
'eval("eval(\'throw new Error(\\"test\\")//@ sourceURL=sourceURL.js\')");'
], [
'Error: test',
' at Object.eval (sourceURL.js:1:7)',
/^ at Object\.eval \(eval at <anonymous> \(.*\/line1\.js:1001:101\)/,
/^ at Object\.exports\.test \(.*\/line1\.js:1001:101\)$/
it('function constructor', function() {
compareStackTrace(createMultiLineSourceMap(), [
'throw new Function(")");'
], [
'SyntaxError: Unexpected token )',
/^ at Object\.Function \((?:unknown source|<anonymous>)\)$/,
/^ at Object\.exports\.test \(.*\/line1\.js:1001:101\)$/,
it('throw with empty source map', function() {
compareStackTrace(createEmptySourceMap(), [
'throw new Error("test");'
], [
'Error: test',
/^ at Object\.exports\.test \(.*\/.generated.js:1:96\)$/
it('throw with source map with gap', function() {
compareStackTrace(createSourceMapWithGap(), [
'throw new Error("test");'
], [
'Error: test',
/^ at Object\.exports\.test \(.*\/.generated.js:1:96\)$/
it('sourcesContent with data URL', function() {
compareStackTrace(createMultiLineSourceMapWithSourcesContent(), [
'throw new Error("test");'
], [
'Error: test',
/^ at Object\.exports\.test \(.*\/original.js:1001:5\)$/
it('default options', function(done) {
compareStdout(done, createSingleLineSourceMap(), [
'function foo() { throw new Error("this is the error"); }',
'process.nextTick(function() { process.exit(1); });'
], [
'this is the original code',
'Error: this is the error',
/^ at foo \(.*\/.original\.js:1:1\)$/
it('handleUncaughtExceptions is true', function(done) {
compareStdout(done, createSingleLineSourceMap(), [
'function foo() { throw new Error("this is the error"); }',
'require("./source-map-support").install({ handleUncaughtExceptions: true });',
], [
'this is the original code',
'Error: this is the error',
/^ at foo \(.*\/.original\.js:1:1\)$/
it('handleUncaughtExceptions is false', function(done) {
compareStdout(done, createSingleLineSourceMap(), [
'function foo() { throw new Error("this is the error"); }',
'require("./source-map-support").install({ handleUncaughtExceptions: false });',
], [
'function foo() { throw new Error("this is the error"); }',
' ^',
'Error: this is the error',
/^ at foo \(.*\/.original\.js:1:1\)$/
it('default options with empty source map', function(done) {
compareStdout(done, createEmptySourceMap(), [
'function foo() { throw new Error("this is the error"); }',
], [
'function foo() { throw new Error("this is the error"); }',
' ^',
'Error: this is the error',
/^ at foo \(.*\/.generated.js:2:24\)$/
it('default options with source map with gap', function(done) {
compareStdout(done, createSourceMapWithGap(), [
'function foo() { throw new Error("this is the error"); }',
], [
'function foo() { throw new Error("this is the error"); }',
' ^',
'Error: this is the error',
/^ at foo \(.*\/.generated.js:2:24\)$/
it('specifically requested error source', function(done) {
compareStdout(done, createSingleLineSourceMap(), [
'function foo() { throw new Error("this is the error"); }',
'var sms = require("./source-map-support");',
'sms.install({ handleUncaughtExceptions: false });',
'process.on("uncaughtException", function (e) { console.log("SRC:" + sms.getErrorSource(e)); });',
], [
'this is the original code',
it('sourcesContent', function(done) {
compareStdout(done, createMultiLineSourceMapWithSourcesContent(), [
'function foo() { throw new Error("this is the error"); }',
'process.nextTick(function() { process.exit(1); });'
], [
' line 2',
' ^',
'Error: this is the error',
/^ at foo \(.*\/original\.js:1002:5\)$/