to_value = (value) ->
return switch value
when 'none' then null
when 'on' then true
when 'off' then false
when 'true' then true
when 'false' then false
else value
to_object = (previous, current) ->
previous[key] = to_value(val) for key, val of current if current
return previous
to_array = (previous, current) ->
previous.push({}) if previous.length == 0 or current == null
previous[previous.length - 1][key] = to_value(val) for key, val of current if current
return previous
@param {string} info
exports.linebreak_list = (input) ->
to_item = (line) ->
return null if not line
line = line.replace(/^(.+?):\s*/, '"$1":"') + '"'
return JSON.parse("{#{line}}")
return input.split('\n').map(to_item).reduce(to_array, []).filter((item) -> Object.keys(item).length > 0)
* @param {string} input
exports.namepair_list = (input) ->
to_item = (line) ->
line = line.replace(/" {/, '":"{')
line = line + '"' if line
return JSON.parse("{#{line}}")
return input.split('\n').map(to_item).reduce(to_object)
* @param {string} input
exports.machinereadable_list = (input) ->
to_item = (line) ->
line = line.replace(/^(.+)=/, '"$1"=') if line[0] != '"'
line = line.replace(/^(".+")=/, '$1:')
line = line.replace(/^(.+):\d+,/, '$1:0.')
line = line.replace(/@\d,\d$/, '')
return JSON.parse("{#{line}}")
return input.split('\n').map(to_item).reduce(to_object)
* @param {string} input
exports.property_list = (input) ->
to_item = (line) ->
item = {}
return item if not line
match = line.match(/^Name:\s*(.*?),\s*value:\s*(.*?),\s*timestamp:\s*(.*?),\s*flags:\s*(.*?)$/)
return item if not match
item[match[1]] = {
value: to_value(match[2])
timestamp: parseInt(match[3])
flags: match[4].split(',').map((token) -> token.trim())
return item
return input.split('\n').map(to_item).reduce(to_object)