# (c) Copyright 2005-2012, 2014. CodeWeavers, Inc.
use warnings;
use strict;
my @desktop_plugins=("CXAssocWindows", "CXAssocCheck",
"CXAssocMailcap", "CXAssocDebian", "CXAssocCDE",
"CXAssocXDG", "CXAssocMacOSX");
# Portable which(1) implementation
sub cxwhich($$;$)
my ($dirs, $app, $noexec)=@_;
if ($app =~ /^\//)
return $app if ((-x $app or $noexec) and -f $app);
elsif ($app =~ /\//)
require Cwd;
my $path=Cwd::cwd() . "/$app";
return $path if ((-x $path or $noexec) and -f $path);
foreach my $dir (split /:/, $dirs)
return "$dir/$app" if ($dir ne "" and (-x "$dir/$app" or $noexec) and -f "$dir/$app");
return undef;
# Fast dirname() implementation
sub _cxdirname($)
my ($path)=@_;
return undef if (!defined $path);
return "." if ($path !~ s!/+[^/]+/*$!!s);
return "/" if ($path eq "");
return $path;
# Locate where CrossOver is installed by looking for the directory
# where the cxmenu script is located, unwinding symlinks on the way
sub locate_cx_root(;$)
my ($fallback)=@_;
my $argv0=cxwhich($ENV{PATH},$0);
$argv0=$0 if (!defined $argv0);
if ($argv0 !~ m+^/+)
require Cwd;
$argv0=Cwd::cwd() . "/$argv0";
my $dir=_cxdirname($argv0);
my $bindir=$dir;
$bindir =~ s%/lib$%/bin%;
while (!-x "$bindir/cxmenu" or !-f "$bindir/cxmenu")
last if (!-l $argv0);
$argv0="$dir/$argv0" if ($argv0 !~ m+^/+);
$bindir =~ s%/lib$%/bin%;
$bindir =~ s%/(?:\./)+%/%g;
$bindir =~ s%/\.$%%;
if ((!-x "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxmenu" or !-f "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxmenu") and
if (!-x "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxmenu" or !-f "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxmenu")
my $name0=$0;
$name0 =~ s+^.*/++;
print STDERR "$name0:error: could not find CrossOver in '$ENV{CX_ROOT}'\n";
exit 1;
return $ENV{CX_ROOT};
unshift @INC, locate_cx_root() . "/lib/perl";
use CXLog;
use CXUtils;
use CXAssoc;
my $filters;
sub get_filter_list($$)
my ($cxassoc, $filter)=@_;
$filter=lc($filter || "");
my $filter_list=$filters->{$filter};
if (!defined $filter_list)
my @list;
if ($filter eq "")
@list=split /:+/, $filter;
return $filter_list;
sub get_install_mode($$$)
my ($eassocid, $hash_mode, $default_mode)=@_;
foreach my $mode ("default", "alternative", "mime", "ignore")
if (defined $hash_mode->{$mode} and
$eassocid =~ /^(?:$hash_mode->{$mode})$/i)
return $mode;
return $default_mode;
sub update_field($$$)
my ($section, $name, $value)=@_;
my $oldval=$section->get($name, "");
return 0 if ($oldval eq $value);
if ($value eq "")
$section->set($name, $value);
return 1;
sub normalize_eassocid($)
my ($eassocid)=@_;
$eassocid =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
return map { mangle_string(demangle_string($_)) } split "/", $eassocid;
sub valid_mimetype($)
my ($mimetype)=@_;
my @parts=split m%/%, $mimetype;
return (@parts == 2);
sub maybe_capitalize($)
my ($str)=@_;
return ucfirst($str) if ($str !~ /[A-Z]/);
return $str;
my %mode_to_score=(
default => 0,
alternative => 1,
mime => 2,
ignore => 3
sub build_assoc_db($)
my ($cxassoc)=@_;
my $std_verb_names=CXAssoc::std_verb_names();
my ($massocs, $eassocs, $winmimes, $winexts, %extmimes);
foreach my $eassocid ($cxassoc->get_section_names())
my $section=$cxassoc->get_section($eassocid);
my @parts=split "/", $eassocid;
if (@parts > 3)
cxwarn("too many parts in '$eassocid'\n");
my $ext=demangle_string($parts[0] || "");
if (!$ext or $ext !~ s/^\.// or $ext =~ m%[/\\]%)
cxwarn("invalid extension for association '$eassocid'\n");
# Don't demangle $appid and $verb just yet
my $appid=$parts[1] || "";
my $verb=$parts[2] || "";
cxlog("$eassocid -> [$ext | $appid | $verb]\n");
# Validate and normalise MimeType, Mode and Type
my $mimetype=$section->get("MimeType", "");
if ($mimetype ne "" and !valid_mimetype($mimetype))
cxwarn("invalid MIME type '$mimetype' for association '$eassocid'\n");
if (!defined $extmimes{$ext})
elsif ($extmimes{$ext} ne $mimetype)
cxwarn("the '$ext' extension has inconsistent MIME types. Using '$extmimes{$ext}' instead of '$mimetype'\n");
my $mode=$section->get("Mode", "ignore");
$mode =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$mode =~ s/^alternate$/alternative/i;
if ($mode !~ /^(?:default|alternative|mime|ignore)$/)
cxwarn("unknown Mode '$mode' for '$eassocid'\n");
my $type=$section->get("Type", "raw");
$type =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
# Create the EAssoc object
my $eassoc={
id => $eassocid,
ext => $ext,
appid => $appid,
verb => $verb,
verbname => $section->get("VerbName") ||
$std_verb_names->{$verb} ||
stdverbname => 0,
mode => $mode,
# Stored here so we can later populate the MAssoc and Mime objects
localize => $section->get("Localize"),
description => $section->get("Description", ""),
infotip => $section->get("InfoTip", ""),
appname => $section->get("AppName", ""),
type => $type,
icon => expand_string($section->get("Icon", "")),
command => expand_cmdline($section->get("Command", ""))
my $stdname=$std_verb_names->{$verb};
if ($eassoc->{verbname} and $stdname and
($eassoc->{verbname} eq $stdname or
$eassoc->{verbname} eq CXAssoc::remove_accelerators($stdname)))
# Tag the verb so we can try to localize it
# Then the 'Extension MIME type'
my $emimetype="application/x-crossover-$ext";
my $emime=$winmimes->{$emimetype};
if (!defined $emime)
mimetype => $emimetype,
exts => { $ext => 1 },
real => 0
# The real MIME type if any
my $mime;
if ($mimetype)
if (!defined $mime)
mimetype => $mimetype,
real => 1
# Link the extension to the corresponding MIME type
$winexts->{$ext}=$mime || $emime;
# And finally the MAssoc object
my $massocid=mangle_string($mimetype || $emimetype);
$massocid.=":$appid" if ($appid or $verb);
$massocid.=":$verb" if ($verb);
my $massoc=$massocs->{$massocid};
if (!defined $massoc)
id => $massocid,
appid => $appid,
verb => $verb,
mime => $mime || $emime
# Extra MIME types are simply put all together
foreach my $extramime (split /:+/, $section->get("ExtraMimeTypes", ""))
if (!valid_mimetype($extramime))
cxwarn("ignoring invalid extra MIME type $extramime\n");
# Choose a reference EAssoc from which we can compute the type,
# command, etc. This is the EAssoc with the 'highest' install mode
# i.e. the lowest score
if (!$massoc->{ref_eassoc} or
$mode_to_score{$mode} < $mode_to_score{$massoc->{mode}})
foreach my $massoc (values %$massocs)
my $ref_eassoc=$massoc->{ref_eassoc};
cxlog(" $massoc->{id} | $massoc->{type} | $massoc->{mode}\n");
foreach my $eassoc (values %{$massoc->{eassocs}})
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