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/ opt / cxoffice / bin / cxtemplate

# (c) Copyright 2008, 2010. CodeWeavers, Inc.
use warnings;
use strict;

# Portable which(1) implementation
sub cxwhich($$;$)
    my ($dirs, $app, $noexec)=@_;
    if ($app =~ /^\//)
        return $app if ((-x $app or $noexec) and -f $app);
    elsif ($app =~ /\//)
        require Cwd;
        my $path=Cwd::cwd() . "/$app";
        return $path if ((-x $path or $noexec) and -f $path);
        foreach my $dir (split /:/, $dirs)
            return "$dir/$app" if ($dir ne "" and (-x "$dir/$app" or $noexec) and -f "$dir/$app");
    return undef;

# Fast dirname() implementation
sub _cxdirname($)
    my ($path)=@_;
    return undef if (!defined $path);
    return "." if ($path !~ s!/+[^/]+/*$!!s);
    return "/" if ($path eq "");
    return $path;

# Locate where CrossOver is installed by looking for the directory
# where the cxmenu script is located, unwinding symlinks on the way
sub locate_cx_root(;$)
    my ($fallback)=@_;
    my $argv0=cxwhich($ENV{PATH},$0);
    $argv0=$0 if (!defined $argv0);
    if ($argv0 !~ m+^/+)
        require Cwd;
        $argv0=Cwd::cwd() . "/$argv0";
    my $dir=_cxdirname($argv0);
    my $bindir=$dir;
    $bindir =~ s%/lib$%/bin%;
    while (!-x "$bindir/cxmenu" or !-f "$bindir/cxmenu")
        last if (!-l $argv0);
        $argv0="$dir/$argv0" if ($argv0 !~ m+^/+);
        $bindir =~ s%/lib$%/bin%;
    $bindir =~ s%/(?:\./)+%/%g;
    $bindir =~ s%/\.$%%;
    if ((!-x "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxmenu" or !-f "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxmenu") and
    if (!-x "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxmenu" or !-f "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxmenu")
        my $name0=$0;
        $name0 =~ s+^.*/++;
        print STDERR "$name0:error: could not find CrossOver in '$ENV{CX_ROOT}'\n";
        exit 1;
    return $ENV{CX_ROOT};

    unshift @INC, locate_cx_root() . "/lib/perl";
use CXLog;
use CXUtils;

# Process command-line options
my $opt_template;
my $opt_query;
my $opt_param;
my $opt_verbose;
my $opt_help;
require CXOpts;
my $cxopts=CXOpts->new();
$cxopts->add_options(["template=s"    => \$opt_template,
                      "query=s"       => \$opt_query,
                      "param=s@"      => \$opt_param,
                      "verbose!"      => \$opt_verbose,
                      "?|h|help"      => \$opt_help
my $err=$cxopts->parse();
CXLog::fdopen(2) if ($opt_verbose);

# Validate the command line options
my $usage;
my ($template_dir, $template_name);
if ($err)
elsif ($opt_help)
    if (!defined $opt_template)
        cxerr("you must specify a template name\n");
        if ($opt_template =~ m%/%)
        if (!-d $template_dir)
            cxerr("unable to find the '$opt_template' bottle template\n");
        elsif (!-f "$template_dir/CXBT_${template_name}.pm")
            cxerr("'$opt_template' is not a valid bottle template\n");
    if (!defined $opt_query)
        cxerr("you must specify a query type\n");

# Print usage
if (defined $usage)
    my $name0=cxname0();
    if ($usage)
        cxerr("try '$name0 --help' for more information\n");
        exit $usage;
    print "Usage: $name0 --template TEMPLATE --query QUERY [--param PARAM]\n";

    print "\n";
    print "Provides a command-line interface for managing the CrossOver bottles.\n";

    print "\n";
    print "Options:\n";
    print "  --template TEMPLATE Identifies the bottle template to query\n";
    print "  --query QUERY   Specifies what the query is about. All templates support the\n";
    print "                  'introspect' query type which will list the supported query\n";
    print "                  types\n";
    print "  --param PARAM   Additional parameters of the form 'NAME=VALUE' for the\n";
    print "                  bottle template\n";
    print "  --verbose       Output more information about what is going on\n";
    print "  --help, -h      Shows this help message\n";
    exit 0;

unshift @INC, $template_dir;
eval "use CXBT_${template_name};";
if ($@)
    cxerr("unable to load the 'CXBT_${template_name}' module: $@\n");
    exit 1;
my $template=eval "CXBT_${template_name}->new()";
if ($@)
    cxerr("unable to create the 'CXBT_${template_name}' template object: $@\n");
    exit 1;

my $params;
foreach my $param (@{$opt_param})
    $params->{$1}=$2 if ($param =~ /^([^=]+)=(.*)$/);

my $data=$template->query($opt_query, $params);
if (!defined $data)
    exit 1;
if ($opt_query eq "introspect")
    $data->{queries}->{introspect}="Returns the bottle template's properties";

foreach my $section (sort keys %$data)
    print "[$section]\n";
    foreach my $name (sort keys %{$data->{$section}})
        print "\"", escape_string($name), "\" = \"", escape_string($data->{$section}->{$name}), "\"\n";
    print "\n";

exit 0;