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Repository URL to install this package:

/ opt / cxoffice / bin / cxuninstall

# (c) Copyright 2002-2012. CodeWeavers, Inc.
use warnings;
use strict;

my $builtin_productid="cxoffice";

# Portable which(1) implementation
sub cxwhich($$;$)
    my ($dirs, $app, $noexec)=@_;
    if ($app =~ /^\//)
        return $app if ((-x $app or $noexec) and -f $app);
    elsif ($app =~ /\//)
        require Cwd;
        my $path=Cwd::cwd() . "/$app";
        return $path if ((-x $path or $noexec) and -f $path);
        foreach my $dir (split /:/, $dirs)
            return "$dir/$app" if ($dir ne "" and (-x "$dir/$app" or $noexec) and -f "$dir/$app");
    return undef;

# Fast dirname() implementation
sub _cxdirname($)
    my ($path)=@_;
    return undef if (!defined $path);
    return "." if ($path !~ s!/+[^/]+/*$!!s);
    return "/" if ($path eq "");
    return $path;

# Locate where CrossOver is installed by looking for the directory
# where the cxmenu script is located, unwinding symlinks on the way
sub locate_cx_root(;$)
    my ($fallback)=@_;
    my $argv0=cxwhich($ENV{PATH},$0);
    $argv0=$0 if (!defined $argv0);
    if ($argv0 !~ m+^/+)
        require Cwd;
        $argv0=Cwd::cwd() . "/$argv0";
    my $dir=_cxdirname($argv0);
    my $bindir=$dir;
    $bindir =~ s%/lib$%/bin%;
    while (!-x "$bindir/cxmenu" or !-f "$bindir/cxmenu")
        last if (!-l $argv0);
        $argv0="$dir/$argv0" if ($argv0 !~ m+^/+);
        $bindir =~ s%/lib$%/bin%;
    $bindir =~ s%/(?:\./)+%/%g;
    $bindir =~ s%/\.$%%;
    if ((!-x "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxmenu" or !-f "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxmenu") and
    if (!-x "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxmenu" or !-f "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxmenu")
        my $name0=$0;
        $name0 =~ s+^.*/++;
        print STDERR "$name0:error: could not find CrossOver in '$ENV{CX_ROOT}'\n";
        exit 1;
    return $ENV{CX_ROOT};

    unshift @INC, locate_cx_root() . "/lib/perl";
use CXLog;
use CXUtils;

my $productid=CXUtils::get_product_id();
my $productname=CXUtils::get_product_name();

# Process command-line options
my $opt_verbose;
my $opt_force;
my $opt_help;
require CXOpts;
my $cxopts=CXOpts->new();
$cxopts->add_options(["force"       => \$opt_force,
                      "verbose!"    => \$opt_verbose,
                      "?|h|help"    => \$opt_help
my $err=$cxopts->parse();
CXLog::fdopen(2) if ($opt_verbose);

# Validate the command line options
my $usage;
if ($err)
elsif ($opt_help)
if (defined $usage)
    my $name0=cxname0();
    if ($usage)
        cxerr("try '$name0 --help' for more information\n");
        exit $usage;
    print "Usage: $name0 [--force] [--verbose] [--help]\n";

    print "\n";
    print "Uninstalls CrossOver or removes its files from your account.\n";

    print "\n";
    print "Options:\n";
    print "  --force      If set, no confirmation is asked before uninstalling CrossOver\n";
    print "  --verbose    Print more information about what is going on\n";
    print "  --help, -h   Shows this help message\n";
    exit 0;

# Determine what mode we should be operating in
my $pre_msg;
my $mode;
my $post_msg;
my $err_msg;
my $button_list;
my $btn_uninstall_user=cxgettext("Delete Bottles");
my $btn_uninstall=cxgettext("Uninstall");
my $btn_cancel=cxgettext("Cancel");
if (-w $ENV{CX_ROOT})
    if ($> == 0)
        # Check if there is any managed bottle
        my $has_bottle;
        foreach my $dir ("$ENV{CX_ROOT}/support",
            next if (!-d $dir);
            if (opendir(my $dh, $dir))
                foreach my $dentry (readdir $dh)
                    next if ($dentry =~ /^\.\.?$/);
                    if (-f "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/support/$dentry/cxbottle.conf")
            last if ($has_bottle);
        if ($has_bottle)
            $pre_msg=cxgettext("Windows applications and C: drives are contained in bottles. Some of these bottles are maybe used system-wide, so removing them will impact each user.\n");
        $pre_msg=cxgettext("\%1\$sBefore uninstalling \%2\$s, make sure to uninstall it from each user's environment. To do so, run '\%3\$s' in their account.", $pre_msg, $productname, "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxuninstall");
        $pre_msg=cxgettext("\%1\$s Do you want to delete root's bottles in addition to uninstalling \%2\$s?", $pre_msg, $productname);
        # Single user
        $pre_msg=cxgettext("This will remove \%s from your system.", $productname);
        $pre_msg=cxgettext("\%1\$s\n\nThis installation of CrossOver includes Windows applications and data contained in one or more bottles. Do you want to delete these bottles in addition to uninstalling \%2\$s?", $pre_msg, $productname);
    $post_msg=cxgettext("\%s has been removed.", $productname);
    $err_msg=cxgettext("An error occurred while uninstalling \%s.", $productname);
    my $btn_delete=cxgettext("Uninstall and delete bottles");
    my $btn_keep=cxgettext("Uninstall but keep bottles");
    $pre_msg=cxgettext("This operation will remove all files created by \%s in your account.", $productname);
    $pre_msg=cxgettext("\%s\nYou will still be able to use Windows applications that were installed system-wide, if any. But all the Windows applications you installed as well as the C: drives contained in your bottles will be deleted.", $pre_msg);
    $post_msg=cxgettext("\%1\$s has been removed from your account.\nTo fully uninstall it, run '\%2\$s' as root.",
        $productname, "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxuninstall");
    $err_msg=cxgettext("An error occurred while removing the \%s files.", $productname);

if (!$opt_force)
    # Warn the user
    my $rc=cxmessage(
        "-title", "\%s Uninstall", "-title", "$productname",
        "-buttons", $button_list,
        "-default", $btn_cancel,
        "-image", "cxuninstall",
        "-wm-class", "cxuninstall",
        "\%s", $pre_msg);
    if ($rc == 0)
    elsif ($rc == 256*101)
        if ($rc != 256*102 and $rc != 256*252)
            # The user did not hit Cancel or close the window
            my $name0=cxname0();
            cxwarn("cxmessage died. You may want to try '$name0 --help' for alternatives\n");
        exit 1;
elsif (!defined $ENV{CX_PURGE})
    $ENV{CX_PURGE}=($button_list =~ /:101/ ? "desktopdata" : "all");

# Uninstall
sub stop_applications($)
    my ($scopes)=@_;

    my ($failed, $wait_pid);
    foreach my $scope (@$scopes)
        my $path=($scope eq "private" ? $ENV{CX_BOTTLE_PATH} : $ENV{CX_MANAGED_BOTTLE_PATH});
        foreach my $dir (split /:+/, $path)
            next if ($dir eq "");

            my $dh;
            next if (!opendir($dh, $dir));
            foreach my $dentry (readdir $dh)
                next if ($dentry =~ /^(?:\.\.?|default)$/);
                next if (!-f "$dir/$dentry/cxbottle.conf");

                if (cxsystem("$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/wine", "--bottle", $dentry, "--scope", $scope, "--no-update", "--ux-app", "wineserver", "-k0") == 0)
                    # Ask the running Windows applications to shut down
                    $wait_pid=cxwait(0, "--no-focus", "Shutting down the Windows applications.");
                                     "--bottle", $dentry, "--scope", $scope,
                                     "--no-update", "--wl-app", "wineboot.exe",
                                     "--", "--end-session", "--shutdown",
                                     "--force", "--kill");
                    last if ($failed);
    kill(15, $wait_pid) if (defined $wait_pid);
    if ($failed)
        cxmessage("Aborting the uninstallation because some Windows applications could not be stopped.\n");
        return 0;
    return 1;

# Uninstall
sub uninstall($)
    my ($cxconfig)=@_;

    my $pkginfo=$cxconfig->get("CrossOver", "ProductPackage", "");
    my ($pkgtype, $pkgname)=split /:/, $pkginfo;

    if (($pkgtype || "mojo") eq "mojo" and
        -d "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/.mojosetup" and -f "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/.uninstall")
        # This is a MojoSetup package
        cxlog("Starting the MojoSetup uninstaller\n");
        my $mojo_uninstaller="uninstall-$builtin_productid.sh";
        if (!rename("$ENV{CX_ROOT}/.uninstall", "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/$mojo_uninstaller"))
            cxerr("unable to rename '.uninstall' to '$mojo_uninstaller'\n");
            return (1, undef, 1);

        if (CXLog::is_on())
            $ENV{MOJOSETUP_LOG}=$ENV{CX_LOG} if (!defined $ENV{MOJOSETUP_LOG});
            $ENV{MOJOSETUP_LOGLEVEL}="all" if (!defined $ENV{MOJOSETUP_LOGLEVEL});
        my $rc=cxsystem("$ENV{CX_ROOT}/$mojo_uninstaller", "--force");
        if ($rc != 0)
            rename("$ENV{CX_ROOT}/$mojo_uninstaller", "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/.uninstall");
            return (1, undef, 0);
        return (0, undef, 0);

    # The other methods are not interactive
    my $wait_pid=cxwait(0, "--no-focus", "Uninstalling");

    if ($pkgtype eq "rpm" and $pkgname)
        return (cxsystem("rpm", "-e", $pkgname), $wait_pid, 1);

    if ($pkgtype eq "deb" and $pkgname)
        return (cxsystem("dpkg", ($ENV{CX_PURGE} eq "desktopdata" ? "--remove" : "--purge"), $pkgname), $wait_pid, 1);

    if ($pkgtype eq "sunpkg" and $pkgname)
        my $cxpurge="$ENV{CX_ROOT}/cxpurge";
        my $fh;
        if (!open($fh, ">", $cxpurge))
            cxerr("unable to open '$cxpurge' for writing: $!\n");
            return (1, $wait_pid, 1);
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