# (c) Copyright 2003-2008, 2012. CodeWeavers, Inc.
use warnings;
use strict;
my $name0=$0;
$name0 =~ s+^.*/++;
unshift @INC, "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/lib/perl";
use CXLog;
use CXUtils;
use CXMenu;
# Parse the command line arguments
my $opt_utf8;
my $opt_desktop;
my $opt_menu;
my $opt_root;
my $opt_link;
my $opt_descr;
my $opt_icon;
my $opt_path;
my $opt_args;
my $opt_workdir;
my $opt_arch;
my $opt_help;
my $opt_verbose;
require CXOpts;
my $cxopts=CXOpts->new();
$cxopts->add_options(["desktop" => \$opt_desktop,
"menu" => \$opt_menu,
"utf8" => \$opt_utf8,
"root=s" => \$opt_root,
"link=s" => \$opt_link,
"descr=s" => \$opt_descr,
"icon=s" => \$opt_icon,
"path=s" => \$opt_path,
"args=s" => \$opt_args,
"workdir=s" => \$opt_workdir,
"arch=s" => \$opt_arch,
"verbose!" => \$opt_verbose,
"?|h|help" => \$opt_help
my $err=$cxopts->parse();
CXLog::fdopen(2) if ($opt_verbose);
# Verify command line options
my $usage;
if ($err)
elsif ($opt_help)
if (!$opt_menu and !$opt_desktop)
cxerr("you must specify one of --menu or --desktop\n");
if (!defined $opt_link)
cxerr("you must specify a link name with --link\n");
# Print usage
if (defined $usage)
if ($usage)
error("try '$name0 --help' for more information\n");
exit $usage;
print "Usage: $name0 [--desktop|--menu] --link LNKFILE [--descr DESCR]\n";
print " [--icon ICONFILE] [--path APPEXE] [--utf8] [--help]\n";
print " [options]\n";
print "\n";
print "Performs the interface between winemenubuilder.exe and cxmenu.\n";
print "\n";
print "Options:\n";
print " --desktop Specifies that this is a desktop icon\n";
print " --menu Specifies that this is a regular menu\n";
print " --link LNKFILE Windows path to the '.lnk' file\n";
print " --descr DESCR The menu description\n";
print " --icon ICONFILE Unix path to the XPM icon file\n";
print " --path APPEXE Windows path to the application executable\n";
print " --args XXX The arguments to the application\n";
print " --arch ARCH The architecture of the application (i386 or x86_64)\n";
print " --utf8 Specifies that the script parameters are in UTF-8,\n";
print " regardless of the default system encoding\n";
print " --verbose Output more information about what is going on\n";
print " --help, -h Shows this help message\n";
print "\n";
print " --workdir XX For backward compatibility, ignored\n";
exit 0;
require CXBottle;
if (!defined $ENV{WINEPREFIX} or !defined $ENV{CX_BOTTLE} or
cxerr("the Wine environment is not set\n");
exit 1;
# Normalize the link name
if (!$opt_utf8)
require CXRecode;
$opt_root=CXRecode::from_sys("UTF-8", $opt_root);
$opt_link=CXRecode::from_sys("UTF-8", $opt_link);
$opt_descr=CXRecode::from_sys("UTF-8", $opt_descr);
$opt_path=CXRecode::from_sys("UTF-8", $opt_path);
$opt_args=CXRecode::from_sys("UTF-8", $opt_args);
$opt_arch=CXRecode::from_sys("UTF-8", $opt_arch);
# Process the arguments and extract the information needed for cxmenu
my $cxmenu=CXMenu::wineshelllink2cxmenu($opt_menu, $opt_root, $opt_link, $opt_path, $opt_args, $opt_icon);
if (!$cxmenu)
exit 1;
elsif ($@)
# Prepare the call to cxmenu
my @cmd=("$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxmenu", "--utf8", "--create", $cxmenu->{fullpath}, "--type", "windows");
push @cmd, "--install" if (!defined $ENV{CX_MENU_INSTALL});
push @cmd, "--description", $opt_descr if (defined $opt_descr);
push @cmd, "--icon", $cxmenu->{icon} if ($cxmenu->{icon});
push @cmd, "--shortcut", $cxmenu->{shortcut} if ($cxmenu->{shortcut});
push @cmd, "--arch", $opt_arch if (defined $opt_arch);
cxerr("unable to run '@cmd': $!\n");
exit 1;