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Version: 18.5.0-1 

/ opt / cxoffice / lib / cxupgrade

# (c) Copyright 2002-2010. CodeWeavers, Inc.
use warnings;
use strict;

# Portable which(1) implementation
sub cxwhich($$;$)
    my ($dirs, $app, $noexec)=@_;
    if ($app =~ /^\//)
        return $app if ((-x $app or $noexec) and -f $app);
    elsif ($app =~ /\//)
        require Cwd;
        my $path=Cwd::cwd() . "/$app";
        return $path if ((-x $path or $noexec) and -f $path);
        foreach my $dir (split /:/, $dirs)
            return "$dir/$app" if ($dir ne "" and (-x "$dir/$app" or $noexec) and -f "$dir/$app");
    return undef;

# Fast dirname() implementation
sub _cxdirname($)
    my ($path)=@_;
    return undef if (!defined $path);
    return "." if ($path !~ s!/+[^/]+/*$!!s);
    return "/" if ($path eq "");
    return $path;

# Locate where CrossOver is installed by looking for the directory
# where the cxmenu script is located, unwinding symlinks on the way
sub locate_cx_root(;$)
    my ($fallback)=@_;
    my $argv0=cxwhich($ENV{PATH},$0);
    $argv0=$0 if (!defined $argv0);
    if ($argv0 !~ m+^/+)
        require Cwd;
        $argv0=Cwd::cwd() . "/$argv0";
    my $dir=_cxdirname($argv0);
    my $bindir=$dir;
    $bindir =~ s%/lib$%/bin%;
    while (!-x "$bindir/cxmenu" or !-f "$bindir/cxmenu")
        last if (!-l $argv0);
        $argv0="$dir/$argv0" if ($argv0 !~ m+^/+);
        $bindir =~ s%/lib$%/bin%;
    $bindir =~ s%/(?:\./)+%/%g;
    $bindir =~ s%/\.$%%;
    if ((!-x "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxmenu" or !-f "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxmenu") and
    if (!-x "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxmenu" or !-f "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxmenu")
        my $name0=$0;
        $name0 =~ s+^.*/++;
        print STDERR "$name0:error: could not find CrossOver in '$ENV{CX_ROOT}'\n";
        exit 1;
    return $ENV{CX_ROOT};

    unshift @INC, locate_cx_root() . "/lib/perl";
use CXLog;
use CXUtils;

my $builtin_product_id=CXUtils::get_builtin_product_id();

# Configuration file creation / upgrade

sub detect_shortcutdirs($)
    my ($section)=@_;
    my $dirs=$section->get("ManagedShortcutDirs");
    if (!defined $dirs and $> == 0)
        my @list;
        push @list, "/usr/bin" if (-d "/usr/bin" and -w "/usr/bin");
        push @list, "\${CX_ROOT}/bin";
        $section->set("ManagedShortcutDirs", join(":", @list)) if (@list);

    if (!defined $dirs)
        my @list;
        push @list, "\${HOME}/bin";
        push @list, "\${CX_ROOT}/bin" if ($> != 0);
        $section->set("PrivateShortcutDirs", join(":", @list)) if (@list);

sub detect_plugindirs($)
    my ($section)=@_;

    # 64 bit systems tend to have a mix of 32bit and 64bit browsers
    # all using the same plugin directories. So in this case simply
    # replicate the directory settings
    my $setup_plugins64=(`uname -m` =~ /64/);
    my $platform="Linux";

    # Detect the plugin directories
    my $dirs=$section->get("Managed${platform}NSPluginDirs");
    my $dirs64=($setup_plugins64 ? $section->get("Managed${platform}64NSPluginDirs") : "");
    if ((!defined $dirs or !defined $dirs64) and $> == 0)
        # These directories may contain either 32bit or 64bit plugins
        my @list;
        foreach my $known_dir ("opt/mozilla*/plugins",
            foreach my $dir (CXUtils::cxglob("", $known_dir))
                push @list, $dir if (-d $dir and -w _);

        # The older Mozillas use NS600_PLUGIN_PATH
        if (defined $ENV{NS600_PLUGIN_PATH})
            push @list, "\${NS600_PLUGIN_PATH}";

        # The newer Mozillas use MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH
        if (defined $ENV{MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH})
            push @list, "\${MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH}";

        # These directories only contain 64bit plugins
        my @list64=@list;
        foreach my $known_dir ("usr/lib64/firefox*/plugins",
            foreach my $dir (CXUtils::cxglob("", $known_dir))
                push @list64, $dir if (-d $dir and -w _);

        if (@list and !defined $dirs)
            $section->set("Managed${platform}NSPluginDirs", join(":", @list));
        if (@list64 and !defined $dirs64)
            $section->set("Managed${platform}64NSPluginDirs", join(":", @list64));
    $dirs64=($setup_plugins64 ? $section->get("Private${platform}64NSPluginDirs") : "");
    if (!defined $dirs or !defined $dirs64)
        my @list;
        my %create;
        foreach my $entry (split /:+/, $section->get("CreateNSPluginDirs", ""))
        # The older Mozillas use NS600_PLUGIN_PATH
        if (defined $ENV{NS600_PLUGIN_PATH})
            push @list, "\${NS600_PLUGIN_PATH}";
        # The newer Mozillas use MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH
        if (defined $ENV{MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH})
            push @list, "\${MOZ_PLUGIN_PATH}";
        if (!@list)
            # And the current versions of Mozilla use this directory
            # by default
            push @list, "\${HOME}/.mozilla/plugins";

            # Also add ~/.netscape/plugins because this is the only place
            # many browsers (e.g. Konqueror) look at for per-user plugins
            push @list, "\${HOME}/.netscape/plugins";
        if (@list)
            my $pdirs=join(":", @list);
            if (!defined $dirs)
                $section->set("Private${platform}NSPluginDirs", $pdirs);
            if (!defined $dirs64)
                $section->set("Private${platform}64NSPluginDirs", $pdirs);
        $section->set("CreateNSPluginDirs", join(":", sort keys %create)) if (%create);

sub create_crossover_config($$$)
    my ($filename, $package, $productid)=@_;

    my $template="$ENV{CX_ROOT}/share/crossover/data/$builtin_product_id.conf";
    if (!-e $template)
        cxerr("unable to find '$template'\n");
        exit 1;
    require CXRWConfig;
    my $cxconfig=CXRWConfig->new($template);

    my $s=$cxconfig->get_section("CrossOver");
    return if (!$s);


    my $libpath=$cxconfig->get("Wine", "LibPath");
    if (!$libpath and `uname -s` eq "SunOS\n" and -d "/usr/X11/lib")
        $cxconfig->set("Wine", "LibPath", "\${CX_ROOT}/lib:/usr/X11/lib:\${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}");
        my $dllpath=$cxconfig->get("Wine", "DllPath");
        $cxconfig->set("Wine", "DllPath", "\${CX_ROOT}/lib/wine") if (!$dllpath);
    $s->set("ProductPackage", $package) if ($package);

    if (!$cxconfig->save())
        cxwarn("unable to save '$filename': $!\n");

sub upgrade_crossover_config($$$$)
    my ($filename, $package, $productid, $opt_old_version)=@_;

    require CXUpgrade;
    cxlog("\nUpgrading '$filename'\n\n");
    my $src=CXUpgrade->new($filename);
    if (!$src)
        cxlog("unable to read '$filename': $!\n");
    my $s=$src->get_section("CrossOver");
    my $old_version;
    $old_version=$s->get("ProductVersion") if (defined $s);
    $old_version=$opt_old_version || "1.3.1" if (!defined $old_version);
    cxlog("Old Version=$old_version\n");

    my $template="$ENV{CX_ROOT}/share/crossover/data/$builtin_product_id.conf";
    my $dst=CXUpgrade->new($template);
    if (!defined $dst)
        cxerr("unable to read '$template': $!\n");
        return $old_version;

    # Tweak the configuration values
    my $bottle=$src->add_section("BottleDefaults");
    if (defined $s)
        # We never keep these settings from the old file

        # ConfigFileVersion has been removed

        if ($old_version lt "05.0")

            my $plugindirs=$s->get("LinuxNSPluginDirs");
            if ($plugindirs)
                my $scope=($> == 0 ? "Managed" : "Private");
                $s->set("${scope}LinuxNSPluginDirs", $plugindirs);

        # LinuxBrowser -> PreferredBrowser
        my $value=$s->get("LinuxBrowser");
        if (defined $value)

        # Update MIMEIgnoreList
        my $d=$s->get("MIMEIgnoreList", "");
        if ($d =~ m!^text/html(?::text/plain:application/x-crossover-doc)?$!)
    $s->set("ProductPackage", $package) if ($package);

    # [BottleDefaults] / MyDocumentsDir has been removed

    if (defined $s)
        my $d;
        $d=$s->get("application/msexcel", "");
        $s->remove_field("application/msexcel") if ($d eq "application/vnd.ms-excel");

        $d=$s->get("application/mspowerpoint", "");
        $s->remove_field("application/mspowerpoint") if ($d eq "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint");

        $d=$s->get("video/x-ms-asf", "");
        $s->remove_field("video/x-ms-asf") if ($d eq "video/x-ms-wmv");

    if (defined $s)
        # UrlOnlineUpdate does not exist anymore

        # MIMEIgnoreList moved to [CrossOver]
        my $field=$s->get_field("MIMEIgnoreList");
        my $d=$src->get_section("CrossOver");
        if (defined $field and defined $d)

        # MyDocsDir, HttpProxyHost and HttpProxyPort don't exist anymore

        # OutlookSecurity & BlockedExtensions moved to [BottleDefaults]
        if (defined $field)
        if (defined $field)

    if (defined $s)
        # MainPath, WinePrefix, RootMode & SkipDebianMenus do not exist anymore

        # WinePrefixCreate moved to cxbottle.conf

        # LDAssumeKernel and WineDebugLevel have been removed

        # Update the LDPreload field
        my $value=$s->get("LDPreload");
        if (defined $value)
            # LDPreload="" is now what ';LDPreload' does
            $s->remove_field("LDPreload") if ($value eq "");
        elsif (defined $s->get_field("LDPreload"))
            # ';LDPreload' now should be written as follows

        # MenuPrefix moved to [BottleDefaults] and cxbottle.conf
        $bottle->set("MenuRoot",$value) if (defined $value);

        # And finally, rename this section to [Wine]
        $src->rename_section($s, "Wine");

    my $blocked=$bottle->get("BlockedExtensions", "");
    if (# versions <= 3.0.0
        $blocked eq "bat;com;exe;hta;lnk;pif;scr;vbe;vbs;wsf;wsh" or
        # versions < 2.0.0
        $blocked eq "vbs;wsf;vbe;wsh;hta;bat;pif;exe;scr;lnk")

    # Do the final merge and write the new configuration file

    return $old_version;

# Main

# Parse the command line arguments
my $opt_package;
my $opt_productid;
my $opt_old_version;
my $opt_install_bottles;
my $opt_verbose;
my $opt_help;
require CXOpts;
my $cxopts=CXOpts->new();
$cxopts->add_options(["package=s"       => \$opt_package,
                      "productid=s"     => \$opt_productid,
                      "old-version=s"   => \$opt_old_version,
                      "install-bottles" => \$opt_install_bottles,
                      "verbose!"        => \$opt_verbose,
                      "?|h|help"        => \$opt_help
my $err=$cxopts->parse();
CXLog::fdopen(2) if ($opt_verbose);

# Verify command line options
my $usage;
if ($err)
elsif ($opt_help)
    if (!$opt_productid)
        cxerr("you must specify the product id\n");
    $opt_old_version="" if (!defined $opt_old_version);

# Print usage
if (defined $usage)
    my $name0=cxname0();
    if ($usage)
        cxerr("try '$name0 --help' for more information\n");
        exit $usage;
    print "Usage: $name0 --productid productid [--old-version oldversion] [--install-bottles] [--verbose]\n";
    exit 0;

# Create or upgrade the CrossOver configuration
require CXBottle;
my $filename="$ENV{CX_ROOT}/etc/$opt_productid.conf";
if (!-f $filename)
    create_crossover_config($filename, $opt_package, $opt_productid);
    $opt_old_version=upgrade_crossover_config($filename, $opt_package, $opt_productid, $opt_old_version);

# Upgrade / install the CrossOver menus and associations
my $uassoc="";
my $umenu="";
if ($opt_old_version ne "")
    # For upgrades by default we at least do a removeall to make sure we get
    # rid of obsolete menus and associations before installing the new ones.
    if ($opt_old_version lt "05.0")
        if ($opt_productid eq $builtin_product_id)
            # Delete the legacy menus, associations and plugins
            my @scopes=("private");
            push @scopes, "managed" if ($> == 0);
            foreach my $scope (@scopes)
                cxsystem("$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxmenu", "--removeall",
                         "--pattern", "legacy", "--scope", $scope,
                         "--ignorelist", "");
                cxsystem("$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxassoc", "--removeall",
                         "--pattern", "legacy", "--scope", $scope,
                         "--ignorelist", "");
                cxsystem("$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxnsplugin", "--removeall",
                         "--pattern", "legacy", "--scope", $scope);
        # - The above commands also deleted the legacy menus, associations and
        #   plugins of existing bottles. This makes it almost impossible to
        #   use them. So trigger an upgrade of the bottles (letting the wine
        #   script do all the work) which will re-install them too.
        # - Also, always try to trigger an upgrade of the (presumably) managed
        #   bottles as they are mostly used by non-root users and those users
        #   cannot upgrade them.
    if ($opt_old_version le "10.0.1")

my @cmd;
@cmd=("$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxassoc", "--crossover");
if ($uassoc eq "nukeall")
    # This action must be used when locate_gui.sh's arbitration
    # between association systems changes. Otherwise we risk not
    # removing associations for systems that were used but are now
    # in desktop_assoc_ignore_list. This task must be performed as
    # a separate step because of the --ignorelist parameter.
    cxsystem(@cmd, "--removeall", "--ignorelist", "");
push @cmd, "--removeall" if ($uassoc eq "removeall");
cxsystem(@cmd, "--install");

@cmd=("$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxmenu", "--crossover");
if ($umenu eq "nukeall")
    # See the comments for the associations nukeall action.
    cxsystem(@cmd, "--removeall", "--ignorelist", "");
push @cmd, "--removeall" if ($umenu eq "removeall");
cxsystem(@cmd, "--install");

# Call get_crossover_config() to get CX_(MANAGED_)BOTTLE_PATH.
foreach my $scope ("managed", "private")
    my $path=($scope eq "private" ? $ENV{CX_BOTTLE_PATH} : $ENV{CX_MANAGED_BOTTLE_PATH});
    foreach my $dir (split /:+/, $path)
        next if ($dir eq "");

        my $dh;
        next if (!opendir($dh, $dir));
        foreach my $dentry (readdir $dh)
            next if ($dentry =~ /^(?:\.\.?|default)$/);

            # Note that bottles may not have a cxbottle.conf file yet
            next if (!-f "$dir/$dentry/system.reg");

            if ($opt_install_bottles)
                # Check whether the bottle is meant to be installed
                require CXConfig;
                my $cxbottle=CXConfig->new("$dir/$dentry/cxbottle.conf");
                if (CXBottle::get_bottle_mode($cxbottle, $scope) eq "stub")
                    # Stub bottles are not installed (ever) and don't need to
                    # be upgraded. So skip them.
                    cxlog("not reinstalling '$dir/$dentry' because it is a stub\n");

                my $installed;
                # Since cxbottle.conf has not be upgraded yet, use 'install'
                # as the default if the 'XxxMode' setting is missing
                if ($cxbottle->get("Bottle", "MenuMode", "install") =~ /^install$/i)
                             "--bottle", $dentry, "--scope", $scope,
                if ($cxbottle->get("Bottle", "AssocMode", "install") =~ /^install$/i)
                             "--bottle", $dentry, "--scope", $scope,
                if ($cxbottle->get("Bottle", "NSPluginMode", "install") =~ /^install$/i)
                             "--bottle", $dentry, "--scope", $scope,
                if (!$installed and $scope eq "managed")
                    # Even if they are not installed, upgrade the managed
                    # bottles as not doing so could require upgrading the RPM
                    # bottle package too
                             "--bottle", $dentry, "--scope", $scope,
                             "--ux-app", "true");
            elsif ($scope eq "managed")
                # Upgrade the managed bottles as not doing so
                # could require upgrading the RPM bottle package too
                         "--bottle", $dentry, "--scope", $scope,
                         "--ux-app", "true");

exit 0;