# (c) Copyright 2005-2006, 2010, 2014. CodeWeavers, Inc.
package CXAssoc;
use warnings;
use strict;
use CXLog;
use CXUtils;
# Locating / computing the icon and description
sub get_icon_dir()
return "$ENV{WINEPREFIX}/windata/Associations" if (defined $ENV{WINEPREFIX});
return undef;
sub get_icon($)
my ($icon)=@_;
return undef if (($icon || "") eq "");
return $icon if ($icon =~ m%^/%);
my $icon_dir=get_icon_dir();
return undef if (!defined $icon_dir);
return "$icon_dir/$icon";
# Compute the 'best' icon and description for a MIME type or a 'MAssoc' object
# based on the corresponding cxassoc.conf entries (EAssocs). Best here is
# defined as:
# - 'Default' EAssocs have a higher precedence than 'Alternative' EAssocs
# which are themselves ahead of 'Mime' EAssocs.
# 'Ignore' EAssocs are ignored altogether.
# - EAssocs corresponding to the default application for an extension are
# given a higher precedence than other EAssocs.
# - EAssocs are then sorted by extension and by application name.
sub setup_from_best_eassoc($)
my ($object)=@_;
return if (exists $object->{icon});
my %mode_to_score=(
default => 0,
alternative => 1,
mime => 2
my ($best_sortkey, $best_icon, $best_description, $best_infotip, $best_appname, $best_ext, $best_localize);
$best_sortkey="9"; # An impossibly bad value
foreach my $eassoc (values %{$object->{eassocs}})
next if ($eassoc->{mode} eq "ignore");
my $current_sortkey=join(":",
($eassoc->{id} =~ m%/% ? "2" : "1"),
if ($current_sortkey lt $best_sortkey)
# Always override the icon, even if undef, to avoid a mismatch
# between the icon and the description/infotip/appname
$object->{icon}=$best_icon || CXUtils::get_std_icon("crossover");
$object->{description}=$best_description || "";
$object->{infotip}=$best_infotip || "";
$object->{appname}=$best_appname || "";
my $std_verb_names={
"" => "&Open",
"edit" => "&Edit",
"install" => "&Install", # for the CrossOver associations
"open" => "&Open",
"opennew" => "&Open",
"play" => "&Play",
"preview" => "Pre&view",
"print" => "&Print",
"restore" => "&Restore", # for the CrossOver associations
"run" => "&Run", # for the CrossOver associations
sub std_verb_names()
return $std_verb_names;
sub compute_verb_name($)
my ($massoc)=@_;
return if (exists $massoc->{verbname});
my ($verbname, $stdverbname);
foreach my $eassoc (values %{$massoc->{eassocs}})
next if ($eassoc->{mode} =~ /^(ignore|mime)$/);
if (!defined $verbname)
cxlog(" first name=$verbname\n");
elsif ($verbname ne $eassoc->{verbname})
cxlog(" mismatch=$eassoc->{verbname}\n");
# Removes the ampersands that denote accelerator keys. Note that while
# (normally) only the first one denotes an accelerator key, they all need to
# be removed unless doubled.
sub remove_accelerators($)
my ($string)=@_;
$string =~ s/&(.)/$1/g;
return $string;
# Common MIME handling routines for subclasses
sub init_mime_handler($$)
my ($self, $cxoptions)=@_;
$self->{tag} = $cxoptions->{tag};
$self->{winexts} = $cxoptions->{winexts};
$self->{winmimes} = $cxoptions->{winmimes},
$self->{mimealiases} = $cxoptions->{mimealiases};
$self->{mimeignorelist} = $cxoptions->{mimeignorelist};
$self->{massocs} = $cxoptions->{massocs};
sub mdb_add_mime($$$)
my ($self, $mimetype, $exts)=@_;
cxlog("adding $mimetype [", ($exts?join(",", @$exts):"<undef>"), "]\n");
my $mdb_mime=$self->{mdb_mimes}->{$mimetype};
if (!$mdb_mime)
mime => $mimetype,
exts => {},
ext_list => []
foreach my $ext (@$exts)
next if ($mdb_mime->{exts}->{$ext});
push @{$mdb_mime->{ext_list}}, $ext;
my $mdb_ext=$self->{mdb_exts}->{$ext};
if (!$mdb_ext)
sub mdb_has_mime($$)
my ($self, $mimetype)=@_;
return exists $self->{mdb_mimes}->{$mimetype};
sub mdb_get_mimes_from_ext($$)
my ($self, $ext)=@_;
my $mdb_ext=$self->{mdb_exts}->{$ext};
return () if (!$mdb_ext);
return keys %$mdb_ext;
sub ignore_mime_alias($$$$)
my ($self, $massoc, $adata, $unix_mt)=@_;
return 0 if ($adata->{action} eq "uninstall");
return 1 if ($self->{mimeignorelist}->{$unix_mt});
# Two massocs may map to the same MIME type. If that happens,
# associate only once to avoid having duplicate 'Open with...'
# entries.
my $mangled=mangle_string($unix_mt);
my $massocid=$massoc->{id};
$massocid =~ s/^[^:]+/$mangled/;
my $am=$self->{massocs}->{$massocid};
return 1 if ($am and $am->{mode} =~ /^(default|alternative)$/);
# If we have this on Windows:
# video/x-ms-asf: asx
# audio/x-ms-wax: wax
# But the following on Unix:
# audio/x-ms-asx: asx wax
# So which massoc do we set as the audio/x-ms-asx default?
# The asx one or the wax one?
# To solve this conflict we take the first Windows
# extension of the x-ms-asx MIME type (asx) and only use x-ms-asx
# for the MIME type of that extension (x-ms-asf).
foreach my $unix_ext (@{$self->{mdb_mimes}->{$unix_mt}->{ext_list}})
$unix_ext =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
my $win_mime=$self->{winexts}->{$unix_ext};
next if (!$win_mime);
my $rc=($win_mime->{mimetype} eq $massoc->{mime}->{mimetype} ? 0 : 1);
cxlog(" $unix_mt -> $unix_ext -> $win_mime->{mimetype} -> ", ($rc ? "ignored" : "added"), "\n");
return $rc;
# If we have this on Windows:
# application/x-mspowerpoint: ppt
# application/vnd.ms-powerpoint: pot
# And that application/mspowerpoint is an alias of these, then which
# massoc gets to be the default for application/mspowerpoint?
# The rule is that the first Windows MIME type in the sorted alias list
# gets all the aliases.
foreach my $alias (@{$self->{mimealiases}->{$unix_mt}})
$massocid =~ s/^[^:]+/$mangled/;
my $am=$self->{massocs}->{$massocid};
if ($am and $am->{mode} =~ /^(default|alternative)$/)
my $rc=($alias eq $massoc->{mime}->{mimetype} ? 0 : 1);
cxlog(" $unix_mt -> $alias -> alias ", ($rc ? "ignored" : "added"), "\n");
return $rc;
return 0;
sub get_mimes($$$$)
my ($self, $massoc, $adata, $mode)=@_;
my $win_mt=$massoc->{mime}->{mimetype};
cxlog(" mode: $win_mt | $adata->{action} | $mode\n");
my $all_mimes;
foreach my $win_ext (keys %{$adata->{$mode}})
my $found_mime;
foreach my $unix_mt ($self->mdb_get_mimes_from_ext($win_ext))
# Whatever happens below, we found a Unix MIME type for this
# extension, so don't create a CrossOver pseudo MIME type
if (!$self->ignore_mime_alias($massoc, $adata, $unix_mt))
if (!$found_mime and !$self->{directmimes})
my $mimetype="application/x-crossover-$win_ext";
$mimetype =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
if (!$self->{mimeignorelist}->{$mimetype})
if (CXLog::is_on())
cxlog(" all exts: ", join(" ", sort keys %{$adata->{$mode}}), "\n");
cxlog(" missing exts: ", join(" ", sort keys %{$adata->{missing}}), "\n") if (!$self->{directmimes});
cxlog(" extension mimes: ", join(" ", sort keys %$all_mimes), "\n");
foreach my $mimetype (keys %{$massoc->{extramimes}})
next if ($self->{mimeignorelist}->{$mimetype});
foreach my $mimetype (keys %$all_mimes)
my $aliases=$self->{mimealiases}->{$mimetype};
foreach my $alias (@$aliases)
if (!$all_mimes->{$alias} and
!$self->ignore_mime_alias($massoc, $adata, $alias))
if (CXLog::is_on())
cxlog(" after aliasing: ", join(" ", sort keys %$all_mimes), "\n");
return $all_mimes;
sub collect_unix_extensions($$)
my ($self, $massoc)=@_;
my %done;
foreach my $eassoc (values %{$massoc->{eassocs}})
next if ($eassoc->{mode} eq "ignore");
my @exts=($eassoc->{ext});
if ($self->{case_sensitive})
# Extensions are case-sensitive so we double each of them
my $ext=$eassoc->{ext};
$ext =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
push @exts, $ext;
foreach my $win_ext (@exts)
my $mdb_ext=$self->{mdb_exts}->{$win_ext};
next if (!$mdb_ext);
foreach my $mdb_mime (values %{$mdb_ext})
next if ($done{$mdb_mime});
next if ($self->{mimeignorelist}->{$mdb_mime->{mime}});
map { $massoc->{all_exts}->{$_}=1 } @{$mdb_mime->{ext_list}};
return 1;
# Core association creation engine
sub compare_sets($$)
my ($list, $ref_set)=@_;
my %list_set;
foreach my $item (@$list)
return 1 if (!$ref_set->{$item});
foreach my $item (keys %$ref_set)
return -1 if (!$list_set{$item});
return 0;
sub action($$$$)
my ($self, $mimes, $massoc, $action)=@_;
# Build the list of relevant extensions
my $adata={ action => $action };
my $rc=$adata->{action} eq "getfiles" ? [] : 1;
foreach my $eassoc (values %{$massoc->{eassocs}})
# FIXME: This is wrong. It breaks --query if the install mode is
# 'ignore'.
next if ($adata->{action} ne "uninstall" and $eassoc->{mode} eq "ignore");
my @exts=($eassoc->{ext});
if ($self->{case_sensitive})
# Extensions are case-sensitive so we double each of them
my $ext=$eassoc->{ext};
$ext =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
push @exts, $ext;
if ($eassoc->{mode} eq "default")
map { $adata->{default}->{$_}=1 } @exts;
map { $adata->{alt}->{$_}=1 } @exts;
map { $adata->{mime}->{$_}=1 } @exts;
elsif ($eassoc->{mode} eq "alternative")
map { $adata->{alt}->{$_}=1 } @exts;
map { $adata->{mime}->{$_}=1 } @exts;
map { $adata->{mime}->{$_}=1 } @exts;
# Roundup related MIME types and find out which of our extensions
# are not in the standard set
$adata->{all_mimes}=$mimes->get_mimes($massoc, $adata, "mime");
# Perform {action} on the CrossOver-specific 'Extension MIME types'
my ($q_found_mime, $q_missing_mime);
my %ext_done;
foreach my $ext (keys %{$adata->{missing}})
# For case-sensitive association systems $ext may be uppercase or
# lowercase. So convert it to lowercase so we start from a known
# state and do this only once
my $lower=$ext;
$lower =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
next if ($ext_done{$lower});
my $emimetype="application/x-crossover-$lower";
if ($adata->{action} eq "uninstall")
$rc&=$mimes->untag_mime($self->{domain}, $massoc, $emimetype);
my $extensions;
if ($self->{case_sensitive})
push @$extensions, $lower if ($adata->{missing}->{$lower});
my $upper=$ext;
$upper =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
push @$extensions, $upper if ($adata->{missing}->{$upper});
push @$extensions, $lower;
my $emime=$massoc->{eassocs}->{$lower}->{emime};
if ($adata->{action} eq "install")
$rc&=$mimes->create_mime($self->{domain}, $massoc, $emime, $emimetype, $extensions);
elsif ($adata->{action} eq "query")
if ($mimes->query_mime($self->{domain}, $massoc, $emimetype, $extensions))
else #$adata->{action} eq "getfiles"
push @$rc, @{$mimes->get_mime_files($self->{domain}, $massoc, $emimetype, $extensions)};
# Perform {action} on all involved 'real' MIME types
foreach my $mimetype (keys %{$adata->{all_mimes}})
if ($adata->{action} eq "uninstall")
$rc&=$mimes->untag_mime($self->{domain}, $massoc, $mimetype);
my $extensions=[];
my $mdb_mime=$mimes->{mdb_mimes}->{$mimetype};
if ($self->{directmimes})
if ($massoc->{mime}->{mimetype} eq $mimetype)
push @$extensions, keys %{$massoc->{mime}->{exts}};
elsif ($mdb_mime)
elsif ($mdb_mime)
if ($adata->{action} eq "query")
if ($adata->{action} eq "install")
$rc&=$mimes->create_mime($self->{domain}, $massoc, $massoc->{mime}, $mimetype, $extensions);
elsif ($adata->{action} eq "query")
if ($mimes->query_mime($self->{domain}, $massoc, $mimetype, $extensions))
else # $adata->{action} eq "getfiles"
push @$rc, @{$mimes->get_mime_files($self->{domain}, $massoc, $mimetype, $extensions)};
if ($adata->{action} eq "query")
if (!$self->{directmimes} and !%{$adata->{missing}} and
($self->{mimeignorelist}->{$massoc->{mime}->{mimetype}} or
# We did not have to create any MIME type so the 'ignore'
# and 'mime' states are indistinguishable. So return
# whatever corresponds best to the install mode.
$rc=($massoc->{mode} eq "ignore" ? "ignore" : "mime");
cxlog("setting status = install mode = $rc\n");
return "ignore" if (!$q_found_mime);
return "partial" if ($q_missing_mime);
return $rc if (!$self->{do_assoc});
# If the install mode is 'mime' then switch action to
# 'uninstall' so we delete the association if any
if ($adata->{action} eq "install" and $massoc->{mode} eq "mime")
# Compute the broadest list of MIME types from which we may have to
# remove this association
$adata->{all_mimes}=$mimes->get_mimes($massoc, $adata, "mime");
# Perform {action} on the association
if ($adata->{action} eq "uninstall")
$rc&=$self->delete_association($massoc, $adata);
if ($adata->{has_mimeonly})
# Rebuild the MIME type list taking into account only the
# 'alternative' and higher eassocs
$adata->{all_mimes}=$mimes->get_mimes($massoc, $adata, "alt");
# Also build a MIME type list taking into account only the
# 'default' eassocs. Note that this is needed now by association
# systems that support the 'default' install mode but not the
# 'alternative' one (CXAssocDebian for instance)
$adata->{default_mimes}=$mimes->get_mimes($massoc, $adata, "default");
if ($adata->{action} eq "install")
$rc&=$self->create_association($massoc, $adata, $adata->{alternative});
elsif ($adata->{action} eq "query")
$rc=$self->query_association($massoc, $adata, $rc);
return $rc if ($rc !~ /^(default|alternative)$/);
else # $adata->{action} eq "getfiles"
push @$rc, @{$self->get_association_files($massoc, $adata, $rc)};
return $rc if (!$self->{do_default});
# If the install mode is not 'default' then switch {action} to
# 'uninstall' so we delete the default settings if any
if ($adata->{action} eq "install" and $massoc->{mode} ne "default")
# Compute the broadest list of MIME types from which we may have to
# remove this association
$adata->{all_mimes}=$mimes->get_mimes($massoc, $adata, "mime");
# And update the defaults
if ($adata->{action} eq "uninstall")
if ($adata->{action} eq "install")
$rc&=$self->create_default($massoc, $adata);
elsif ($adata->{action} eq "query")
$rc=$self->query_default($massoc, $adata, $rc);
else # $adata->{action} eq "getfiles"
push @$rc, @{$self->get_default_files($massoc, $adata, $rc)};
return $rc;
return 1;