# (c) Copyright 2006, 2008, 2010, 2014. CodeWeavers, Inc.
package CXAssocCDE;
use warnings;
use strict;
use CXLog;
use CXUtils;
use CXCDE;
use CXAssoc;
use base "CXAssoc";
# MIME database helper functions
sub read_mime_db($)
my ($self)=@_;
return if ($self->{read_mime_db});
my @dirs=($self->{dtdir});
push @dirs, $self->{global_dtdir} if ($self->{global_dtdir} ne $self->{dtdir});
my $gdir="/usr/dt/appconfig/types/C";
push @dirs, $gdir if ($self->{global_dtdir} ne $gdir);
foreach my $dir (@dirs)
cxlog("dir $dir\n");
my $dh;
if (!opendir($dh, $dir))
cxlog("unable to open the '$dir' directory: $!\n");
foreach my $dentry (readdir $dh)
# Ignore CrossOver's MIME types
next if ($dentry =~ /^(?:cxassoc|cxmenu)-/);
# Ignore anything which is not a .dt CDE file
next if ($dentry !~ /\.dt$/);
next if (!-f $dentry);
# Now we're left with the platform's native MIME types
cxlog("Reading '$dentry'\n");
my $dtfile=CXCDE->new($dentry);
next if (!$dtfile);
foreach my $criteria (values %{$dtfile->{criteria}})
my $mode=$criteria->{MODE} || "";
if ($mode !~ /(^|&)r?fr?(&|$)/)
# This is not about files
my $attr_name=$criteria->{DATA_ATTRIBUTES_NAME};
if (!defined $attr_name)
# No data attributes -> no MIME type
my $attributes=$dtfile->{attributes}->{$attr_name};
next if (!$attributes);
my $mimetype=$attributes->{MIME_TYPE};
next if (!defined $mimetype);
my @exts;
my $patterns=$criteria->{NAME_PATTERN} || "";
foreach my $pattern (split /\|+/, $patterns)
next if ($pattern !~ s/^\*\.//);
next if ($pattern =~ /[.*\\!]/);
if ($pattern !~ /\[/)
push @exts, $pattern;
elsif ($pattern =~ /^(?:[^[a-zA-Z]|\[[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]\])+$/)
my $recheck=$pattern;
$recheck =~ s/\[(.).\]/\\[(?:\L$1\E\U$1\E\|\U$1\E\L$1\E)\\]/g;
next if ($pattern !~ /^$recheck$/);
# Ok, this is just a case-insensitive extension
$pattern =~ s/\[(.).\]/\L$1\E/g;
push @exts, $pattern;
# Merge the extension lists of all MIME files together
$self->mdb_add_mime($mimetype, \@exts);
sub read_dt_file($)
my ($self)=@_;
if (!$self->{dtfile})
return ($self->{dtfile} ? 1 : 0);
# MIME type creation and deletion
sub create_mime($$$$$$)
my ($self, $domain, $massoc, $mime, $mimetype, $extensions)=@_;
return 0 if (!$self->read_dt_file());
my $attr_name=mangle_string($mimetype);
if (!$self->{created}->{$mimetype})
cxlog("Creating '$mimetype'\n");
# First the DATA_ATTRIBUTES section
my $description=$mime->{description} || $mimetype;
$description.=" (" . $self->id() . ")" if ($ENV{CX_TAGALL});
# And recreate it from scratch to ensure it is up to date
my $old_attr=$self->{dtfile}->{attributes}->{$attr_name} || {};
my $attr={MIME_TYPE => $mimetype,
TYPE_LABEL => $mime->{description} || $mimetype,
ICON => $mime->{icon}
$attr->{NAME_TEMPLATE}="\%s.$mime->{ext}" if (defined $mime->{ext});
$attr->{DESCRIPTION}=$mime->{infotip} if ($mime->{infotip} ne "");
$attr->{IS_TEXT}="true" if ($mimetype =~ m!^text/!);
$attr->{ACTIONS}=$old_attr->{ACTIONS} if (defined $old_attr->{ACTIONS});
# Then (re)create one DATA_CRITERIA section per extension
foreach my $ext (@$extensions)
my $pattern="*.$ext";
$pattern =~ s/([a-z])/[$1\U$1\E]/g;
my $crit={DATA_ATTRIBUTES_NAME => $attr_name,
MODE => "f",
NAME_PATTERN => $pattern
return 1;
sub query_mime($$$$$)
my ($self, $domain, $massoc, $mimetype, $extensions)=@_;
return 0 if (!$self->read_dt_file());
# Check the DATA_ATTRIBUTES section matches
my $attr_name=mangle_string($mimetype);
my $attr=$self->{dtfile}->{attributes}->{$attr_name};
if (!$attr)
cxlog("no $attr_name attributes section\n");
return 0;
if ($mimetype ne ($attr->{MIME_TYPE} || ""))
cxlog("wrong mime type\n");
return 0;
# And check that we have a valid DATA_CRITERIA section for each extension
foreach my $ext (@$extensions)
my $criteria=$self->{dtfile}->{criteria}->{"$attr_name/$ext"};
if (!$criteria)
cxlog("no $attr_name/$ext criteria\n");
return 0;
if (defined $criteria->{CONTENT} or defined $criteria->{PATH_PATTERN})
cxlog("unexpected CONTENT or PATH_PATTERN field for $ext\n");
return 0;
if (($criteria->{DATA_ATTRIBUTES_NAME} || "") ne $attr_name)
cxlog("wrong DATA_ATTRIBUTES_NAME for $ext\n");
return 0;
if (($criteria->{MODE} || "") ne "f")
cxlog("wrong mode for $ext\n");
return 0;
my $pattern=$ext;
$pattern =~ s!([a-zA-Z])!\\[(?:\L$1\E\U$1\E|\U$1\E\L$1\E)\\]!g;
if (($criteria->{NAME_PATTERN} || "") !~ /^\*\.$pattern$/)
cxlog("wrong pattern for $ext\n");
return 0;
return 1;
sub get_mime_files($$$$$)
my ($self, $domain, $massoc, $mimetype, $extensions)=@_;
return -f $self->{dtfilename} ? [$self->{dtfilename}] : [];
sub untag_mime($$$$)
my ($self, $domain, $massoc, $mimetype)=@_;
return 0 if (!$self->read_dt_file());
my $attr_name=mangle_string($mimetype);
my $created_by=$self->{dtfile}->{created_by}->{$attr_name};
if ($created_by and $created_by->{$massoc->{id}})
delete $created_by->{$massoc->{id}};
my $attr=$self->{dtfile}->{attributes}->{$attr_name};
return 1 if (!$attr);
if (%{$self->{dtfile}->{created_by}->{$attr_name}})
cxlog("Untagging $attr_name\n");
my $action_name="cxassoc-$self->{tag}/$massoc->{id}/$attr_name";
# If the action has already been deleted, then delete_association()
# won't update the ACTIONS list. So do it ourselves.
my $actions=$attr->{ACTIONS} || "";
if ($actions ne "")
my @alist=grep !/^$action_name$/, split /,+/, $actions;
if (@alist)
$attr->{ACTIONS}=join(",", @alist);
$self->{modified}=1 if ($attr->{ACTIONS} ne $actions);
delete $attr->{ACTIONS};
# No one is using this MIME type anymore
cxlog("Deleting DATA_ATTRIBUTES $attr_name\n");
delete $self->{dtfile}->{created_by}->{$attr_name};
delete $self->{dtfile}->{attributes}->{$attr_name};
foreach my $criteria_name (keys %{$self->{dtfile}->{criteria}})
if ($criteria_name =~ m!^$attr_name/!)
delete $self->{dtfile}->{criteria}->{$criteria_name};
return 1;
# Association desktop file helper functions
sub create_association($$$$)
my ($self, $massoc, $adata, $extensions)=@_;
return 0 if (!$self->read_dt_file());
my $name;
# Ampersands are not supported
if ($massoc->{appid} ne "")
$name=join("", $massoc->{appname}, " (",
CXAssoc::remove_accelerators($massoc->{verbname}), ")");
elsif ($massoc->{verbname} ne "")
$name="$name (" . $self->id() . ")" if ($ENV{CX_TAGALL});
# Create an action for each DATA_ATTRIBUTES section, that is for each MIME
# type
foreach my $mimetype (keys %{$adata->{all_mimes}})
my $attr_name=mangle_string($mimetype);
my $action_name="cxassoc-$self->{tag}/$massoc->{id}/$attr_name";
my $old_action=$self->{dtfile}->{actions}->{$action_name};
my $action={LABEL => $name,,
ICON => $massoc->{icon},
ARG_TYPE => $attr_name,
EXEC_STRING => "$massoc->{command} \%Arg_1\%",
$action->{DESCRIPTION}=$massoc->{infotip} if ($massoc->{infotip} ne "");
my $attr=$self->{dtfile}->{attributes}->{$attr_name};
my @alist=grep !/^$action_name$/, split /,+/, ($attr->{ACTIONS} || "");
if ($massoc->{mode} eq "default")
unshift @alist, $action_name;
push @alist, $action_name;
$attr->{ACTIONS}=join(",", @alist);
return 1;
sub query_association($$$$)
my ($self, $massoc, $adata, $state)=@_;
return 0 if (!$self->read_dt_file());
my $rc=($massoc->{mode} eq "default" ? "default" : "alternative");
foreach my $mimetype (keys %{$adata->{all_mimes}})
my $attr_name=mangle_string($mimetype);
my $action_name="cxassoc-$self->{tag}/$massoc->{id}/$attr_name";
my $action=$self->{dtfile}->{actions}->{$action_name};
if (!$action)
cxlog("no $action_name action\n");
return $state;
my $attr=$self->{dtfile}->{attributes}->{$attr_name};
my @alist=split /,+/, ($attr->{ACTIONS} || "");
if (!grep /^$action_name$/, @alist)
cxlog("$action_name is missing from the ACTIONS field\n");
return $state;
$rc="alternative" if ($alist[0] ne $action_name);
return $rc;
sub get_association_files($$$$)
my ($self, $massoc, $adata, $state)=@_;
return -f $self->{dtfilename} ? [$self->{dtfilename}] : [];
sub delete_association($$$)
my ($self, $massoc)=@_;
return 0 if (!$self->read_dt_file());
foreach my $action_name (keys %{$self->{dtfile}->{actions}})
my $attr_name=$action_name;
if ($attr_name =~ s!^cxassoc-$self->{tag}/$massoc->{id}/!!)
cxlog("Deleting ACTION $action_name\n");
delete $self->{dtfile}->{actions}->{$action_name};
my $attr=$self->{dtfile}->{attributes}->{$attr_name};
next if (!$attr);
my @alist=grep !/^$action_name$/, split /,+/, ($attr->{ACTIONS} || "");
if (@alist)
$attr->{ACTIONS}=join(",", @alist);
delete $attr->{ACTIONS};
return 1;
# Main
sub detect($$$$)
my ($class, $cxoptions, $cxconfig, $gui_info)=@_;
return () if (!$gui_info->{cde_on});
my $self={
dtdir => "$cxoptions->{destdir}$gui_info->{cde_preferred_dt}",
global_dtdir => $gui_info->{cde_global_dt},
directmimes => 1,
do_assoc => 1
bless $self, $class;
return ($self);
sub id($)
my ($self)=@_;
my $id="CXAssocCDE/$self->{dtdir}";
$id =~ s%/+%/%g;
return $id;
sub preinstall($$)
my ($self, $massoc)=@_;
return $self->collect_unix_extensions($massoc);
sub install($$)
my ($self, $massoc)=@_;
return $self->action($self, $massoc, "install");
sub query($$)
my ($self, $massoc)=@_;
if (!$massoc)
my $id=$self->id();
return {default => $id,
alternative => $id,
mime => $id,
partial => $id};
return $self->action($self, $massoc, "query");
sub get_files($$)
my ($self, $massoc)=@_;
return $self->action($self, $massoc, "getfiles");
sub uninstall($$)
my ($self, $massoc)=@_;
return $self->action($self, $massoc, "uninstall");
sub removeall($$)
my ($self, $pattern)=@_;
my $dt_pattern;
if ($pattern eq "legacy")
$dt_pattern.=".*" if ($dt_pattern !~ s/\$$//);
# Delete the dt file(s)
CXUtils::delete_files($self->{dtdir}, $dt_pattern);
return 1;
sub finalize($)
my ($self)=@_;
if ($self->{modified})
if ($self->{dtfile}->is_empty())
my $filename=$self->{dtfile}->{filename};
cxlog("CXAssocCDE deleting empty '$filename' file\n");
# Delete the menu file
if (-e $filename and !unlink $filename)
cxerr("unable to delete '$filename': $!\n");
return 0;
elsif (!$self->{dtfile}->save())
cxerr("unable to save '$self->{dtfile}->{filename}'\n");
return 1;
return 1;