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Version: 18.5.0-1 

/ opt / cxoffice / lib / perl / CXAssocMailcap.pm

# (c) Copyright 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014. CodeWeavers, Inc.
package CXAssocMailcap;
use warnings;
use strict;

use CXLog;
use CXAssocMcap;
use base "CXAssocMcap";

# Main

sub read_mailcap($)
    my ($self)=@_;
    if (!$self->{rwmcap})
        cxlog("Reading '$self->{mailcap}'\n");
        $self->{rwmcap}=CXRWBlob->new($self->{tag}, $self->{mailcap},
                                      "mailcap", $self->{multiline});
    return $self->{rwmcap};

sub detect($$$$)
    my ($class, $cxoptions, $cxconfig, $gui_info)=@_;
    return () if (!$gui_info->{mailcap_on});

    my $self=CXAssocMcap->new("mcap", $cxoptions, $cxconfig, $gui_info);
    $self->{scope}   = $gui_info->{preferred_scope};
    $self->{mailcap} = "$cxoptions->{destdir}$gui_info->{mailcap_preferred_mailcap}";
    bless $self, $class;
    return ($self);

sub id($)
    my ($self)=@_;
    my $id="CXAssocMailcap/$self->{mailcap}";
    $id =~ s%/+%/%g;
    return $id;

sub get_files($$)
    # my ($self, $massoc)=@_;
    # The mailcap and mime.types files are not specific to this bottle
    # and thus must not be packaged with it.
    return [];

sub removeall($$)
    my ($self, $pattern)=@_;
    $self->{mimes}->removeall($self->{domain}, $pattern);

    if ($pattern eq "legacy")
        foreach my $blob (@{$self->{rwmcap}->{blobs}})
            if ($blob->{fields}->{"x-cxoffice"})
                cxlog("Removing '$blob->{mimetype}' from mailcap\n");

        my $productid=CXUtils::get_product_id();
        my @wrapper_dirs=("$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin");
        if ($self->{scope} eq "private" and defined $ENV{HOME})
            push @wrapper_dirs, "$ENV{HOME}/.$productid";
        foreach my $dir (@wrapper_dirs)
            next if (!-d $dir);
            if (!-w $dir)
                cxlog("skipping read-only '$dir' directory\n");
            CXUtils::delete_files($dir, $pattern);
        $pattern.="(?::|\\s)" if ($pattern =~ s/\$$//);
        foreach my $cxassoc (values %{$self->{rwmcap}->{mimetypes}})
            my $cmd=$cxassoc->{fields}->{""} || "";
            if ($cmd =~ m%/cxassoc/Scripts/$pattern%)

    return 1;

return 1;