# (c) Copyright 2005-2006, 2010. CodeWeavers, Inc.
package CXAssocWindows;
use warnings;
use strict;
use CXLog;
use CXUtils;
sub detect($$$$)
my ($class, $cxoptions, $cxconfig, $gui_info)=@_;
my $self={};
bless $self, $class;
return ($self);
sub id($)
return "CXAssocWindows/";
sub preinstall($$)
my ($self, $massoc)=@_;
foreach my $ext (keys %{$massoc->{mime}->{exts}})
return 1;
sub install($$)
my ($self, $massoc)=@_;
return 1 if ($massoc->{type} ne "windows");
if ($massoc->{command} ne "")
cxwarn("'windows' associations cannot have a command. Overriding the command\n");
my $allowed=join(":", map { ".$_" } sort keys %{$massoc->{all_exts}});
my @cmd=(shquote_string("$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxstart"),
"--bottle", shquote_string($ENV{CX_BOTTLE}),
"--untrusted", "--wait-children",
"--start-only", shquote_string($allowed));
my $class=$massoc->{appid};
if ($class)
push @cmd, "--start-class", shquote_string(demangle_string($class));
my $default=$massoc->{mime}->{real} ?
$massoc->{mime}->{mimetype} :
push @cmd, "--start-default", shquote_string($default);
my $verb=$massoc->{verb};
if ($verb)
push @cmd, "--start-verb", shquote_string(demangle_string($verb));
$massoc->{command}=join(" ", @cmd);
$massoc->{genericname}="Windows Association (CrossOver)";
return 1;
sub query($$)
# Don't report the CXAssocWindows install status
my ($self, $massoc)=@_;
return {} if (!$massoc);
return "";
sub get_files($$)
my ($self, $massoc)=@_;
# No file gets created so there is nothing to report
return [];
sub uninstall($$)
# Nothing to uninstall
return 1;
sub removeall($$)
# Nothing to remove
return 1;
sub finalize($)
# Nothing to finalize
return 1;
return 1;