# (c) Copyright 2005-2011. CodeWeavers, Inc.
package CXBottle;
use strict;
use CXLog;
use CXUtils;
sub set_environment($$)
my ($cxconfig, $msg)=@_;
my $userenv = $cxconfig->get_section("EnvironmentVariables");
if (defined $userenv)
my $traced;
foreach my $var (@{$userenv->get_field_list()})
if (!$traced)
if ($var =~ /^(?:CX_BOTTLE|WINEPREFIX)$/)
cxerr("setting '$var' in an [EnvironmentVariables] section is not allowed\n");
exit 1;
my $value=$userenv->get($var);
if ($var =~ /^CX_(?:MANAGED_)?BOTTLE_PATH$/ and
$ENV{$var} =~ m%(?:^[^/]|:[^/])%)
cxerr("'$var' must contain absolute paths\n");
exit 1;
cxlog(" $var -> $ENV{$var}\n");
sub get_managed_bottle_dir()
return "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/support";
my $user_dir;
sub get_user_dir()
if (!defined $user_dir and defined $ENV{HOME} and -o $ENV{HOME})
my $productid=CXUtils::get_product_id();
return $user_dir;
sub get_user_bottle_dir()
my $user_dir=get_user_dir();
return $user_dir if (defined $user_dir);
return undef;
# Returns the path of the configuration file to use to save CrossOver settings.
sub get_rw_config_filename()
my $productid=CXUtils::get_product_id();
my $filename=get_user_dir() . "/$productid.conf";
if (!-e $filename)
my $global_config="$ENV{CX_ROOT}/etc/$productid.conf";
return $global_config if (-r $global_config and -w _);
return $filename;
# Locks the CrossOver configuration file and then loads it.
# To avoid races when changing the configuration file it is necessary to
# follow these rules:
# - The data returned by a get_crossover_config() call made prior to
# lock_and_get_rw_config() must not be trusted. This is because the
# configuration file was not yet locked and thus may have changed between
# the two calls.
# - The data returned by lock_and_get_rw_config() must not be trusted. This
# is because the CXRWConfig object does not aggregate the data from all the
# configuration files. So it is missing any setting not present in the file
# where we save modifications.
# - So the proper way to test the value of a setting and then modify it
# race-free is:
# my ($cxrwconfig, $lock)=CXBottle::lock_and_get_rw_config();
# my $cxconfig=CXBottle::get_crossover_config();
# if ($cxconfig->get('section', 'field') ...)
# {
# $cxrwconfig->set('section', 'field', ...);
# }
# $cxrwconfig->save();
# CXUtils::cxunlock($lock);
# $cxrwconfig=undef; # Should not be reused once unlocked
# $cxconfig=undef; # Does not contain the modified setting
sub lock_and_get_rw_config()
my $filename=get_rw_config_filename();
my $lock=CXUtils::cxlock(cxbasename($filename));
if (!defined $lock)
cxwarn("locking failed, continuing without a lock\n");
require CXRWConfig;
# Make sure we get a fresh copy from the now locked file
my $cxrwconfig=CXRWConfig->new($filename);
return ($cxrwconfig, $lock);
# Reads all the bottle-independent configuration files
# and sets up the corresponding environment variables.
sub get_crossover_config()
# Set to the default values so they can be used in [EnvironmentVariables]
$ENV{CX_BOTTLE_PATH} ||= get_user_bottle_dir() || "";
$ENV{CX_MANAGED_BOTTLE_PATH} ||= get_managed_bottle_dir();
require CXConfig;
my $productid=CXUtils::get_product_id();
my $cxconfig=CXConfig->new("$ENV{CX_ROOT}/etc/$productid.conf");
set_environment($cxconfig, "Global environment variables");
my $user_dir=get_user_dir();
if (defined $user_dir)
set_environment($cxconfig, "User environment variables");
return $cxconfig;
sub is_initialized()
return ($ENV{CX_INITIALIZED} || "") eq "$>:$ENV{CX_BOTTLE}";
sub compute_new_wineprefix($$)
my ($bottle, $scope)=@_;
my $path;
if ($scope eq "private")
return $bottle if ($bottle =~ m%^/%);
# We don't allow absolute paths for managed bottles because they are
# incompatible with the managed/stub duality
if ($bottle =~ m%/%)
$@=cxgettext("invalid '\%s' bottle name", $bottle);
return undef;
foreach my $dir (split /:+/, $path)
next if ($dir eq "");
my $d=$dir;
while (!-e $d)
return "$dir/$bottle" if (-d $d and -w _);
$@=cxgettext("found no writable directory in '\%s'", $path);
return undef;
sub find_bottle($$)
my ($bottle, $scope)=@_;
my $path;
if ($scope eq "private")
return $bottle if ($bottle =~ m%^/%);
# We don't allow absolute paths for managed bottles because they are
# incompatible with the managed/stub duality
if ($bottle =~ m%/%)
$@=cxgettext("invalid '\%s' bottle name", $bottle);
return undef;
foreach my $dir (split /:+/, $path)
next if ($dir eq "");
return "$dir/$bottle" if (-f "$dir/$bottle/system.reg");
$@=cxgettext("bottle '\%1\$s' not found in '\%2\$s'", $bottle, $path);
return undef;
sub is_wineprefix_valid($;$)
my ($wineprefix, $minimal_checks)=@_;
if (!defined $wineprefix)
$@=cxgettext("'\%s' bottle not found", $ENV{CX_BOTTLE});
elsif (!-d $wineprefix)
$@=cxgettext("'\%s' is not a directory", $wineprefix);
elsif ($> == 0 and !-o _ and !$minimal_checks)
$@=cxgettext("'\%s' does not belong to root", $wineprefix);
elsif (!-r _)
$@=cxgettext("'\%s' is not readable", $wineprefix);
elsif (!-w _ and !$minimal_checks)
$@=cxgettext("'\%s' is not writable", $wineprefix);
if ($@)
$@=cxgettext("invalid '\%1\$s' bottle: \%2\$s\n", $ENV{CX_BOTTLE}, $@);
return 0;
return 1;
sub setup_bottle_wineprefix($)
my ($scope)=@_;
my ($raw_wineprefix, $private_err, $managed_err);
if (($scope || "private") eq "private")
$raw_wineprefix=CXBottle::find_bottle($ENV{CX_BOTTLE}, "private");
$scope="private" if (defined $raw_wineprefix);
if (!defined $raw_wineprefix and ($scope || "managed") eq "managed")
$raw_wineprefix=CXBottle::find_bottle($ENV{CX_BOTTLE}, "managed");
$scope="managed" if (defined $raw_wineprefix);
if (!defined $raw_wineprefix)
$@=cxgettext("Unable to find the '\%s' bottle:\n", $ENV{CX_BOTTLE});
$@.="$private_err\n" if (defined $private_err);
$@.="$managed_err\n" if (defined $managed_err);
return undef;
if ($ENV{CX_BOTTLE} eq "default")
# Get the default bottle's real name so that this is what
# gets used to identify it (e.g. in menus).
my $target=readlink($raw_wineprefix);
if (defined $target)
# Set $@ so the caller can issue a warning if he deems it appropriate
$@=cxgettext("Using the default (\%s) bottle.\n", $ENV{CX_BOTTLE});
# Completely dereference wineprefix so further accesses skip all symbolic
# links (especially those pointing from a network drive to a local one).
# Do minimal checks on the wineprefix. We cannot do more checks because
# we don't know what the caller wants to do with it. If it's a managed
# bottle he may decide to replicate it to a stub bottle for instance.
if (!is_wineprefix_valid($ENV{WINEPREFIX}, 1))
$@=cxgettext("'\%s' is not a directory", $ENV{WINEPREFIX});
$@=cxgettext("invalid '\%1\$s' bottle: \%2\$s\n", $ENV{CX_BOTTLE}, $@);
return undef;
return ($scope, $raw_wineprefix);
sub get_bottle_lock_prefix($)
my ($wineprefix)=@_;
return "bottle-" . CXUtils::get_wine_dir_id($wineprefix);
sub unlock_bottle($)
my ($lock)=@_;
if (defined $ENV{CX_BOTTLE_LOCKED})
$ENV{CX_BOTTLE_LOCKED} =~ s/<\Q$lock->{name}\E>//;
sub lock_bottle($)
my ($wineprefix)=@_;
my $lock;
my $name=get_bottle_lock_prefix($wineprefix);
if (($ENV{CX_BOTTLE_LOCKED} || "") !~ /<\Q$name\E>/)
# We must synchronize with other processes to make sure we don't use a
# half-created bottle or try to update / upgrade the same bottle twice.
if ($lock)
$ENV{CX_BOTTLE_LOCKED}=($ENV{CX_BOTTLE_LOCKED} || "") . "<$lock->{name}>";
cxwarn("locking failed, continuing without a lock\n");
return $lock;
sub read_bottle_config($$)
my ($cxconfig, $wineprefix)=@_;
if (!is_initialized())
my $lock=lock_bottle($wineprefix);
sub setup_bottle_environment($$)
my ($cxconfig, $wineprefix)=@_;
read_bottle_config($cxconfig, $wineprefix);
if (!is_initialized())
set_environment($cxconfig, "Bottle environment variables");
sub get_bottle_mode($$)
my ($cxbottle, $scope)=@_;
my $updater=$cxbottle->get("Bottle", "Updater");
if ($scope eq "managed")
return "managed" if ($updater);
$@=cxgettext("'Updater' is not set for the '\%s' managed bottle", $ENV{CX_BOTTLE});
return undef;
return "private" if (!$updater);
return "stub";
sub bottle_stub2managed($;$)
my ($scope, $raw_wineprefix)=@_;
if ($scope eq "private")
require CXConfig;
my $cxbottle=CXConfig->new();
read_bottle_config($cxbottle, $ENV{WINEPREFIX});
my $mode=get_bottle_mode($cxbottle, $scope);
return (undef, undef) if (!defined $mode);
return setup_bottle_wineprefix("managed") if ($mode eq "stub");
return ($scope, $raw_wineprefix);
sub get_template_directory($)
my ($cxconfig)=@_;
my $template=expand_string($cxconfig->get("Bottle", "Template", "win98"));
my $dir=$template;
$dir="$ENV{CX_ROOT}/share/crossover/bottle_templates/$dir" if ($dir !~ m%^/$%);
return (-d $dir ? $dir : undef);
sub get_bottle_tag($)
my ($cxconfig)=@_;
my $productid=CXUtils::get_product_id();
my $bottleid=$cxconfig->get("Bottle", "BottleID", "");
return undef if (!$bottleid); # "0" is reserved
return "$productid-$bottleid";
sub get_bottle_status($$$)
my ($cxconfig, $wineprefix, $scope)=@_;
my ($mode, $status);
$mode=get_bottle_mode($cxconfig, $scope);
if (!defined $mode)
$@="unable to determine the bottle mode\n";
return (undef);
if (!is_initialized())
if ($mode eq "stub")
my $FILES="files";
my $managed_wineprefix=CXBottle::find_bottle($ENV{CX_BOTTLE}, "managed");
my $ref_mtime=(stat("$managed_wineprefix/$FILES"))[9];
my $bottle_mtime=(stat("$wineprefix/$FILES"))[9] || "";
$status=(!$bottle_mtime or !$ref_mtime or $bottle_mtime != $ref_mtime) ? "restub" : "uptodate";
my $crossover_t=$cxconfig->get("CrossOver", "BuildTimestamp", "");
my $bottle_t=$cxconfig->get("Bottle", "Timestamp", "");
$status=($crossover_t ne $bottle_t) ? "upgrade" : "uptodate";
return ($mode, $status);
sub update_bottle($$$)
if (!is_initialized())
my ($cxconfig, $wineprefix, $scope)=@_;
my $mode=get_bottle_mode($cxconfig, $scope);
return 0 if (!defined $mode);
my $update;
if ($mode ne "stub")
my $crossover_t=$cxconfig->get("CrossOver", "BuildTimestamp", "");
my $bottle_t=$cxconfig->get("Bottle", "Timestamp", "");
$update=1 if ($crossover_t ne $bottle_t);
if ($update)
# FIXME: We can't check the return code. Plus if things go wrong
# it becomes interactive :-(
cxsystem("$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/wine", "--bottle", $ENV{CX_BOTTLE}, "--scope", $scope, "--ux-app", "true");
return 1;
sub run_scripts($$)
my ($dir, $args)=@_;
my $dh;
if (!opendir($dh, $dir))
cxlog("unable to open the '$dir' directory: $!\n");
return 0;
my @dentries=readdir $dh;
foreach my $dentry (sort @dentries)
next if ($dentry !~ /^[0-9][0-9]\.[^.~]+$/);
next if (!-x "$dir/$dentry" or !-f _);
cxsystem("$dir/$dentry", @$args);
sub run_bottle_hooks($)
my ($args)=@_;
my @dirs=("$ENV{CX_ROOT}/support/scripts.d");
my $user_dir=get_user_dir();
push @dirs, "$user_dir/scripts.d" if (defined $user_dir);
# Don't use the scripts in the stub bottles: they will not exist during
# creation and may be changed during the stub update. Use the managed
# bottle's scripts instead.
my $scriptsdir;
if (-f "$ENV{WINEPREFIX}/cxbottle.conf")
my $cxconfig=CXBottle::get_crossover_config();
if (!defined $cxconfig->get("Bottle", "Updater"))
$scriptsdir||=CXBottle::find_bottle($ENV{CX_BOTTLE}, "managed");
push @dirs, "$scriptsdir/scripts.d";
foreach my $dir (@dirs)
run_scripts($dir, $args) if (-d $dir);
sub fix_item_ownership_permissions($$$)
my ($path, $egid, $shared)=@_;
my $dir;
my ($st_mode, $st_uid, $st_gid)=(lstat($path))[2,4,5];
$dir=$path if (-d _);
if (CXLog::is_on())
cxlog(sprintf("%04o", $st_mode & 07777),
" - $st_uid - $st_gid - $path\n");
if ($> == 0 and ($st_uid != 0 or $st_gid != $egid))
cxlog(" chown 0:$egid $path\n");
if (-l _)
# Perl does not have lchown :-(
cxsystem("chown", "-h", "0:$egid", $path);
chown 0, $egid, $path;
# Don't change the permissions on symbolic links
return $dir if (-l _);
# Setuid and setgid don't make sense for bottle files and
# are dangerous. So remove them. Allow the sticky bit though.
my $mode=($st_mode & (-d _ ? 07777 : 01777)) & ~umask();
$mode|=($mode & 0100 ? 0055 : 0044) if ($shared);
if ($mode != ($st_mode & 07777))
if (CXLog::is_on())
cxlog(" chmod ", sprintf("%04o", $mode), " $path\n");
chmod $mode, $path;
return $dir;
sub fix_ownership_permissions($$)
my ($rootdir, $scope)=@_;
# Fix the user/group ownership, and maybe the permissions too
my $shared=($scope eq "managed");
my $egid=$);
$egid=~s/ .*$//;
fix_item_ownership_permissions($rootdir, $egid, $shared);
my @dirs=($rootdir);
while (@dirs)
my $dh;
my $dir=shift @dirs;
if (!opendir($dh, $dir))
cxerr("unable to open the '$dir' directory: $!\n");
foreach my $dentry (readdir $dh)
next if ($dentry =~ /^\.\.?$/);
my $subdir=fix_item_ownership_permissions("$dir/$dentry", $egid, $shared);
push @dirs, $subdir if (defined $subdir);
sub get_desktopdata_dir($$)
my ($scope, $tag)=@_;
return "$ENV{WINEPREFIX}/desktopdata" if (defined $ENV{WINEPREFIX});
return undef if (!defined $tag);
return get_managed_bottle_dir() . "/desktopdata/$tag" if ($scope eq "managed");
my $user_dir=get_user_dir();
return "$user_dir/desktopdata/$tag" if (defined $user_dir);
return undef;
sub removeall_desktopdata_dirs($$)
my ($pattern, $subdir)=@_;
my @dirs=(get_managed_bottle_dir() . "/desktopdata");
my $user_dir=get_user_dir();
push @dirs, "$user_dir/desktopdata" if (defined $user_dir);
foreach my $dir (@dirs)
next if (!-d $dir or !-w $dir);
my $dh;
if (!opendir($dh, $dir))
cxlog("unable to open the '$dir' directory: $!\n");
foreach my $dentry (readdir $dh)
if ($dentry =~ /^$pattern/)
my $d="/$dentry/$subdir";
if (-d "$dir$d")
cxlog("Deleting the '$dir$d' directory\n");
require File::Path;
if (!File::Path::rmtree("$dir$d"))
cxwarn("unable to delete the '$dir$d' directory: $!\n");
CXUtils::garbage_collect_subdirs($dir, cxdirname($d), 1);
cxlog("Deleted the '$dir' directory\n") if (rmdir $dir);
sub count_user_bottles()
my $dir = get_user_bottle_dir();
my $count = 0;
my $dh;
if (!opendir($dh, $dir))
cxlog("unable to open the '$dir' directory: $!\n");
return 0;
my @dentries=readdir $dh;
foreach my $dentry (@dentries)
if ((lc($dentry) ne "default") && (-f "$dir/$dentry/system.reg"))
return $count;
return 1;