# (c) Copyright 2006, 2008, 2010, 2014. CodeWeavers, Inc.
package CXMenuCDE;
use warnings;
use strict;
use CXLog;
use CXUtils;
use CXMenu;
use base "CXMenu";
use CXCDE;
sub read_dt_file($)
my ($self)=@_;
if (!$self->{dtfile})
return ($self->{dtfile} ? 1 : 0);
sub detect($$$$)
my ($class, $cxoptions, $cxconfig, $gui_info)=@_;
return () if (!$gui_info->{cde_on});
my $self={
tag => $cxoptions->{tag},
destdir => $cxoptions->{destdir},
scope => $gui_info->{preferred_scope},
wmdir => "$cxoptions->{destdir}$gui_info->{cde_preferred_wm}",
dtdir => "$cxoptions->{destdir}$gui_info->{cde_preferred_dt}",
if ($self->{scope} ne "managed")
$self->{dtaction}=CXUtils::cxwhich("$ENV{PATH}:/usr/dt/bin", "dtaction");
if (!defined $self->{dtaction})
cxlog("unable to find 'dtaction'. Maybe you need to install the SUNWdtbas package?\n");
return ();
bless $self, $class;
return ($self);
sub id($)
my ($self)=@_;
my $id="CXMenuCDE/$self->{wmdir}";
$id =~ s%/+%/%g;
return $id;
sub install($$)
my ($self, $components)=@_;
my $menu=$components->[-1];
# We don't support desktop icons
return 1 if ($menu->{is_desktop});
return 0 if (!$self->read_dt_file());
if ($self->{scope} ne "managed" and $self->{destdir} eq "" and
!-d $self->{wmdir})
# Create ~/.dt/wsmenu and populate it with the global menus
# Also updates ~/.dt/$LANG/wsmenu.dtwmrc but we don't care yet
# Make sure we only run one instance at a time (just to be safe).
my $lock=CXUtils::cxlock("cde");
if (!-d $self->{wmdir} and
cxsystem($self->{dtaction}, "BuildDtwmrcFromWsmenuDir"))
cxlog("unable to create '$self->{wmdir}'\n");
return 0;
my $dir=$self->{wmdir} . ($menu->{is_dir} ? $menu->{path} : $menu->{dir});
if (!-d $dir)
foreach my $component (@$components)
last if (!$component->{is_dir});
my $dir="$self->{wmdir}/$component->{path}";
if (!cxmkpath($dir))
cxerr("unable to create the '$dir' directory: $@\n");
return 0;
if ($menu->{is_dir})
# Make sure our brand new (maybe empty) folder will not be
# 'garbage collected' by finalize()
# Create a new action
my $icon=CXMenu::get_unix_icon_path($menu) ||
my $action={LABEL => $menu->{name},
EXEC_STRING => $menu->{command},
ICON => $icon,
my $mangled="cxmenu-$self->{tag}" . mangle_string($menu->{path});
# Reference that action in the Workspace Menu
my $fh;
if (!open($fh, ">", "$dir/$mangled"))
cxerr("unable to open '$dir/$mangled' for writing: $!\n");
return 0;
print $fh "#!/bin/sh\n";
print $fh "# X-Created-By=$mangled\n";
print $fh "exec dtaction \"$mangled\" \"\$\@\"\n";
chmod(0777 & ~umask(), "$dir/$mangled");
return 1;
sub query($$)
my ($self, $components)=@_;
return ($self->id(), "") if (!defined $components);
my $menu=$components->[-1];
# We don't support desktop icons
return "" if ($menu->{is_desktop});
return 0 if (!$self->read_dt_file());
if (!$menu->{is_dir})
my $mangled="cxmenu-$self->{tag}" . mangle_string($menu->{path});
return "" if (!$self->{dtfile}->{actions}->{$mangled});
my $filename="$self->{wmdir}$menu->{dir}/$mangled";
return "" if (!-x $filename);
return "" if (!-d "$self->{wmdir}$menu->{path}");
return $self->id();
sub get_files($$)
my ($self, $components)=@_;
my $menu=$components->[-1];
# We don't support desktop icons
return [] if ($menu->{is_desktop} or !$self->read_dt_file());
if (!$menu->{is_dir})
my $filename=$self->{wmdir} . $menu->{dir} . "cxmenu-$self->{tag}" . mangle_string($menu->{path});
return [$filename] if (-f $filename);
return [];
sub uninstall($$)
my ($self, $components)=@_;
my $menu=$components->[-1];
# We don't support desktop icons
return 1 if ($menu->{is_desktop});
return 0 if (!$self->read_dt_file());
# Always mark the parent folder for garbage collection
# FIXME: We should also handle the is_dir case
if (!$menu->{is_dir})
my $mangled="cxmenu-$self->{tag}" . mangle_string($menu->{path});
delete $self->{dtfile}->{actions}->{$mangled};
my $filename="$self->{wmdir}$menu->{dir}/$mangled";
if (-f $filename)
cxlog("Deleting '$filename'\n");
if (!unlink $filename)
cxerr("unable to delete '$filename': $1\n");
return 0;
return 1;
# This function assumes that it is being called before any of the others
# which means it does not have to clean up 'filename', 'actions', etc.
sub removeall($$)
my ($self, $pattern)=@_;
my $dt_pattern;
if ($pattern eq "legacy")
$dt_pattern="^" . CXUtils::get_product_id() . "\\..*\\.(?:dt|fp)\$";
$pattern.=".*" if ($pattern !~ s/\$$//);
# Delete the dt file
if (CXUtils::delete_files($self->{dtdir}, $dt_pattern) > 0)
# And the Workspace Menu files that refer to them
$dt_pattern.=".*" if ($dt_pattern !~ s/\$$//);
my $rc=1;
my @dirs=("");
while (@dirs)
my $dir=shift @dirs;
if (opendir(my $dh, "$self->{wmdir}$dir"))
foreach my $dentry (readdir $dh)
next if ($dentry =~ m/^\.\.?$/);
cxlog(" [$dentry]\n");
if ($dentry =~ /$pattern/)
cxlog("Deleting '$dentry'\n");
if (!unlink $dentry)
cxerr("unable to delete '$dentry': $!\n");
elsif (-d "$self->{wmdir}$dir/$dentry")
push @dirs, "$dir/$dentry";
elsif (-d "$self->{wmdir}$dir")
cxlog("unable to open the '$self->{wmdir}$dir' directory: $!\n");
return $rc;
sub gc_get_folder_status($$)
my ($self, $path)=@_;
my @actions=keys %{$self->{dtfile}->{actions}};
if (@actions)
# If actions is non-empty, then install() was called,
# and thus tag is set
cxlog("actions=[", join(":", @actions),"]\n");
my $mangled="cxmenu-$self->{tag}" . mangle_string("$path/");
return "in-use" if (grep m%^\Q$mangled\E$%, @actions);
if (opendir(my $dh, "$self->{wmdir}$path"))
foreach my $dentry (readdir $dh)
if ($dentry !~ /^\.\.?$/)
return "in-use";
return "empty";
sub gc_delete_folder($$$)
my ($self, $path)=@_;
cxlog("Deleting the '$path' directory\n");
my $dir="$self->{wmdir}$path";
if (-d $dir)
cxlog("Deleting '$dir'\n");
if (!rmdir $dir)
cxerr("unable to delete the '$dir' directory: $!\n");
return 0;
sub finalize($)
my ($self)=@_;
if ($self->{modified})
if ($self->{dtfile}->is_empty())
my $filename="$self->{destdir}$self->{dtfile}->{filename}";
cxlog("deleting empty '$filename' file\n");
# Delete the menu file
if (-e $filename and !unlink $filename)
cxerr("unable to delete '$filename': $!\n");
return 0;
elsif (!$self->{dtfile}->save())
cxerr("unable to save '$self->{dtfile}->{filename}'\n");
if ($self->{update} and $self->{scope} ne "managed")
# Make sure we only run one instance at a time (just to be safe).
my $lock=CXUtils::cxlock("cde");
# Update ~/.dt/$LANG/wsmenu.dtwmrc
cxsystem($self->{dtaction}, "BuildDtwmrcFromWsmenuDir");
# And cause CDE to reload it
cxsystem($self->{dtaction}, "RegenerateWorkspaceMenu");
return 1;
return 1;