# (c) Copyright 2006-2012, 2014. CodeWeavers, Inc.
package CXMenuDtop;
use warnings;
use strict;
use CXLog;
use CXUtils;
use CXMenu;
use base "CXMenu";
# We keep a mapping from the regular folder path to the mangled folder
# path so we don't have to check the filesystem again and again.
my %mangled_folders;
sub create_mangled_folder($$$)
my ($root, $parent, $component)=@_;
my $new_folder;
my $mangled=$mangled_folders{$component->{path}};
if (!defined $mangled)
$mangled="$parent/" . mangle_string($component->{name});
my $filename="$root$mangled/.directory";
if ($new_folder or !$component->{intermediate} or !-f $filename)
my $dir="$root$mangled";
if (!-d $dir and !mkdir($dir, 0777))
cxerr("unable to create the '$dir' directory: $!\n");
return undef;
if (!CXMenu::xdg_create_directory($filename, $component, 1))
return undef;
return $mangled;
sub new($$$$)
my ($class, $cxoptions, $gui_info, $desktop)=@_;
my $self={
tag => $cxoptions->{tag},
destdir => $cxoptions->{destdir},
id => $desktop,
desktop => "$cxoptions->{destdir}$desktop",
xdg_dir => "$cxoptions->{destdir}$gui_info->{xdg_preferred_data}",
if ($gui_info->{preferred_scope} eq "private")
$self->{xdg_dirs}=[grep {$_ ne ""} split /:+/, $gui_info->{xdg_data_dirs}];
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub detect($$$$)
my ($class, $cxoptions, $cxconfig, $gui_info)=@_;
my @selves;
if ($gui_info->{dtop_on})
if ($gui_info->{dtop_preferred_desktop})
# This is the default XDG desktop
push @selves, new($class, $cxoptions, $gui_info,
if ($gui_info->{dtop_preferred_alt_desktop})
# This is another XDG desktop (usually with a localized name)
push @selves, new($class, $cxoptions, $gui_info,
return @selves;
sub id($)
my ($self)=@_;
my $id="CXMenuDtop/$self->{id}";
$id =~ s%/+%/%g;
return $id;
sub install($$)
my ($self, $components)=@_;
my $menu=@$components[-1];
return 1 if (!$menu->{is_desktop});
my $root=$self->{desktop};
if (!cxmkpath($root))
cxerr("unable to create the '$root' directory: $@\n");
return 0;
my $mangled="";
foreach my $component (@$components)
CXMenu::xdg_install_icons($self->{xdg_dir}, $self->{tag}, $component);
last if (!$component->{is_dir});
$mangled=create_mangled_folder($root, $mangled, $component);
return 0 if (!defined $mangled);
# Make sure our brand new (maybe empty) folder will not be
# 'garbage collected' by finalize()
if (!$menu->{is_dir})
$menu->{_creator}=" (" . $self->id() . ")" if ($ENV{CX_TAGALL});
my $filename=join("", $root, $mangled, "/",
mangle_string($menu->{name}), ".desktop");
return 0 if (!CXMenu::xdg_create_desktop_file($filename, $menu));
return 1;
sub query($$)
my ($self, $components)=@_;
return ("", $self->id()) if (!defined $components);
my $menu=@$components[-1];
return "" if (!$menu->{is_desktop});
my $path="$self->{desktop}$menu->{path}";
$path.=($menu->{is_dir} ? "/.directory" : ".desktop");
cxlog("checking for '$path'\n");
if (-f $path)
require CXRWConfig;
my $file=CXRWConfig->new($path, "xdg", "");
foreach my $name ($file->get_section_names())
my $created_by=$file->get($name, "X-Created-By");
if (defined $created_by)
if (grep /^$self->{tag}$/, split /;+/, $created_by)
return $self->id();
return "";
sub get_files($$)
my ($self, $components)=@_;
my $menu=@$components[-1];
return [] if (!$menu->{is_desktop});
my @files;
foreach my $component (@$components)
push @files, @{CXMenu::xdg_get_icon_files($self->{destdir}, $self->{xdg_dirs}, $self->{tag}, $component)};
my $path="$self->{desktop}$menu->{path}";
$path.=($menu->{is_dir} ? "/.directory" : ".desktop");
if (-f $path)
require CXRWConfig;
my $file=CXRWConfig->new($path, "xdg", "");
foreach my $name ($file->get_section_names())
my $created_by=$file->get($name, "X-Created-By");
if (defined $created_by)
push @files, $path if (grep /^$self->{tag}$/, split /;+/, $created_by);
return \@files;
sub removeall_file($$$$)
my ($self, $file, $pattern, $delete)=@_;
foreach my $name ($file->get_section_names())
my $no_display=$file->get($name, "NoDisplay", "");
if ($no_display =~ /^true$/i)
# This is not a menu (maybe an association?)
cxlog(" -> not a menu\n");
my $created_by=$file->get($name, "X-Created-By");
if (defined $created_by)
my @tags=grep !/^$pattern/, split /;+/, $created_by;
if (@tags or !$delete)
$file->set($name, "X-Created-By", join(";", @tags));
if (!$file->save())
cxerr("unable to save '", $file->get_filename(), "'\n");
return "kept";
my $filename=$file->get_filename();
cxlog("Deleting '$filename'\n");
require CXRWConfig;
if (unlink $filename)
return "deleted";
cxerr("unable to delete '$filename': $!\n");
return "kept";
sub removeall_folder($$$);
sub removeall_folder($$$)
my ($self, $path, $pattern)=@_;
my $directory;
my $status="empty";
if (opendir(my $dh, $path))
foreach my $dentry (readdir $dh)
next if ($dentry =~ /^\.\.?$/);
if (!-l $dentry and -d _)
if ($self->removeall_folder($dentry, $pattern) ne "deleted")
elsif ($dentry =~ m%/\.directory$%)
require CXRWConfig;
$directory=CXRWConfig->new($dentry, "xdg", "");
elsif ($dentry =~ m%\.desktop$%)
require CXRWConfig;
my $file=CXRWConfig->new($dentry, "xdg", "");
$status="non-empty" if ($self->removeall_file($file, $pattern, 1) ne "deleted");
if ($directory)
$status=$self->removeall_file($directory, $pattern, ($status eq "empty"));
if ($status eq "deleted")
cxlog("Deleting the '$path' directory (empty)\n");
if (!rmdir $path)
cxerr("unable to delete the '$path' directory: $!\n");
return $status;
sub uninstall($$)
my ($self, $components)=@_;
return 1 if ($self->{legacy_only});
my $menu=@$components[-1];
return 1 if (!$menu->{is_desktop});
# Always consider the parent folder for deletion
my $path=$menu->{dir};
$path="$self->{desktop}$path" . mangle_string($menu->{name});
if ($menu->{is_dir})
if (-d $path)
cxlog("Deleting the '$path' directory\n");
$self->removeall_folder($path, "$self->{tag}\$");
require CXRWConfig;
if (-f $path)
cxlog("Deleting '$path'\n");
if (!unlink $path)
cxerr("unable to delete '$path': $!\n");
return 0;
return 1;
sub removeall($$)
my ($self, $pattern)=@_;
if ($pattern eq "legacy")
$pattern="CrossOver Office" if ($pattern eq "cxoffice");
elsif ($self->{legacy_only})
return 1;
$self->removeall_folder($self->{desktop}, $pattern);
if ($pattern ne "legacy")
my $xdg_pattern="^cxmenu-$pattern";
$xdg_pattern.=".*" if ($xdg_pattern !~ s/\$$//);
for my $rawdir (@{$self->{xdg_dirs}})
my $dir="$self->{destdir}$rawdir";
if (-d "$dir/icons")
CXUtils::delete_files("$dir/icons", "$xdg_pattern-.*\\.(?:png|xpm)\$", 1, 1);
CXUtils::garbage_collect_subdirs($dir, "/icons", 1);
return 1;
sub gc_get_folder_status($$)
my ($self, $path)=@_;
my $root=$self->{desktop};
# First check that folder's .directory file
require CXRWConfig;
my $directory=CXRWConfig->new("$root$path/.directory", "xdg", "");
my @tags=split /;+/, $directory->get("Desktop Entry", "X-Created-By", "");
# Skip folders that don't belong to this bottle
return "alien" if (!grep /^$self->{tag}$/, @tags);
my $status=(@tags == 1) ? "empty" : "non-empty";
my @dirs=($path);
while (@dirs)
my $dir=shift @dirs;
my $dh;
if (!opendir($dh, "$root$dir"))
cxlog("unable to open the '$root$dir' directory: $!\n");
foreach my $dentry (readdir $dh)
next if ($dentry =~ m/^\.\.?$/);
next if ($dentry eq "$path/.directory");
if (!-l "$root$dentry" and -d _)
if (!exists $self->{status}->{$dentry})
push @dirs, $dentry;
elsif ($self->{status}->{$dentry} eq "in-use")
cxlog(" 510: $dentry -> in-use\n");
return "in-use";
elsif ($dentry =~ m%(?:/\.directory|\.desktop)$%)
require CXRWConfig;
my $file=CXRWConfig->new("$root$dentry", "xdg", "");
my $created_by;
foreach my $name ($file->get_section_names())
$created_by=$file->get($name, "X-Created-By");
next if (!defined $created_by);
cxlog(" $dentry -> $created_by\n");
if (grep /^$self->{tag}$/, split /;+/, $created_by)
cxlog(" 525: in-use tag=[$self->{tag}]\n");
return (undef, "in-use");
cxlog(" 530: $dentry -> non-empty\n");
return $status;
sub gc_delete_folder($$$)
my ($self, $path)=@_;
cxlog("Deleting '$path/.directory'\n");
require CXRWConfig;
if (!unlink "$path/.directory")
cxwarn("unable to delete '$path/.directory': $!\n");
cxlog("Deleting the '$path' directory (empty)\n");
if (!rmdir $path)
cxwarn("unable to delete the '$path' directory: $!\n");
sub gc_untag_folder($$$)
my ($self, $path)=@_;
require CXRWConfig;
my $directory=CXRWConfig->new("$path/.directory", "xdg", "");
my $section=$directory->get_section("Desktop Entry");
my @tags=split /;+/, $section->get("X-Created-By");
$section->set("X-Created-By", join(";", grep !/^$self->{tag}$/, @tags));
if (!$directory->save())
cxwarn("unable to save '$path/.directory': $!\n");
return 1;