# (c) Copyright 2006-2008, 2010, 2014. CodeWeavers, Inc.
package CXMenuMacOSX;
use warnings;
use strict;
use CXLog;
use CXPlist;
use CXMenu;
use base "CXMenu";
# Folder helper functions
sub get_mac_components($$)
my ($self, $components)=@_;
my $menu=@$components[-1];
my $mac_root=$self->{$menu->{root}};
if (!defined $mac_root)
$mac_root=[{ _mac_key => "$self->{tag}/",
_mac_path => "$self->{tag}/",
description => $ENV{CX_BOTTLE},
is_dir => 1
{ _mac_key => "$menu->{root}/",
_mac_path => "$self->{tag}/$menu->{root}/",
is_dir => 1
my @mac_components=@$mac_root;
if (!exists $menu->{_mac_path})
my $root="$menu->{tag}/$menu->{root}";
foreach my $component (@$components)
# The trailing '/' is needed to separate the folder and menu
# namespaces. It is also what identifies folders in the plist file.
if ($component->{is_dir})
push @mac_components, @$components;
return \@mac_components;
sub component_to_dict($$)
my ($component, $dict)=@_;
if ($component->{localize})
CXPlist::add_key_with_new_tag($dict, "Localize", "true");
if ($component->{description})
CXPlist::add_key_with_string($dict, "Description", $component->{description});
if ($component->{icon})
my $icon=CXMenu::get_mac_icon_path($component);
if ($icon)
CXPlist::add_key_with_string($dict, "Icon", $icon);
$icon =~ s!^\Q$ENV{CX_ROOT}\E/!%CX_ROOT%/!;
CXPlist::add_key_with_string($dict, "RobustIcon", $icon);
if ($component->{command})
CXPlist::add_key_with_string($dict, "Command", $component->{command});
if ($component->{rawpath})
CXPlist::add_key_with_string($dict, "RawPath", $component->{rawpath});
if ($component->{arch})
CXPlist::add_key_with_string($dict, "Arch", $component->{arch});
sub get_folder($$$$)
my ($self, $parent, $mac_path, $mac_key)=@_;
if (exists $self->{folders}->{$mac_path})
return $self->{folders}->{$mac_path};
my $children=$self->{children}->{$parent};
if (!defined $children)
$children=CXPlist::get_value_by_name($parent, "Children");
my $folder=CXPlist::get_value_by_name($children, $mac_key) if (defined $children);
return $folder;
# XML file creation and parsing
sub init_xml($$)
my ($self)=@_;
return $self->{xml} if (defined $self->{xml});
my $xml;
if (-f $self->{xml_file})
cxlog("Creating Mac OS X menu plist file\n");
my $plist="<plist version=\"1.0\">\n" .
" <dict>\n" .
" </dict>\n" .
return 0 if (!$xml);
# Now check that the basic structure of this XML file is correct
my $plist=find_tag($xml, "plist");
if (!$plist)
cxerr("unable to find the top plist tag in '$self->{xml_file}'\n");
return 0;
my $tags_root=find_tag($plist, "dict");
if (!$tags_root)
cxerr("unable to find the top dict tag in '$self->{xml_file}'\n");
return 0;
return 1;
# Main
sub detect($$$$)
my ($class, $cxoptions, $cxconfig, $gui_info)=@_;
return () if (!$gui_info->{macosx_on});
# We don't do anything outside bottles
return () if (!$cxoptions->{desktopdata} or $cxoptions->{ro_desktopdata});
# Check for XML::DOM support
my $err=CXXMLDOM::get_xml_load_error();
if ($err)
cxerr("unable to use XML::DOM:\n$err\n");
return ();
my $self={
tag => $cxoptions->{tag},
desktopdata => $cxoptions->{desktopdata},
xml_file => "$cxoptions->{desktopdata}/cxmenu/cxmenu_macosx.plist"
bless $self, $class;
return ($self);
sub id($)
return "CXMenuMacOSX/";
sub install($$)
my ($self, $components)=@_;
return 0 if (!$self->init_xml());
my $in_cache=1;
my $parent=$self->{tags_root};
my $mac_components=$self->get_mac_components($components);
foreach my $component (@$mac_components)
my $folder;
$folder=$self->{folders}->{$component->{_mac_path}} if ($in_cache);
if (!defined $folder)
my $children=$self->{children}->{$parent};
if (!defined $children)
$children=CXPlist::get_value_by_name($parent, "Children");
$children=CXPlist::add_key_with_new_tag($parent, "Children", "dict") if (!defined $children);
$folder=CXPlist::get_value_by_name($children, $component->{_mac_key});
if (!defined $folder)
my $children=$self->{children}->{$parent};
cxlog("creating $component->{_mac_path}\n");
$folder=CXPlist::add_key_with_new_tag($children, $component->{_mac_key}, "dict");
component_to_dict($component, $folder);
elsif (!$component->{intermediate})
my $children=$folder->getParentNode();
cxlog("recreating $component->{_mac_path}\n");
# Overwrite the old properties
my $new_folder=create_element($children->getOwnerDocument(), "dict");
$children->replaceChild($new_folder, $folder);
component_to_dict($component, $new_folder);
if ($component->{is_dir})
# But keep the old children nodes, if any
my $children=CXPlist::get_value_by_name($folder, "Children");
if (defined $children)
CXPlist::add_key_with_child($new_folder, "Children", $children);
# Make sure our brand new (maybe empty) folder will not be
# 'garbage collected' by finalize()
my $menu=@$mac_components[-1];
$self->{status}->{$menu->{_mac_path}}="in-use" if ($menu->{is_dir});
return 1;
sub query($$)
my ($self, $components)=@_;
return ($self->id(), "") if (!defined $components);
return "0" if (!$self->init_xml());
my $parent=$self->{tags_root};
my $mac_components=$self->get_mac_components($components);
foreach my $component (@$mac_components)
my $folder=$self->get_folder($parent, $component->{_mac_path},
return "" if (!defined $folder);
return $self->id();
sub get_files($$)
my ($self, $components)=@_;
# The XML file is inside the CrossOver bottle
# but would not normally get packaged.
return -f $self->{xml_file} ? [$self->{xml_file}] : [];
sub uninstall($$)
my ($self, $components)=@_;
return 0 if (!$self->init_xml());
# Get hold of the folder
my $folder;
my $parent=$self->{tags_root};
my $mac_components=$self->get_mac_components($components);
foreach my $component (@$mac_components)
$folder=$self->get_folder($parent, $component->{_mac_path},
return 1 if (!defined $folder);
# Delete it
my $mac_path=$mac_components->[-1]->{_mac_path};
cxlog("Deleting $mac_path\n");
my $key=CXPlist::get_key_by_value($folder);
remove_element($parent, $key);
remove_element($parent, $folder);
# Always mark the parent folder for garbage collection
return 1;
sub removeall($$)
my ($self, $pattern)=@_;
if (-f $self->{xml_file})
cxlog("Deleting '$self->{xml_file}'\n");
if (!unlink $self->{xml_file})
cxerr("unable to delete '$self->{xml_file}': $!\n");
return 0;
delete $self->{xml};
return 1;
sub gc_get_folder_status($$)
my ($self, $mac_path)=@_;
my $path="";
my $folder;
my $parent=$self->{tags_root};
foreach my $mac_key (split "/", $mac_path)
$folder=$self->get_folder($parent, $path, $mac_key);
if (!$folder)
cxlog("folder '$mac_path' has already been deleted\n");
return undef;
# Check for sub-folders
my $children=$self->{children}->{$folder};
$children=CXPlist::get_value_by_name($folder, "Children") if (!defined $children);
return ("in-use", $folder) if ($children and find_tag($children, "key"));
cxlog("mac_path=[$mac_path] empty\n");
return ("empty", $folder);
sub gc_delete_folder($$$)
my ($self, $mac_path, $folder)=@_;
cxlog("Deleting $mac_path\n");
my $parent=$folder->getParentNode();
my $key=CXPlist::get_key_by_value($folder);
remove_element($parent, $key);
remove_element($parent, $folder);
sub finalize($)
my ($self)=@_;
return 0 if (!$self->{xml});
if ($self->{modified})
if (find_tag($self->{tags_root}, "key"))
return CXXMLDOM::save_xml_file($self->{xml_file}, $self->{xml},
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd\">\n");
# The file is empty so let's just delete it
if (-f $self->{xml_file})
cxlog("Deleting '$self->{xml_file}'\n");
if (!unlink $self->{xml_file})
cxerr("unable to delete '$self->{xml_file}': $!\n");
return 0;
# Delete the parent directory if it is empty
CXUtils::garbage_collect_subdirs($self->{desktopdata}, "/cxmenu", 1);
cxlog("XML file '$self->{xml_file}' not modified\n");
return 1;
return 1;