# (c) Copyright 2003-2010. CodeWeavers, Inc.
use warnings;
use strict;
# Manipulating the fields in a section
package CXRWSection;
use CXUtils;
use CXLog;
sub new($$$)
my ($class, $name, $line)=@_;
my $self={
name => $name, # Section name
lines => [], # List of all lines
fields => {} # For quick access to Field and CommentField lines
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
# For CXRWConfig's internal use only
sub _add_line($$)
my ($self, $field)=@_;
push @{$self->{lines}}, $field;
if (@$field[0] eq "Field")
my $key=@$field[1];
$key =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
elsif (@$field[0] eq "CommentField")
my $key=@$field[1];
$key =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
my $previous=$self->{fields}->{$key};
$self->{fields}->{$key}=$field if (!defined $previous);
# For CXRWConfig's internal use only
sub _escape_string($$)
my ($self, $str)=@_;
my $escaping=($self->{file} ? $self->{file}->{escaping} : "");
if ($escaping)
if ($escaping eq "shell")
$str =~ s/\$/\\\$/g;
elsif ($escaping eq "xdg")
# Here we assume that the field names won't trigger escaping.
# We further assume that string lists won't contain escaped
# semi-colons.
$str =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
$str =~ s/\t/\\t/g;
$str =~ s/\r/\\r/g;
$str =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
cxlog("unknown escaping scheme '$escaping'\n");
return $str;
sub _unescape_char($)
my ($c)=@_;
return "\\" if ($c eq "\\");
return "\n" if ($c eq "n");
return "\r" if ($c eq "r");
return "\t" if ($c eq "t");
return " " if ($c eq "s");
return $c;
# For CXRWConfig's internal use only
sub _unescape_string($$)
my ($self, $str)=@_;
return undef if (!defined $str);
my $escaping=($self->{file} ? $self->{file}->{escaping} : "");
if ($escaping)
if ($escaping eq "shell")
$str =~ s/\\\$/\$/g;
elsif ($escaping eq "xdg")
$str =~ s!\\(.)!_unescape_char($1)!eg;
cxlog("unknown escaping scheme '$escaping'\n");
return $str;
sub get_name($)
my ($self)=@_;
return $self->{name};
sub get_field_list($)
my ($self)=@_;
my @fields=map { @{$_}[1] } grep { @{$_}[0] eq "Field" } @{$self->{lines}};
return \@fields;
sub is_commented_out($$)
my ($self, $key)=@_;
$key =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
my $field=$self->{fields}->{$key};
return 1 if (defined $field and @$field[0] eq "CommentField");
return 0;
sub get($$;$)
my ($self, $key, $default)=@_;
$key =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
my $field=$self->{fields}->{$key};
my $value;
$value=@$field[2] if (defined $field and @$field[0] eq "Field");
$value=$default if (!defined $value);
return $value;
# For CXRWConfig's internal use only
sub _rebuild_line($$)
my ($self, $field)=@_;
my $name=@$field[1];
my $value=@$field[2];
if (@$field[3] eq "\"")
$name="\"" . escape_string($name) . "\"";
$value="\"" . escape_string($value) . "\"";
my $comment=(@$field[0] eq "Field" ? "" : ";");
my $equal=@$field[4];
@$field[-1]=join("", $comment, $self->_escape_string($name),
$equal, $self->_escape_string($value));
sub comment_out($$)
my ($self, $name)=@_;
my $key=$name;
$key =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
my $field=$self->{fields}->{$key};
if (defined $field and @$field[0] eq "Field")
$self->{file}->{modified}=1 if (defined $self->{file});
sub set($$$)
my ($self, $name, $value)=@_;
my $key=$name;
$key =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
my $field=$self->{fields}->{$key};
if (!defined $field)
my $quote=$self->{file}->{quote} || "";
my $equal=$quote ? " = " : "=";
my $field=["Field", $name, $value, $quote, $equal, undef];
push @{$self->{lines}}, $field;
$self->{file}->{modified}=1 if (defined $self->{file});
elsif ($value ne @$field[2] or $name ne @$field[1] or
@$field[0] ne "Field")
$self->{file}->{modified}=1 if (defined $self->{file});
sub remove($$)
my ($self, $key)=@_;
$key =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
my $field=$self->{fields}->{$key};
if (defined $field)
my $lines=$self->{lines};
my $i=@$lines;
while ($i > 0)
my $lfield=@$lines[$i];
splice @$lines, $i, 1 if (defined $lfield->[1] and $lfield->[1] =~ /^\Q$key\E$/i);
delete $self->{fields}->{$key};
$self->{file}->{modified}=1 if (defined $self->{file});
sub remove_all($)
my ($self)=@_;
$self->{file}->{modified}=1 if (defined $self->{file});
package CXRWConfig;
use CXLog;
use CXUtils;
# Debug functions
sub dump_fields($)
my ($self)=@_;
foreach my $name (@{$self->{section_list}})
my $section=$self->get_section($name);
foreach my $key (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{$section->{fields}})
my $comment=($section->is_commented_out($key) ? ";" : "");
cxlog(" $comment","[$key] = [", $section->{fields}->{$key}->[2], "]\n");
sub dump_lines($)
my ($self)=@_;
foreach my $name ("[begin]", @{$self->{section_list}})
my $section=$self->get_section($name);
next if (!$section);
foreach my $line (@{$section->{lines}})
# Add / remove sections
sub _add_section($$)
my ($self, $name)=@_;
my $key=$name;
$key =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
my $section=$self->{sections}->{$key};
if (!defined $section)
push @{$self->{section_list}}, $name if ($name ne "[begin]");
return $section;
sub append_section($$)
my ($self, $name)=@_;
my $section=$self->get_section($name);
return $section if ($section);
# Add an empty line before the new section so the file is readable.
# Only add it if needed to prevent an accumulation of empty lines
# after multiple section additions and removals.
my $last=$self->{section_list}->[-1] || "[begin]";
if ($section)
my $lines=$section->{lines};
if (@$lines and $lines->[-1]->[0] ne "Empty")
push @$lines, ["Empty",undef,undef,undef,undef,""];
push @{$section->{lines}}, ["Section",undef,undef,undef,undef,"[$name]"];
return $section;
sub get_section_keys($)
my ($self)=@_;
return map { tr/A-Z/a-z/; } @{$self->{section_list}};
sub get_section_names($)
my ($self)=@_;
return @{$self->{section_list}};
sub get_section($$)
my ($self, $key)=@_;
$key =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
return $self->{sections}->{$key};
sub rename_section($$$)
my ($self, $old, $new)=@_;
my $key=$old;
$key =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
my $section=$self->{sections}->{$key};
return undef if (!defined $section);
my $section_list=$self->{section_list};
for (my $i=0; $i <@$section_list; $i++)
if (@$section_list[$i] =~ /^\Q$old\E$/i)
splice @$section_list, $i, 1, $new;
delete $self->{sections}->{$key};
my $lines=$section->{lines};
foreach my $field (@$lines)
if (@$field[0] eq "Section")
$key =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
return $section;
sub remove_section($$)
my ($self, $name)=@_;
my $key=$name;
$key =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
my $section=$self->{sections}->{$key};
return undef if (!defined $section);
delete $self->{sections}->{$key};
my $section_list=$self->{section_list};
for (my $i=0; $i<@$section_list; $i++)
if (@$section_list[$i] =~ /^\Q$name\E$/i)
splice @$section_list, $i, 1;
return $section;
sub remove_all($)
my ($self)=@_;
# Shebang manipulation
sub set_shebang($$)
my ($self, $shebang)=@_;
my $section=$self->_add_section("[begin]");
my $field=["raw", "", undef, undef, undef, "#!$shebang"];
if (!@{$section->{lines}})
elsif ($section->{lines}->[0]->[-1] =~ /^#!/)
unshift @{$section->{lines}}, $field;
# Field manipulation shortcuts
sub get($$$;$)
my ($self, $section, $field, $default)=@_;
my $s=$self->get_section($section);
my $value;
$value=$s->get($field) if (defined $s);
$value=$default if (!defined $value);
return $value;
sub set($$$$)
my ($self, $section, $field, $value)=@_;
my $s=$self->append_section($section);
$s->set($field, $value);
# Load / Save the configuration file
my %cxrwcache;
sub new($$;$$)
my ($class, $filename, $escaping, $quote)=@_;
$quote="\"" if (!defined $quote);
# Try to get the file from the cache first
my $self;
if (defined $filename)
# Canonize the filename a bit for the cache
$filename =~ s!/+!/!g;
return $self if ($self);
filename => $filename,
quote => $quote, # The quoting style to use for new fields
escaping => $escaping || "", # How to escape special characters
section_list => [], # Ordered list of the sections
sections => {} # For quick access to each section
bless $self, $class;
$cxrwcache{$filename}=$self if (defined $filename);
if (defined $filename and -e $filename)
my $fh;
return undef if (!open($fh, "<", $filename));
my $section=$self->_add_section("[begin]");
foreach my $line (<$fh>)
chomp $line;
$self->{crlf}=1 if ($line =~ s/\r$//);
my ($type, $name, $value, $quote, $equal);
if ($line =~ /^\s*$/)
elsif ($line =~ /^\[(.*)\]\s*(?:;[^\]]*)?$/)
# New section
next if (defined $section);
elsif ($line =~ /^\s*(;+\s*)*\"((?:[^\\\"]|\\.)*)\"(\s*=\s*)\"((?:[^\\\"]|\\.)*)\"\s*(?:;.*)?$/)
# This is a field in the following format:
# "Name"="Value"
# or "Name" = "Value" ; comment
# or ;"Name" = "Value"
# where Name and Value are escaped strings which can
# contain backslashes and quotes.
$type=(defined $1 ? "CommentField" : "Field");
elsif ($line =~ /^\s*(;+\s*)*([^=;][^=]*?)(\s*=\s*)(.*?)\s*$/)
# This is a field in the following format:
# Name=Value
# or Name = Value ; also part of the value
# or ;Name = Value
# Note that this intentionally also matches
# Name="Value"
# where the quotes are part of the value.
$type=(defined $1 ? "CommentField" : "Field");
$name="" if (!defined $name);
$section->_add_line([$type, $section->_unescape_string($name),
$quote, $equal, $line]);
return $self;
sub uncache_file($)
my ($filename)=@_;
delete $cxrwcache{$filename};
sub get_filename($)
my ($self)=@_;
return $self->{filename};
sub get_filenames($)
my ($self)=@_;
return [ $self->{filename} ];
sub set_filename($$)
my ($self, $filename)=@_;
delete $cxrwcache{$self->{filename}} if (defined $self->{filename});
sub is_modified($)
my ($self)=@_;
return $self->{modified};
sub write($$)
my ($self, $filename)=@_;
my $fh;
return 0 if (!open($fh, ">", $filename));
my $crlf=($self->{crlf} ? "\r\n" : "\n");
foreach my $name ("[begin]", @{$self->{section_list}})
my $section=$self->get_section($name);
next if (!$section);
foreach my $line (@{$section->{lines}})
print $fh @$line[-1], $crlf;
return 1;
sub save($)
my ($self)=@_;
if (!$self->{modified})
my $filename=$self->{filename} || "";
cxlog("'$filename' not modified -> no need to save\n");
return 1;
return 0 if (!$self->{filename});
my $rc=$self->write($self->{filename});
$self->{modified}=0 if ($rc);
return $rc;
# Merging configuration files
# FIXME: Merge the configuration merging code from CXUpgradeConfig
# and switch cxupgrade to using CXRWConfig.
return 1;