# (c) Copyright 2002-2010. CodeWeavers, Inc.
package CXUtils;
use strict;
# Define the module interface
use vars qw(@ISA @EXPORT);
use Exporter ();
@ISA = "Exporter";
@EXPORT = qw(cxbackquote cxexec cxgettext cxmessage cxdirname cxbasename cxmkpath cxmv cxsystem cxwait demangle_string escape_string expand_string expand_cmdline mangle_string new_shell_command shquote_string unescape_string);
use CXLog;
# Portable which(1) implementation
sub cxwhich($$;$)
my ($dirs, $app, $noexec)=@_;
if ($app =~ /^\//)
return $app if ((-x $app or $noexec) and -f $app);
elsif ($app =~ /\//)
require Cwd;
my $path=Cwd::cwd() . "/$app";
return $path if ((-x $path or $noexec) and -f $path);
foreach my $dir (split /:/, $dirs)
return "$dir/$app" if ($dir ne "" and (-x "$dir/$app" or $noexec) and -f "$dir/$app");
return undef;
# Product information
sub check_product_id($)
my ($productid)=@_;
if (length($productid) < 4)
return "product id '$productid' is too short";
if ($productid !~ /^\w+$/)
return "'$productid' contains forbidden characters";
return undef;
sub get_builtin_product_id()
return "cxoffice";
my $productid;
sub get_product_id(;\$)
if (!defined $productid)
my $filename="$ENV{CX_ROOT}/.productid";
if (-e $filename)
if (open(my $fh, "<", $filename))
chomp $productid;
cxerr("unable to open '$filename' for reading: $!\n");
exit 1;
my $err=check_product_id($productid || "");
if ($err)
if (@_ >= 1)
return undef;
exit 1;
return $productid;
sub get_product_name()
return "CrossOver Linux";
sub get_product_version()
return "";
sub get_std_icon($)
my ($basename)=@_;
foreach my $ext ("png", "xpm")
foreach my $size ("48x48", "32x32", "")
my $filename="$ENV{CX_ROOT}/share/icons/$size/$basename.$ext";
return $filename if (-f $filename);
# We could not find the icon but return something anyway
return "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/share/icons/$basename.png";
# String functions
sub hash_string($)
my ($str)=@_;
use integer;
my $hash = 0;
foreach my $char (split //, $str)
# The pack + unpack calls are there to enforce 32bit arithmetic,
# even if the Perl binary is 64bit. This ensures we get the same
# result in both cases.
$hash *= 33;
$hash = unpack "l", pack "l", $hash;
$hash += ord($char);
$hash = unpack "l", pack "l", $hash;
$hash += ($hash >> 5);
$hash = unpack "l", pack "l", $hash;
# This last pack + unpack reinterprets the result as an unsigned value
$hash = unpack "L", pack "l", $hash;
return $hash;
sub base32($$)
my ($value, $digits)=@_;
my $str="";
my $base32="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv";
for (my $i=0; $i < $digits; $i++)
$str=substr($base32, ($value & 0x1f), 1) . $str;
$value=($value >> 5);
return $str;
sub rfc822time($)
my ($time)=@_;
my @local=localtime($time);
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $nmon, $year, $wday)=@local;
my $day=("Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun")[$wday];
my $mon=("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec")[$nmon];
require POSIX;
my $zone=POSIX::strftime("\%z", @local);
return sprintf("\%s, %2d \%s %4d %02d:%02d:%02d \%s",
$day, $mday, $mon, $year, $hour, $min, $sec, $zone);
sub expand_tilde($)
my ($user)=@_;
my $subst;
if (!$user)
$subst=$ENV{HOME} || (getpwuid($>))[7];
return $subst || "~$user";
sub expand_string($)
my ($str)=@_;
return undef if (!defined $str);
$str =~ s+^~([^/]*)/+expand_tilde($1) . "/"+e;
$str =~ s+:~([^/]*)/+":" . expand_tilde($1) . "/"+e;
$str=~ s+\$\{([^}]*)\}+$ENV{$1} || ""+ge;
return $str;
sub escape_string($)
my ($str)=@_;
$str =~ s%\\%\\\\%g;
$str =~ s%\"%\\\"%g;
return $str;
sub unescape_string($)
my ($str)=@_;
$str =~ s%\\\"%\"%g;
$str =~ s%\\\\%\\%g;
return $str;
# Mangles a string so that the result is:
# - shell safe: the result does not contain characters that may be interpreted
# by the shell: $ " ' ` < > #
# - path safe: the result does not contain characters that would be a problem
# in a file path: / \, but also spaces and accentuated characters to avoid
# problems with different encodings across systems
# - XML safe: the result can be used as is in XML, that is the < > and &
# characters are removed
# - list safe: the result can be put in a list which is either colon or
# semi-colon separated
# - KDE Exec safe: the % character is encoded and no % character is introduced
# The mangling operation is 100% reversible. The mangling algorithm also
# strives to keep the result as readable as possible so it uses the following
# special conversions:
# '/' -> '_'
# '\' -> '~'
# ' ' -> '+'
# All other troublesome characters, are encoded by converting them to
# hexadecimal and preceding them with a '^'.
sub mangle_string($)
my ($str)=@_;
$str =~ s!([\x01-\x1f\x80-\xff\$"'`<>#&:;%^_~+])!sprintf "^%02X", ord($1)!eg;
$str =~ s!/!_!g;
$str =~ s!\\!~!g;
$str =~ s! !+!g;
return $str;
# Decodes a mangled string.
sub demangle_string($)
my ($str)=@_;
$str =~ s!_!/!g;
$str =~ s!~!\\!g;
$str =~ s!\+! !g;
$str =~ s!chr(oct("0x$1"))!eg;
return $str;
sub cmdline2argv($)
my @chars=split "",$_[0];
my $len=@chars;
my @argv;
my $in_quotes=0;
my $bcount=0;
my $i=0;
my $arg="";
while ($i<$len)
my $c=$chars[$i++];
if (($c eq " " or $c eq "\t") and !$in_quotes)
# Close the argument and copy it
push @argv,$arg;
# skip the remaining spaces
while ($i<$len)
last if ($c ne " " and $c ne "\t");
# Start with a new argument
elsif ($c eq "\\")
# '\\'
elsif ($c eq "\"")
# '"'
if (($bcount & 1)==0)
# Preceded by an even number of '\', this is half that
# number of '\', plus a quote which we erase.
my $bq="\\" x ($bcount/2);
# Preceded by an odd number of '\', this is half that
# number of '\' followed by a '"'
my $bq="\\" x ($bcount/2);
# a regular character
push @argv,$arg if ($arg ne "");
return @argv;
sub expand_cmdline($)
my ($str)=@_;
return undef if (!defined $str);
return $str if ($str !~ /\$/);
my @args;
foreach my $arg (map { expand_string($_) } cmdline2argv($str))
if ($arg =~ /[ "]/)
push @args, "\"" . escape_string($arg) . "\"";
push @args, $arg;
return join(' ', @args);
# Quotes strings so they can be used in shell commands
# Note that this implies escaping '$'s and '`'s which may not be appropriate
# in another context.
sub shquote_string($)
my ($str)=@_;
$str =~ s%\\%\\\\%g;
$str =~ s%\$%\\\$%g;
$str =~ s%\"%\\\"%g;
$str =~ s%\`%\\\`%g;
return "\"$str\"";
sub argv2shcmd(@)
return join(' ', map { /[^a-zA-Z0-9\/.,+_-]/ ? shquote_string($_) : $_ } @_);
# Glob functions
sub glob2regexp($;$)
my ($glob, $nocase)=@_;
# Convert the shell glob to a Perl pattern
$glob =~ s/([].+|^\$\\\(\){}[])/\\$1/g;
$glob =~ s/\*/.*/g;
$glob =~ s/^\.\*/[^.].*/;
$glob =~ s/\?/./g;
$glob = "(?i:$glob)" if ($nocase);
return $glob;
sub cxglob($$;$)
my ($dir, $globs, $options)=@_;
$options ||= "";
my $nocase;
$nocase=1 if ($options =~ /i/);
my $matches=[ $dir ];
foreach my $glob (split m!/!, $globs)
next if ($glob eq "");
my $dirs=[];
if ($nocase or $glob =~ /[?*]/)
$glob=glob2regexp($glob, $nocase);
foreach my $dir (@$matches)
if (opendir(my $dh, $dir))
foreach my $dentry (readdir $dh)
push @$dirs, "$dir/$dentry" if ($dentry =~ /^$glob$/);
foreach my $dir (@$matches)
push @$dirs, "$dir/$glob" if (-l "$dir/$glob" or -e _);
return () if (!@$dirs);
return @$matches;
sub delete_files($$;$$)
my ($root, $pattern, $recursive, $prune)=@_;
my @gc=();
my $found=0;
my @dirs=("");
while (@dirs)
my $dir=shift @dirs;
if (opendir(my $dh, "$root/$dir"))
foreach my $dentry (readdir $dh)
next if ($dentry =~ /^\.\.?$/);
my $path="$root/$dir$dentry";
if ($recursive and !-l $path and -d $path)
push @dirs, "$dir$dentry/";
elsif ($dentry =~ /$pattern/)
# $dentry may be a dangling symbolic link, so no -f test
cxlog("Deleting '$path'\n");
if (!unlink $path)
cxerr("unable to delete '$path': $!\n");
push @gc, $dir if ($prune);
cxlog("unable to open the '$dir' directory: $!\n");
if ($prune)
foreach my $dir (sort { $b cmp $a } @gc)
CXUtils::garbage_collect_subdirs($root, $dir, 0);
return $found;
sub cxfind($$;$)
my ($rootdir, $pattern, $max)=@_;
my @matches;
my @dirs=($rootdir);
while (@dirs)
my $dir=shift @dirs;
if (opendir(my $dh, $dir))
foreach my $dentry (readdir $dh)
next if ($dentry =~ /^\.\.?$/);
if ($dentry =~ /$pattern/)
push @matches, "$dir/$dentry";
if (defined $max and @matches >= $max)
return @matches;
elsif (!-l "$dir/$dentry" and -d _)
push @dirs, "$dir/$dentry";
return @matches;
# Miscellaneous
sub get_wine_dir_id($)
my ($dev,$ino)=(stat($_[0]))[0,1];
my $id;
if ($dev > 0xffffffff)
$id=sprintf("%lx%08lx-", ($dev >> 32), ($dev & 0xffffffff));
$id=sprintf("%lx-", $dev);
if ($ino > 0xffffffff)
$id.=sprintf("%lx%08lx", ($ino >> 32), ($ino & 0xffffffff));
$id.=sprintf("%lx", $ino);
return $id;
sub get_unique_id($)
my $id;
my $uuidgen=cxwhich($ENV{PATH}, "uuidgen");
$uuidgen=cxwhich($ENV{PATH}, "makeuuid") if (!defined $uuidgen);
if (defined $uuidgen)
$id=`$uuidgen 2>/dev/null`;
chomp $id;
if (!defined $id or $id eq "")
$id=get_wine_dir_id($_[0]) . "-" . time();
return $id;
# Fast dirname() implementation
sub cxdirname($)
my ($path)=@_;
return undef if (!defined $path);
return "." if ($path !~ s!/+[^/]+/*$!!s);
return "/" if ($path eq "");
return $path;
# Fast basename() implementation
sub cxbasename($)
my ($path)=@_;
return undef if (!defined $path);
$path =~ s!/+$!!s;
$path =~ s!^.*/+!!s;
return $path;
# Return 1 if the two paths refer to the same inode, 0 if not
sub same_inode($$)
my ($path1, $path2)=@_;
return 1 if ($path1 eq $path2);
my ($dev1, $ino1)=(stat($path1))[0,1];
my ($dev2, $ino2)=(stat($path2))[0,1];
return 0 if (!defined $dev1 or !defined $dev2);
return 1 if ($dev1 == $dev2 and $ino1 == $ino2);
return 0;
sub get_symlink_target($)
my ($link)=@_;
my $target=readlink($link);
return $target if ($target =~ m%^/%);
my $dirname=cxdirname($link);
return "/$target" if ($dirname eq "/");
return "$dirname/$target";
sub dereference_symlink($)
my ($link)=@_;
while (-l $link)
last if (!-e $link);
return $link;
sub cxrealpath($)
my ($path)=@_;
if ($path !~ m+^/+)
require Cwd;
$path=Cwd::cwd() . "/$path";
my $realpath="";
foreach my $item (split m%/+%, $path)
if ($item eq "" or $item eq ".")
elsif ($item eq "..")
if ($realpath eq "")
# Nothing to do
elsif (-d $realpath)
return $realpath || "/";
sub cxmkpath($;$)
my ($path, $mode)=@_;
# Prevent mkpath from killing the process if it fails!
require File::Path;
eval { File::Path::mkpath($path, 0, $mode) };
return ($@ ? 0 : 1);
sub cxmv($$)
my ($src, $dst)=@_;
return 1 if (rename($src, $dst));
# The source and destination paths may be on different filesystems
# So try to do a copy.
require File::Copy;
return undef if (!File::Copy::copy($src, $dst));
# Return 0 in case the caller does not care about deleting the source file
# It's still 'false' anyway
return 0 if (!unlink $src);
return 1;
sub file_grep($$)
my ($filename, $regexp)=@_;
my $fh;
if (!open($fh, "<", $filename))
cxlog("unable to open '$filename' for reading: $!\n");
return 0;
while (my $line=<$fh>)
if ($line =~ /$regexp/)
return 1;
return 0;
my @cpio_o;
sub get_cpio_o()
if (!@cpio_o)
# Mac OS X does not support the odc format
cxbackquote("cpio -o -H odc </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1");
if ($?)
@cpio_o=("cpio", "-o");
@cpio_o=("cpio", "-o", "-H", "odc");
return @cpio_o;
sub get_tar()
return cxwhich("$ENV{PATH}:/usr/sfw/bin:/opt/csw/bin", "gtar") || "tar";
sub get_gzip()
return cxwhich($ENV{PATH}, "pigz") || cxwhich($ENV{PATH}, "gzip");
sub get_bzip2()
return cxwhich($ENV{PATH}, "pbzip2") || cxwhich($ENV{PATH}, "bzip2");
sub generate_from_template($$$)
my ($dst, $template, $substitutions)=@_;
my $in;
if (!open($in, "<", $template))
cxerr("unable to open '$template' for reading: $!\n");
return 1;
my $out;
if (!open($out, ">", $dst))
cxerr("unable to open '$dst' for writing: $!\n");
return 1;
while (my $line=<$in>)
if ($line =~ /\@/)
while (my ($key, $value)=each %{$substitutions})
cxerr("no value for '$key'\n") if (!defined $value);
$line =~ s/\@$key\@/$value/g;
cxwarn("leftover template variable in:\n$line") if ($line =~ /\@[a-z_]+\@/);
print $out $line;
my $mode=(stat($template))[2] & 07777;
chmod($mode, $dst);
return 0;
sub garbage_collect_subdirs($$$)
my ($root, $subdir, $delete_root)=@_;
$subdir="/$subdir" if ($subdir !~ s%^/+%/%);
while (1)
if ($subdir eq "/")
if ($delete_root and rmdir $root)
cxlog("Deleted '$root'\n");
last if (!rmdir "$root$subdir");
cxlog("Deleted '$root$subdir'\n");
# Securely take a lock
sub cxlock($)
my ($name)=@_;
my $dir=$ENV{TMPDIR} || "/tmp";
$dir.= "/.wine-$>";
my @st=lstat($dir);
if (!@st)
mkdir($dir, 0700);
if (!@st)
$@="unable to create the '$dir' directory: $!";
return undef;
if (!-d _)
$@="'$dir' is not a directory";
return undef;
elsif ($st[4] != $>)
$@="'$dir' is not owned by you";
return undef;
elsif ($st[2] & 077)
$@="'$dir' must not be accessible by other users";
return undef;
my $path="$dir/$name.lock";
if (-e $path and (-l $path or !-f $path))
$@="'$path' is not a regular file";
return undef;
my $lock;
if (!open($lock, ">", $path))
$@="unable to create the lock '$path': $!";
return undef;
cxlog("$$: Grabbing the '$path' lock\n");
if (!flock($lock, 2))
$@="unable to lock '$path': $!";
return undef;
cxlog("$$: Got the '$path' lock\n");
return {name => $name, path => $path, lock => $lock};
# Note that deleting a lock carries a very high risk of causing races outside
# the scope of this function and has essentially no benefit. So the file
# created for the lock is not deleted and no support is provided for deleting
# it.
sub cxunlock($)
my ($lock)=@_;
my $rc=1;
if ($lock)
cxlog("$$: Releasing the '$lock->{path}' lock\n");
$lock->{unlock_hook}($lock) if ($lock->{unlock_hook});
if (!flock($lock->{lock}, 8))
cxwarn("unable to release the '$lock->{path}' lock: $!\n");
return $rc;
sub cxexec(@)
cxlog("Exec-ing '", join("' '", @_), "'\n");
cxlog("-> failed: $!\n") if (!exec @_);
sub cxsystem(@)
cxlog("Running '",join("' '",@_),"'\n");
my $start=CXLog::cxtime();
my $rc=system(@_);
cxlog("-> rc=$rc (took ", CXLog::cxtime()-$start, " seconds)\n");
return $rc;
sub cxbackquote($;$)
my ($cmd, $nolog)=@_;
cxlog("Running `$cmd`\n");
my $start=CXLog::cxtime();
my @output=`$cmd`;
cxlog("-> rc=$? (took ", CXLog::cxtime()-$start, " seconds)\n");
cxlog("output=[@output]\n") if ($? or !$nolog);
return wantarray ? @output : join("", @output);
package CXShellCommand;
sub dump_chunk($);
sub dump_chunk($)
my ($chunk)=@_;
return "<undef>" if (!defined $chunk);
return "\"$chunk\"" if (!ref($chunk));
return "[" . join(", ", map { dump_chunk($_) } @$chunk) . "]";
sub compute_logfile($)
my ($cmd)=@_;
if (!defined $cmd->{logfile})
$cmd->{tmpdir}||=$ENV{TMPDIR} || "/tmp";
# Build the command line, making sure we detect errors in commands before
# pipes. Also makes it easy to prevent chatty commands like cpio and 7za
# from polluting our output, while still reporting errors.
sub build_cmdline($$);
sub build_cmdline($$)
my ($cmd, $chunk)=@_;
if (!ref(@$chunk[0]))
return (join(" ", map { $_ =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9.\/_-]+$/ ? $_ : CXUtils::shquote_string($_) } @$chunk), "simple");
if (@$chunk[1] =~ /^(?:\|\||&&|;)$/)
my $cmdline="";
my $i=0;
while (1)
my ($chunkcmd, $type)=build_cmdline($cmd, @$chunk[$i]);
if (($type eq "|" and $i != @$chunk-1) or
($type eq ";" and $i != 0))
$chunkcmd="( $chunkcmd )";
last if (!defined @$chunk[$i]);
if (@$chunk[$i] !~ /^(?:\|\||&&|;)$/)
require Carp;
Carp::confess("inhomogeneous command @$chunk[$i] in ", dump_chunk($chunk), "\n");
$cmdline.=" @$chunk[$i] ";
return ($cmdline, ";");
if (@$chunk[1] eq "|")
my $cmdline="";
my $i=0;
while (1)
my ($chunkcmd, $type)=build_cmdline($cmd, @$chunk[$i]);
$chunkcmd="( $chunkcmd )" if ($type eq ";");
if ($i < @$chunk-1)
$cmdline.="( $chunkcmd || echo \"commands left of pipe $cmd->{pipe} failed: \$?\" ";
if ($cmd->{capture_output})
$cmdline.=">&2 ) | ";
$cmdline.=">>$cmd->{qlogfile} ) | ";
last if (!defined @$chunk[$i]);
if (@$chunk[$i] ne "|")
require Carp;
Carp::confess("inhomogeneous command @$chunk[$i] in ", dump_chunk($chunk), "\n");
return ($cmdline, "|");
if (@$chunk[1] =~ /^2?(?:<|>|>>)$/)
my ($chunkcmd, $type)=build_cmdline($cmd, @$chunk[0]);
$chunkcmd="( $chunkcmd )" if ($type ne "simple");
my $i=1;
while (defined @$chunk[$i])
my $redirect=@$chunk[$i];
if ($redirect !~ /^2?(?:<|>|>>)$/)
require Carp;
Carp::confess("inhomogeneous command $redirect in ", dump_chunk($chunk), "\n");
if (defined @$chunk[$i])
$chunkcmd.=" $redirect" . CXUtils::shquote_string(@$chunk[$i]);
elsif ($redirect =~ /^2?>$/)
# This is to prevent chatty commands from polluting our
# output. So we append their output to our log (hence the
# extra '>') and that way we can report it in case of an
# error.
if (!$cmd->{capture_output})
$chunkcmd.=" $redirect>$cmd->{qlogfile}";
elsif ($redirect eq ">")
$chunkcmd.=" $redirect&2";
require Carp;
Carp::confess("no file specified for $redirect in ", dump_chunk($chunk), "\n");
return ($chunkcmd, ">");
require Carp;
Carp::confess("unknown chunk type ", dump_chunk($chunk), "\n");
sub get_command_line($)
my ($self)=@_;
if (!defined $self->{cmdline})
my ($cmdline, $type)=$self->build_cmdline($self->{cmd});
if ($self->{capture_output})
$cmdline="( $cmdline )" if ($type ne "simple");
$cmdline="$cmdline 2>&1";
return $self->{cmdline};
sub get_output($)
my ($self)=@_;
if (!defined $self->{output} and
defined $self->{logfile} and -f $self->{logfile})
if (open(my $fh, "<", $self->{logfile}))
unlink $self->{logfile};
return $self->{output};
sub has_errors($)
my ($self)=@_;
if (!defined $self->{failed})
$self->{failed}=$self->{exit_code} || 0;
$self->{failed}||=1 if (($self->get_output() || "") =~ /failed:/);
return $self->{failed};
sub run($)
my ($self)=@_;
if ($self->{capture_output})
delete $self->{output};
return $self->has_errors();
sub get_exit_code($)
my ($self)=@_;
return $self->{exit_code};
sub get_error_report($)
my ($self)=@_;
my $report=($self->get_output() || "") . $self->{cmdline};
$report.=" returned $self->{exit_code}" if (defined $self->{exit_code});
return "$report\n";
sub new_shell_command($)
my ($self)=@_;
return undef if (!defined $self->{cmd});
bless $self, "CXShellCommand";
return $self;
# Desktop integration
sub cxmessage(@)
return cxsystem("$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxmessage",@_);
sub cxwait($$@)
my $pid;
if (defined $ENV{DISPLAY} and -x "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxwait")
if ($pid == 0)
# Child code
my $delay=shift @_;
sleep($delay) if ($delay);
# @_ must contain at least one parameter otherwise we may have
# quoting issues. Fortunately this is guaranteed by the function
# prototype.
cxexec("$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxwait", @_);
exit 1;
return $pid;
sub cxsu(@)
return cxsystem("$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxsu",@_);
# Detects the current desktop environment
sub get_desktop_environment()
return "gnome" if (defined $ENV{GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID});
return "mate" if (defined $ENV{MATE_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID});
return "kde" if (defined $ENV{KDE_FULL_SESSION});
return "deepin" if (defined $ENV{DESKTOP_SESSION} and $ENV{DESKTOP_SESSION} eq "deepin");
return "macosx" if (-d "/System/Library/CoreServices/Finder.app");
# If the above failed, try using D-Bus which is slower
foreach my $entry (["org.gnome.SessionManager", "gnome"],
["org.mate.SessionManager", "mate"],
["org.kde.ksmserver", "kde"])
my ($dbusid, $name)=@$entry;
return $name if (cxsystem("dbus-send --print-reply --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.GetNameOwner string:$dbusid >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0);
return "unknown";
# Find a terminal emulator
# Note that some terminal emulators (konsole for instance) are incapable
# of dealing with a space in the command name.
# So it is recommended to use something like this for the command:
# system(get_terminal_emulator(), "/bin/sh", "-c", $full_command_with_args)
sub get_terminal_emulator(;$)
my ($title)=@_;
my @xterm_list=("x-terminal-emulator",
"xterm", "lxterm",
"rxvt-xterm", "rxvt.bin", "rxvt",
"eterm", "Eterm",
# Try to pick the appropriate default for the current desktop environment
my $de=get_desktop_environment();
cxlog("desktop environment: $de\n");
unshift @xterm_list, "gnome-terminal" if ($de eq "gnome");
unshift @xterm_list, "mate-terminal" if ($de eq "mate");
unshift @xterm_list, "konsole" if ($de eq "kde");
unshift @xterm_list, "deepin-terminal" if ($de eq "deepin");
my $path;
foreach my $term (@xterm_list)
my $term_path=cxwhich("$ENV{PATH}:/usr/openwin/bin",$term);
if (defined $term_path and -s $term_path)
return () if (!$path);
my @cmd=($path);
if (!defined $title)
# Nothing to do
elsif ($path =~ m%/(?:eterm|mate-terminal)$%i)
# Eterm supports -T and --title
# mate-terminal supports -t and --title
push @cmd, "--title", $title;
elsif ($path =~ m%/(?:deepin-terminal|gnome-terminal|x-terminal-emulator)$%)
# deepin-terminal does not support any -title option.
# gnome-terminal used to support -t, --title or even -T for some but
# does not any longer
# No assumption should be made for x-terminal-emulator.
# All other options support -title:
# - rxvt and xterm support -T and -title
# - aterm, dtterm support -title
# - konsole supports -title (-T was dropped)
push @cmd, "-title", $title;
if ($path =~ m%/(?:gnome|mate)-terminal$%)
push @cmd, "--hide-menubar", "--";
push @cmd, "-e";
return @cmd;
# Character set conversion
my $system_encoding;
sub get_system_encoding(;$)
my ($raw)=@_;
if (!defined $system_encoding)
$system_encoding = eval "require I18N::Langinfo; I18N::Langinfo->import(qw(langinfo CODESET)); langinfo(CODESET());";
if ($@ or !$system_encoding)
$system_encoding=cxbackquote("locale charmap 2>/dev/null");
if ($? == 0)
chomp $system_encoding;
$system_encoding="ANSI_X3.4-1968" if (!$system_encoding);
cxlog("system encoding='$system_encoding'\n");
my $encoding=$system_encoding;
if (!$raw and $encoding =~ /^(?:ANSI_X3\.4-1968|646)$/)
cxlog("overriding '$encoding' system encoding\n");
return $encoding;
# Localization
my $cxlocales;
sub get_supported_locales()
if (!defined $cxlocales and opendir(my $dh, "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/share/locale"))
foreach my $dentry (readdir $dh)
push @$cxlocales, $dentry if ($dentry =~ /^[a-z]{2}/);
return @$cxlocales;
my $cxlang="";
sub cxgetlang()
return $cxlang;
sub cxsetlang($)
my $oldlang=$cxlang;
$cxlang=$_[0] || "";
return $oldlang;
my $cxencoding="";
sub cxgetencoding()
return $cxencoding;
sub cxsetencoding($)
my $oldencoding=$cxencoding;
$cxencoding=$_[0] || "";
return $oldencoding;
my %cxgettext_cache;
my $_non_c_locale;
sub cxgettext(@)
my $format=shift @_;
my $key="$cxlang:$cxencoding:$format";
my $local_format=$cxgettext_cache{$key};
if (!defined $local_format)
if ($format eq "")
my $cmd="";
if ($cxlang)
if (!defined $_non_c_locale)
$_non_c_locale=cxbackquote("locale -a | egrep -a -v '^(C|POSIX)\$' 2>/dev/null | head -n 1");
chomp $_non_c_locale;
$cmd.="LC_ALL=$_non_c_locale LANGUAGE=$cxlang ";
$cmd.=shquote_string("$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/cxgettext") .
" --textdomain crossover --textdomaindir " .
shquote_string("$ENV{CX_ROOT}/share/locale") . " ";
$cxencoding=get_system_encoding() if (!$cxencoding);
$cmd.="--encoding $cxencoding " . shquote_string($format);
$cmd.=" 2>/dev/null" if (!CXLog::is_on());
$local_format=$format if ($? != 0 or $local_format eq "");
return sprintf($local_format,@_);
sub license_file_present()
return (-f "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/etc/license.txt");
return 1;