# (c) Copyright 2005-2008, 2010. CodeWeavers, Inc.
package CXXMLDOM;
use warnings;
use strict;
use CXLog;
use CXUtils;
use base "Exporter";
use vars '@EXPORT';
@EXPORT = qw(get_cdata
# Loading XML::DOM / XML files
my $xmldom_err;
eval "no warnings 'all';use XML::Handler::BuildDOM;use XML::SAX::PurePerl;";
sub get_xml_load_error()
return $xmldom_err;
sub parse_xml_file($)
my ($filename)=@_;
my $handler = new XML::Handler::BuildDOM();
my $parser = new XML::SAX::PurePerl(Handler => $handler);
cxlog("Reading XML file from '$filename'\n");
my $xml;
my $start=CXLog::cxtime();
eval { $xml=$parser->parse_uri($filename); };
cxlog("parsing took ", CXLog::cxtime()-$start, " seconds\n");
if ($@)
cxerr("unable to parse '$filename': $@\n");
return undef;
return $xml;
sub parse_xml_string($)
my ($str)=@_;
my $xml;
my $handler = new XML::Handler::BuildDOM();
my $parser = new XML::SAX::PurePerl(Handler => $handler);
eval { $xml=$parser->parse_string($str); };
if ($@)
cxerr("unable to parse XML string: $@\n");
return undef;
return $xml;
sub save_xml_file($$;$)
my ($filename, $xml, $prefix)=@_;
cxlog("Writing '$filename'\n");
my $dir=cxdirname($filename);
if (!cxmkpath($dir))
cxerr("unable to create directory '$dir/': $!\n");
return 0;
my $fh;
if (!open($fh, ">:encoding(UTF-8)", "$filename.tmp-$$"))
cxerr("unable to open '$filename.tmp-$$' for writing: $!\n");
return 0;
print $fh $prefix if ($prefix);
print $fh $xml->toString();
if (!rename("$filename.tmp-$$", $filename))
cxerr("unable to update '$filename': $!\n");
return 0;
return 1;
# UTF8 to / from Unicode
# Notes:
# - If the utf8 module is available, then strings containing accents will have
# been converted to Perl's internal Unicode representation by the XML parser.
# But comparisons of a Unicode string with the same raw UTF-8 string fail
# which will cause us to fail to find folders for instance. So we must
# convert our strings to Unicode too.
# - The utf8 module is not available or non-functional in early Perl 5.6
# versions. So use pack (a bit slower) as a fallback.
my $has_utf8=(defined &utf8::is_utf8);
sub is_unicode($)
my ($str)=@_;
return utf8::is_utf8($str) if ($has_utf8);
# Plan B for when utf8::is_utf8() is not available
require bytes;
return 0 if (!defined $str);
return (length($str) != bytes::length($str));
sub utf8_to_unicode($)
my ($str)=@_;
if ($has_utf8)
elsif (defined $str)
$str=pack "U0A*", $str;
return $str;
sub unicode_to_utf8($)
my ($str)=@_;
if ($has_utf8)
elsif (defined $str)
$str=pack "C0A*", $str;
return $str;
sub string_properties($)
my ($str)=@_;
return "Undefined" if (!defined $str);
require bytes;
my $clen=length($str);
my $blen=bytes::length($str);
my $ascii=($str =~ /^[\x01-\x7f]*$/);
my $prop="Unicode " . ($clen != $blen ? "On" : "Off") .
($ascii ? ", Ascii" : ", Non-Ascii") .
", $clen Characters, $blen Bytes";
# XML helper functions
sub dump_dom($$);
sub dump_dom($$)
my ($prefix, $node)=@_;
my $type=ref($node);
$type =~ s/^XML::DOM:://;
my $name=$node->getNodeName() || "<undef>";
my $value=$node->getNodeValue() || "<undef>";
cxlog("$prefix $name=[$value]\n");
my $child=$node->getFirstChild();
while (defined $child)
dump_dom("$prefix ", $child);
sub get_cdata($)
my ($node)=@_;
return "" if (!defined $node);
return $node->getData() || "";
sub set_cdata($$)
my ($node, $str)=@_;
# Replace the text of that node
# Remove the old children if any
while (1)
my $n=$node->getFirstChild();
last if (!defined $n);
my $text=XML::DOM::Text->new($node->getOwnerDocument());
return $node;
sub get_child($$)
my ($parent, $tag)=@_;
my $child=$parent->getFirstChild();
while (defined $child)
return $child if ($child->getNodeName() eq $tag);
return undef;
sub find_tag($$)
my ($root, $tag)=@_;
my @nodes=($root);
while (@nodes)
my $node=shift @nodes;
my $child=$node->getFirstChild();
while (defined $child)
return $child if ($child->getNodeName() eq $tag);
push @nodes, $child if (ref($child) eq "XML::DOM::Element");
return undef;
sub find_next_tag($$)
my ($node, $tag)=@_;
while (defined $node)
return $node if ($node->getNodeName() eq $tag);
return undef;
sub get_child_by_name($$$)
my ($parent, $tag, $name)=@_;
my $child=$parent->getFirstChild();
while (defined $child)
if ($child->getNodeName() eq $tag)
my $text=get_child($child, "Name");
return $child if (get_cdata($text) eq $name);
return undef;
sub get_tag_by_path($$$)
my ($folder, $tag, $path)=@_;
foreach my $name (split "/", $path)
# Ignore empty names to deal with leading and trailing '/'s
next if ($name eq "");
$folder=get_child_by_name($folder, $tag, $name);
return undef if (!defined $folder);
return $folder;
# XML helper methods
sub create_element($$;$)
my ($owner, $name, $str)=@_;
my $element=XML::DOM::Element->new($owner, $name);
if (defined $str)
my $text=XML::DOM::Text->new($owner);
return $element;
sub add_element($$;$)
my ($parent, $child, $position)=@_;
if (!$position)
$position=undef if (ref($position) ne "XML::DOM::Text");
$parent->insertBefore($child, $position);
# Now insert some extra Text objects for indentation
my $indent="";
my $text=get_child($parent, "#text");
if (ref($text) ne "XML::DOM::Text" or
($indent=$text->getData()) !~ /^\s+$/)
$indent=$text->getData() . " " if (ref($text) eq "XML::DOM::Text");
$indent =~ s/^.*\n//;
if ($indent =~ /^\s*$/)
my $owner=$parent->getOwnerDocument();
my $sibling=$child->getPreviousSibling();
if (ref($sibling) ne "XML::DOM::Text")
$parent->insertBefore($text, $child);
if (ref($sibling) ne "XML::DOM::Text")
$indent=~s/ $// if (!$sibling);
$parent->insertBefore($text, $sibling);
return $child;
sub add_new_element($$;$$)
my ($parent, $name, $str, $position)=@_;
my $child=create_element($parent->getOwnerDocument(), $name, $str);
return add_element($parent, $child, $position);
sub set_element($$;$$)
my ($parent, $name, $str, $position)=@_;
my $child=get_child($parent, $name);
return set_cdata($child, $str) if (defined $child);
$position=$position->getNextSibling() if (defined $position);
return add_new_element($parent, $name, $str, $position);
sub remove_element($$)
my ($parent, $node)=@_;
my $sibling=$node->getPreviousSibling();
if (ref($sibling) eq "XML::DOM::Text" and
ref($node->getNextSibling()) eq "XML::DOM::Text")
# Remove redundant indentation object
# Note that this impacts any code that tries to iterate the children
return 1;