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Version: 18.5.0-1 

/ opt / cxoffice / lib / python / appdetector.py

# (c) Copyright 2009-2011. CodeWeavers, Inc.

import os
import re

import distversion
import cxutils
import bottlequery
import c4profilesmanager
import cxglob
import cxlog
import cxobjc

def _get_uninstall_info(bottlename):
    result = []
    for parent_key in ('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software',
        uninstaller_key = '%s\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall' % parent_key

            subkeys, _values = bottlequery.get_registry_key(bottlename, uninstaller_key)
        except bottlequery.NotFoundError:

        for keyname in subkeys:
            _subkeys, values = bottlequery.get_registry_key(bottlename, '%s\\%s' % (uninstaller_key, keyname))
            result.append((keyname, values))
    return result

class InstalledApplication(cxobjc.Proxy):
    """Describes an application installed in a specific bottle.

    Each such object has an appid property which uniquely identifies it in a

    If there is a corresponding C4 profile then this is the profile's id. This
    makes it easy to check if the application for a given profile is installed
    or not.

    If there is no corresponding C4 profile, then it's a string of the form
    '.local.<keyname>' (since only applications that have a proper Uninstall
    key can be detected without a profile. Since this id starts with a dot it
    cannot collide with a profile id.

    This class inherits from cxobjc.Proxy so that we can bind to it properly from
    within ObjC. That means that it must always be created via the special

    # Name of the Uninstall registry key, if any
    keyname = None

    # Display name from the registry, if any
    displayname = None

    # True if the application is a system component
    systemcomponent = False

    # Command line for "Repair or Remove", if any
    uninstallcommand = None

    # C4 application profile, if any
    _profile = None

    def __init__(self, bottlename, profile, keyname):
        self.bottlename = bottlename
        self.keyname = keyname
        if profile:
            self._profile = profile
            self.appid = profile.appid
            self.appid = ".local." + keyname

    # This is a special initializer for objc. It must always be called
    #  explicitly on the mac.
    def initWithBottleName_profile_andKeyName_(self, bottlename, profile, keyname):
        self = cxobjc.Proxy.nsobject_init(self)
        if self is not None:
            self.__init__(bottlename, profile, keyname)
        return self

    # This is the constructor that should /always/ be used to create
    #  a new object. It will create the object as appropriate for
    #  the platform.
    def platformconstructor(cls, bottlename, profile=None, keyname=None):
        if distversion.IS_MACOSX:
            # There's no alloc() method on non-Mac platforms...
            # pylint: disable=E1101
            return cls.alloc().initWithBottleName_profile_andKeyName_(bottlename, profile, keyname)
        return cls(bottlename, profile, keyname)

    def _getprofile(self):
        return self._profile

    def _setprofile(self, profile):
        """Associates a profile and updates the appid property accordingly."""
        self._profile = profile
        self.appid = profile.appid

    profile = property(_getprofile, _setprofile)

    def _getname(self):
        """Returns the installed application name.
        This is the name of the C4 profile if there is one, or the display
        name if there is one, and the registry key as a last resort.
        if self._profile:
            return self._profile.name
        if self.displayname:
            return self.displayname
        return self.keyname

    name = property(_getname)

def _get_uninstall_applications(bottlename):
    result = []
    winebin = os.path.join(cxutils.CX_ROOT, "bin", "wine")
    for keyname, values in _get_uninstall_info(bottlename):
        app = InstalledApplication.platformconstructor(bottlename, keyname=keyname)
        app.displayname = values.get('displayname')
        app.systemcomponent = values.get('systemcomponent', 0) == 1
        if 'uninstallstring' in values:
            # we can't reliably call a windows command so just use uninstaller.exe
            app.uninstallcommand = [winebin, '--bottle', bottlename, '--wl-app', 'uninstaller', '--remove', keyname]
    return result

class AppDetector(cxobjc.Proxy):

def get_installed_applications(bottlename, profiles):
    installed_apps = {}

    # search for installed profiles
    file_glob_tree = cxglob.FileGlobTree()
    uninstall_apps = _get_uninstall_applications(bottlename)
    known_uninstall_apps = set()
    for profile in profiles.values():
        app_profile = profile.app_profile
        if app_profile is None:
        found = False

        if app_profile.installed_key_pattern is not None:
                regex = re.compile(app_profile.installed_key_pattern, re.IGNORECASE)
            except re.error:
                cxlog.warn("installed key pattern %s in profile for %s is an invalid regular expression" % (cxlog.debug_str(app_profile.installed_key_pattern), cxlog.debug_str(profile.appid)))
                for app in uninstall_apps:
                    if regex.match(app.keyname.decode('utf8')):
                        installed_apps[profile.appid] = InstalledApplication.platformconstructor(bottlename, profile, app.keyname)
                        installed_apps[profile.appid].uninstallcommand = app.uninstallcommand
                        found = True
                if found:

        if app_profile.steamid:
            # A special case. For a given steam appid there's a ready-made
            # key pattern to check.
            steamidstring = "Steam App %s" % app_profile.steamid
            for app in uninstall_apps:
                if steamidstring.lower() == app.keyname.decode('utf8'):
                    installed_apps[profile.appid] = InstalledApplication.platformconstructor(bottlename, profile, app.keyname)
                    installed_apps[profile.appid].uninstallcommand = app.uninstallcommand
                    found = True
                if found:

        if app_profile.installed_display_pattern is not None:
                regex = re.compile(app_profile.installed_display_pattern, re.IGNORECASE)
            except re.error:
                cxlog.warn("installed display pattern %s in profile for %s is an invalid regular expression" % (cxlog.debug_str(app_profile.installed_display_pattern), cxlog.debug_str(profile.appid)))
                for app in uninstall_apps:
                    if app.displayname is not None and regex.match(app.displayname.decode('utf8')):
                        installed_apps[profile.appid] = InstalledApplication.platformconstructor(bottlename, profile, app.keyname)
                        installed_apps[profile.appid].uninstallcommand = app.uninstallcommand
                        found = True
                if found:

        file_glob_tree.add_profile(profile, bottlename)

    # scan the filesystem in one step
    for _filename, profile in file_glob_tree.matches('', bottlename):
        if profile.appid in installed_apps:
            # don't make an extra InstalledApplication if we have one already
        app = InstalledApplication.platformconstructor(bottlename, profile)
        installed_apps[app.appid] = app

    # scan the registry in one step
    registry_glob_tree = cxglob.RegistryGlobTree.get(profiles)
    for key, (profile, glob) in registry_glob_tree.matches('', bottlename):
        if profile.appid in installed_apps:
            # don't make an extra InstalledApplication if we have one already
        elif glob.value_pattern != '':
            # test the default value
            key = key.replace('/', '\\')
            if not key.endswith('\\'):
                key = '%s\\' % key
            _subkeys, values = bottlequery.get_registry_key(bottlename, key)
                data_regex = re.compile(glob.data_pattern, re.IGNORECASE)
            except re.error:
                cxlog.warn("registry data pattern %s in profile for %s is an invalid regular expression" % (cxlog.debug_str(glob.data_pattern), cxlog.debug_str(profile.appid)))
            if glob.value_pattern == '@':
                if '' not in values:
                if not data_regex.match(values['']):
                    value_regex = re.compile(glob.value_pattern, re.IGNORECASE)
                except re.error:
                    cxlog.warn("registry value pattern %s in profile for %s is an invalid regular expression" % (cxlog.debug_str(glob.value_pattern), cxlog.debug_str(profile.appid)))
                for value in values:
                    if value_regex.match(value) and data_regex.match(str(values[value])):
                    # no matching value found
            keyparts = key.split('\\')
            # Note that key now contains an extra '\\' at the end
            if len(keyparts) == 8 and \
                    (keyparts[0] == 'hkey_local_machine' or keyparts[0] == 'hkey_current_user') and \
                    keyparts[1] == 'software' and \
                    keyparts[2] == 'microsoft' and \
                    keyparts[3] == 'windows' and \
                    keyparts[4] == 'currentversion' and \
                    keyparts[5] == 'uninstall':
                # Mark this 'uninstall' entry as known to avoid duplicates
        app = InstalledApplication.platformconstructor(bottlename, profile)
        installed_apps[app.appid] = app

    # add any remaining applications with display names to the list
    for app in uninstall_apps:
        if app.displayname and not app.systemcomponent and \
                app.keyname not in known_uninstall_apps:
            installed_apps[app.appid] = app

    return installed_apps

def fast_get_installed_applications(bottlename, profiles):
    """return a list of InstalledApplication objects in a bottle, using the C4
    cache to work quickly"""
    # FIXME: not implemented
    return get_installed_applications(bottlename, profiles)

@cxobjc.method(AppDetector, 'fastGetInstalledApplicationsInBottle_')
def _mac_get_installed_apps(bottlename):
    # FIXME: This method should take a C4ProfilesSet parameter and be merged
    #        with fast_get_installed_applications()
    profiles = c4profilesmanager.C4ProfilesSet.all_profiles()
    return fast_get_installed_applications(bottlename, profiles)

def is_profile_installed(bottlename, profile):
    """returns an InstalledApplication if the profile is installed, None if not"""
    profiles = c4profilesmanager.C4ProfilesSet()
    profiles[profile.appid] = profile
    applications = get_installed_applications(bottlename, profiles)
    if profile.appid in applications:
        return applications[profile.appid]
    return None