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Version: 18.5.0-1 

/ opt / cxoffice / lib / python / bottlequery.py

# (c) Copyright 2009-2012, 2015. CodeWeavers, Inc.

import os
import fcntl
import subprocess
import threading
import time
import traceback

import cxproduct
import cxlog
import cxutils
import cxevent
import cxconfig
import cxobjc

# for localization
from cxutils import cxgettext as _

class BottleQuery(cxobjc.Proxy):

class NotFoundError(Exception):

registrationBottlePrefix = "registrationTestBottle"

def _validate_wineprefix(prefix):
    if prefix == "":
        # empty
        return False

    if not os.path.isdir(prefix):
        # not a directory.
        return False

    if not os.access(prefix, os.R_OK):
        # can't read!
        return False

    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(prefix, "system.reg")):
        return False

    if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(prefix, "cxbottle.conf")):
        # Probably an orphaned stub.
        return False

    return True

@cxobjc.method(BottleQuery, 'bottles')
def get_bottle_list():

    allbottles = set()

    for path in [cxproduct.get_bottle_path(), cxproduct.get_managed_bottle_path()]:
        for dirpath in path.split(":"):
            if not os.path.exists(dirpath):
            for bottlecandidate in os.listdir(cxutils.string_to_unicode(dirpath)):
                if bottlecandidate.lower() == "default":
                if bottlecandidate.lower().startswith(registrationBottlePrefix.lower()):
                if not _validate_wineprefix(os.path.join(dirpath, bottlecandidate)):


    return list(allbottles)

def get_games_bottle_list():

    allbottles = set()

    for dirpath in cxproduct.get_games_bottle_path().split(":"):
        if not os.path.exists(dirpath):
        for bottlecandidate in os.listdir(cxutils.string_to_unicode(dirpath)):
            if bottlecandidate.lower() == "default":
            if bottlecandidate.lower().startswith(registrationBottlePrefix.lower()):
            if not _validate_wineprefix(os.path.join(dirpath, bottlecandidate)):


    return list(allbottles)

def unique_bottle_key(inBasename):
    # unique_bottle_name, below, provides a unique name for an active bottle in the bottledir.
    # unique_bottle_key does that but also avoids collisions with pending games bottles.
    existingBottles = get_bottle_list() + get_games_bottle_list()

    collision = True
    candidate = inBasename
    i = 1

    while collision:
        collision = False
        for bottlename in existingBottles:
            if candidate.lower() == bottlename.lower():
                collision = True
                i += 1
                candidate = inBasename + "-" + unicode(i)

    return candidate

def unique_bottle_name(inBasename):
    existingBottles = get_bottle_list()

    collision = True
    candidate = inBasename
    i = 1

    while collision:
        collision = False
        for bottlename in existingBottles:
            if candidate.lower() == bottlename.lower():
                collision = True
        if not collision:
            wineprefix = os.path.join(cxproduct.get_bottle_path().split(":")[0], candidate)
            if os.path.exists(wineprefix):
                collision = True
        if collision:
            i += 1
            candidate = inBasename + "-" + unicode(i)

    return candidate

@cxobjc.method(BottleQuery, 'defaultBottle')
def get_default_bottle():

    for path in [cxproduct.get_bottle_path(), cxproduct.get_managed_bottle_path()]:
        for dirpath in path.split(":"):
            if not os.path.exists(dirpath):
            defaultcandidate = os.path.join(dirpath, "default")
            if os.path.exists(defaultcandidate):
                return cxutils.string_to_unicode(os.path.basename(os.path.realpath(defaultcandidate)))

    return u""

@cxobjc.method(BottleQuery, 'prefixForBottle_')
def get_prefix_for_bottle(bottlename):
    for path in [cxproduct.get_bottle_path(), cxproduct.get_managed_bottle_path()]:
        for dirpath in path.split(":"):
            if not os.path.exists(dirpath):
            wineprefix = os.path.join(dirpath, bottlename)
            if _validate_wineprefix(wineprefix):
                return wineprefix
    raise NotFoundError("There is no bottle named %s" % repr(bottlename))

@cxobjc.method(BottleQuery, 'isExistingBottle_')
def is_existing_bottle(bottlename):
    for path in [cxproduct.get_bottle_path(), cxproduct.get_managed_bottle_path()]:
        for dirpath in path.split(":"):
            if not os.path.exists(dirpath):
            wineprefix = os.path.join(dirpath, bottlename)
            if _validate_wineprefix(wineprefix):
                return True
    return False

_nativePathCache = {}

def get_native_paths(bottlename, windowspaths):

        bottlePathCache = _nativePathCache[bottlename]
    except KeyError:
        bottlePathCache = {}

    pathsToConvert = []
    for path in windowspaths:
        if path not in bottlePathCache:

    if pathsToConvert:
        # Convert those paths which are not in the cache.
        manipulator = BottleManipulator(bottlename)

        if cxlog.is_on('timing'):
            start_time = time.time()

        results = []
        for path in pathsToConvert:
            results.append(manipulator.send('unixpath %s' % path))

        if cxlog.is_on('timing'):
            cxlog.log_('timing', "got %s unix paths in %0.2f seconds" % (' '.join(cxlog.debug_str(x) for x in pathsToConvert), time.time()-start_time))

        for path in pathsToConvert:
            result = results.pop(0).get()
            if result.startswith('path '):
                bottlePathCache[path] = result[5:]
                # FIXME
                bottlePathCache[path] = ''

    _nativePathCache[bottlename] = bottlePathCache
    # Now our cache has everything we need in it.

    nativePaths = []
    for path in windowspaths:

    return nativePaths

@cxobjc.method(BottleQuery, 'forBottle_getNativePath_')
def get_native_path(bottlename, windowspath):
    return get_native_paths(bottlename, [windowspath])[0]

_windowsPathCache = {}

def get_windows_paths(bottlename, unixpaths):

        bottlePathCache = _windowsPathCache[bottlename]
    except KeyError:
        bottlePathCache = {}

    pathsToConvert = []
    for path in unixpaths:
        if path not in bottlePathCache:

    if pathsToConvert:
        # Convert those paths which are not in the cache.
        manipulator = BottleManipulator(bottlename)

        if cxlog.is_on('timing'):
            start_time = time.time()

        results = []
        for path in pathsToConvert:
            results.append(manipulator.send('windowspath %s' % path))

        if cxlog.is_on('timing'):
            cxlog.log_('timing', "got %s unix paths in %0.2f seconds" % (' '.join(cxlog.debug_str(x) for x in pathsToConvert), time.time()-start_time))

        for path in pathsToConvert:
            result = results.pop(0).get()
            if result.startswith('path '):
                bottlePathCache[path] = result[5:]
                # FIXME
                bottlePathCache[path] = ''

    _windowsPathCache[bottlename] = bottlePathCache
    # Now our cache has everything we need in it.

    windowsPaths = []
    for path in unixpaths:

    return windowsPaths

def get_windows_path(bottlename, unixpath):
    return get_windows_paths(bottlename, [unixpath])[0]

def get_control_panel_info(bottlename, windowsdir=None):

    manipulator = BottleManipulator(bottlename)
    if not windowsdir:
        windowsdir = manipulator.send('getwindowsdir').get()

    nativeWindowsDir = get_native_path(bottlename, windowsdir)
    dbFileName = os.path.join(nativeWindowsDir, "control-panel.db")
    iconCacheDir = os.path.join(nativeWindowsDir, "ControlPanelDB")

    except OSError:
        #  Probably the dir already existed -- no problem.

    args = [os.path.join(cxutils.CX_ROOT, "bin", "wine"),
            "--bottle", bottlename, '--no-gui', "--wl-app", "cxcplinfo.exe",
            "--all", dbFileName, iconCacheDir]
    cxutils.run(args, stderr=cxutils.NULL, logprefix=bottlename)

    AppletTable = []
    if os.path.exists(dbFileName):
        cplDB = cxconfig.Raw()
        for applet_id in cplDB:
            if applet_id.lower() == "appwiz.cpl/0":
                # appwiz.cpl is installed because we need it as a back-end.
                #  It's pretty much meaningless in this context, though.
            section = cplDB[applet_id]
            path = section.get('Path', '')
            if path != '':
                icon_path = resolve_icon_path(section.get('Icon', ''),
                AppletTable.append([path, section.get('Name', ''),
                                    section.get('Description', ''),

    # Special case:  Add winecfg
    AppletTable.append(["winecfg.exe.so", _("Wine Configuration"), _("Built-in tool for configuring Bottle Settings"), "winecfg"])

    # Task Manager...
    AppletTable.append(["taskmgr.exe.so", _("Task Manager"), _("Manage the applications and processes running in this bottle"), "winetaskmgr"])

    # And reboot.
    AppletTable.append(["reboot.exe.so", _("Simulate Reboot"), _("Simulate a system reboot in this bottle"), "cxreboot"])

    return AppletTable

@cxobjc.method(BottleQuery, 'controlPanelInfoForBottle_')
def _controlPanelInfoForBottle_(bottlename):
    # FIXME: only the exception handling differs -> merge with get_control_panel_info()
        return get_control_panel_info(bottlename)
        return False

def config_file_path(bottlename):
    wineprefix = get_prefix_for_bottle(bottlename)
    return os.path.join(wineprefix, "cxbottle.conf")

def get_config(bottlename):
    """Returns a cxconfig.Stack object that takes into account all the
    configuration files relevant to the specified bottle."""
    config = cxproduct.get_config().copy()
    return config

def is_managed(bottlename):
    config = get_config(bottlename)
    managed = config["Bottle"].get("Updater", "") != ""
    return managed

def get_bottle_properties(bottlename):
    bottledict = {}

    wineprefix = get_prefix_for_bottle(bottlename)
    if not wineprefix:
        #  This isn't necessarily a disaster... it just means
        #   that the bottle has been deleted since we were called.
        return bottledict

    bottledict["writable"] = os.access(wineprefix, os.W_OK)

    config = get_config(bottlename)

    # Some very old bottles don't have a template set, so assume win98 for them
    bottledict["template"] = expand_unix_string(bottlename, config["Bottle"].get("Template", 'win98'))
    bottledict["managed"] = config["Bottle"].get("Updater", "") != ""
    bottledict["description"] = config["Bottle"].get("Description", '')
    bottledict["version"] = config["Bottle"].get("Version", '')
    bottledict["arch"] = config["Bottle"].get("WineArch", 'win32')

    return bottledict

def get_system_drive(bottlename):
    environ = get_win_environ(bottlename, ("SystemDrive",))
    drive = expand_win_string(environ, "%SystemDrive%")
    return get_native_path(bottlename, drive)

@cxobjc.method(BottleQuery, 'propertiesForBottle_')
def _propertiesForBottle_(bottlename):
    # FIXME: only the exception handling differs -> merge with get_bottle_properties()
        return get_bottle_properties(bottlename)
        return None

@cxobjc.method(BottleQuery, 'resolveIconPath_forBottle_')
def resolve_icon_path(iconPath, bottlename):
    manipulator = BottleManipulator(bottlename)
    windowspath = manipulator.send('getwindowsdir').get()

    localIconFileName = os.path.join(windowspath, os.path.basename(iconPath))
    if os.path.exists(localIconFileName):
        return localIconFileName
    if os.path.exists(iconPath):
        return iconPath
    nativePath = get_native_path(bottlename, iconPath)
    if os.path.exists(nativePath):
        return nativePath
    return ""

@cxobjc.method(BottleQuery, 'shutdownManipulatorForBottle_')
def shutdown_manipulator(bottlename):
    manipulator = BottleManipulator(bottlename)

# The RPC implementation

# FIXME: This should be made independent from cxmanip/bottlequery (it's close)
# and moved to a separate module to improve code readability and
# maintainability.

class AsyncManipResult(cxevent.AsyncResult):
    def __init__(self, manip):
        self.manip = manip

    def get(self):
        if self.event.isSet():
            return self.poll()
            if self.event.isSet():
                return self.poll()
                # wait() returned early because cxmanip quit
                raise IOError("The cxmanip process quit before serving this query.")

_BottleManipulator_cache = {}

class _BottleManipulator(object):
    def __init__(self, bottlename):
        self.bottlename = bottlename

        self.lock = threading.Lock()

        self.started = False
        self.got_ok = False
        self.closing = False

        self.thread = self.subp = self.stdin = self.stdin = None
        self.buf = ""

        self.results = []

        # writes to a pipe can block so delay them if necessary
        self.to_write = ''
        self.chars_written = 0

        self._last_activity_time = time.time()

    def _fail_pending_requests(self):
        """self.lock must be acquired when this is called."""

        for result in self.results:
            result.set_error(IOError("The cxmanip process quit before serving this query."))
        self.results = []

        self.to_write = ''
        self.chars_written = 0

    def _start(self):
        """self.lock must be acquired when this is called."""
        if not self.started:

            winebin = os.path.join(cxutils.CX_ROOT, "bin", "wine")
            args = [winebin, '--no-wait', '--no-gui',
                    '--bottle', self.bottlename, '--wl-app', 'cxmanip']

            cxlog.log("starting command %s in %s" % (' '.join(cxlog.debug_str(x) for x in args), cxlog.to_str(self.bottlename)))

            self.subp = subprocess.Popen(args, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
            # use the fd's for stdout and stdin directly to avoid caching
            self.stdin = self.subp.stdin.fileno()
            self.stdout = self.subp.stdout.fileno()

            # make sure called processes will never, ever, ever inherit the pipes
            fcntl.fcntl(self.stdin, fcntl.F_SETFD, fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC)
            fcntl.fcntl(self.stdout, fcntl.F_SETFD, fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC)

            self.buf = ""

            self.started = True
            self.got_ok = False
            self.closing = False

            self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self._thread_proc, args=(self.subp,))

    def _read(self):
        """self.lock must be acquired when this is called
        read from the pipe, without blocking.

        if not self.started:

        readable, _unused, err = cxutils.select([self.stdout], [], [self.stdout], 0)
        if err:
            self.started = False
            cxlog.log("cxmanip process in %s died (read error)" % cxlog.to_str(self.bottlename))
        if readable:
            instr = os.read(self.stdout, 4096)
            if not instr:
                # end of file
                self.started = False
                cxlog.log("cxmanip process in %s died (read error)" % cxlog.to_str(self.bottlename))
            self.buf = '%s%s' % (self.buf, instr)
            self._last_activity_time = time.time()
            while not self.got_ok and '\n' in self.buf:
                if self.buf.startswith("CXMANIP OK\n"):
                    self.got_ok = True
                _dummy, self.buf = self.buf.split('\n', 1)
            if self.got_ok:
                while '\nend\n' in self.buf:
                    this_result = self.results.pop(0)
                    result, self.buf = self.buf.split('\nend\n', 1)
                    if cxlog.is_on('manip'):
                        cxlog.log_('manip', "%s: <- %s" % (cxlog.to_str(self.bottlename), cxlog.to_str(result)))
        if self.closing and not self.results:
            self.closing = False

    def _write(self):
        """self.lock must be acquired when this is called
        write any remaining bytes to the pipe, without blocking.

        Returns True if it worked, False if the process needs to be started.

        if not self.started:
            return False

        while self.chars_written < len(self.to_write):
            _unused, writable, err = cxutils.select([], [self.stdin], [self.stdin], 0)
            if err:
                self.started = False
                cxlog.log("cxmanip process in %s died (write error)" % cxlog.to_str(self.bottlename))
                return False
            if writable:
                self._last_activity_time = time.time()
                    self.chars_written += os.write(self.stdin, self.to_write[self.chars_written:])
                except OSError:
                    # broken pipe
                    cxlog.log("cxmanip process in %s died (write error)" % cxlog.to_str(self.bottlename))
                    self.started = False
                    return False
                return True #call would block
        self.chars_written = 0
        self.to_write = ''
        return True

    def wait(self, r=None, timeout=None):
        """blocks until r becomes readable, the cxmanip process dies, or there
        is no activity for at least timeout seconds"""
        while self.started:
            if self.to_write:
                write_sockets = [self.stdin]
                err_sockets = [self.stdin, self.stdout]
                write_sockets = []
                err_sockets = [self.stdout]
            if r is not None:
                read_sockets = [r, self.stdout]
                read_sockets = [self.stdout]
                if timeout is None:
                    readable, writable, err = cxutils.select(read_sockets, write_sockets, err_sockets)
                    if not self.results and time.time() - self._last_activity_time > timeout:
                        # no activity for timeout seconds
                        readable, writable, err = cxutils.select(read_sockets, write_sockets, err_sockets, time.time() - self._last_activity_time + timeout + 0.1)
            except cxutils.select_error:
                # one of the sockets has been closed?
            if r is not None and r in readable:
            if err:
            if writable:
            if readable:

    def _thread_proc(self, subp):
        timeout = 15.0 # end the cxmanip process after 15 seconds of inactivity

        while self.started:
            self.wait(r=None, timeout=timeout)

                if not self.results and time.time() - self._last_activity_time > timeout:

    def _send_command(self, string):
        """self.lock must be acquired when this is called.

        Send the given command to cxmanip and return an async result for it,
        if cxmanip is started. Otherwise, return None."""
        result = AsyncManipResult(self)
        self.to_write = '%s%s\n' % (self.to_write, string)
        if self._write():
            return result
        return None

    def send(self, string):
        cxlog.log_('manip', "%s: -> %s" % (cxlog.to_str(self.bottlename), cxlog.debug_str(string)))
        if isinstance(string, unicode):
            string = string.encode('utf8')
            result = self._send_command(string)
            if result is None:
                result = self._send_command(string)
                if result is None:
                    result = AsyncManipResult(self)
                    result.set_error(IOError("Could not start the cxmanip process"))
        return result

    def _close(self):
        """self.lock must be acquired when this is called"""
        if self.started:
            self.started = False
            cxlog.log("shutting down cxmanip process in %s" % cxlog.to_str(self.bottlename))

    def close(self):

    def clean_shutdown(self):
        """cleanly shut down the cxmanip process when there are no pending requests"""
            if not self.results:
                self.closing = True

    def __del__(self):

def BottleManipulator(bottlename):
        return _BottleManipulator_cache[bottlename]
    except KeyError:
        _BottleManipulator_cache[bottlename] = _BottleManipulator(bottlename)
        return _BottleManipulator_cache[bottlename]

# The remainder of the bottlequery implementation

REG_WIN32 = '32\\'
REG_BOTH = '3264\\'

def deserialize_reg(lines):
    subkeys = []
    values = {}
    for line in lines:
        if line.startswith('value '):
            _dummy, rest = line.split(' ', 1)
            valuename, rest = rest.split('\\0 ', 1)
            valuename = valuename.encode('string_escape').rstrip('\0').lower()
            typecode, rest = rest.split(' ', 1)
            if rest.startswith('='):
                # FIXME: multistrings and such not handled properly
                values[valuename] = rest[1:].decode('string_escape').rstrip('\0')
                if typecode in ('4', '11'):
                    # little endian integer
                    values[valuename] = int(''.join(rest[x:x+2] for x in range(len(rest)-2, -2, -2)), 16)
                    # some other kind of data
                    values[valuename] = rest
        elif line.startswith('subkey '):
            _dummy, keyname = line.split(' ', 1)
            keyname = keyname.lower()
        elif line == '':
        elif line in ('errno 2', 'error not a valid root key'):
            raise NotFoundError("registry key not found")
            raise Exception("got unexpected data: %s" % line)
    return subkeys, values

@cxobjc.method(BottleQuery, 'getRegistryKeyInBottle_atPath_')
def get_registry_key(bottlename, path, arch=REG_NATIVE):
    manipulator = BottleManipulator(bottlename)

    cxlog.log("getting registry tree for %s in %s" % (cxlog.debug_str(path), cxlog.to_str(bottlename)))
    if cxlog.is_on('timing'):
        start_time = time.time()

    serialdata = manipulator.send('getregkey %s%s' % (arch, path)).get()

    if cxlog.is_on('timing'):
        cxlog.log_('timing', "got registry tree for %s in %0.3f seconds" % (cxlog.debug_str(path), time.time()-start_time))

    return deserialize_reg(serialdata.split('\n'))

@cxobjc.method(BottleQuery, 'setRegistryKeyInBottle_atPath_withName_andValue_')
def set_registry_key(bottlename, path, name, value, arch=REG_NATIVE):
    manipulator = BottleManipulator(bottlename)

    cxlog.log("setting registry [%s/%s] in %s to %s" % (cxlog.debug_str(path), cxlog.debug_str(name), cxlog.to_str(bottlename), cxlog.debug_str(value)))
    if cxlog.is_on('timing'):
        start_time = time.time()

    if isinstance(path, unicode):
        path = path.encode('utf8', 'ignore')

    if isinstance(name, unicode):
        name = name.encode('utf8', 'ignore')

    if isinstance(value, unicode):
        value = value.encode('utf8', 'ignore')

    command = arch + path
    command = command + "\\n"
    command = command + name
    command = command + "\\n"

    for prefix in ('dword:', 'str:', 'str(2):', 'str(7):', 'hex:'):
        if value.startswith(prefix):
            command = command + value
        command = command + "str:" + value

    result = manipulator.send('setregkey %s' % command).get()

    if cxlog.is_on('timing'):
        cxlog.log_('timing', "set registry tree for %s in %0.3f seconds" % (cxlog.debug_str(path), time.time()-start_time))

    if result != "success":
        cxlog.log("setting registry error is %s" % (cxlog.to_str(result)))
        return False

    return True

def unset_registry_value(bottlename, path, name, arch=REG_NATIVE):
    manipulator = BottleManipulator(bottlename)

    if isinstance(path, unicode):
        path = path.encode('utf8', 'ignore')

    if isinstance(name, unicode):
        name = name.encode('utf8', 'ignore')

    command = arch + path
    command = command + "\\n"
    command = command + name

    result = manipulator.send('rmregvalue %s' % command).get()

    if result != "success":
        cxlog.log("removing registry value error is %s" % (cxlog.to_str(result)))
        return False

    return True

# from winecfg/appdefaults.c and ntdll/version.c
_windows_versions = {
    # pylint: disable=C0326
    "win10":     ("Windows 10",        10, 0, 0x2800, 2, " ", 0, 0, "WinNT"),
    "win81":     ("Windows 8.1",       6,  3, 0x2580, 2, " ", 0, 0, "WinNT"),
    "win8":      ("Windows 8",         6,  2, 0x23F0, 2, " ", 0, 0, "WinNT"),
    "win2008r2": ("Windows 2008 R2",   6,  1, 0x1DB1, 2, "Service Pack 1", 1, 0, "ServerNT"),
    "win7":      ("Windows 7",         6,  1, 0x1DB1, 2, "Service Pack 1", 1, 0, "WinNT"),
    "win2008":   ("Windows 2008",      6,  0, 0x1771, 2, "Service Pack 1", 0, 0, "ServerNT"),
    "vista":     ("Windows Vista",     6,  0, 0x1772, 2, "Service Pack 2", 2, 0, "WinNT"),
    "win2003":   ("Windows 2003",      5,  2, 0xECE, 2, "Service Pack 2", 2, 0, "ServerNT"),
    "winxp":     ("Windows XP",        5,  1, 0xA28, 2, "Service Pack 3", 3, 0, "WinNT"),
    "win2k":     ("Windows 2000",      5,  0, 0x893, 2, "Service Pack 4", 4, 0, "WinNT"),
    "winme":     ("Windows ME",        4, 90, 0xBB8, 1, " ", 0, 0, ""),
    "win98":     ("Windows 98",        4, 10, 0x8AE, 1, " A ", 0, 0, ""),
    "win95":     ("Windows 95",        4,  0, 0x3B6, 1, "", 0, 0, ""),
    "nt40":      ("Windows NT 4.0",    4,  0, 0x565, 2, "Service Pack 6a", 6, 0, "WinNT"),
    "nt351":     ("Windows NT 3.5",    3, 51, 0x421, 2, "Service Pack 2", 0, 0, "WinNT"),
    "win31":     ("Windows 3.1",       3, 10,     0, 0, "Win32s 1.3", 0, 0, ""),
    "win30":     ("Windows 3.0",       3,  0,     0, 0, "Win32s 1.3", 0, 0, ""),
    "win20":     ("Windows 2.0",       2,  0,     0, 0, "Win32s 1.3", 0, 0, ""),

version_nicknames = {
    "win2000":   'win2k',
    "nt2k":      'win2k',
    "nt2000":    'win2k',
    "win2k3":    'win2003',
    "winvista":  'vista',
    "win2k8":    'win2008',
    "win2k8r2":  'win2008r2',

_settable_versions = {
    # pylint: disable=C0326
    "winxpsp1":  ("Windows XP",        5,  1, 0xA28, 2, "Service Pack 1", 1, 0, "WinNT"),
    "winxpsp2":  ("Windows XP",        5,  1, 0xA28, 2, "Service Pack 2", 2, 0, "WinNT"),
for nickname in version_nicknames:
    _settable_versions[nickname] = _windows_versions[version_nicknames[nickname]]

def set_windows_version(bottlename, version):
    info = _settable_versions[version]

    if version == 'winxp' and get_bottle_properties(bottlename)['arch'] == 'win64':
        # 64-bit winxp version info is different
        info = ("Windows XP",        5,  2, 0xECE, 2, "Service Pack 3", 3, 0, "WinNT")

    if info[4] == 0: #VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s
        unset_registry_value(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion', 'CSDVersion', REG_BOTH)
        unset_registry_value(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion', 'CurrentVersion', REG_BOTH)
        unset_registry_value(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion', 'CurrentBuildNumber', REG_BOTH)
        unset_registry_value(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ProductOptions', 'ProductType', REG_BOTH)
        unset_registry_value(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Windows', 'CSDVersion', REG_BOTH)
        unset_registry_value(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment', 'OS', REG_BOTH)
        unset_registry_value(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion', 'VersionNumber', REG_BOTH)
        unset_registry_value(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion', 'SubVersionNumber', REG_BOTH)
        set_registry_key(bottlename, 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Wine', 'Version', 'str:' + version, REG_BOTH)
    elif info[4] == 1: #VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS
        unset_registry_value(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion', 'CSDVersion', REG_BOTH)
        unset_registry_value(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion', 'CurrentVersion', REG_BOTH)
        unset_registry_value(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion', 'CurrentBuildNumber', REG_BOTH)
        unset_registry_value(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ProductOptions', 'ProductType', REG_BOTH)
        unset_registry_value(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Windows', 'CSDVersion', REG_BOTH)
        unset_registry_value(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment', 'OS', REG_BOTH)
        set_registry_key(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion', 'VersionNumber', 'str:%d.%d.%d' % info[1:4], REG_BOTH)
        set_registry_key(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion', 'SubVersionNumber', 'str:' + info[5], REG_BOTH)
        unset_registry_value(bottlename, 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Wine', 'Version', REG_BOTH)
    elif info[4] == 2: #VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT
        set_registry_key(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion', 'CSDVersion', 'str:' + info[5], REG_BOTH)
        set_registry_key(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion', 'CurrentVersion', 'str:%d.%d' % info[1:3], REG_BOTH)
        set_registry_key(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion', 'CurrentBuildNumber', 'str:%d' % info[3], REG_BOTH)
        set_registry_key(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ProductOptions', 'ProductType', 'str:' + info[8], REG_BOTH)
        set_registry_key(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Windows', 'CSDVersion', 'dword:%02x%02x' % info[6:8], REG_BOTH)
        set_registry_key(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment', 'OS', 'Windows_NT', REG_BOTH)
        unset_registry_value(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion', 'VersionNumber', REG_BOTH)
        unset_registry_value(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion', 'SubVersionNumber', REG_BOTH)
        unset_registry_value(bottlename, 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Wine', 'Version', REG_BOTH)

def get_windows_version(bottlename):
        _subkeys, values = get_registry_key(bottlename, 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Wine')
        if 'version' in values and values['version'] in _windows_versions:
            return values['version']
    except NotFoundError:

        _subkeys, values = get_registry_key(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion')
        if 'versionnumber' in values:
            version_numbers = tuple(int(x) for x in values['versionnumber'].split('.'))
            for version in _windows_versions:
                version_info = _windows_versions[version]
                if version_info[4] == 1 and version_info[1:4] == version_numbers:
                    return version
    except NotFoundError:

        _subkeys, values = get_registry_key(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion')
        _subkeys, prod_values = get_registry_key(bottlename, 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\ProductOptions')
        if 'currentversion' in values and 'producttype' in prod_values:
            version_numbers = tuple(int(x) for x in values['currentversion'].split('.'))
            for version in _windows_versions:
                version_info = _windows_versions[version]
                if version_info[4] == 2 and version_info[1:3] == version_numbers and version_info[8] == prod_values['producttype']:
                    return version
    except NotFoundError:

    return 'winxp'

@cxobjc.method(BottleQuery, 'setNativeBrowserForBottle_')
def set_native_browser(bottlename):
    """Register winebrowser as the default web browser in the given bottle, so
    links are opened in the system native browser."""
    assocs = ('htmlfile', 'xmlfile', 'ftp', 'http', 'https')
    for assoc in assocs:
        set_registry_key(bottlename, 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\%s\\shell\\open\\command' % assoc,
                         '', '\"c:\\windows\\system32\\winebrowser.exe\" -nohome')
        set_registry_key(bottlename, 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\%s\\shell\\open\\ddeexec' % assoc,
                         '', '"%1",,-1,0,,,,')
        set_registry_key(bottlename, 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\%s\\shell\\open\\ddeexec' % assoc,
                         'NoActivateHandler', '')
        set_registry_key(bottlename, 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\%s\\shell\\open\\ddeexec\\Application' % assoc,
                         '', 'IExplore')
        set_registry_key(bottlename, 'HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\%s\\shell\\open\\ddeexec\\Topic' % assoc,
                         '', 'WWW_OpenURL')

def get_unix_environ(bottlename=None):
    """Get the Unix environment that should be in effect for the specified

    If bottlename is None, then only the non-bottle specific variables (i.e.
    CX_ROOT) are set."""
    # This should be in BottleWrapper but this would make it impossible to use
    # it from installtask!
    environ = os.environ.copy()
    environ['CX_ROOT'] = cxutils.CX_ROOT
    if bottlename:
        environ['CX_BOTTLE'] = bottlename
        environ['WINEPREFIX'] = get_prefix_for_bottle(bottlename)
    # FIXME: We should probably also take into account the
    # [EnvironmentVariables] section
    # FIXME: We should also cache this data, however this would mean
    # having a mechanism in place to update it.
    return environ

def expand_unix_string(bottlename, string):
    """Expand references to environment variables of the form '${VARNAME}' in
    the specified string.

    The environment is the one appropriate for the specified bottle (see
    # This should be in BottleWrapper but this would make it impossible to use
    # it from installtask!
    return cxutils.expand_unix_string(get_unix_environ(bottlename), string)

def get_win_environ(bottlename, varnames=None):
    """Returns a mapping of the specified environment variable names to their
    values. If no variable name is specified, then all the Windows environment
    variables are returned.

    Note that the actual Windows environment is augmented with a couple of
    variables: accessories, desktop, startmenu and programs. In order to get
    these, they must be requested by name though. FIXME: Or not, we'll see.
    environ = {}
    manipulator = BottleManipulator(bottlename)
    for varname in varnames:
        # FIXME: It would be better to retrieve them all at once
        environ[varname.lower()] = manipulator.send('getexpandedstr %s' % varname).get()
    return environ

def expand_win_string(environ, string):
    """Expands references to Windows environment variables using the specified
    environment block.
    while '%' in string:
            pre, varname, post = string.split('%', 2)
        except ValueError:
            # not enough values to unpack
        varname = varname.lower()
        if varname in environ:
            value = environ[varname]
            cxlog.warn("unable to expand %s" % cxlog.to_str(varname))
            value = ''
        string = '%s%s%s' % (pre, value, post)
    return string

def add_drive(bottlename, unix_path):
    output = BottleManipulator(bottlename).send('adddrive %s'  % unix_path).get()
    output = output.strip()
    if output == '':
        return None
    elif output.startswith('drive '):
        return output[6:]
    elif output == 'errno 2':
        raise NotFoundError('Path not found %s' % repr(unix_path))
        raise Exception("got unexpected data: %s" % output)

def rm_drive(bottlename, drive_letter):
    output = BottleManipulator(bottlename).send('rmdrive %s'  % drive_letter).get()
    output = output.strip()
    if output == 'errno 2':
        raise NotFoundError('No such drive letter as %s in %s' % (repr(drive_letter), repr(bottlename)))
    elif output:
        raise Exception("got unexpected data: %s" % output)

def rm_reg_tree(bottlename, regtree, arch=REG_NATIVE):
    result = BottleManipulator(bottlename).send('rmregtree %s%s' % (arch, regtree)).get()
    result = result.strip()

    if result != "success":
        cxlog.log("removing registry tree error is %s" % (cxlog.to_str(result)))
        return False

    return True

def find_files(bottlename, path, max_results=-1):
    files = []
    dirs = []
    output = BottleManipulator(bottlename).send('findfiles %s %s'  % (max_results, path)).get()
    for line in output.split('\n'):
        if line.startswith('file '):
        elif line.startswith('dir '):
            dirname = line[4:]
            if dirname not in ('.', '..'):
        elif line in ('errno 2', 'errno 3', 'errno 5', 'errno 267'):
            raise NotFoundError
        elif line:
            raise Exception("got unexpected data: %s" % line)
    return dirs, files