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Version: 18.5.0-1 

/ opt / cxoffice / lib / python / cddetector.py

# (c) Copyright 2009. CodeWeavers, Inc.

import re

import globtree
import cxlog
import cxobjc

import c4profilesmanager

class CDDetector(cxobjc.Proxy):

@cxobjc.method(CDDetector, 'findMatchingProfilesForVolume_inProfiles_showUntested_')
def get_cd_profiles(root_path, profiles, show_untested_apps):
    product_profiles = profiles.copy()
    for profile in profiles:
        if not profiles[profile].is_for_current_product \
           or (not profiles[profile].is_ranked and not show_untested_apps):

    return get_cd_profiles_for_all_products(root_path, product_profiles)

@cxobjc.method(CDDetector, 'findMatchingProfilesForAllProductsForVolume_inProfiles_')
def get_cd_profiles_for_all_products(root_path, profiles):
    # Cache the FileGlobTree object
    if 'CDFileGlobTree' not in profiles.userdata:
        cd_glob = globtree.FileContentGlobTree()
        for profile in profiles.values():
            if profile.cd_profile:
                for glob in profile.cd_profile.globs:
                    if glob.patterns and glob.patterns != [""]:
                        patterns = glob.patterns
                        patterns = ()
                        cd_glob.add_content_glob(glob.glob, patterns, profile)
                    except re.error:
                        cxlog.warn("the %s cd glob contains an invalid regular expression" % cxlog.debug_str(profile.appid))

        profiles.userdata.setdefault('CDFileGlobTree', cd_glob)
    cd_glob = profiles.userdata['CDFileGlobTree']

    # globtree requires that the root path ends in / or is ''
    if not root_path.endswith('/'):
        root_path = '%s/' % root_path

    # Search the CD
    result = {}
    for _path, profile in cd_glob.matches(root_path):
        if profile.appid in result:
        result[profile.appid] = profile

    return result

def find_profile(profile, paths):
    """Looks for the specified profile in the given list of directories."""
    profiles = c4profilesmanager.C4ProfilesSet()
    profiles[profile.appid] = profile
    matches = []
    for path in paths:
        if get_cd_profiles_for_all_products(path, profiles):
    return matches