# (c) Copyright 2003-2008, 2010. CodeWeavers, Inc.
use warnings;
use strict;
unshift @INC, "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/lib/perl";
use CXLog;
use CXUtils;
my $template="win10";
my $templatedir="$ENV{CX_ROOT}/share/crossover/bottle_templates/$template";
# Main
# Parse the command line arguments
my $opt_create;
my $opt_upgrade;
my $opt_description;
my $opt_updater;
my $opt_old_version;
my $opt_verbose;
my $opt_help;
require CXOpts;
my $cxopts=CXOpts->new();
$cxopts->add_options(["create" => \$opt_create,
"upgrade" => \$opt_upgrade,
"description=s" => \$opt_description,
"updater=s" => \$opt_updater,
"old-version=s" => \$opt_old_version,
"verbose!" => \$opt_verbose,
"?|h|help" => \$opt_help
my $err=$cxopts->parse();
CXLog::fdopen(2) if ($opt_verbose);
# Verify command line options
my $usage;
if ($err)
elsif ($opt_help)
foreach my $var ("CX_BOTTLE", "WINEPREFIX")
if (!defined $ENV{$var})
cxerr("\$$var is not set\n");
my $cmd_count=0;
$cmd_count++ if ($opt_create);
$cmd_count++ if ($opt_upgrade);
if ($cmd_count>1)
cxerr("--create and --upgrade are mutually exclusive\n");
elsif ($cmd_count==0)
$opt_create=1 if (!-d $ENV{WINEPREFIX});
elsif (!-d $ENV{WINEPREFIX})
cxerr("'$ENV{WINEPREFIX}' does not exist\n");
$opt_old_version=~s/[^0-9.].*$// if (defined $opt_old_version);
# Print usage
if (defined $usage)
my $name0=cxname0();
print STDERR "Usage: $name0 --create [--updater update_script] [--verbose]\n";
print STDERR "or $name0 --upgrade [--old-version oldversion] [--verbose]\n";
exit $usage;
# And finally, create/upgrade the bottle
if ($opt_create)
my $params;
unshift @INC, $templatedir;
require CXBT_win10;
my $bt=CXBT_win10->new();
$params->{scope}=(defined $opt_updater ? "managed" : "private");
require CXBottle;
my $cxconfig=CXBottle::get_crossover_config();
my $rc=$bt->create($cxconfig, $params);
if (!$rc)
exit 1;
cxwarn($@) if ($@);
my $params;
unshift @INC, $templatedir;
require CXBT_win10;
my $bt=CXBT_win10->new();
require CXBottle;
my $cxconfig=CXBottle::get_crossover_config();
$params->{old_version}=$opt_old_version || "7.0.0";
require CXConfig;
my $cxbottle=CXConfig->new("$ENV{WINEPREFIX}/cxbottle.conf");
$opt_updater=expand_string($cxbottle->get("Bottle", "Updater"));
$params->{scope}=(defined $opt_updater ? "managed" : "private");
my $rc=$bt->upgrade($cxconfig, $params);
if (!$rc)
exit 1;
cxwarn($@) if ($@);
if ($opt_updater)
cxsystem("$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/wine", "--scope", "managed",
"--ux-app", $opt_updater, "--snapshot");
exit 0;