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Version: 18.5.0-1 

/ opt / cxoffice / share / crossover / bottle_templates / win7 / CXBT_win7.pm

# (c) Copyright 2008, 2010-2012. CodeWeavers, Inc.
package CXBT_win7;
use strict;

use CXLog;
use CXUtils;

my $productid=CXUtils::get_product_id();
my $template="win7";
my $datadir="$ENV{CX_ROOT}/share/crossover/bottle_data";
my $templatedir="$ENV{CX_ROOT}/share/crossover/bottle_templates/$template";
my $windows_version="win7";
my $winearch="win32";

my $default_eassocids=".asf:.cfc:.disco:.doc:.dochtml:.dot:.dwr:.dwt:.efx:.em:.emp:.fla:.mdb:.moh:.mov:.mpw:.mpx:.net:.pdf:.pic:.pict:.ppt:.prj:.psd:.psf:.psp:.qdb:.qdf:.qdt:.qfx:.qt:.sch:.swf:.vrml:.vsd:.vst:.vss:.wma:.wmv:.xls";
my $alternative_eassocids=".csv:.rtf";

my $ignore_plugins="_NPDOC\\.DLL\$:_NPDocBox\\.dll\$:_npmozax\\.dll\$:_nppdf32\\.dll\$";

# Bottle template query

sub new($$)
    my ($class)=@_;

    my $self={ };
    bless $self, $class;
    return $self;

sub query($$$)
    my ($self, $type, $params)=@_;

    if ($type eq "introspect")
        # Return a very general description of the template.
        # This query is supported by all templates.
        return { properties => { category => "crossover" } };

    $@="Unknown query type '$type'";
    return undef;

# Bottle creation / upgrade helpers

sub create_windows_label()
    my $filename="$ENV{WINEPREFIX}/dosdevices/c:/.windows-label";
    if (!-f $filename and open(my $fh, ">", $filename))
        print $fh "drive_c";

sub run_inf($$$;$)
    my ($winver, $scope, $upgrade, $unix_paths)=@_;

    my $section;
    if ($upgrade)
        # Upgrades shouldn't change the bottle version
    elsif (($winver || "") =~ /^(win98|win2000|winxp|vista|win7|win8|win10)$/)
        # Registry key names are case insensitive :-)
        cxerr("unknown Windows version '$winver'\n");

    my @cxoptions=();
    if (defined $winver)
        # We must both use --winver, for when called from cxbottle, and set
        # CX_WINDOWS_VERSION, for when called by wine, i.e. when the Wine
        # environment is already set.
        push @cxoptions, "--winver", $winver;

    my $shdocvwmode="b";
    my $shdocvwpath=$unix_paths->{"c:/windows/system32/shdocvw.dll"};
    if ($shdocvwpath and open(my $shdocvwdll, "<", $shdocvwpath))
        binmode $shdocvwdll;
        seek($shdocvwdll, 0x40, 0);
        my $tag;
        read($shdocvwdll, $tag, 20);
        $shdocvwmode="d" if ($tag ne "Wine placeholder DLL");

    # Set up some dll overrides to register Wine's dlls
        "advpack=b",      # Older native advpack miss an API for builtin IE
        "atl=b",          # Older native atl break registration
        "oleaut32=b",     # Workaround for a native oleaut32 bug
        "rpcrt4=b",       # Incompatibility with native rpcrt4
        "shdocvw=$shdocvwmode", # wine.inf invokes 'iexplore -regserver' which
        "*iexplore.exe=b"       # is specific to the builtin version
    # Note that this will also run wine.inf if needed
    if ($section)
        if (cxsystem("$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/wine", "--wl-app", "rundll32.exe",
                     "--no-quotes", "--scope", $scope, @cxoptions,
                     "--desktop", "root", "--dll", $ENV{WINEDLLOVERRIDES},
                     "setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection", $section, "128",
            $@="'rundll32 $section crossover.inf' failed\n";
            return undef;

        if ($winearch eq "win64" and
            -f "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/wineloader" and
            cxsystem("$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/wine", "--wl32-app", "rundll32.exe",
                     "--no-quotes", "--scope", $scope, @cxoptions,
                     "--desktop", "root", "--dll", $ENV{WINEDLLOVERRIDES},
                     "setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection", $section, "128",
            $@="'rundll32 $section crossover.inf' failed\n";
            return undef;
    return 1;

# Bottle creation

sub create($$$)
    my ($self, $cxconfig, $params)=@_;

    # Set up the cxbottle.conf configuration file
    require CXRWConfig;
    my $cxbottle=CXRWConfig->new("$datadir/cxbottle.conf");
    my $s=$cxbottle->append_section("Bottle");
    $s->set("BottleID", CXUtils::get_unique_id($ENV{WINEPREFIX}));
    $s->set("Timestamp", $cxconfig->get("CrossOver", "BuildTimestamp"));
    $s->set("Encoding", CXUtils::get_system_encoding(1));
    $s->set("Template", $template);
    $s->set("Description", $params->{description}) if (defined $params->{description});
    $s->set("Updater", $params->{updater}) if (defined $params->{updater});
    my $menu_root=$cxconfig->get("BottleDefaults", "MenuRoot");
    $s->set("MenuRoot", $menu_root) if (defined $menu_root);
    my $menu_strip=$cxconfig->get("BottleDefaults", "MenuStrip");
    $s->set("MenuStrip", $menu_strip) if (defined $menu_strip);
    $s->set("MenuMode", "ignore");
    $s->set("AssocMode", "ignore");
    $s->set("NSPluginMode", "ignore");
    $s->set("WineArch", $winearch);

    # CXBottle::find_bottle() checks for the presence of system.reg to detect
    # invalid bottle directories. This creates a race condition due to
    # wineserver's delayed save. So touch system.reg now.
    if (open(my $fh, ">", "$ENV{WINEPREFIX}/system.reg"))
        print $fh "WINE REGISTRY Version 2\n";
        print $fh "#arch=$winearch\n";

    return undef if (!run_inf($windows_version, $params->{scope}, 0));

    # Adjust the drives

    # Force the re-creation of the y: drive
    my $home=$ENV{HOME} || (getpwuid($>))[7];
    my $drive="$ENV{WINEPREFIX}/dosdevices/y:";
    unlink $drive;
    if (!symlink($home, $drive))
        cxwarn("unable to create the y: drive symlink: $!\n");

    # Update the registry
    my $start=CXLog::cxtime();
    my $cmd=shquote_string("$ENV{CX_ROOT}/bin/wine") .
            " --scope $params->{scope} --wl-app regedit.exe -";
    cxlog("Piping into $cmd\n");
    if (open(my $regedit, "| $cmd"))
        my $outlook=$cxconfig->get("BottleDefaults", "OutlookSecurity");
        if ($outlook)
            $outlook=$cxconfig->get("BottleDefaults", "BlockedExtensions");
            print $regedit "[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Wine\\AppDefaults\\Outlook.exe]\n";
            print $regedit "\"DenyShellExecute\"=\"$outlook\"\n";

        cxlog("-> rc=$?  (took ", CXLog::cxtime()-$start, " seconds)\n");
        if ($?)
            $@="'$cmd' failed: $?\n";
            return undef;

    # Notify the bottle hooks
    CXBottle::run_bottle_hooks(["create", $templatedir]);
    return 1;

# Bottle upgrade

sub rename_fake_windows()
    my $fake_windows="$ENV{WINEPREFIX}/fake_windows";
    if (-d $fake_windows and !-l $fake_windows)
        # Rename fake_windows to drive_c, but leave a symlinked
        # fake_windows behind in order not to break existing scripts.
        my $drive_c="$ENV{WINEPREFIX}/drive_c";
        if (!rename $fake_windows, $drive_c)
            $@="unable to move '$fake_windows' to '$drive_c': $!\n";
            return undef;
        if (!symlink "drive_c", $fake_windows)
            cxwarn("unable to create '$fake_windows' link: $!\n");

        my $drive_link="$ENV{WINEPREFIX}/dosdevices/c:";
        if (-l $drive_link and readlink($drive_link) eq "../fake_windows")
            unlink $drive_link;
            if (!symlink "../drive_c", $drive_link)
                $@="unable to create '$drive_link' link\n";
                return undef;
    return 1;

sub upgrade_cxbottle($$)
    my ($cxconfig, $params)=@_;

    require CXUpgrade;
    my $filename="$ENV{WINEPREFIX}/cxbottle.conf";
    cxlog("\n** Upgrading $filename\n\n");
    my $src=CXUpgrade->new($filename);
    $src=CXUpgrade->new(undef) if (!defined $src);
    my $s=$src->get_section("Bottle");
    my $old_version;
    if (defined $s)
        $old_version=$s->get("Version", "2.0.0");
        unlink "$ENV{WINEPREFIX}/.eval" if ($old_version ne CXUtils::get_product_version());
        $old_version=$params->{old_version} || "1.3.1";
    cxlog("Old Version=$old_version\n");

    my $template="$datadir/cxbottle.conf";
    my $dst=CXUpgrade->new($template);
    if (!defined $dst)
        cxerr("unable to read '$template': $!\n");
        return ($old_version, $src);

    # Tweak the configuration values
    my ($encoding, $bottleid);
    if (defined $s)
        # Reset the Version field
        $s->set("Timestamp", $cxconfig->get("CrossOver", "BuildTimestamp", ""));

        # In version < 2.0 the Updater field was called WinePrefixCreate
        # and was stored in cxoffice.conf! So for these antique versions,
        # simply assume that if this looks like a managed bottle,
        # it probably is.
        my $updater=$s->get("Updater");
        if (!defined $updater and $old_version lt "02.0" and $> == 0 and
            $ENV{WINEPREFIX} eq "$ENV{CX_ROOT}/support/dotwine")
            $s->set("Updater", "wineprefixcreate");


    # Before these existed, bottles were always considered to be installed
    $s->set("MenuMode", "install") if (!defined $s->get("MenuMode"));
    $s->set("AssocMode", "install") if (!defined $s->get("AssocMode"));
    $s->set("NSPluginMode", "install") if (!defined $s->get("NSPluginMode"));

    if (!defined $bottleid)
        # Make sure the bottle gets an id
        # (in case of an upgrade from a pre-2.0 tree)
        $s->set("BottleID", CXUtils::get_unique_id($ENV{WINEPREFIX}));
    if (($encoding || "ANSI_X3.4-1968") eq "ANSI_X3.4-1968")
        # ANSI_X3.4-1968 is ASCII's little name so we assume that it's
        # going to be compatible with whatever encoding is used by
        # this system.
        $s->set("Encoding", CXUtils::get_system_encoding(1));
    if (!$src->get_filename())
        # Brand new cxbottle.conf, get MenuRoot from $productid.conf
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