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customerlobby / lobbyist-ruby   ruby

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= 0.8.97
* added cost per magnet mailing field in promo

= 0.8.96
* Added generate api token

= 0.8.95
* Added prospect checklist api

= 0.8.94
* Added new fields for prospect marketing in Promo

= 0.8.93
* Added terminate pulseM subscription support

= 0.8.92
* Added new fields for twilio settings

= 0.8.91
* Added new apis for app integration

== 0.8.90
* Changes related to pulseM subscription

== 0.8.89
* Fix bad request error message

== 0.8.88
* add twilio_setting support

== 0.8.87
* add dcp_setting in ScottySetting

== 0.8.86
* add batch upload DCP processing api

== 0.8.85
* Add missing attributes to v2CommunicationCampaign

== 0.8.84
* Changes For Company Transactions for Super Admin

== 0.8.83
* Changes For New Roles Implementation

== 0.8.82
* add pulseM billing support

== 0.8.81
* add partner user update support

== 0.8.80
* update company feature flags

== 0.8.79
* added tz_abbreviation for company

== 0.8.78
* added add_ons

== 0.8.77
* added review source api

== 0.8.76
* added support for company feature flags

== 0.8.75
* added Lobbyist::V2::Company.tax_pct api

== 0.8.74
* added support for clone campaigns

== 0.8.73
* added partner_company_id to company and partner_user_id to company user

== 0.8.72
* added partner integration company user login

== 0.8.71
* added front_logo field to V2::CommunicationCampaign

== 0.8.70
* added separation all error classes for code between 500 to 505

== 0.8.69
* added email_grants to Promo

== 0.8.68
* Added Lobbyist::V2::ClEmailCampaignTemplate

== 0.8.67
* add button_filename to DefaultReviewDestination

== 0.8.66
* add methods to DefaultReviewDestination

== 0.8.63
* gem version for release 2020.r9 review_settings

== 0.8.60
* gem version for release 2019.r26

* Added rank to V2::Category

* Added owner and source_id attributes in V2::Company
* Added new endpoint regenerate_demo_data to V2::Company
* Added new endpoint reset_demo_data to V2::Company

* Added Google auth fields to smart invite settings
* Added Google review results to company metrics

* Added destination attribute to Lobbyist::V2::ReviewInvitation

=== 0.8.59
* Added CommunicationCampaign#preview_text end point

=== 0.8.58
* Added kiosk_enabled attribute to Lobbyist::V2::Company
* Added Lobbyist::V2::ReviewInvitation

* Added CommunicationCampaign#preview_text end point

* Added Lobbyist::V2::UrlConversion#create

* Added Lobbyist::V2::Image for postcard back images

=== 0.8.57
* Added parent_company_id attribute to Lobbyist::DataUpload

=== 0.8.55
* Added Lobbyist::V2::DefaultTextMessageTemplate#list

=== 0.8.53
* Added Lobbyist::V2::CustomerCall.convert_to_email

=== 0.8.48
* added new field geocoding_enabled field in Lobbyist::V2::Company

=== 0.8.47
* added new field texting_grants to Lobbyist::V2::Promo table and Lobbyist::V2::CompanySubscription table
* added new field texting_enabled  to Lobbyist::V2::Company
* added summary for texting credits to Lobbyist::V2::CreditGrant

=== 0.8.46
* Fixed version bug

=== 0.8.45
* Added Lobbyist::V2::CreditGrant.summary

=== 0.8.43
* Added Lobbyist::V2::Company.text_unread_count.

=== 0.8.42
* Added Lobbyist::V2::Company.text_unread_count.

=== 0.8.41
* Added Lobbyist::V2::CommunicationCampaign.generate_preview.

=== 0.8.40
* Added Lobbyist::V2::ScottySetting.merge_contacts.

=== 0.8.39
* Added Lobbyist::V2::CommunicationCampaign.scheduled_at.

=== 0.8.38
* Added datadog metadata to http requests.

=== 0.8.37
* Changed version since code expected in 0.8.35 was not deployed due to conflicts during merge.

=== 0.8.36
* Added Lobbyist::V2::SkippedPayment for fetch the company skipped payments

=== 0.8.35
* Updated Lobbyist::V2::Review.bulk_update

=== 0.8.34
* Added Lobbyist::V2::Review.bulk_update

=== 0.8.33
* Added Lobbyist::V2::Company.free_postcard_credits_this_month

=== 0.8.32
* Added mail_dates attribute to Lobbyist::V2::CommunicationCampaign

=== 0.8.31
* Added Lobbyist::V2::CampaignChecklist for update api end point on checklist

=== 0.8.30
* Added Lobbyist::V2::MemberInsights.

=== 0.8.29
* Added Lobbyist::V2::SampleContact for sample contacts APIs

=== 0.8.28
* Added API end point destroy for FrontTemplates

=== 0.8.23
* Added API for listing zipcodes for a company

=== 0.8.22
* Prefixing global_campaign_setting #update params with required key

=== 0.8.21
* Added gmail_only field in Lobbyist::V2::SmartInviteSetting

=== 0.8.20
* Added explanation in Lobbyist::V2::Filter

=== 0.8.19
* Handled multipart flag for put method in Lobbyist::V2::Base
* Added multipart true in Lobbyist::V2::GlobalCampaignSetting.update

=== 0.8.18
* Added multipart true in CustomFilterUpload.create

=== 0.8.17
* Added multipart true for in Lobbyist::V2::CsvUpload.create

=== 0.8.16
* Added multipart true for in Lobbyist::V2::FrontTemplate.create

=== 0.8.15
* Added destroy method in Lobbyist::V2::OfferTemplate

=== 0.8.14
* Added Lobbyist::V2::CampaignsFrontTemplates

=== 0.8.13
* Added update method in Lobbyist::V2::CustomFilter

=== 0.8.12
* Added paused and resume_date flag in Lobbyist::V2::CommunicationCampaign

=== 0.8.11
* Fix for Lobbyist::V2::IterationResults.generate_results_file parse response

=== 0.8.10
* Added include_in_results flag in Lobbyist::V2::CommunicationCampaign

=== 0.8.9
* Added V2 CommunicationCampaign.list_by_filters

=== 0.8.8
* Added Activity Summary Keys

=== 0.8.7
* AM Dashboard changes

=== 0.8.6
* AM Dashboard changes

=== 0.8.5
* added Lobbyist::V2::Report

=== 0.8.4
* added Lobbyist::V2::WebhookSubscription

=== 0.8.3
* added Lobbyist::V2::IterationResults

=== 0.8.2
* customers list to post call to accommodate for huge parameter meta_data
* adding more fields to customer endpoints

=== 0.8.1
* Add reset password functionality for admin users

=== 0.8.0
* Filters V3
* separate custom_filters from filters
* added Lobbyist::V2::CustomFilter
* added Customer Segmentation resource
* added Lobbyist::V2::Filter.query

=== 0.7.87
* added offset in CategoryDefaultFrontTemplate.

=== 0.7.86
* added Retry request if connection fails

=== 0.7.85
* added new resource V2::ZippedImageUpload

=== 0.7.84
* added attribute in Tag.

=== 0.7.82
* added image_urls to v2/category_default_front_templates API

=== 0.7.81
* added image_urls to v2/front_templates API

=== 0.7.80
* added CategoryDefaultFrontTemplate communication_campaigns API.

=== 0.7.79
* added Tag destroy API.

=== 0.7.78
* added CategoryDefaultFrontTemplate.

=== 0.7.77
* added Tag and added attributes in category and front template.

=== 0.7.76
* added campaign algo_metadata field instead of all its keys for communication campaign.

=== 0.7.75
* added campaign algo_metadata fields in attr_accessor list for communication campaign.

=== 0.7.74
* added reset branding campaign end point V2::CommunicationCampaign.

=== 0.7.73
* added create branding campaign end point V2::CommunicationCampaign.

=== 0.7.71
* added clone_campaign end point V2::CommunicationCampaign.

=== 0.7.70
* adding new resource V2::SupportedCampaigns

=== 0.7.69
* update the sum method on collection to convert string to float instead on string to int, to not loose the fractions

=== 0.7.68
* adding filter_changeable to campaign

=== 0.7.67
* adding status description to campaign

=== 0.7.66
* adding X-Request-Id header to be passed with all requests.

=== 0.7.65
* added endpoint for receipt.
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