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customerlobby / lobbyist-ruby   ruby

Repository URL to install this package:

/ spec / cassettes / member_call_list_queued.yml

- request:
    method: get
    uri: http://localhost:3000/v1/member_calls.json?admin_user_id=415&nonce=2015-11-30+19%3A58%3A48+UTC&scope=current_calls
      encoding: US-ASCII
      string: ''
      - Faraday v0.9.2
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      - Token token="Jz43pwlU1rb4ewhgltWO", signature="626ba7591291ffeba7c6d24e9f7632ba1f9fe3c2f465d8770546a2479df9f284"
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      - IE=Edge
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      - thin 1.5.1 codename Straight Razor
      encoding: UTF-8
      string: '{"count":248,"page":1,"rpp":20,"elements":[{"id":48995,"company_id":3908,"admin_user_id":415,"call_number":5,"completed_at":"2015-06-26T17:27:59Z","status":"completed","priority":5,"notes":"6/26/15
        ah: Called for Narod. No vm left this time since I already left 2 and emailed.\r\n6/24/15
        ah: lvm for Narod re ncc''s.\r\n6/22/15 ah: lvm for Narod re ncc''s and 50
        call credits. Sent email fu.\r\n1/28/15 kf: narod said he''d cb when he has
        time to install DC. ","created_at":"2015-01-27T13:30:20Z","updated_at":"2015-06-26T17:27:59Z","disposition":"voicemail","company":{"company_id":3908,"enterprise_id":null,"workflow_system_id":null,"account_level_id":15,"company_name":"Installer
        Headquarters","company_description":"LED/LCD/Plasma TV Installation\nHome
        Theater Installation\nIn Wall/Ceiling Speakers\nOn Wall/Ceiling Speakers\nOutdoor
        Speakers\nHome Intercom Systems\nAnd Tons More!","address1":"821 San Angelo
        Daylight Time","formatted_address":"821 San Angelo Avenue, Montebello, CA
        90640, USA","phone":"3238880000","phone_ext":"","website":"http://www.installerheadquarters.com/","is_active":true,"abbreviated_name":"installer-headquarters","freetrial_start_date":"2010-06-22T16:43:54Z","signup_admin_id":null,"signup_ip_addr":"","account_terminated":false,"termination_date":null,"activation_code":"45411a11b4832174","account_class":"plus","promo_id":null,"average_score":0.99,"admin_notes":"6/24/15
        ah: lvm for Narod re ncc''s.\n6/22/15 ah: lvm for Narod re ncc''s and 50 call
        credits. Sent email fu.\n1/28/15 kf: narod said he''d cb when he has time
        to install DC. \n1/28/15 rj: company had dual subscriptions.  it was a problem
        caused during reactivation.  it''s all fixed now.  I credited back the duplicate
        charges, and set account class to plus, charging $149 until DC is installed,
        and we''ll switch them to starter and credit $20 if they get it set up.\n1/26/15
        uses quickbooks, not a ton of online business currently. Told i''ll reactivate
        it but we need to get QB installed to get the lower rate.\n\n1/18/13 rj: no
        answer, terminated, value prop.\n01/09/13 mm: email 4.\n1/4/13 rj: vm, email
        3.\n1/3/13 rj: turning reviews page off in the morning, calling then.\n12/27/12
        mm: vm, email 2.5.\n12/18/12 rj: vm, email 2.\n12/12/12/rj: narod on hold.
        great lol. vm, email 1.\n11/6/12 rj: narod emailed, wanted to resume service.  sent
        email reply specifying past due   new month to get started, so 198 to get
        the ball rolling.  re-activated, sent email letting narod know he''s good
        to go.  he''ll add ncc via the web. included in email syn examples, and he
        had questions about getting those reviews on google and yelp.  explained how
        that works, that he has si enabled, and why syn is better anyway.\n6/5/12
        rj: on hold.  terminated, sent post cancellation email.  Narod replied with
        an email asking for a break on the monthly, offered him a free month if he
        pays past due.\n05/30/12 kb: left vm and sent on hold 4. \n5/22/12 rj: on
        hold. vm, email 3.\n5/16/12 rj: on hold. vm, email 2.\n5/7/12 rj: on hold.  vm,
        email 1.\n04/30/12 mm: Left a vm for Narod. Sent him an email re: NCCs and
        new buttons.\n3/30/12: (AB) Terminated b/c 2  months past due and not responding
        to us. He called back and gave credit card to reactivate right away. We had
        to charge him for past due Feb payment of $99 as well as past due March payment
        of $99 plus half of this next month that he owes us b/c his new payment date
        is not until March 30 now! (Otherwise he would have gotten free half a month.)\n3/21/12:
        (AB) Left final vm and sent On Hold Email 4.\n3/14/12: (AB) Phone number not
        working, disconnected. I shut off reviews page and sent On Hold Email 3. \n03/09/12
        kb: left vm and sent on hold email 2 again. \n03/01/12 kb: left vm and sent
        email re onold. 2\n02/24/12 kb: Narod said he would update credit card online
        tonight. \n2/17/12: (AB) Narod was on road but said if I sent email he would
        update cc when back in office. Also I reminded him about NCCs.\n12/30/11:
        (AB) Talked briefly to Narod about entering more contacts to call...he has
        lots of credits. He said he would enter some more when he got back to office.
        He already has Smart Invites and FB/Twitter. I emailed him about FB reviews
        tab.\n12/9/11: (AB) Narod emailed about whether there is a way to syndicate
        reviews to Google. I responded to him about enabling Smart Invites. \n08/08/11
        BL: vm/email re: NCC.\n4/6/11: (AB) Narod did not have time to talk but wanted
        an email about NCCs and FB/Twitter -- they already have these accounts created.\n12/23/10:
        (AB) left vm for and emailed narod re: NCCs and FB/Twitter.\n08/31/10: left
        vm re: CC\n08/25/10: emailed Narod re: cc. \n08/23/10: left vm re: cc. \n08/19/10:
        spoke to Narod he will call back to settle things with card and pro9vide contacts
        for cust calls. \n08/17/10: left vm for cc. \n7/12 - LM\n6/30 - WK 2\n6/24
        - WK 1 Call\n6/22 - Need CC info, and Narod will make sure button is up","customer_call_notes":"","trial_source":"outbound","partner_id":null,"partner_account_id":null,"last_synd_stat_date":"2015-01-27T17:31:55Z","last_credit_grant":"2015-06-27","sales_status":false,"date_live":"2010-11-17T00:00:00Z","user_notes":null,"enable_referral_marketing":false,"enable_retention_marketing":false,"last_handwritten_review_credit_grant":"2015-06-27","sugar_lead_id":"b217a0c8-7085-7ead-81be-4fea50a97c32","sugar_account_id":"9b36ba01-683a-de03-9880-4fea50275926","sugar_opportunity_id":"5a030e76-15f9-2baf-113d-50c91ea186c6","created_at":"2010-06-22T16:43:54Z","updated_at":"2015-11-09T22:31:23Z","status":"active","sales_user_id":133,"system_of_record":"Quickbooks","activity_feed_created":false,"data_dedupe_enabled":false,"direct_connect_status":"unknown","direct_connect_status_date":null,"use_new_mapper":false,"direct_connect_install_date":null,"direct_connect_install_status":"downloaded","direct_connect_installed_by":"self","direct_connect_notes":null,"current_balance":"0.0","account_manager_id":null,"salesforce_account_id":null,"salesforce_opportunity_id":null,"default_enterprise_company":null},"admin_user":{"admin_user_id":415,"salesforce_id":null,"first_name":"Allison","last_name":"Tabacco-Hines","email":"ahines@customerlobby.com","password":null,"is_total_admin":1,"is_active":1,"is_account_manager":false,"screen_name":"ahines","sales_team_id":null,"created_at":"2015-05-11T15:56:00Z","updated_at":"2015-07-09T17:51:08Z","auth_key":null,"persistence_token":"907b82e0b59d3a31809017b633daf9ed496897db875d0247f0b5cc4a4f931eae1aee0c15edc77e8054095cef31f329482a4a2b49d3632c4e5d225f5422bb91aa","role":"member-services","employment_type":"full-time","crypted_password":"5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99","last_request_at":"2015-07-09T17:51:08Z"}},{"id":49199,"company_id":26475,"admin_user_id":415,"call_number":5,"completed_at":"2015-06-26T15:46:13Z","status":"completed","priority":5,"notes":"6/26/15
        ah: lvm for Billy to set up dc\r\n6/24/15 ah: lvm for Billy re setting up
        dc since he didn''t call yesterday.\r\n6/22/15 ah: lvm for Billy re ncc''s.
        Sent email fu. UPDATE: Billy emailed back re dc. Called and explained dc to
        him. He said he''d give me a call tomorrow to set it up.\r\n4/8/15 kf: lvm
        for billy, emailed re: dc/ncc.\r\n2/2/15 kf: lvm for billy, emailed re: dc.
        Parker Exteriors","company_description":"","address1":"4403 Town Center Place","address2":"","city":"Kingwood","state":"TX","zip":"77339","country":"US","latitude":"30.0482483","longitude":"-95.18520149999999","timezone":"Central
        Daylight Time","formatted_address":"4403 Town Center Place, Kingwood, TX 77339,
        #: 806 676 9727\n\n6/26/15 ah: lvm for Billy to set up dc\n6/24/15 ah: lvm
        for Billy re setting up dc since he didn''t call yesterday.\n6/22/15 ah: lvm
        for Billy re ncc''s. Sent email fu. UPDATE: Billy emailed back re dc. Called
        and explained dc to him. He said he''d give me a call tomorrow to set it up.\n4/8/15
        kf: lvm for billy, emailed re: dc/ncc.\n2/2/15 kf: lvm for billy, emailed
        re: dc. \n11/18/14 kf: lvm for billy, email 2...billy cb and updated CC.\n11/12/14
        kf: on hold. lvm for billy, email 1. \n9/30/14 ks: lvm, emailed re:NCCs/16
        creds\n5/29/14 kab: called Billy. he was on the road. I was calling to get
        him to install DC and told him I''ll send a reminder email with my direct
        line to get that goin if he needs help (see 4/17 note).\n5/6/14 kf: page off.
        lvm for jonell, email 3...billy cb and updated the CC.\n4/29/14 kf: hmm, didn''t
        work, tried again. will check back.\n4/17/14 kf: lvm, email 2....billy got
        back to me, said to just run the CC again. he uses QB but is not near a computer
        right now. he''ll try installing on his own, thinks he should be able to manage.\n3/11/14
        kf: on hold. cf. email 1. \n3/10/14 kf: lvm for jo nell re: ncc, emailed too.\n2/28/14
        kf: tried giving jo nell a call to update her on progress (6/8 customer calls,
        traffic quadrupled from last month), but her vm is not set up. sent her a
        congratulatory email instead. \n2/20/14 kf: jo nell lvm for me re: typo in
        a call review. call agent had left out a few words in a sentence.\n2/19/14
        kf: jo nell called about a review not on facebook yet. told her they usually
        post at the top of the hour. \n2/18/14 kf: called jo nell, told her she had
        entered nccs correctly and explained kiosk to her. she didn''t want to upgrade
        again, but i told her she still has hw credits available to use.\n2/12/14
        kf: save. jonell doesn''t feel like the money has been worth it so far, but
        she will take a free month to evaluate the svc and try out the lower svc level.
        i described performance and assuaged some of her concerns re: customer calls.
        switched down to biz, skipped payment. scheduled to fllwup with her next week.
        she said she''d get some nccs to me. sent email confirmation. \n2/12/14 tj:
        Cancellation request via call. Jo Nell wants to \"put this on pause for awhile.\"
        She''s sad that they haven''t gotten any new reviews in awhile and people
        are unresponsive to their emails. Asked if they''ve been using HW forms or
        the MK. Nope, they''ve been going with email invites. Mentioned biz lvl svc.
        Suggested doing cc''s, but she says the call reviews don''t sound like their
        customers... Told her we transcribe as closely to the caller''s original words
        if not verbatim. She prefers they write and not talk. passed to kb.\n1/29/14
        tj: inc call, Jo Nell. Helped her reinstall FB tab & app. All is good. sent
        fu email to confirm.\n1/21/14 kab: spoke with Jo Nell re:NCCs. she said she
        has decided that sending email/custom invites produces more fitting reviews
        for them. they don''t think our transcriptions always do justice.. I reiterated
        the values of CCs, but also noted they are doing well with invites and Kiosk.
        she was appreciative and will just keep doing her thing sans CCs.\n12/9/13
        tj: lvm. sent welcome email.\n12/4/13 tj: jonell called, asking about where
        her CL reviews go. Told her about CG syndication. She didn''t like that her
        reviews weren''t automatically being posted to Yelp. Told her how si''s work
        and enabled Yelp and Angie''s si''s per her request. She seemed a little happier
        after that. Sent fu email w/ CityGrid near match info and syndication info.\n11/11/13
        kf: called jonell bc they left vm on sales line about dissatisfaction with
        first customer call review. granted courtesy credit and lvm for jonell letting
        them know and urging them to send ncc.\n\nxxxxxxxxx nada\n\nhttp://www.citysearch.com/profile/651214400/kingwood_tx/billy_parker_exteriors.html?impressionId=000b000000510c22b9011145fc848d5d785c6e3eaf","customer_call_notes":null,"trial_source":"outbound","partner_id":null,"partner_account_id":null,"last_synd_stat_date":"2014-02-12T22:23:40Z","last_credit_grant":"2015-06-12","sales_status":false,"date_live":"2013-11-09T00:00:00Z","user_notes":null,"enable_referral_marketing":false,"enable_retention_marketing":false,"last_handwritten_review_credit_grant":"2014-02-12","sugar_lead_id":null,"sugar_account_id":"3b4f278d-655c-9b92-0218-527bc50f2b8e","sugar_opportunity_id":"40408283-624e-564b-b03d-527bc56ec999","created_at":"2013-11-07T16:53:52Z","updated_at":"2015-11-09T22:32:03Z","status":"active","sales_user_id":109,"system_of_record":"Quickbooks","activity_feed_created":true,"data_dedupe_enabled":false,"direct_connect_status":"unknown","direct_connect_status_date":null,"use_new_mapper":false,"direct_connect_install_date":null,"direct_connect_install_status":"downloaded","direct_connect_installed_by":"self","direct_connect_notes":null,"current_balance":"0.0","account_manager_id":null,"salesforce_account_id":null,"salesforce_opportunity_id":null,"default_enterprise_company":null},"admin_user":{"admin_user_id":415,"salesforce_id":null,"first_name":"Allison","last_name":"Tabacco-Hines","email":"ahines@customerlobby.com","password":null,"is_total_admin":1,"is_active":1,"is_account_manager":false,"screen_name":"ahines","sales_team_id":null,"created_at":"2015-05-11T15:56:00Z","updated_at":"2015-07-09T17:51:08Z","auth_key":null,"persistence_token":"907b82e0b59d3a31809017b633daf9ed496897db875d0247f0b5cc4a4f931eae1aee0c15edc77e8054095cef31f329482a4a2b49d3632c4e5d225f5422bb91aa","role":"member-services","employment_type":"full-time","crypted_password":"5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99","last_request_at":"2015-07-09T17:51:08Z"}},{"id":49371,"company_id":28727,"admin_user_id":415,"call_number":4,"completed_at":"2015-06-26T17:10:35Z","status":"completed","priority":4,"notes":"6/26/15
        ah: lhm with gk re ncc''s.\r\n6/24/15 ah: lhm with gk re ncc''s\r\n6/22/15
        ah: lhm with gk re ncc''s. Sent email fu\r\n4/7/15 kf: lvm, emailed re: dc/campaigns.\r\n2/4/15
        kf: lvm for marty, emailed re: dc.\r\n","created_at":"2015-02-04T13:30:28Z","updated_at":"2015-06-26T17:10:35Z","disposition":"other","company":{"company_id":28727,"enterprise_id":null,"workflow_system_id":null,"account_level_id":3,"company_name":"Dukes
        Painting And Repair","company_description":"","address1":"2268 S Delaware
        Daylight Time","formatted_address":"2268 South Delaware Court, Tulsa, OK 74114,
        ah: lhm with gk re ncc''s.\n6/24/15 ah: lhm with gk re ncc''s\n6/22/15 ah:
        lhm with gk re ncc''s. Sent email fu\n4/7/15 kf: lvm, emailed re: dc/campaigns.\n2/4/15
        kf: lvm for marty, emailed re: dc.\n1/13/15 ld updated CC with Marty. He has
        been out of town.\n1/9/15 kf: lvm, email 4.\n1/7/15 kf: lvm, email 3 again.
        \n1/5/15 kf: page off. lvm, email 3.\n1/2/15 kf: lvm, email 2.5.\n12/31/14
        kf: lvm, email 2.\n12/29/14 kf: on hold. lvm for marty, email 1. \n10/3/14
        ks: Spoke to Marty re:NCCs/9 creds. He said he''s been out of town and he
        has some he''ll send in later. No email needed, but he said he really appreciates
        the call to check in.\n4/24/14 kab: lvm for Marty re:NCCs and DC. sent email.\n3/11/14
        kab: left welcome vm for Marty. sent welcome email w/DC info, Yelp and Yahoo
        SIs info.\n6-24-13 not interested","customer_call_notes":null,"trial_source":"outbound","partner_id":null,"partner_account_id":null,"last_synd_stat_date":"2014-02-21T20:50:07Z","last_credit_grant":"2015-06-21","sales_status":false,"date_live":null,"user_notes":null,"enable_referral_marketing":false,"enable_retention_marketing":false,"last_handwritten_review_credit_grant":"2014-02-21","sugar_lead_id":null,"sugar_account_id":"2f8b173d-7aa1-2c35-aabd-52e1a2e015e0","sugar_opportunity_id":"31b7dd71-ca58-6ca7-0f3c-52e1a2de12ad","created_at":"2014-01-23T23:15:52Z","updated_at":"2015-11-09T22:32:06Z","status":"active","sales_user_id":139,"system_of_record":"***
        Created by CL Dev ***","activity_feed_created":true,"data_dedupe_enabled":false,"direct_connect_status":"unknown","direct_connect_status_date":null,"use_new_mapper":false,"direct_connect_install_date":null,"direct_connect_install_status":"downloaded","direct_connect_installed_by":"self","direct_connect_notes":null,"current_balance":"0.0","account_manager_id":null,"salesforce_account_id":null,"salesforce_opportunity_id":null,"default_enterprise_company":null},"admin_user":{"admin_user_id":415,"salesforce_id":null,"first_name":"Allison","last_name":"Tabacco-Hines","email":"ahines@customerlobby.com","password":null,"is_total_admin":1,"is_active":1,"is_account_manager":false,"screen_name":"ahines","sales_team_id":null,"created_at":"2015-05-11T15:56:00Z","updated_at":"2015-07-09T17:51:08Z","auth_key":null,"persistence_token":"907b82e0b59d3a31809017b633daf9ed496897db875d0247f0b5cc4a4f931eae1aee0c15edc77e8054095cef31f329482a4a2b49d3632c4e5d225f5422bb91aa","role":"member-services","employment_type":"full-time","crypted_password":"5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99","last_request_at":"2015-07-09T17:51:08Z"}},{"id":49431,"company_id":7750,"admin_user_id":415,"call_number":11,"completed_at":"2015-06-30T19:01:37Z","status":"completed","priority":11,"notes":"6/30/15
        ah: inc call from Jay. Talked to him re ncc''s and dc. Sent email fu.\r\n6/30/15
        jmr: lvm.\r\n6/26/15 jmr: lvm and sent email for Jay for nccs and dc.","created_at":"2015-02-07T13:30:23Z","updated_at":"2015-06-30T19:01:37Z","disposition":"talk","company":{"company_id":7750,"enterprise_id":null,"workflow_system_id":null,"account_level_id":3,"company_name":"Fireside
        Designs","company_description":"","address1":"1769 Riverdale Street","address2":"","city":"West
        Daylight Time","formatted_address":"1769 Riverdale Street, West Springfield,
        MA 01089, USA","phone":"4137330910","phone_ext":"","website":"http://www.fireside-designs.com/","is_active":true,"abbreviated_name":"fireside-designs","freetrial_start_date":"2011-05-31T10:47:45Z","signup_admin_id":null,"signup_ip_addr":"","account_terminated":false,"termination_date":null,"activation_code":"921622811e444065","account_class":"business","promo_id":24,"average_score":0.93,"admin_notes":"jay''s
        extension 201 * Closed Mondays\n\n6/30/15 ah: inc call from Jay. Talked to
        him re ncc''s and dc. Sent email fu.\n6/30/15 jmr: lvm.\n6/26/15 jmr: lvm
        and sent email for Jay for nccs and dc.\n3/19/15 jmr: challenge received for
        M D''s review for \"inappropriate content\". challenge denied. I called Jean
        and he asked if it could be reconsidered. I asked around for a second opinion
        and decided to keep it denied. he said he was disappointed and is now reconsidering
        staying with us. sent him a follow up email recommending to comment along
        with the reason for the denial (as requested).\n2/11/15 kf: lvm for jay, emailed
        re: dc. \n10/6/14 ks: lvm for Jay and sent email re:NCCs/22 creds\n6/5/14
        kab: second attempt to reach Jay for DC install push. two messages left now.\n02/05/14
        kb: Called to followup with Jay re: data integration. Left vm sent email.
        \n2/4/14 kab: lvm for Jay. sent email re: NCCs and Yelp SI.\n5/31/13 kf: emailed
        re: fb app and ncc reminder. \n5/16/13 kf: put on hold forever, emailed appt
        request widget. \n5/1/13 kf: emailed ncc reminder/11 credits.  \n1/30/13 kf:
        left hm and sent email re: syndication, fb app, and ncc''s. \n10/12/12 rj:
        updated cc with jay, added 9 ncc.\n9/26/12 scd: Talked to Jay, going into
        their busy season, got lazy. took 7 ncc''s. no email sent.\n05/18/12 mm: Talked
        to Jay about NCCs, he can def get us some.  Emailed him re: NCCs.\n05/14/12
        mm: Left vm and sent email about denying challenge for d labonte''s review.  Explained
        other options. called Jay back and explained his options at his request.\n4/24/12:
        (AB) Received email from reviewer Julie Jaron and set her review to Not Publish
        at her request. \n1/12/12 BL: Talked with Jay, got 8 contacts, enabled Smart
        Invites over the phone. \n08/08/11 BL: Welcome vm/email.\nInbound found us
        through a search for another contractor\n6/30 - w/ cust. cb at 915./at lunch
        try back at 1130//na near impossible to get on the phone\n6/22 - jay saw reviews
        in google. was happy about that.new site with button was supposed to launch
        2 weeks ago so I suggested he put the button on old site in meantime. seems
        to like everything no questions.\n6/20 - na reviews in google maps//lm re:
        reviews in google\n6/8 - told him we got first review. said he sent code to
        webmaster. asked about google maps. I told him the trick to get it in there.
        seemed disappointed on 6-12 month timeline.\n6/7 - told him to input more
        CC#s. said he would.\n6/6 - realized he entered a CC#\n5/31 - heard about
        us through blumenthals article. wanted to find a way to manage reviews before
        theyre posted. Needs to talk to biz partner. doesnt collect emails. said he
        will pick questions and type in some CC#s. has a wg he can forward code to.
        showed everything I''m not sure on this one.//called to ask me what happens
        if he quits the lobby","customer_call_notes":"","trial_source":"house","partner_id":null,"partner_account_id":null,"last_synd_stat_date":"2011-12-15T13:47:48Z","last_credit_grant":"2015-06-10","sales_status":false,"date_live":"2011-07-06T00:00:00Z","user_notes":null,"enable_referral_marketing":false,"enable_retention_marketing":false,"last_handwritten_review_credit_grant":null,"sugar_lead_id":"d2f3f046-6ed4-9a6f-3672-4ffe7dd2c13e","sugar_account_id":"9ca3e999-7e47-512f-df35-4ffe7d98197c","sugar_opportunity_id":"1a0e6618-51fa-8d1e-7ed4-510966e7454f","created_at":"2011-05-31T10:47:45Z","updated_at":"2015-11-09T22:31:35Z","status":"active","sales_user_id":68,"system_of_record":"Quickbooks","activity_feed_created":true,"data_dedupe_enabled":false,"direct_connect_status":"unknown","direct_connect_status_date":null,"use_new_mapper":false,"direct_connect_install_date":null,"direct_connect_install_status":"downloaded","direct_connect_installed_by":"self","direct_connect_notes":null,"current_balance":"0.0","account_manager_id":null,"salesforce_account_id":null,"salesforce_opportunity_id":null,"default_enterprise_company":null},"admin_user":{"admin_user_id":415,"salesforce_id":null,"first_name":"Allison","last_name":"Tabacco-Hines","email":"ahines@customerlobby.com","password":null,"is_total_admin":1,"is_active":1,"is_account_manager":false,"screen_name":"ahines","sales_team_id":null,"created_at":"2015-05-11T15:56:00Z","updated_at":"2015-07-09T17:51:08Z","auth_key":null,"persistence_token":"907b82e0b59d3a31809017b633daf9ed496897db875d0247f0b5cc4a4f931eae1aee0c15edc77e8054095cef31f329482a4a2b49d3632c4e5d225f5422bb91aa","role":"member-services","employment_type":"full-time","crypted_password":"5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99","last_request_at":"2015-07-09T17:51:08Z"}},{"id":49445,"company_id":21967,"admin_user_id":415,"call_number":5,"completed_at":"2015-06-22T18:33:46Z","status":"completed","priority":5,"notes":"6/22/15
        ah: Recent touch and lots of ncc''s. No touch needed.\r\n4/8/15 kf: lvm for
        eric, emailed re: dc. ","created_at":"2015-02-07T13:30:23Z","updated_at":"2015-06-22T18:33:46Z","disposition":"other","company":{"company_id":21967,"enterprise_id":null,"workflow_system_id":1,"account_level_id":3,"company_name":"Flooring.org","company_description":"","address1":"Online","address2":"","city":"Tampa/St.
        Daylight Time","formatted_address":"Online Trading Academy, 3659 West Waters
        Avenue #200, Tampa, FL 33614, USA","phone":"8006899006","phone_ext":"","website":"http://www.flooring.org/","is_active":true,"abbreviated_name":"flooring-org","freetrial_start_date":"2013-05-30T15:00:29Z","signup_admin_id":null,"signup_ip_addr":null,"account_terminated":false,"termination_date":null,"activation_code":null,"account_class":"business","promo_id":62,"average_score":0.93,"admin_notes":"Andrew
        in charge of account\n\n6/29/15 jmr: inc call from Andrew asking about the
        pending customer calls. he expected to see them done by July but that hasn''t
        happened. let him know it will take a while longer but I''ll go ahead and
        put a priority on a few of them.\n6/24/15: mt: inc call from Andrew, said
        he has a customer, Christina Schneidle,  that he sent an email invite for,
        and because she didn''t write a review that way, he changed his mind and wanted
        her to get a call invite instead, he has the credits for it. Told him I''d
        put in a request to get that invitation sent (didn''t reveal to him our little
        hack to do that) to make sure she gets called. Deleted her phone number from
        where she was first entered, added her call invitation under \"Christina S\"\n6/22/15
        ah: Recent touch and lots of ncc''s. No touch needed.\n6/4/15: mt: inc call
        from Eric, said a customer gave a review but his city was marked down wrong,
        had the business'' city, but the customer was from CT, Eric wanted to have
        the customer''s real city. Told him I would ask call agent to verify customer
        was alright with edit. (Call agent confirmed, customer had hung up before
        asking for city, edit made). He also wanted to verify what Andrew was told
        about calls, he said he heard we only call 1 customer a day and he wanted
        to know if there were any upgrades. Looks like AH told him that we call 2,
        which is correct, so I told him that I saw 2 calls were in progress, and 2
        more are set to be called after them. Also let him know SQ was OFF, so anyone
        else he adds won''t be delayed. He was good with that. \n6/2/15 ah: inc call
        from Andrew asking how many cust are contacted via phone each day. I told
        him 2. He asked if more can be contacted, and I nicely told him no (in order
        to keep reviews consistently coming in). He''s happy.\n6/1/15 jmr: inc call
        from eric wants to utilize account a bit more. had a question about why there
        were customers still waiting to be called. explained the smart call queue
        and went over the number of attempts we make on each customer requested. everything''s
        good!\n4/8/15 kf: lvm for eric, emailed re: dc. \n2/9/15 ld spk w really nice
        guy.  lvm saying that we are going through and \"upgrading accounts\" with
        Direct Connect.  Left direct line.\n10/6/14 ks: Called, MBF, sent Eric an
        email re:NCCs/23 creds\n3/18/14 tj: spoke w/ Eric. enabled Google si. asked
        for ncc''s. He''s got none atm. Told him about DC. He asked for an email.
        sent email re: ncc strat & DC info.\n11/6/13 tj: spoke w/ Eric. Everything
        going well. added 1 ncc.\n7.26.13 scd: lhm & sent welcome email.\n7.11.13
        scd: Andrew let me know that they got a review. He told me that Eric is very
        familiar with us, has a friend who uses us, and just needed a friendly email
        re ncc''s. I will call for a welcome call soon. (c). sent email re ncc''s
        meantime. \n7.1.13 scd: no ncc''s, reviews or button. sent email to Andrew
        and he''ll let me know when they add some and are ready for a welcome call.\nOne
        call close from Linkedin","customer_call_notes":"CHECK AREA CODES Compare
        and buy flooring online.","trial_source":"outbound","partner_id":null,"partner_account_id":null,"last_synd_stat_date":"2013-05-30T15:02:31Z","last_credit_grant":"2015-07-02","sales_status":false,"date_live":null,"user_notes":null,"enable_referral_marketing":false,"enable_retention_marketing":false,"last_handwritten_review_credit_grant":"2013-05-30","sugar_lead_id":null,"sugar_account_id":"8f3d57bb-2f21-efbf-a256-51a769ac0918","sugar_opportunity_id":"9a6502b3-f52c-dc8c-d18c-51a7698aa9c0","created_at":"2013-05-30T15:00:29Z","updated_at":"2015-11-09T22:31:57Z","status":"active","sales_user_id":139,"system_of_record":"Quickbooks","activity_feed_created":true,"data_dedupe_enabled":false,"direct_connect_status":"not_running","direct_connect_status_date":null,"use_new_mapper":false,"direct_connect_install_date":null,"direct_connect_install_status":"downloaded","direct_connect_installed_by":"self","direct_connect_notes":null,"current_balance":"0.0","account_manager_id":null,"salesforce_account_id":null,"salesforce_opportunity_id":null,"default_enterprise_company":null},"admin_user":{"admin_user_id":415,"salesforce_id":null,"first_name":"Allison","last_name":"Tabacco-Hines","email":"ahines@customerlobby.com","password":null,"is_total_admin":1,"is_active":1,"is_account_manager":false,"screen_name":"ahines","sales_team_id":null,"created_at":"2015-05-11T15:56:00Z","updated_at":"2015-07-09T17:51:08Z","auth_key":null,"persistence_token":"907b82e0b59d3a31809017b633daf9ed496897db875d0247f0b5cc4a4f931eae1aee0c15edc77e8054095cef31f329482a4a2b49d3632c4e5d225f5422bb91aa","role":"member-services","employment_type":"full-time","crypted_password":"5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99","last_request_at":"2015-07-09T17:51:08Z"}},{"id":49519,"company_id":11139,"admin_user_id":415,"call_number":8,"completed_at":"2015-06-26T17:32:06Z","status":"completed","priority":8,"notes":"6/26/15
        ah: lvm for Dave on his cell re ncc''s.\r\n6/23/15 ah: lvm for Dave re ncc''s\r\n6/19/15
        ah: lvm for Dave re ncc''s. Sent email fu","created_at":"2015-02-08T13:30:22Z","updated_at":"2015-06-26T17:32:06Z","disposition":"voicemail","company":{"company_id":11139,"enterprise_id":null,"workflow_system_id":null,"account_level_id":3,"company_name":"J&L
        Transmissions","company_description":"8228 Southeast Taylor Street, Portland,
        OR","address1":"8228 Southeast Taylor Street","address2":"","city":"Portland","state":"OR","zip":"97216","country":"US","latitude":"45.515314","longitude":"-122.5784038","timezone":"Pacific
        Daylight Time","formatted_address":"8228 Southeast Taylor Street, Portland,
        OR 97216, USA","phone":"5038416991","phone_ext":"","website":"http://www.jltransmission.com/index.htm","is_active":true,"abbreviated_name":"jl-transmissions","freetrial_start_date":"2012-03-29T11:05:43Z","signup_admin_id":null,"signup_ip_addr":"","account_terminated":false,"termination_date":null,"activation_code":"91026321211e2c222","account_class":"business","promo_id":58,"average_score":0.92,"admin_notes":"Dave
        pp for ncc''s?: 503 734 8586\naccounts 11151, 11139, 11149\nJose''s direct
        line (503) 841-6991\n\n6/26/15 ah: lvm for Dave on his cell re ncc''s.\n6/23/15
        ah: lvm for Dave re ncc''s\n6/19/15 ah: lvm for Dave re ncc''s. Sent email
        fu\n5/18/15: mt: no response from Dave Johnson, challenge approved.\n5/8/15
        tj: Challenge. reviewer dave johnson not a customer. Asked for info.\n1/6/15
        ld challenge approved for linda''s review.  written about another company.  duh,
        linda. \n10/8/14 kf: email 2....updated CC.\n10/7/14 kab: on hold, unfortunately.
        still lvm for Dave w/NCCs reminder to cover and sent email to Dave.\n10/3/14
        kf: on hold. lhm, email 1. \n6/4/14 tj: called, spoke w/ Jose who said I should
        call Dave for ncc''s. Called Dave. lvm. sent email re: ncc''s strat, si''s,
        & DC.\n2.20.14 scd: challenged time-sent Dawn proof of customer email. update:
        challenge approved.\n1/9/14 kab: lhm for Jose. sent email re:NCCs (38 creds)
        and Yelp SI to all.\n8/29/13 kf: lhm and emailed all re: syndication success,
        ncc, and si''s.\n4/24/13 kf: emailed ncc reminder/22 credits. \n03/27/13 mm:
        sent Dave email explaining outcome of last two NCCs. Asked for many more to
        use 20 credits.\n03/21/13 mm: Dave emailed me homemade handwritten review
        forms to be published. I called him and let him know that he should not send
        these to us, just send names and numbers, and entered 2 nccs. He said okay.\n02/05/13
        mm: Dave called cause he can''t log in. Added him as new user and sent him
        email with log in info and where to generate button code for website. Asked
        for NCCs as well, he said they are working on list right now.\n12/20/12 scd:
        spoke briefly to jose re ncc''s, sent email to both users.\n6/28/12 Dave called
        in and asked if the review he''d sent in, Sydney''s, been transcribed and
        verified. I had him re-email it to me and that we''d call to verify and use
        it as a cc. when I got it, it''s totally a rip-off of our HW''s, I will tell
        him moving forward, we can''t accept these.\n06/08/12 scd: lhm and sent welcome
        email. \n5/14/12 rj: dave had questions about reviews syndication, explained
        fb/twitter apps, other sites check box.\n5/9/12 rj: dave left vm about using
        CL reviews on sites like google, yahoo, and yelp. called him back, explained
        publishing policies.\n5/8/12 rj: dave called in about clarifications concerning
        managing reviews: how to get a review down if they worked it out (withdrawal
        or email verification), notifications regarding the status of a challenge
        (auto email, call if denied) pending state and challenges/reviews (extends
        pending state).\n5/2/12 rj: Dave called in about reviews he sent to reviews@customerlobby.com,
        told him to send them to me and i''ll take a look.  wrote back w/ q''s about
        challenges, responded with details/tips. also wanted calls to go out to two
        handwritten reviewers if no response, calendared.\n\n4.25 LM\n3.29- Bob contact
        number is (503)853-1322.Web guy Dave (503)734-8586.\n Jose is manager here.","customer_call_notes":"","trial_source":"outbound","partner_id":null,"partner_account_id":null,"last_synd_stat_date":"2012-04-30T07:49:00Z","last_credit_grant":"2015-07-02","sales_status":false,"date_live":"2012-03-30T00:00:00Z","user_notes":null,"enable_referral_marketing":false,"enable_retention_marketing":false,"last_handwritten_review_credit_grant":"2012-04-30","sugar_lead_id":"b162fce4-6012-bd66-13c8-4ffe87743cb5","sugar_account_id":"9f1f84a4-4add-1976-e007-4fecbc4c2be5","sugar_opportunity_id":"dc1d0059-7952-5362-54de-50d36a8450b5","created_at":"2012-03-29T11:05:43Z","updated_at":"2015-11-09T22:31:42Z","status":"active","sales_user_id":79,"system_of_record":"***
        Created by CL Dev ***","activity_feed_created":true,"data_dedupe_enabled":false,"direct_connect_status":"unknown","direct_connect_status_date":null,"use_new_mapper":false,"direct_connect_install_date":null,"direct_connect_install_status":"downloaded","direct_connect_installed_by":"self","direct_connect_notes":null,"current_balance":"0.0","account_manager_id":null,"salesforce_account_id":null,"salesforce_opportunity_id":null,"default_enterprise_company":null},"admin_user":{"admin_user_id":415,"salesforce_id":null,"first_name":"Allison","last_name":"Tabacco-Hines","email":"ahines@customerlobby.com","password":null,"is_total_admin":1,"is_active":1,"is_account_manager":false,"screen_name":"ahines","sales_team_id":null,"created_at":"2015-05-11T15:56:00Z","updated_at":"2015-07-09T17:51:08Z","auth_key":null,"persistence_token":"907b82e0b59d3a31809017b633daf9ed496897db875d0247f0b5cc4a4f931eae1aee0c15edc77e8054095cef31f329482a4a2b49d3632c4e5d225f5422bb91aa","role":"member-services","employment_type":"full-time","crypted_password":"5f4dcc3b5aa765d61d8327deb882cf99","last_request_at":"2015-07-09T17:51:08Z"}},{"id":49591,"company_id":19175,"admin_user_id":415,"call_number":6,"completed_at":"2015-06-24T17:04:29Z","status":"completed","priority":6,"notes":"6/24/15
        ah: Spoke with Leanne re ncc''s. She said I should email Casey. fu email sent
        re ncc''s.\r\n6/22/15 ah: lhm with gk for Leanne re ncc''s. Sent email fu.
        UPDATE: email bounced back. Removed email from notes. If I don''t hear back
        from Leigh Ann, I''ll ask gk for email.\r\n4/14/15 kf: lhm with gk, she gave
        me leeann''s email. emailed both re: ncc.\r\n2/10/15 kf: lvm & emailed re:
        dc. ","created_at":"2015-02-09T13:30:28Z","updated_at":"2015-06-24T17:04:29Z","disposition":"talk","company":{"company_id":19175,"enterprise_id":null,"workflow_system_id":null,"account_level_id":3,"company_name":"Action
        Chiropractic","company_description":"","address1":"6410 Charlotte Pike, Suite101","address2":"","city":"Nashville","state":"TN","zip":"37205","country":"US","latitude":"36.133379","longitude":"-86.89097009999999","timezone":"Central
        Daylight Time","formatted_address":"6410 Old Charlotte Pike #101, Nashville,
        TN 37205, USA","phone":"6153564656","phone_ext":"","website":"http://www.nashvillespinedoctor.com","is_active":true,"abbreviated_name":"action-chiropractic","freetrial_start_date":"2013-02-25T19:54:12Z","signup_admin_id":null,"signup_ip_addr":null,"account_terminated":false,"termination_date":null,"activation_code":null,"account_class":"business","promo_id":24,"average_score":0.98,"admin_notes":"Connected
        to 18873\n\n6/24/15 ah: Spoke with Leanne re ncc''s. She said I should email
        Casey. fu email sent re ncc''s.\n6/22/15 ah: lhm with gk for Leanne re ncc''s.
        Sent email fu. UPDATE: email bounced back. Removed email from notes. If I
        don''t hear back from Leigh Ann, I''ll ask gk for email.\n4/14/15 kf: lhm
        with gk, she gave me leeann''s email. emailed both re: ncc.\n2/10/15 kf: lvm
        & emailed re: dc. \n12/2/14 ld: LeeAnn called earlier with NCC''s. Advised
        how to use the website to upload NCC''s, showed her around a bit.  May be
        future point of contact.\n10/8/14 ks: Called for Casey but gatekeeper blocked
        me \"why can''t you just talk to me about this?\" Asked her for NCCs. \"Oh
        let me go get the dr. for that.\" Put on hold for a while only for GK to come
        back and say he''s with a patient and he''ll cb. Email it is.\n5/20/14 tj:
        inc call, Casey. He''s thinking about cancelling, asked about what we do for
        him, thought our reviews went to search engines. They do. Did a wt w/ him
        about CG synd. Went over the difference between Plus and Biz. Downgraded both
        accts to Biz per his request. Told him about DC. He doesn''t use invoices
        for his chiro biz, but he does for the auto shop. sent fu acct performance
        email.\n4/14/14 tj: sent email re: ncc''s & DC.\n11/21/13 tj: coordinated
        an attack on reviewers w/ Casey. He let them know to expect a confirmation
        email for their reviews. Gave me the go ahead to reenter kiosk reviews. Reentered.\n11/19/13
        tj: Casey called in wants another email of unresponsive contacts. email sent.\n11/12/13
        tj: The Dr. wanted to know how he could get the most out of his accts. did
        a wt on handwritten, syndication, mobile kiosk, and call reviews. Re entered
        his hw reviews into kiosk for reconfirmation. sent email w/ info.\n8.9.13
        scd: lhm for the dr. sent email re ncc''s and si''s.\n4/25/13 kf: Dr. Bearden
        called in and asked about various account functionality. gave him a long wt,
        showed him how to track reviews and send invites. he seems more interested
        in the open invitations. sent him email with ways of getting reviews included.
        \n4.8.13 scd: lhm & sent welcome email.\n\n3-5-13 Not in. Said try between
        1-3 tomorrow\n2-27-12 Called twice, doctor out. Either try back in a bit or
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