# This is a list of known failures (=bugs).
# The tests listed there must fail (or testrunner.py will report error) unless they are prefixed with FLAKY
# in which cases the result of them is simply ignored
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import struct
from gevent.testing.sysinfo import RUNNING_ON_APPVEYOR as APPVEYOR
from gevent.testing.sysinfo import RUNNING_ON_TRAVIS as TRAVIS
from gevent.testing.sysinfo import RUN_LEAKCHECKS as LEAKTEST
from gevent.testing.sysinfo import RUN_COVERAGE as COVERAGE
from gevent.testing.sysinfo import RESOLVER_NOT_SYSTEM
from gevent.testing.sysinfo import PYPY
from gevent.testing.sysinfo import PY3
from gevent.testing.sysinfo import PY35
from gevent.testing.sysinfo import LIBUV
# Sometimes fails with AssertionError: ...\nIOError: close() called during concurrent operation on the same file object.\n'
# Sometimes it contains "\nUnhandled exception in thread started by \nsys.excepthook is missing\nlost sys.stderr\n"
"FLAKY test__subprocess_interrupted.py",
# test__issue6 (see comments in test file) is really flaky on both Travis and Appveyor;
# on Travis we could just run the test again (but that gets old fast), but on appveyor
# we don't have that option without a new commit---and sometimes we really need a build
# to succeed in order to get a release wheel
'FLAKY test__issue6.py',
if sys.platform == 'win32':
# fork watchers don't get called on windows
# because fork is not a concept windows has.
# See this file for a detailed explanation.
# other Windows-related issues (need investigating)
'FLAKY test__greenletset.py',
# This has been seen to fail on Py3 and Py2 due to socket reuse
# errors, probably timing related again.
'FLAKY test___example_servers.py',
# These both run on port 9000 and can step on each other...seems like the
# appveyor containers aren't fully port safe? Or it takes longer
# for the processes to shut down? Or we run them in a different order
# in the process pool than we do other places?
'FLAKY test__example_udp_client.py',
'FLAKY test__example_udp_server.py',
# This one sometimes times out, often after output "The process with PID XXX could not be
# terminated. Reason: There is no running instance of the task."
'FLAKY test__example_portforwarder.py',
# This one sometimes randomly closes connections, but no indication
# of a server crash, only a client side close.
'FLAKY test__server_pywsgi.py',
if PYPY and LIBUV:
# This one seems to just stop right after
# patching is done. It passes on a local win 10 vm, and the main
# test_threading_2.py does as well.
# Based on the printouts we added, it appears to not even
# finish importing:
# https://ci.appveyor.com/project/denik/gevent/build/1.0.1277/job/tpvhesij5gldjxqw#L1190
# Ignored because it takes two minutes to time out.
if PY3:
# test_set_and_clear in Py3 relies on 5 threads all starting and
# coming to an Event wait point while a sixth thread sleeps for a half
# second. The sixth thread then does something and checks that
# the 5 threads were all at the wait point. But the timing is sometimes
# too tight for appveyor. This happens even if Event isn't
# monkey-patched
'FLAKY test_threading.py',
# Starting in November 2018, on Python 3.7.0, we observe this test crashing.
# I can't reproduce locally.
# | C:\Python37-x64\python.exe -u -mgevent.tests.test__greenness
# - - [09/Nov/2018 16:34:12] code 501, message Unsupported method ('GET')
# - - [09/Nov/2018 16:34:12] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 501 -
# .
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ran 1 test in 0.031s
# OK
# Windows fatal exception: access violation
# Current thread 0x000003c8 (most recent call first):
# File "c:\projects\gevent\src\gevent\threadpool.py", line 261 in _worker
# Thread 0x00000600 (most recent call first):
# File "c:\projects\gevent\src\gevent\libuv\watcher.py", line 577 in send
# File "c:\projects\gevent\src\gevent\threadpool.py", line 408 in set
# File "c:\projects\gevent\src\gevent\threadpool.py", line 290 in _worker
# Thread 0x000007d4 (most recent call first):
# File "C:\Python37-x64\lib\weakref.py", line 356 in remove
# ! C:\Python37-x64\python.exe -u -mgevent.tests.test__greenness [code 3221225477] [took 1.3s]
# We have also seen this for Python 3.6.6 Nov 13 2018:
# | C:\Python36-x64\python.exe -u -mgevent.tests.test__backdoor
# ss.s.s
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ran 6 tests in 0.953s
# OK (skipped=4)
# Windows fatal exception: access violation
# Thread 0x00000aec (most recent call first):
# File "C:\Python36-x64\lib\site-packages\gevent\_threading.py", line 84 in wait
# File "C:\Python36-x64\lib\site-packages\gevent\_threading.py", line 166 in get
# File "C:\Python36-x64\lib\site-packages\gevent\threadpool.py", line 270 in _worker
# Thread 0x00000548 (most recent call first):
# Thread 0x000003d0 (most recent call first):
# File "C:\Python36-x64\lib\site-packages\gevent\_threading.py", line 84 in wait
# File "C:\Python36-x64\lib\site-packages\gevent\_threading.py", line 166 in get
# File "C:\Python36-x64\lib\site-packages\gevent\threadpool.py", line 270 in _worker
# Thread 0x00000ad0 (most recent call first):
# Thread 0x00000588 (most recent call first):
# File "C:\Python36-x64\lib\site-packages\gevent\_threading.py", line 84 in wait
# File "C:\Python36-x64\lib\site-packages\gevent\_threading.py", line 166 in get
# File "C:\Python36-x64\lib\site-packages\gevent\threadpool.py", line 270 in _worker
# Thread 0x00000a54 (most recent call first):
# Thread 0x00000768 (most recent call first):
# File "C:\Python36-x64\lib\site-packages\gevent\_threading.py", line 84 in wait
# File "C:\Python36-x64\lib\site-packages\gevent\_threading.py", line 166 in get
# File "C:\Python36-x64\lib\site-packages\gevent\threadpool.py", line 270 in _worker
# Current thread 0x00000894 (most recent call first):
# File "C:\Python36-x64\lib\site-packages\gevent\threadpool.py", line 261 in _worker
# Thread 0x00000634 (most recent call first):
# File "C:\Python36-x64\lib\site-packages\gevent\_threading.py", line 84 in wait
# File "C:\Python36-x64\lib\site-packages\gevent\_threading.py", line 166 in get
# File "C:\Python36-x64\lib\site-packages\gevent\threadpool.py", line 270 in _worker
# Thread 0x00000538 (most recent call first):
# Thread 0x0000049c (most recent call first):
# File "C:\Python36-x64\lib\weakref.py", line 356 in remove
# ! C:\Python36-x64\python.exe -u -mgevent.tests.test__backdoor [code 3221225477] [Ran 6 tests in 2.1s]
# Note the common factors:
# - The test is finished (successfully) and we're apparently exiting the VM,
# doing GC
# - A weakref is being cleaned up
# weakref.py line 356 remove() is in WeakKeyDictionary. We only use WeakKeyDictionary
# in gevent._ident.IdentRegistry, which is only used in two places:
# gevent.hub.hub_ident_registry, which has weak references to Hub objects,
# and gevent.greenlet.Greenlet.minimal_ident, which uses its parent Hub's
# IdentRegistry to get its own identifier. So basically they have weak references
# to Hub and arbitrary Greenlets.
# Our attempted solution: stop using a module-level IdentRegistry to get
# Hub idents, and reduce how often we auto-generate one for greenlets.
# Commenting out the tests, lets see if it works.
#'FLAKY test__greenness.py',
#'FLAKY test__backdoor.py',
if not PY35:
# Py35 added socket.socketpair, all other releases
# are missing it. No reason to even test it.
if struct.calcsize('P') * 8 == 64:
# could be a problem of appveyor - not sure
# ======================================================================
# ERROR: test_af (__main__.TestIPv6Environment)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# File "C:\Python27-x64\lib\ftplib.py", line 135, in connect
# self.sock = socket.create_connection((self.host, self.port), self.timeout)
# File "c:\projects\gevent\gevent\socket.py", line 73, in create_connection
# raise err
# error: [Errno 10049] [Error 10049] The requested address is not valid in its context.
# XXX: On Jan 3 2016 this suddenly started passing on Py27/64; no idea why, the python version
# was 2.7.11 before and after.
FAILING_TESTS.append('FLAKY test_ftplib.py')
if PY3:
'FLAKY test__backdoor.py',
'FLAKY test__socket_errors.py',
if os.environ.get("TRAVIS") == "true":
# On Travis, this very frequently fails due to timing
'FLAKY test_signal.py',
if PYPY:
## Different in PyPy:
## Not implemented:
## ---
## BUGS:
# AssertionError: '>>> ' != ''
# test__backdoor.py:52
'FLAKY test__backdoor.py',
# A few errors and differences:
# AssertionError: ('', 'http') != gaierror(4, 'ARES_ENOTFOUND: Domain name not found')
# AssertionError: OverflowError('port must be 0-65535.',) != ('readthedocs.org', '65535')
# AssertionError: Lists differ:
# (10, 1, 6, '', ('2607:f8b0:4004:810::200e', 80, 0L, 0L))
# (10, 1, 6, '', ('2607:f8b0:4004:805::200e', 80, 0, 0))
# This hangs for no apparent reason when run by the testrunner,
# even wher maked standalone
# when run standalone from the command line, it's fine.
# Issue in pypy2 6.0?
# This fails to get the correct results, sometimes. I can't reproduce locally
'FLAKY test__example_udp_server.py',
'FLAKY test__example_udp_client.py',
# XXX: Re-enable this when we can investigate more.
# This has started crashing with a SystemError.
# I cannot reproduce with the same version on macOS
# and I cannot reproduce with the same version in a Linux vm.
# Commenting out individual tests just moves the crash around.
# https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/issues/2769/systemerror-unexpected-internal-exception
# XXX Re-enable these when we have more time to investigate.
# This test, which normally takes ~60s, sometimes
# hangs forever after running several tests. I cannot reproduce,
# it seems highly load dependent. Observed with both libev and libuv.
# This test, which normally takes 4-5s, sometimes
# hangs forever after running two tests. I cannot reproduce,
# it seems highly load dependent. Observed with both libev and libuv.
if PY3 and TRAVIS:
## ---
## Unknown; can't reproduce locally on OS X
'FLAKY test_subprocess.py', # timeouts on one test.
'FLAKY test_ssl.py',
if sys.platform.startswith("darwin"):
if PY3:
# No idea / TODO
'FLAKY test__socket_dns.py',
if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 4) and APPVEYOR:
# Timing issues on appveyor
'FLAKY test_selectors.py'
# The gevent concurrency plugin tends to slow things
# down and get us past our default timeout value. These
# tests in particular are sensitive to it
'FLAKY test__issue302monkey.py',
'FLAKY test__example_portforwarder.py',
'FLAKY test__threading_vs_settrace.py',
FAILING_TESTS = [x.strip() for x in set(FAILING_TESTS) if x.strip()]
# A mapping from test file basename to a dictionary of
# options that will be applied on top of the DEFAULT_RUN_OPTIONS.
# tests that don't do well when run on busy box
# Partial workaround for the _testcapi issue on PyPy,
# but also because signal delivery can sometimes be slow, and this
# spawn processes of its own
if LEAKTEST and PY3:
# On a heavily loaded box, these can all take upwards of 200s
if PYPY:
# This often takes much longer on PyPy on CI.
TEST_FILE_OPTIONS['test__threadpool.py'] = {'timeout': 180}
TEST_FILE_OPTIONS['test__threading_2.py'] = {'timeout': 180}
if PY3:
# Sometimes shows unexpected timeouts
# https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/issues/2769/systemerror-unexpected-internal-exception
# tests that can't be run when coverage is enabled
# Hangs forever
# times out
# Doesn't get the exceptions it expects
# XXX ?
if PYPY:
# Tends to timeout
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('known_failures:\n', FAILING_TESTS)