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dream-alpha / enigma2-plugin-extensions-moviecockpit   deb

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Version: 19.0.9 

/ usr / lib / enigma2 / python / Plugins / Extensions / MovieCockpit / CutListUtils.py

# coding=utf-8
# Copyright (C) 2018-2025 by dream-alpha
# In case of reuse of this source code please do not remove this copyright.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# For more information on the GNU General Public License see:
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import sys
import struct
from bisect import insort

cutsParser = struct.Struct('>QI')  # big-endian, 64-bit PTS and 32-bit type

# cut_list data structure
# cut_list[x][0] = pts  = long long
# cut_list[x][1] = what = long


def removeFirstMarks(cut_list):
	# ignore first 10 seconds
	for pts, what in cut_list:
		if pts < secondsToPts(10):
			cut_list.remove((pts, what))
	return cut_list

def ptsToSeconds(pts):
	return int(pts / 90 / 1000)

def secondsToPts(seconds):
	return int(seconds * 90 * 1000)

def packCutList(cut_list):
	data = ""
	for pts, what in cut_list:
		if pts <= sys.maxsize:
			data += struct.pack('>QI', pts, what)
	return data

def insortCutList(cut_list, in_pts, in_what):
	INSORT_SCOPE = 45000  # 0.5 seconds * 90 * 1000
	for pts, what in cut_list:
		if what == in_what:
			if pts - INSORT_SCOPE < in_pts < pts + INSORT_SCOPE:
				# found a conflicting entry, remove it to avoid doubles and short jumps
				cut_list.remove((pts, what))
	insort(cut_list, (in_pts, in_what))
	return cut_list

def unpackCutList(data):
	cut_list = []
	pos = 0
	while pos + 12 <= len(data):
		pts, what = struct.unpack('>QI', data[pos:pos + 12])
		if pts <= sys.maxsize:
			cut_list = insortCutList(cut_list, pts, what)
		pos += 12
	return cut_list

def getCutListFirst(cut_list, margin):
	first = 0
	margin = secondsToPts(margin)
	for pts, what in cut_list:
		if what == CUT_TYPE_MARK:
			if margin < pts < first or first == 0:
				first = pts
	return first

def getCutListLast(cut_list):
	last = 0
	for pts, what in cut_list:
		if what == CUT_TYPE_LAST:
			last = pts
	return last

def replaceLast(cut_list, last):
	for pts, what in cut_list:
		if what == CUT_TYPE_LAST:
			cut_list.remove((pts, what))
	if last > 0:
		cut_list = insortCutList(cut_list, last, CUT_TYPE_LAST)
	return cut_list

def removeMarks(cut_list):
	for pts, what in cut_list:
		if what == CUT_TYPE_MARK:
			cut_list.remove((pts, what))
	return cut_list