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/ cuda / pycuda-complex.hpp

 * Copyright (c) 1999
 * Silicon Graphics Computer Systems, Inc.
 * Copyright (c) 1999
 * Boris Fomitchev
 * This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty expressed
 * or implied. Any use is at your own risk.
 * Permission to use or copy this software for any purpose is hereby granted
 * without fee, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
 * Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted,
 * provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was
 * modified is included with the above copyright notice.
 * Adapted for PyCUDA by Andreas Kloeckner 2009.

extern "C++" {
namespace pycuda {

#define _STLP_DECLSPEC /* empty */
#define _STLP_CLASS_DECLSPEC /* empty */
#define _STLP_TEMPLATE_NULL template<>

template <class _Tp>
struct complex {
  typedef _Tp value_type;
  typedef complex<_Tp> _Self;

  // Constructors, destructor, assignment operator.
  complex() : _M_re(0), _M_im(0) {}
  complex(const value_type& __x)
    : _M_re(__x), _M_im(0) {}
  complex(const value_type& __x, const value_type& __y)
    : _M_re(__x), _M_im(__y) {}
  complex(const _Self& __z)
    : _M_re(__z._M_re), _M_im(__z._M_im) {}

  _Self& operator=(const _Self& __z) {
    _M_re = __z._M_re;
    _M_im = __z._M_im;
    return *this;
  volatile _Self& operator=(const _Self& __z) volatile {
    _M_re = __z._M_re;
    _M_im = __z._M_im;
    return *this;

  template <class _Tp2>
  explicit complex(const complex<_Tp2>& __z)
    : _M_re(__z._M_re), _M_im(__z._M_im) {}

  template <class _Tp2>
  _Self& operator=(const complex<_Tp2>& __z) {
    _M_re = __z._M_re;
    _M_im = __z._M_im;
    return *this;
  template <class _Tp2>
  volatile _Self& operator=(const complex<_Tp2>& __z) volatile {
    _M_re = __z._M_re;
    _M_im = __z._M_im;
    return *this;

  // Element access.
  value_type real() const { return _M_re; }
  value_type imag() const { return _M_im; }
  void real(value_type val) { _M_re = val; }
  void imag(value_type val) { _M_im = val; }

  // Arithmetic op= operations involving one real argument.

  _Self& operator= (const value_type& __x) {
    _M_re = __x;
    _M_im = 0;
    return *this;
  volatile _Self& operator= (const value_type& __x) volatile {
    _M_re = __x;
    _M_im = 0;
    return *this;
  _Self& operator+= (const value_type& __x) {
    _M_re += __x;
    return *this;
  _Self& operator-= (const value_type& __x) {
    _M_re -= __x;
    return *this;
  _Self& operator*= (const value_type& __x) {
    _M_re *= __x;
    _M_im *= __x;
    return *this;
  _Self& operator/= (const value_type& __x) {
    _M_re /= __x;
    _M_im /= __x;
    return *this;

  // Arithmetic op= operations involving two complex arguments.

  static void  __device__ _div(const value_type& __z1_r, const value_type& __z1_i,
                               const value_type& __z2_r, const value_type& __z2_i,
                               value_type& __res_r, value_type& __res_i);

  static void __device__ _div(const value_type& __z1_r,
                              const value_type& __z2_r, const value_type& __z2_i,
                              value_type& __res_r, value_type& __res_i);

  template <class _Tp2> __device__ _Self& operator+= (const complex<_Tp2>& __z) {
    _M_re += __z._M_re;
    _M_im += __z._M_im;
    return *this;

  template <class _Tp2> __device__ _Self& operator-= (const complex<_Tp2>& __z) {
    _M_re -= __z._M_re;
    _M_im -= __z._M_im;
    return *this;

  template <class _Tp2> __device__ _Self& operator*= (const complex<_Tp2>& __z) {
    value_type __r = _M_re * __z._M_re - _M_im * __z._M_im;
    value_type __i = _M_re * __z._M_im + _M_im * __z._M_re;
    _M_re = __r;
    _M_im = __i;
    return *this;

  template <class _Tp2> __device__ _Self& operator/= (const complex<_Tp2>& __z) {
    value_type __r;
    value_type __i;
    _div(_M_re, _M_im, __z._M_re, __z._M_im, __r, __i);
    _M_re = __r;
    _M_im = __i;
    return *this;

  _Self& operator+= (const _Self& __z) {
    _M_re += __z._M_re;
    _M_im += __z._M_im;
    return *this;

  _Self& operator-= (const _Self& __z) {
    _M_re -= __z._M_re;
    _M_im -= __z._M_im;
    return *this;

  _Self& operator*= (const _Self& __z) {
    value_type __r = _M_re * __z._M_re - _M_im * __z._M_im;
    value_type __i = _M_re * __z._M_im + _M_im * __z._M_re;
    _M_re = __r;
    _M_im = __i;
    return *this;

  _Self& operator/= (const _Self& __z) {
    value_type __r;
    value_type __i;
    _div(_M_re, _M_im, __z._M_re, __z._M_im, __r, __i);
    _M_re = __r;
    _M_im = __i;
    return *this;

  // Data members.
  value_type _M_re;
  value_type _M_im;

// Explicit specializations for float, double, long double.  The only
// reason for these specializations is to enable automatic conversions
// from complex<float> to complex<double>, and complex<double> to
// complex<long double>.

struct _STLP_CLASS_DECLSPEC complex<float> {
  typedef float value_type;
  typedef complex<float> _Self;
  // Constructors, destructor, assignment operator.

  __device__ complex(value_type __x = 0.0f, value_type __y = 0.0f)
    : _M_re(__x), _M_im(__y) {}

  __device__ complex(const complex<float>& __z) 
    : _M_re(__z._M_re), _M_im(__z._M_im) {}

  inline explicit __device__ complex(const complex<double>& __z);
  // Element access.
  value_type __device__ real() const { return _M_re; }
  value_type __device__ imag() const { return _M_im; }
  void __device__ real(value_type val) { _M_re = val; }
  void __device__ imag(value_type val) { _M_im = val; }

  // Arithmetic op= operations involving one real argument.

  __device__ _Self& operator= (value_type __x) {
    _M_re = __x;
    _M_im = 0.0f;
    return *this;
  volatile __device__ _Self& operator= (value_type __x) volatile {
    _M_re = __x;
    _M_im = 0.0f;
    return *this;
  __device__ _Self& operator+= (value_type __x) {
    _M_re += __x;
    return *this;
  __device__ _Self& operator-= (value_type __x) {
    _M_re -= __x;
    return *this;
  __device__ _Self& operator*= (value_type __x) {
    _M_re *= __x;
    _M_im *= __x;
    return *this;
  __device__ _Self& operator/= (value_type __x) {
    _M_re /= __x;
    _M_im /= __x;
    return *this;

  // Arithmetic op= operations involving two complex arguments.

  static __device__ void _div(const float& __z1_r, const float& __z1_i,
                              const float& __z2_r, const float& __z2_i,
                              float& __res_r, float& __res_i);

  static __device__ void _div(const float& __z1_r,
                              const float& __z2_r, const float& __z2_i,
                              float& __res_r, float& __res_i);

  template <class _Tp2>
  complex<float>& operator=(const complex<_Tp2>& __z) {
    _M_re = __z._M_re;
    _M_im = __z._M_im;
    return *this;

  template <class _Tp2>
  volatile complex<float>& operator=(const complex<_Tp2>& __z) volatile {
    _M_re = __z._M_re;
    _M_im = __z._M_im;
    return *this;

  template <class _Tp2>
  complex<float>& operator+= (const complex<_Tp2>& __z) {
    _M_re += __z._M_re;
    _M_im += __z._M_im;
    return *this;

  template <class _Tp2>
  complex<float>& operator-= (const complex<_Tp2>& __z) {
    _M_re -= __z._M_re;
    _M_im -= __z._M_im;
    return *this;

  template <class _Tp2>
  complex<float>& operator*= (const complex<_Tp2>& __z) {
    float __r = _M_re * __z._M_re - _M_im * __z._M_im;
    float __i = _M_re * __z._M_im + _M_im * __z._M_re;
    _M_re = __r;
    _M_im = __i;
    return *this;

  template <class _Tp2>
  complex<float>& operator/= (const complex<_Tp2>& __z) {
    float __r;
    float __i;
    _div(_M_re, _M_im, __z._M_re, __z._M_im, __r, __i);
    _M_re = __r;
    _M_im = __i;
    return *this;

  _Self& operator=(const _Self& __z) {
    _M_re = __z._M_re;
    _M_im = __z._M_im;
    return *this;

  volatile _Self& operator=(const _Self& __z) volatile {
    _M_re = __z._M_re;
    _M_im = __z._M_im;
    return *this;

  _Self& operator+= (const _Self& __z) {
    _M_re += __z._M_re;
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