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/ gpuarray.py

from __future__ import division, absolute_import

import numpy as np
import pycuda.elementwise as elementwise
from pytools import memoize, memoize_method
import pycuda.driver as drv
from pycuda.compyte.array import (
        as_strided as _as_strided,
        f_contiguous_strides as _f_contiguous_strides,
        c_contiguous_strides as _c_contiguous_strides,
        ArrayFlags as _ArrayFlags,
        get_common_dtype as _get_common_dtype_base)
from pycuda.characterize import has_double_support
import six
from six.moves import range, zip, reduce
import numbers

def _get_common_dtype(obj1, obj2):
    return _get_common_dtype_base(obj1, obj2, has_double_support())

# {{{ vector types

class vec:  # noqa

def _create_vector_types():
    from pycuda.characterize import platform_bits
    if platform_bits() == 32:
        long_dtype = np.int32
        ulong_dtype = np.uint32
        long_dtype = np.int64
        ulong_dtype = np.uint64

    field_names = ["x", "y", "z", "w"]

    from pycuda.tools import get_or_register_dtype

    for base_name, base_type, counts in [
            ('char', np.int8, [1, 2, 3, 4]),
            ('uchar', np.uint8, [1, 2, 3, 4]),
            ('short', np.int16, [1, 2, 3, 4]),
            ('ushort', np.uint16, [1, 2, 3, 4]),
            ('int', np.int32, [1, 2, 3, 4]),
            ('uint', np.uint32, [1, 2, 3, 4]),
            ('long', long_dtype, [1, 2, 3, 4]),
            ('ulong', ulong_dtype, [1, 2, 3, 4]),
            ('longlong', np.int64, [1, 2]),
            ('ulonglong', np.uint64, [1, 2]),
            ('float', np.float32, [1, 2, 3, 4]),
            ('double', np.float64, [1, 2]),
        for count in counts:
            name = "%s%d" % (base_name, count)
            dtype = np.dtype([
                (field_names[i], base_type)
                for i in range(count)])

            get_or_register_dtype(name, dtype)

            setattr(vec, name, dtype)

            my_field_names = ",".join(field_names[:count])
            setattr(vec, "make_"+name,
                        "lambda %s: array((%s), dtype=my_dtype)"
                        % (my_field_names, my_field_names),
                        dict(array=np.array, my_dtype=dtype))))


# }}}

# {{{ helper functionality

def _splay_backend(n, dev):
    # heavily modified from cublas
    from pycuda.tools import DeviceData
    devdata = DeviceData(dev)

    min_threads = devdata.warp_size
    max_threads = 128
    max_blocks = 4 * devdata.thread_blocks_per_mp \
            * dev.get_attribute(drv.device_attribute.MULTIPROCESSOR_COUNT)

    if n < min_threads:
        block_count = 1
        threads_per_block = min_threads
    elif n < (max_blocks * min_threads):
        block_count = (n + min_threads - 1) // min_threads
        threads_per_block = min_threads
    elif n < (max_blocks * max_threads):
        block_count = max_blocks
        grp = (n + min_threads - 1) // min_threads
        threads_per_block = ((grp + max_blocks - 1) // max_blocks) * min_threads
        block_count = max_blocks
        threads_per_block = max_threads

    # print "n:%d bc:%d tpb:%d" % (n, block_count, threads_per_block)
    return (block_count, 1), (threads_per_block, 1, 1)

def splay(n, dev=None):
    if dev is None:
        dev = drv.Context.get_device()
    return _splay_backend(n, dev)

# }}}

# {{{ main GPUArray class

def _make_binary_op(operator):
    def func(self, other):
        if not self.flags.forc:
            raise RuntimeError("only contiguous arrays may "
                    "be used as arguments to this operation")

        if isinstance(other, GPUArray):
            assert self.shape == other.shape

            if not other.flags.forc:
                raise RuntimeError("only contiguous arrays may "
                        "be used as arguments to this operation")

            result = self._new_like_me()
            func = elementwise.get_binary_op_kernel(
                    self.dtype, other.dtype, result.dtype,
            func.prepared_async_call(self._grid, self._block, None,
                    self.gpudata, other.gpudata, result.gpudata,

            return result
        else:  # scalar operator
            result = self._new_like_me()
            func = elementwise.get_scalar_op_kernel(
                    self.dtype, result.dtype, operator)
            func.prepared_async_call(self._grid, self._block, None,
                    self.gpudata, other, result.gpudata,
            return result

    return func

class GPUArray(object):
    """A GPUArray is used to do array-based calculation on the GPU.

    This is mostly supposed to be a numpy-workalike. Operators
    work on an element-by-element basis, just like numpy.ndarray.

    __array_priority__ = 100

    def __init__(self, shape, dtype, allocator=drv.mem_alloc,
            base=None, gpudata=None, strides=None, order="C"):
        dtype = np.dtype(dtype)

            s = 1
            for dim in shape:
                s *= dim
        except TypeError:
            # handle dim-0 ndarrays:
            if isinstance(shape, np.ndarray):
                shape = np.asscalar(shape)
            assert isinstance(shape, numbers.Integral)
            s = shape
            shape = (shape,)
            # handle shapes that are ndarrays
            shape = tuple(shape)

        if isinstance(s, np.integer):
            # bombs if s is a Python integer
            s = np.asscalar(s)

        if strides is None:
            if order == "F":
                strides = _f_contiguous_strides(
                        dtype.itemsize, shape)
            elif order == "C":
                strides = _c_contiguous_strides(
                        dtype.itemsize, shape)
                raise ValueError("invalid order: %s" % order)
            # FIXME: We should possibly perform some plausibility
            # checking on 'strides' here.

            strides = tuple(strides)

        self.shape = tuple(shape)
        self.dtype = dtype
        self.strides = strides
        self.mem_size = self.size = s
        self.nbytes = self.dtype.itemsize * self.size
        self.itemsize = self.dtype.itemsize

        self.allocator = allocator
        if gpudata is None:
            if self.size:
                self.gpudata = self.allocator(self.size * self.dtype.itemsize)
                self.gpudata = None

            assert base is None
            self.gpudata = gpudata
        self.base = base

        self._grid, self._block = splay(self.mem_size)

    def ndim(self):
        return len(self.shape)

    def flags(self):
        return _ArrayFlags(self)

    def set(self, ary, async_=False, stream=None, **kwargs):
        # {{{ handle 'async' deprecation

        async_arg = kwargs.pop("async", None)
        if async_arg is not None:
            if async_ is not None:
                raise TypeError("may not specify both 'async' and 'async_'")
            async_ = async_arg

        if async_ is None:
            async_ = False

        if kwargs:
            raise TypeError("extra keyword arguments specified: %s"
                    % ", ".join(kwargs))

        # }}}

        if ary.size != self.size:
            raise ValueError("ary and self must be the same size")
        if ary.shape != self.shape:
            from warnings import warn
            warn("Setting array from one with different shape.",
            ary = ary.reshape(self.shape)

        if ary.dtype != self.dtype:
            raise ValueError("ary and self must have the same dtype")

        if self.size:
            _memcpy_discontig(self, ary, async_=async_, stream=stream)

    def set_async(self, ary, stream=None):
        return self.set(ary, async_=True, stream=stream)

    def get(self, ary=None, pagelocked=False, async_=False, stream=None, **kwargs):
        # {{{ handle 'async' deprecation

        async_arg = kwargs.pop("async", None)
        if async_arg is not None:
            if async_ is not None:
                raise TypeError("may not specify both 'async' and 'async_'")
            async_ = async_arg

        if async_ is None:
            async_ = False

        if kwargs:
            raise TypeError("extra keyword arguments specified: %s"
                    % ", ".join(kwargs))

        # }}}

        if ary is None:
            if pagelocked:
                ary = drv.pagelocked_empty(self.shape, self.dtype)
                ary = np.empty(self.shape, self.dtype)

            strides = _compact_strides(self)
            ary = _as_strided(ary, strides=strides)
            if self.size != ary.size:
                raise ValueError("self and ary must be the same size")
            if self.shape != ary.shape:
                from warnings import warn
                warn("get() between arrays of different shape is deprecated "
                        "and will be removed in PyCUDA 2017.x",
                        DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
                ary = ary.reshape(self.shape)

            if self.dtype != ary.dtype:
                raise TypeError("self and ary must have the same dtype")

        if self.size:
            _memcpy_discontig(ary, self, async_=async_, stream=stream)
        return ary

    def get_async(self, stream=None, ary=None):
        return self.get(ary=ary, async_=True, stream=stream)

    def copy(self):
        new = GPUArray(self.shape, self.dtype, self.allocator)
        _memcpy_discontig(new, self)
        return new

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.get())

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self.get())

    def __hash__(self):
        raise TypeError("GPUArrays are not hashable.")

    def ptr(self):
        return self.gpudata.__int__()

    # kernel invocation wrappers ----------------------------------------------
    def _axpbyz(self, selffac, other, otherfac, out, add_timer=None, stream=None):
        """Compute ``out = selffac * self + otherfac*other``,
        where `other` is a vector.."""
        assert self.shape == other.shape
        if not self.flags.forc or not other.flags.forc:
            raise RuntimeError("only contiguous arrays may "
                    "be used as arguments to this operation")

        func = elementwise.get_axpbyz_kernel(self.dtype, other.dtype, out.dtype)

        if add_timer is not None:
            add_timer(3*self.size, func.prepared_timed_call(self._grid,
                selffac, self.gpudata, otherfac, other.gpudata,
                out.gpudata, self.mem_size))
            func.prepared_async_call(self._grid, self._block, stream,
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