import inspect
import hashlib
import zlib
import six
import os
from import BdbLocationService
from import ImportService
from rook.exceptions import RookHashMismatchException, \
RookCrcMismatchException, RookLineMoved
from rook.logger import logger
from rook.processor.error import Error
from rook.file_utils import FileUtils
from .location import Location
class LocationFileLine(Location):
NAME = 'file_line'
def __init__(self, output, aug, arguments, processor_factory=None):
super(LocationFileLine, self).__init__(output, aug)
self.filename = arguments.get('filename')
# Some BDBs identify files by ID - ignore their inputs
if isinstance(self.filename, six.string_types):
# Make sure pyc is removed
self.filename = self.filename.replace('.pyc', '.py')
# Normalize file path
self.filename = os.path.normcase(os.path.normpath(self.filename))
self.lineno = arguments['lineno']
self.file_hash = arguments.get('sha256')
self.line_crc32 = arguments.get('line_crc32_2')
self.line_unique = arguments.get('line_unique', False)
self.file_utils = FileUtils()
self.include_externals = arguments.get('includeExternals')
if self.include_externals is None:
# The only case it will be equal to '' is when its only filename (without folder, and without '/')
if self.filename and isinstance(self.filename, six.string_types) and os.path.dirname(self.filename) == '':
self.include_externals = False
self.include_externals = True
self.trigger_services = None
def _add_aug_internal(self, trigger_services):"Adding aug")
self.trigger_services = trigger_services
def module_found(self, module):
updatedLineNo = self._get_updated_line_number(module)
filepath = inspect.getsourcefile(module)
if not filepath:
if module.__file__.endswith('.pyc'):
filepath = module.__file__.replace('.pyc', '.py')
self.trigger_services.get_service(BdbLocationService.NAME).add_breakpoint_aug(module, updatedLineNo,
filepath, self)
except Exception as exc:
message = "Exception when adding aug"
self.set_error(Error(exc=exc, message=message))
def _get_updated_line_number(self, module):
filepath = inspect.getsourcefile(module)
file_contents = self.file_utils.get_file_contents(self, module, filepath)
if file_contents is None:
logger.debug("Using blind line {lineno} for aug: {aug_id}, due to file content not found".format(lineno=self.lineno, aug_id=self.aug_id))
return self.lineno
if self.line_crc32 is not None:
return self._find_line_using_crc(filepath, file_contents)
logger.debug("Using blind line: {lineno}, for aug: {aug_id}, due to no line crc in aug's configuration".format(lineno=self.lineno, aug_id=self.aug_id))
if self.file_hash:
self._verify_file_hash(filepath, file_contents)
return self.lineno
return self.lineno
def _find_line_using_crc(self, filepath, file_contents):
lines = file_contents.splitlines()
line_crc32 = None
if len(lines) >= self.lineno:
line_crc32 = format(zlib.crc32(lines[self.lineno - 1]) & 0xffffffff, 'x')
if line_crc32 == self.line_crc32:
return self.lineno
if self.line_unique:
crc32s = [format(zlib.crc32(line) & 0xffffffff, 'x') for line in lines]
firstIndex = None
secondFound = False
for i in range(len(crc32s)):
if crc32s[i] == self.line_crc32:
if firstIndex is None:
firstIndex = i
secondFound = True
if firstIndex and not secondFound:
updatedLine = firstIndex + 1
self.send_warning(Error(exc=RookLineMoved(filepath, self.lineno, updatedLine)))
return updatedLine
blob_hash = self._get_git_blob_hash(filepath)
raise RookCrcMismatchException(filepath, self.line_crc32, line_crc32, blob_hash)
def _verify_file_hash(self, filepath, file_contents):
hash = hashlib.sha256(file_contents).hexdigest()
if hash != self.file_hash:
blob_hash = self._get_git_blob_hash(filepath)
raise RookHashMismatchException(filepath, self.file_hash, hash, blob_hash)
def _get_git_blob_hash(self, file_path):
return None