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/ _dynamo / exc.py

import os
import textwrap
from traceback import extract_stack, format_exc, format_list, FrameSummary
from typing import cast, List

from . import config

from .utils import counters, format_bytecode

class TorchDynamoException(RuntimeError):

class InternalTorchDynamoError(TorchDynamoException):

class RestartAnalysis(TorchDynamoException):

class SkipFrame(TorchDynamoException):

class TorchRuntimeError(TorchDynamoException):

class ResetRequired(TorchDynamoException):
    def __init__(self):
                Must call `torch._dynamo.reset()` before changing backends.  Detected two calls to
                `torch.compile()` with a different backend compiler arguments.

class BackendCompilerFailed(TorchDynamoException):
    def __init__(self, backend_fn, inner_exception):
        self.backend_name = getattr(backend_fn, "__name__", "?")
        self.inner_exception = inner_exception
        msg = f"{self.backend_name} raised {type(inner_exception).__name__}: {inner_exception}"

class Unsupported(TorchDynamoException):
    def __init__(self, msg):
        self.real_stack = []
        self.msg = msg
        self.category = None

    def remove_from_stats(self):
        counters[self.category][self.msg] -= 1
        if counters[self.category][self.msg] <= 0:
            del counters[self.category][self.msg]

    def add_to_stats(self, category="unimplemented"):
        self.category = category
        counters[category][self.msg] += 1

def unimplemented(msg: str):
    assert msg != os.environ.get("BREAK", False)
    raise Unsupported(msg)

def warning(msg: str):
    counters["warnings"][msg] += 1
    assert msg != os.environ.get("BREAK", False)

# KeyError has special handling for its args
# see https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/3.11/Objects/exceptions.c#L2534 for details
class KeyErrorMsg:
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.value)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return self.__str__()

def augment_exc_message(exc, msg="\n"):
    import traceback

    if (
        hasattr(exc, "real_stack")
        and len(exc.real_stack) > 0
        and not (config.verbose and config.suppress_errors)
        msg += f"\nfrom user code:\n {''.join(traceback.format_list(list(reversed(get_real_stack(exc)[0:2]))))}"

    if config.replay_record_enabled and hasattr(exc, "record_filename"):
        msg += f"\nLast frame execution written to {exc.record_filename}. To run only this frame while debugging, run\

    if not config.verbose:
        msg += "\nSet torch._dynamo.config.verbose=True for more information\n"

    if hasattr(exc, "inner_exception") and hasattr(
        exc.inner_exception, "minifier_path"
        msg += (
            f"\nMinifier script written to {exc.inner_exception.minifier_path}. Run "
            "this script to find the smallest traced graph which reproduces this error.\n"

    if not config.suppress_errors:
        msg += (
            "You can suppress this exception and fall back to eager by setting:\n"
            "    torch._dynamo.config.suppress_errors = True\n"

    old_msg = "" if len(exc.args) == 0 else exc.args[0]

    if isinstance(exc, KeyError):
        exc.args = (KeyErrorMsg(old_msg + msg),) + exc.args[1:]
        new_msg = old_msg + msg
        exc.args = (new_msg,) + exc.args[1:]

def get_real_stack(exc) -> List[FrameSummary]:
    assert hasattr(exc, "real_stack")
    return cast(List[FrameSummary], exc.real_stack)

# filter out all frames after entering dynamo
def filter_stack(stack):
    user_stack = []
    for frame in stack:
        if "convert_frame" in frame.filename:
        if "eval_frame" in frame.filename or "torch._dynamo.optimize(" in frame.line:

    return user_stack

def format_error_msg(exc, code, record_filename=None, frame=None):

    msg = os.linesep * 2

    if config.verbose:
        msg = format_bytecode(
            "WON'T CONVERT", code.co_name, code.co_filename, code.co_firstlineno, code
        msg += "=" * 10 + " TorchDynamo Stack Trace " + "=" * 10 + "\n"
        msg += format_exc()
        if hasattr(exc, "real_stack"):
            msg += (
                + "=" * 10
                + " The above exception occurred while processing the following code "
                + "=" * 10
                + "\n\n"
            stack_above_dynamo = []
            if frame is not None:
                stack_above_dynamo = filter_stack(extract_stack(frame))

            msg += "".join(
                format_list(stack_above_dynamo + list(reversed(get_real_stack(exc))))
            msg += "\n"
            msg += "=" * 10

        msg = f"WON'T CONVERT {code.co_name} {code.co_filename}\
 line {code.co_firstlineno} \ndue to: \n{format_exc(limit=-1)}"

    return msg