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/ _functorch / aot_autograd.py

import collections
import dataclasses
import itertools
import logging
import warnings
from contextlib import contextmanager, nullcontext
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from functools import partial, wraps
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from functorch import make_fx

import torch
import torch.fx.traceback as fx_traceback
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.utils._pytree as pytree
import torch.utils.dlpack
from torch import Tensor
from torch._dispatch.python import enable_python_dispatcher
from torch._dynamo.utils import dynamo_timed
from torch._subclasses import CrossRefFakeMode, FakeTensor, FakeTensorMode
from torch.fx import immutable_collections, Interpreter
from torch.fx.experimental.proxy_tensor import is_sym_node, py_sym_types
from torch.fx.experimental.symbolic_shapes import ShapeEnv
from torch.multiprocessing.reductions import StorageWeakRef
from torch.nn.utils import stateless
from . import config
from .partitioners import default_partition
from torch._guards import TracingContext, DuplicateInputs

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

MutationType = Enum(
    "MutationType", ("none", "metadata_only", "data", "data_and_metadata")
OutputType = Enum(
    "OutputType", (
        # output is not an alias
        # output aliases an input
        # output **is** an input tensor
        # output has a ._base tensor, which is a graph intermediate.
        # We need to return its ._base as a graph output,
        # so its requires_grad info is populated correctly.
        # Instructs the runtime code to regenerate the current output
        # from a base tensor, graph_intermediates[base_idx]
        # Same as above; but we don't need to explicitly add its ._base
        # as a graph output, because it already **is** a graph output.
        # Same as above; but the output's ._base is **already** a user output.
        # Instructs the runtime code to regenerate the current output from
        # a base tensor, user_outputs[base_idx]

    lambda x: (list(x), None),
    lambda x, c: immutable_collections.immutable_list(x),
    lambda x: (list(x.values()), list(x.keys())),
    lambda x, c: immutable_collections.immutable_dict(
        {key: value for key, value in zip(c, x)}

aten = torch.ops.aten

# This global counter increments every time we compile a graph with
# AOTAutograd.  You can use this to correlate runtime error messages
# with compile time (e.g., if you get an error at runtime saying
# compiled graph 3 failed, you can set a breakpoint at compile time
# for this graph number to investigate further at compile time.)
# NB: this is different from get_aot_compilation_context, which tracks
# each underlying graph that is compiled.  In contrast, AOT_COUNTER
# corresponds to top-level invocations of aot_module/aot_function;
# one counter is allocated per entire compiled block (but this block
# may involve compiling multiple subgraphs; e.g., for forwards/backwards)
AOT_COUNTER = itertools.count()

KNOWN_TYPES = tuple(
    [torch.Tensor, int, str, float, bool, type(None)] + list(py_sym_types)

def preserve_rng_state():
    rng_state = torch.clone(torch.random.get_rng_state())
    if torch.cuda.is_available():
        cuda_rng_state = torch.clone(torch.cuda.get_rng_state())
        if torch.cuda.is_available():

# Set up hooks so that during backward the fx's stack_trace is properly set
callback_set = False

def setup_stacktrace_preservation_hooks(roots: List):
    def iter_graph(roots):
        if not roots:
        seen = set()
        q = collections.deque()
        for node in roots:
            if node is not None:

        while q:
            node = q.popleft()
            for fn, _idx in node.next_functions:
                if fn in seen or fn is None:

            yield node

    def get_callback(saved_stack_):
        def callback():
            global callback_set
            callback_set = False

        return callback

    def get_prehook(stack_):
        def prehook(grad_output):
            global callback_set

            if not callback_set:
                callback_set = True


        return prehook

    def get_posthook(special_stack_):
        def posthook(grad_input, grad_output):

        return posthook

    for node in iter_graph(roots):
        forward_node_stack = node.metadata.get("traceback_", [])

        special_stack = forward_node_stack.copy()
            "Gradient addition node due to multiple use of tensor around:"

# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# AOT Autograd contains a pretty non-trivial amount of logic to handle edge cases around aliasing and mutation
# that are external to the graph (they show up as side effects in some way when you run the graph).
# Take a look at `test_aotdispatch.py TestAOTAutograd.test_input_mutation*` tests for some examples functions
# and what they're compiled graphs looks like.
# Below is a very long comment detailing several edge cases, and showing how AOT Autograd handles them.
# Note [AOT Autograd: input data mutations]
# If we compile a function that mutates inputs, then those input mutations are real side effects
# that a user expects to see after running the compiled graph.
# However, the graph that we want to send to a backend needs to be *entirely* functional.
# The way we reconcile this difference is that we remove the mutations completely from the graph that we compile
# but we update the graph to return (updated_inputs, user_outputs).
# In the epilogue that runs after the compiled graph is executed, we copy the updated inputs back to the originals.
# Example: original user code:
# def f(x):
#     x.mul_(2)
#     out = x.mul(3)
#     return out
# After AOT Autograd compiles, we end up with a:
# (a) compiled graph
# (b) autograd.Function.forward() method, that executes the compiled graph
# (c) wrapper function, that calls the autograd.Function.forward() and performs the epilogue
# The output of (a, b, c) are all written below.
# def compiled_forward_graph(x):
#     x_updated = x.mul(2)
#     out = x_updated.mul(3)
#     return x_updated, out
# # x_updated gets a gradient in the compiled backward
# def compiled_backward_graph(grad_x_updated, grad_out):
#     grad_x = ...
#     return grad_x
# def autograd.Function.forward(x):
#     x_updated, out = compiled_forward_graph(x)
#     return x_updated, out
# def compiled_wrapper(x):
#     x_updated, out = autograd.Function.apply(x)
#     x.copy_(x_updated)
#     return out
# Another important thing to note is that updated inputs (due to data mutations) *do* participate
# in the compiled backward graph! Since the compiled forward graph gets N extra outputs
# (due to updated inputs showing up as graph outputs),
# The compiled backward gets an additional N inputs.
# That way, during the x.copy_(x_updated) bit in the epilogue, gradients will flow from the updated input
# back to the original input.

# Note [AOT Autograd: input metadata mutations]
# For the same reason as input mutations, we also don't put input metadata mutations in the graph.
# Instead, we return the updated version of the input (a view), and mutate the input's metadata outside of the graph
# Example: original user code:
# def f(x):
#     x.t_()
#     out = x.mul(3)
#     return out
# AOT Autograd output (compiled graph, autograd.Function.forward(), wrapper function):
# def compiled_forward_graph(x):
#     x_updated = x.t()
#     out = x_updated.mul(3)
#     return x_updated, out
# # x_updated does *not* get a gradient in the compiled backward
# def compiled_backward_graph(grad_out):
#     grad_x = ...
#     return grad_x
# def autograd.Function.forward(x):
#     x_updated, out = compiled_forward_graph(x)
#     return x_updated, out
# def compiled_wrapper(x):
#     x_updated, out = autograd.Function.apply(x)
#     x.as_strided_(x_updated)
#     return out

# Note [AOT Autograd: outputs aliasing inputs or intermediates!]
# AOT Autograd needs special handling for outputs that alias graph inputs or intermediates!
# Why?
# (1) autograd.Function.forward() has a limitation, where views that returned in the forward cannot later be mutated.
# (2) views don't need to be compiled in the graph anyway - it's cheap to generate them outside of the compiled graph,
#     in an epilogue.
# For outputs that alias inputs, we do the following:
# (a) *still* return the aliased output as a graph output
# (b) In the AOT Autograd wrapper/epilogue, we don't return that aliased output. Instead, we use it to regenerate the output.
# For outputs that alias *intermediates*, we do the following:
# (a) Return the output in the compiled forward, **and** return it's ._base (a graph intermediates) as an output in the forward
# (b) Use (output, graph_intermediate) to regenerate the alias, and return that to the user (instead of the compiled fw output).
# You might wonder why we return the aliased output directly in the graph (and making the graph compute it),
# only to not return it and instead generate a fresh alias off of the intermediate,
# instead of (say) just storing metadata about the size/stride of the output somewhere to generate the alias. There are two reasons:
# (1) Getting the actual alias tensor allows us to use view-replay to generate the alias, instead of an as_strided() call
# (2) Inductor (and other backends) are free to change the memory format of graph outputs, if it results in better performance.
#     This can result in problems if a user later tries to .view() that output expecting it to have one set of strides,
#     when it has a different set of strides.
#     By including the view op directly in the graph, inductor takes that into account when deciding what memory format
#     the graph intermediate should be.
# Another important thing to note is how our traced backward() graph handles aliases.
# (this applies to outputs aliasing inputs, outputs aliasing intermediates,
#  *and* updated inputs returned in the compiled forward due to metadata-only mutations).
# Any outputs that alias (either inputs or intermediates) do NOT participate in the compiled backward graph
# It would be wasteful to include them in the compiled backward(), because we regenerate them eagerly
# at the end of the forward.
# Example: original user code:
# def f(x):
#     out1 = x.t()
#     intermediate = x.mul(2)
#     out2 = intermediate.view(-1)
#     return out1, out2
# AOT Autograd output (compiled graph, autograd.Function.forward(), wrapper function):
# def compiled_forward_graph(x):
#     out1 = x.t()
#     intermediate = x.mul(2)
#     out2 = intermediate.view(-1)
#     # the compiled graph also returns the intermediate
#     return out1, out2, intermediate
# # intermediate gets a gradient in the compiled backward.
# # both output aliases (out1 and out2) do not.
# def compiled_backward_graph(grad_intermediate):
#     grad_x = ...
#     return grad_x
# def autograd.Function.forward(x):
#     out1, out2, intermediate = compiled_forward_graph(x)
#     return out1, out2, intermediate
# def compiled_wrapper(x):
#     out1, out2, intermediate = autograd.Function.apply(x)
#     # regenerate out1 from the input
#     out1_regenerated = out1._view_func(x)
#     # regenerate out1 from the intermediate
#     out2_regenerated = out2._view_func(intermediate)
#     return out1_regenerated, out2_regenerated

# Note [AOT Autograd: mutations to inputs that alias other inputs]
# Another edge case that is (only partially) handled today is when an input is mutated, but itself aliases another input.
# AOT Autograd needs to **ensure** that functionalization knows that the two inputs are aliased to each other.
# That way, when the aliased input is accessed later in the graph, functionalization knows to "update" the alias
# given the mutation that occurred.
# This is handled by updating the calling convention: we create a "synthetic base" that becomes a new input
# in the compiled function, and we regenerate the original (aliased) inputs directly off of the base
# inside of the compiled function.
# See merge_view_inputs() for more detailed info.
# Example: original user code:
# def f(x, x_view):
#     x.mul_(2)
#     out = x * x_view
#     return out
# f(x, x.view(-1))
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