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/ _jit_internal.py

The weak_script annotation needs to be here instead of inside torch/jit/ so it
can be used in other places in torch/ (namely torch.nn) without running into
circular dependency problems

import ast
import builtins
import collections
import contextlib
import enum
import inspect
import io
import pickle
import sys
import threading
import typing
import warnings
import weakref
from textwrap import dedent
from typing import (  # noqa: F401

import torch

# This is needed. `torch._jit_internal` is imported before `torch.distributed.__init__`.
# Explicitly ask to import `torch.distributed.__init__` first.
# Otherwise, "AttributeError: module 'torch' has no attribute 'distributed'" is raised.
import torch.distributed.rpc
import torch.package._mangling as package_mangling
from torch._awaits import _Await
from torch._C import _Await as CAwait, Future as CFuture
from torch._sources import fake_range, get_source_lines_and_file, parse_def
from torch.futures import Future

LockType: Type
    import _thread

    LockType = _thread.LockType
except ImportError:
    import _dummy_thread

    LockType = _dummy_thread.LockType

# Wrapper functions that can call either of 2 functions depending on a boolean
# argument
boolean_dispatched: "weakref.WeakKeyDictionary[Callable, Dict[str, Callable]]" = (
)  # noqa: T484

FAKE_FILENAME_PREFIX = "__torch_jit_dataclass"

class SourceLoader:
    def __init__(self):
        self.content = {}

    def cache(self, fn, source):
        self.content[fn] = source

    def get_source(self, fn):
        return self.content.get(fn)

loader = SourceLoader()

def createResolutionCallbackFromEnv(lookup_base):
    Creates a resolution callback that will look up qualified names in an
    environment, starting with `lookup_base` for the base of any qualified
    names, then proceeding down the lookup chain with the resolved object.

    You should not use this directly, it should only be used from the other
    createResolutionCallbackFrom* functions.

    def lookupInModule(qualified_name, module):
        if "." in qualified_name:
            parts = qualified_name.split(".")
            base = parts[0]
            remaining_pieces = ".".join(parts[1:])
            module_value = getattr(module, base)
            return lookupInModule(remaining_pieces, module_value)
            return getattr(module, qualified_name)

    def parseNestedExpr(expr, module) -> Tuple[Any, int]:
        i = 0
        while i < len(expr) and expr[i] not in (",", "[", "]"):
            i += 1

        # Special case logic for the empty Tuple as a subscript (used
        # in the type annotation `Tuple[()]`)
        if expr[:i] == "()":
            return (), i

        base = lookupInModule(expr[:i].strip(), module)
        assert base is not None, f"Unresolvable type {expr[:i]}"
        if i == len(expr) or expr[i] != "[":
            return base, i

        assert expr[i] == "["
        parts = []
        while expr[i] != "]":
            part_len = 0
            i += 1
            part, part_len = parseNestedExpr(expr[i:], module)
            i += part_len
        if len(parts) > 1:
            return base[tuple(parts)], i + 1
            return base[parts[0]], i + 1

    def parseExpr(expr, module):
            value, len_parsed = parseNestedExpr(expr, module)
            assert len_parsed == len(
            ), "whole expression was not parsed, falling back to c++ parser"
            return value
        except Exception:
            The python resolver fails in several cases in known unit tests, and is intended
            to fall back gracefully to the c++ resolver in general.  For example, python 2 style
            annotations which are frequent in our unit tests often fail with types e.g. int not
            resolvable from the calling frame.
            return None

    return lambda expr: parseExpr(expr, lookup_base)

def createResolutionCallbackFromFrame(frames_up: int = 0):
    Creates a function which, given a string variable name,
    returns the value of the variable in the scope of the caller of
    the function which called createResolutionCallbackFromFrame (by default).

    This is used to enable access in-scope Python variables inside
    TorchScript fragments.

    frames_up is number of additional frames to go up on the stack.
    The default value is 0, which correspond to the frame of the caller
    of createResolutionCallbackFromFrame. Also for example, if frames_up is set
    to 1, then the frame of the caller's caller of createResolutionCallbackFromFrame
    will be taken.

    For example, the following program prints 2::

        def bar():
            cb = createResolutionCallbackFromFrame(1)

        def baz():
            foo = 2

    frame = inspect.currentframe()
    i = 0
    while i < frames_up + 1:
        assert frame is not None
        frame = frame.f_back
        i += 1

    assert frame is not None
    f_locals = frame.f_locals
    f_globals = frame.f_globals

    class env:
        def __getattr__(self, key):
            if key in f_locals:
                return f_locals[key]
            elif key in f_globals:
                return f_globals[key]
            elif key in dir(builtins):
                return getattr(builtins, key)

    return createResolutionCallbackFromEnv(env())

def get_closure(fn):
    Get a dictionary of closed over variables from a function
    captures = {}

    for index, captured_name in enumerate(fn.__code__.co_freevars):
        captures[captured_name] = fn.__closure__[index].cell_contents

    return captures

# [local resolution in python]
# Depending on where a variable is defined, and where it is used, we may
# or may not be able to recover its value when recursively compiling a
# script function. Remember in the general case, a module or function is
# first defined and then later scripted. This means we do not have a
# chance to capture the active frames when the function is defined. Hence any
# name resolution has to happen later on the created closure. The way
# python captures type annotations restricts what we can recover. The
# follow example illustrates the different cases:
#         class MyGlobalClass:
#         ...
#         def my_local_scope():
#             @torch.jit.script
#             class MyClass:
#                 ...
#             @torch.jit.script
#             class MyClassUsedAsVar:
#                 ...
#             def eg(x: MyClass, y: MyGlobalClass):
#                 a_local_capture : Foo
#                 return MyClassUsedAsVar(x)
# MyGlobalClass is defined in the __globals__ dictionary of function
# 'eg', so it is always recoverable. my_local_scope introduces a new local
# variable scope in the function. Classes defined here are only visible as
# local variables. For the case of MyClassUsedAsVar, it is captured
# because it is used as a variable inside the body of the function, and we
# can resolve it using the captures returned from `get_closure`. However,
# the type annotations are not captured by the closure. In Python
# 3.0--3.9, the _value_ of MyClass and MyGlobalClass will be available as
# annotations on `eg``, but starting in Python 4.0, they will represented as
# strings and no longer present. Furthermore, since the body of `eg` does
# not reference those names, they do not appear in the list of closed over
# variables. In Python 2.x, type annotations are in comments, leading to a
# similar situation where their definitions are not available. We anticipate
# that most users will not run into this issue because their modules and
# functions will be defined at a global scope like MyGlobalClass. In cases
# where they are not, it is possible to work around issues by declaring the
# values global in the function.
# In Python 3.9 declaring class as global will make it invisible to
# `inspect.getsource`, see https://bugs.python.org/issue42666 .
# This could be worked around by manualy adding it to `global()` dictionary.

def createResolutionCallbackFromClosure(fn):
    Create a resolutionCallback by introspecting the function instead of
    looking up the stack for the enclosing scope
    closure = get_closure(fn)

    class closure_lookup:
        # This is a class since `closure` is a dict and it's easier in
        # `env_helper` if everything just works with `getattr` calls
        def __getattr__(self, key):
            if key in closure:
                return closure[key]
            elif hasattr(typing, key):
                return getattr(typing, key)
            elif hasattr(builtins, key):
                return getattr(builtins, key)
            return None

    return createResolutionCallbackFromEnv(closure_lookup())

def can_compile_class(cls) -> bool:
    # If any of the functions on a type don't have a code object, this type can't
    # be compiled and is probably a builtin / bound from C
    if is_ignored_fn(cls):
        return False

    # Ignore the following list of built-in classes.
    ignored_builtin_classes = (torch.nn.Module, tuple, list, Exception)
    if issubclass(cls, ignored_builtin_classes):
        return False

    names = cls.__dict__
    fns = [
        getattr(cls, name)
        for name in names
        if inspect.isroutine(getattr(cls, name, None))
    has_code = [hasattr(fn, "__code__") for fn in fns]
    return all(has_code)

def get_callable_argument_names(fn) -> List[str]:
    Gets names of all POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD arguments for callable `fn`.
    Returns an empty list when other types of arguments are present.

    This is used by `torch.jit.trace` to assign meaningful argument names to
    traced functions and modules.

        fn: A callable.
        Argument names: List[str]
    # inspect.signature may fail, give up in that case.
        callable_signature = inspect.signature(fn)
    except Exception:
        return []

    argument_names = []
    for name, param in callable_signature.parameters.items():
        # All four other types of arguments do not map to individual values
        # with a keyword as name.
        if not param.kind == param.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD:


    return argument_names

def get_annotation_str(annotation):
    Convert an AST node containing a type annotation to the string present in the source
    that represents the same annotation.
    if isinstance(annotation, ast.Name):
        return annotation.id
    elif isinstance(annotation, ast.Attribute):
        return ".".join([get_annotation_str(annotation.value), annotation.attr])
    elif isinstance(annotation, ast.Subscript):
        # In Python3.9+ subscript indicies are not wrapped in ast.Index
        subscript_slice = annotation.slice if sys.version_info >= (3, 9) else annotation.slice.value  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
        return f"{get_annotation_str(annotation.value)}[{get_annotation_str(subscript_slice)}]"
    elif isinstance(annotation, ast.Tuple):
        return ",".join([get_annotation_str(elt) for elt in annotation.elts])
    elif isinstance(annotation, (ast.Constant, ast.NameConstant)):
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