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Version: 2.0.1+cpu 

/ ao / pruning / _experimental / data_sparsifier / quantization_utils.py

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.ao.pruning.sparsifier.utils import module_to_fqn, fqn_to_module
from typing import Dict, List


def _fetch_all_embeddings(model):
    """Fetches Embedding and EmbeddingBag modules from the model
    embedding_modules = []
    stack = [model]
    while stack:
        module = stack.pop()
        for _, child in module.named_children():
            fqn_name = module_to_fqn(model, child)
            if type(child) in SUPPORTED_MODULES:
                embedding_modules.append((fqn_name, child))
    return embedding_modules

def post_training_sparse_quantize(model,
                                  select_embeddings: List[nn.Module] = None,
    """Takes in a model and applies sparsification and quantization to only embeddings & embeddingbags.
    The quantization step can happen before or after sparsification depending on the `sparsify_first` argument.

        - model (nn.Module)
            model whose embeddings needs to be sparsified
        - data_sparsifier_class (type of data sparsifier)
            Type of sparsification that needs to be applied to model
        - sparsify_first (bool)
            if true, sparsifies first and then quantizes
            otherwise, quantizes first and then sparsifies.
        - select_embeddings (List of Embedding modules)
            List of embedding modules to in the model to be sparsified & quantized.
            If None, all embedding modules with be sparsified
        - sparse_config (Dict)
            config that will be passed to the constructor of data sparsifier object.

        1. When `sparsify_first=False`, quantization occurs first followed by sparsification.
            - before sparsifying, the embedding layers are dequantized.
            - scales and zero-points are saved
            - embedding layers are sparsified and `squash_mask` is applied
            - embedding weights are requantized using the saved scales and zero-points
        2. When `sparsify_first=True`, sparsification occurs first followed by quantization.
            - embeddings are sparsified first
            - quantization is applied on the sparsified embeddings
    data_sparsifier = data_sparsifier_class(**sparse_config)

    # if select_embeddings is None, perform it on all embeddings
    if select_embeddings is None:
        embedding_modules = _fetch_all_embeddings(model)

        embedding_modules = []
        assert isinstance(select_embeddings, List), "the embedding_modules must be a list of embedding modules"
        for emb in select_embeddings:
            assert type(emb) in SUPPORTED_MODULES, "the embedding_modules list must be an embedding or embedding bags"
            fqn_name = module_to_fqn(model, emb)
            assert fqn_name is not None, "the embedding modules must be part of input model"
            embedding_modules.append((fqn_name, emb))

    if sparsify_first:
        # sparsify
        for name, emb_module in embedding_modules:
            valid_name = name.replace('.', '_')
            data_sparsifier.add_data(name=valid_name, data=emb_module)


        # quantize
        for _, emb_module in embedding_modules:
            emb_module.qconfig = torch.ao.quantization.float_qparams_weight_only_qconfig

        torch.ao.quantization.prepare(model, inplace=True)
        torch.ao.quantization.convert(model, inplace=True)

        # quantize
        for _, emb_module in embedding_modules:
            emb_module.qconfig = torch.ao.quantization.float_qparams_weight_only_qconfig

        torch.ao.quantization.prepare(model, inplace=True)
        torch.ao.quantization.convert(model, inplace=True)

        # retrieve scale & zero_points
        quantize_params: Dict[str, Dict] = {'scales': {}, 'zero_points': {},
                                            'dequant_weights': {}, 'axis': {},
                                            'dtype': {}}

        for name, _ in embedding_modules:
            quantized_emb = fqn_to_module(model, name)
            assert quantized_emb is not None  # satisfy mypy

            quantized_weight = quantized_emb.weight()  # type: ignore[operator]
            quantize_params['scales'][name] = quantized_weight.q_per_channel_scales()
            quantize_params['zero_points'][name] = quantized_weight.q_per_channel_zero_points()
            quantize_params['dequant_weights'][name] = torch.dequantize(quantized_weight)
            quantize_params['axis'][name] = quantized_weight.q_per_channel_axis()
            quantize_params['dtype'][name] = quantized_weight.dtype

            # attach data to sparsifier
            data_sparsifier.add_data(name=name.replace('.', '_'), data=quantize_params['dequant_weights'][name])


        for name, _ in embedding_modules:
            quantized_emb = fqn_to_module(model, name)
            assert quantized_emb is not None  # satisfy mypy
            requantized_vector = torch.quantize_per_channel(quantize_params['dequant_weights'][name],

            quantized_emb.set_weight(requantized_vector)  # type: ignore[operator]