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Version: 2.0.1+cpu 

/ ao / quantization / fx / prepare.py

import copy
import torch
import warnings
from torch.fx import (
from torch.fx.graph import (
from torch.fx.node import Argument

from ..quantize import (
from ..observer import (
from ..qconfig import (
from ..qconfig_mapping import (
from .qconfig_mapping_utils import (

from .quantize_handler import (

from torch.ao.quantization.utils import (

from ._equalize import (

from .pattern_utils import (

from .match_utils import (

from .utils import (

from torch.ao.quantization import (
from torch.ao.quantization.quantize import (

from ..utils import (

from ..backend_config.utils import (
from ..backend_config import (
from .custom_config import (

from torch._subclasses import FakeTensor

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Type, Union, Callable

__all__ = [

# list of dtypes to not add observers to
_DO_NOT_OBS_DTYPE_LIST = [int, float, torch.bool, None]

# note: the following default target dtype info dicts are temporary,
# should be moved to the new programmable API class soon
    "input_act_obs_or_fq_ctr": torch.ao.quantization.qconfig._default_fp32_placeholder_qconfig.activation,
    "output_act_obs_or_fq_ctr": torch.ao.quantization.qconfig._default_fp32_placeholder_qconfig.activation

    "input_act_obs_or_fq_ctr": torch.ao.quantization.qconfig._default_quint8_placeholder_qconfig.activation,
    "output_act_obs_or_fq_ctr": torch.ao.quantization.qconfig._default_quint8_placeholder_qconfig.activation

def _is_activation_post_process_node(node: Node, named_modules: Dict[str, torch.nn.Module]) -> bool:
    return isinstance(node, torch.fx.Node) and node.op == "call_module" and \

def _get_dtype_and_is_dynamic(obs_or_fq_ctr: Optional[Callable]) -> Tuple[Optional[torch.dtype], bool]:
    """ Given a constructor for observer or fake quant module, returns
    a Tuple of dtype and is_dynamic
    # TODO: instead of instantiating the instance, we can use inspect to get the default args
    if obs_or_fq_ctr is None:
        return None, False
        obs_or_fq = obs_or_fq_ctr()
        return obs_or_fq.dtype, getattr(obs_or_fq, "is_dynamic", False)

def _is_input_arg_dtype_supported_by_backend(
    arg: Argument,
    node: Node,
    qconfig: QConfigAny,
    dtype_config: DTypeConfig,
    backend_config: BackendConfig,
) -> bool:
    """ Check if the configured qconfig for the argument
    is supported by the backend or not
    if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
        return all(_is_input_arg_dtype_supported_by_backend(
            a, node, qconfig,
            dtype_config, backend_config) for a in arg)
    if not isinstance(arg, Node):
        return True
    # TODO: support check for standalone module
    is_weight = node_arg_is_weight(node, arg, backend_config)
    is_bias = node_arg_is_bias(node, arg, backend_config)
    is_activation = not is_weight and not is_bias
    if is_activation:
        input_act_obs_or_fq_ctr = node.meta["target_dtype_info"].get("input_act_obs_or_fq_ctr")
        qconfig_dtype, qconfig_is_dynamic = _get_dtype_and_is_dynamic(input_act_obs_or_fq_ctr)
        # TODO(future PR): remove the cast to bool below after figuring
        # out why backend_config has is_dynamic set to None in some cases.
        return (dtype_config.input_dtype is None) or (
            dtype_config.input_dtype == qconfig_dtype and
            bool(dtype_config.is_dynamic) == bool(qconfig_is_dynamic) and
            _qconfig_satisfies_dtype_config_constraints(qconfig, dtype_config.input_dtype_with_constraints)
    elif is_weight:
        # TODO: move dtype check into `_qconfig_satisfies_dtype_config_constraints` as well
        weight_obs_or_fq_ctr = node.meta["target_dtype_info"].get("weight_obs_or_fq_ctr", None)
        qconfig_weight_dtype, _ = _get_dtype_and_is_dynamic(weight_obs_or_fq_ctr)
        backend_config_weight_dtype = dtype_config.weight_dtype
        dtype_matches = qconfig_weight_dtype == backend_config_weight_dtype
        qconfig_satisfies_constraints = _qconfig_satisfies_dtype_config_constraints(
            qconfig, dtype_config.weight_dtype_with_constraints, is_activation=False)
        return backend_config_weight_dtype is None or (dtype_matches and qconfig_satisfies_constraints)
    else:  # bias
        # TODO: move dtype check into `_qconfig_satisfies_dtype_config_constraints` as well
        bias_obs_or_fq_ctr = node.meta["target_dtype_info"].get("bias_obs_or_fq_ctr", None)
        qconfig_bias_dtype, _ = _get_dtype_and_is_dynamic(bias_obs_or_fq_ctr)
        backend_config_bias_dtype = dtype_config.bias_dtype
        return backend_config_bias_dtype is None or qconfig_bias_dtype == backend_config_bias_dtype

def _is_output_dtype_supported_by_backend(
    node: Node,
    qconfig: QConfigAny,
    dtype_config: DTypeConfig,
) -> bool:
    """ Check if the configured qconfig for the output
    is supported by the backend or not
    # TODO: move dtype check into `_qconfig_satisfies_dtype_config_constraints` as well
    backend_config_output_dtype = dtype_config.output_dtype
    # TODO: we should check is_dynamic here as well, the code from _is_input_arg_dtype_supported_by_backend
    # from input activation check can be reused here
    qconfig_output_dtype = None
    output_act_obs_or_fq_ctr = node.meta["target_dtype_info"].get("output_act_obs_or_fq_ctr")
    qconfig_output_dtype, qconfig_output_is_dynamic = _get_dtype_and_is_dynamic(output_act_obs_or_fq_ctr)
    # TODO: this is a hack because we can only specify one activation_obs_or_fq for
    # qconfig (qconfig.activation), and we are only supporting dynamically quantized
    # linear op which has fp32 output dtype, this should be removed if we generalize
    # the structure of qconfig in the future
    if qconfig_output_is_dynamic:
        qconfig_output_dtype = torch.float32
    dtype_matches = qconfig_output_dtype == backend_config_output_dtype
    qconfig_satisfies_constraints = _qconfig_satisfies_dtype_config_constraints(
        qconfig, dtype_config.output_dtype_with_constraints)
    return backend_config_output_dtype is None or (dtype_matches and qconfig_satisfies_constraints)

def _is_observer_in_same_graph(node: Node, named_modules: Dict[str, torch.nn.Module]):
    """ Check if observer in same graph
    when the node output is not fp32 and input is 'placeholder'
    the input is assumed to be quantized, so it is observed
    in a different place rather than not observed.
    node_output_dtype = _get_arg_target_dtype_as_output(node, named_modules)
    if len(node.args) > 0 and isinstance(node.args[0], Node):
        if node_output_dtype == torch.quint8 and node.args[0].op == 'placeholder':
            return False
    return True

def _is_pattern_dtype_config_and_qconfig_supported_by_backend(
    pattern: Optional[Pattern],
    matched_node_pattern: Optional[List[Node]],
    qconfig: QConfigAny,
    backend_config: BackendConfig,
) -> bool:
    """ Check if the dtype configuration of a pattern is supported by
    the backend or not, and whether the qconfig satisfies constraints
    specified in the corresponding dtype config.
    if backend_config is None or pattern is None:
        return True
    assert matched_node_pattern is not None and len(matched_node_pattern) >= 1
    pattern_to_dtype_configs = get_pattern_to_dtype_configs(backend_config)
    dtype_configs: List[DTypeConfig] = pattern_to_dtype_configs.get(pattern, [])
    pattern_to_root_node_getter = get_fusion_pattern_to_root_node_getter(backend_config)

    root_node_getter = pattern_to_root_node_getter.get(pattern, _default_root_node_getter)
    root_node = root_node_getter(matched_node_pattern)
    input_node = root_node
    output_node = matched_node_pattern[0]
    for dtype_config in dtype_configs:
        # check if arg dtype are supported
        supported = True
        for arg in list(input_node.args) + list(input_node.kwargs.values()):
            supported = supported and _is_input_arg_dtype_supported_by_backend(
                arg, input_node, qconfig, dtype_config, backend_config)
        # check if output dtype is supported
        supported = supported and _is_output_dtype_supported_by_backend(
            output_node, qconfig, dtype_config)
        if supported:
            return True
    return False

def _get_standalone_module_configs(
    node: Node,
    named_modules: Dict[str, torch.nn.Module],
    prepare_custom_config: PrepareCustomConfig,
    parent_qconfig: QConfigAny,
    parent_backend_config: Optional[BackendConfig],
) -> Tuple[QConfigMapping, Tuple[Any, ...], PrepareCustomConfig, Optional[BackendConfig]]:
    Returns the standalone module QConfigMapping and PrepareCustomConfig
    for `node`, assuming that the module pointed to by `node` is
    a standalone modules.
    module_name = str(node.target)
    module_type = type(named_modules[module_name])  # type: ignore[index]
    # name config has precedence over type config
    config_entry = StandaloneModuleConfigEntry(None, (), None, None)
    config_entry = prepare_custom_config.standalone_module_classes.get(module_type, config_entry)
    config_entry = prepare_custom_config.standalone_module_names.get(module_name, config_entry)
    # fallback to use parent module's qconfig if user didn't specify qconfig dict
    qconfig_mapping = config_entry.qconfig_mapping or QConfigMapping().set_global(parent_qconfig)
    example_inputs = config_entry.example_inputs
    prepare_custom_config = config_entry.prepare_custom_config or PrepareCustomConfig()
    backend_config = config_entry.backend_config or parent_backend_config
    return (qconfig_mapping, example_inputs, prepare_custom_config, backend_config)

def _qat_swap_modules(
        root: torch.nn.Module,
        module_to_qat_module: Dict[Pattern, Type[torch.nn.Module]]) -> None:
    convert(root, mapping=module_to_qat_module, inplace=True, remove_qconfig=False)

def _add_matched_node_name_to_set(matched_node_pattern: NodePattern, s: Set[str]):
    if isinstance(matched_node_pattern, Node):
    elif isinstance(matched_node_pattern, (list, tuple)):
        for maybe_node in matched_node_pattern:
            _add_matched_node_name_to_set(maybe_node, s)

def _insert_observer(
    node: Node,
    observer: ObserverBase,
    model: torch.nn.Module,
    named_modules: Dict[str, torch.nn.Module],
    graph: Graph,
) -> Node:
    Attaches `observer` to `model`, and creates a node which calls
    `observer` on the output of `node`.
    model_device = assert_and_get_unique_device(model)
    if model_device:
    # add observer module as attribute
    if is_equalization_observer(observer):
        prefix = node.name + '_equalization_process_'
        prefix = 'activation_post_process_'
    get_new_observer_name = get_new_attr_name_with_prefix(prefix)
    observer_name = get_new_observer_name(model)
    setattr(model, observer_name, observer)
    named_modules[observer_name] = observer
    with graph.inserting_after(node):
        new_obs = graph.create_node(
            'call_module', observer_name, (node,), {})
    return new_obs

def _set_target_dtype_info_for_matched_node_pattern(
    matched_node_pattern: NodePattern,
    last_node: Node,
    qconfig: QConfigAny,
    backend_config: BackendConfig,
    named_modules: Dict[str, torch.nn.Module],
    cache_for_no_tensor_check: Dict[Node, bool],
    processed_nodes: Set[Node],
) -> None:
    """ Sets the target_dtype_info for each node in matched_node_pattern
    Note: processed_nodes is used to ensure we only process each node once
    if isinstance(matched_node_pattern, (list, tuple)):
        for node_pattern in matched_node_pattern:
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