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Version: 2.0.1+cpu 

/ autograd / functional.py

import torch
from typing import Tuple, List
from . import forward_ad as fwAD
from torch._vmap_internals import _vmap

__all__ = ["vjp", "jvp", "jacobian", "hessian", "hvp", "vhp"]

# Utility functions

def _as_tuple_nocheck(x):
    if isinstance(x, tuple):
        return x
    elif isinstance(x, list):
        return tuple(x)
        return x,

def _as_tuple(inp, arg_name=None, fn_name=None):
    # Ensures that inp is a tuple of Tensors
    # Returns whether or not the original inp was a tuple and the tupled version of the input
    if arg_name is None and fn_name is None:
        return _as_tuple_nocheck(inp)

    is_inp_tuple = True
    if not isinstance(inp, tuple):
        inp = (inp,)
        is_inp_tuple = False

    for i, el in enumerate(inp):
        if not isinstance(el, torch.Tensor):
            if is_inp_tuple:
                raise TypeError("The {} given to {} must be either a Tensor or a tuple of Tensors but the"
                                " value at index {} has type {}.".format(arg_name, fn_name, i, type(el)))
                raise TypeError("The {} given to {} must be either a Tensor or a tuple of Tensors but the"
                                " given {} has type {}.".format(arg_name, fn_name, arg_name, type(el)))

    return is_inp_tuple, inp

def _tuple_postprocess(res, to_unpack):
    # Unpacks a potentially nested tuple of Tensors
    # to_unpack should be a single boolean or a tuple of two booleans.
    # It is used to:
    # - invert _as_tuple when res should match the inp given to _as_tuple
    # - optionally remove nesting of two tuples created by multiple calls to _as_tuple
    if isinstance(to_unpack, tuple):
        assert len(to_unpack) == 2
        if not to_unpack[1]:
            res = tuple(el[0] for el in res)
        if not to_unpack[0]:
            res = res[0]
        if not to_unpack:
            res = res[0]
    return res

def _grad_preprocess(inputs, create_graph, need_graph):
    # Preprocess the inputs to make sure they require gradient
    # inputs is a tuple of Tensors to preprocess
    # create_graph specifies if the user wants gradients to flow back to the Tensors in inputs
    # need_graph specifies if we internally want gradients to flow back to the Tensors in res
    # Note that we *always* create a new Tensor object to be able to see the difference between
    # inputs given as arguments and the same Tensors automatically captured by the user function.
    # Check this issue for more details on how that can happen: https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/32576
    res = []
    for inp in inputs:
        if create_graph and inp.requires_grad:
            # Create at least a new Tensor object in a differentiable way
            if not inp.is_sparse:
                # Use .view_as() to get a shallow copy
                # We cannot use view for sparse Tensors so we clone
    return tuple(res)

def _grad_postprocess(inputs, create_graph):
    # Postprocess the generated Tensors to avoid returning Tensors with history when the user did not
    # request it.
    if isinstance(inputs[0], torch.Tensor):
        if not create_graph:
            return tuple(inp.detach() for inp in inputs)
            return inputs
        return tuple(_grad_postprocess(inp, create_graph) for inp in inputs)

def _validate_v(v, other, is_other_tuple):
    # This assumes that other is the correct shape, and v should match
    # Both are assumed to be tuples of Tensors
    if len(other) != len(v):
        if is_other_tuple:
            raise RuntimeError("v is a tuple of invalid length: should be {} but got {}.".format(len(other), len(v)))
            raise RuntimeError("The given v should contain a single Tensor.")

    for idx, (el_v, el_other) in enumerate(zip(v, other)):
        if el_v.size() != el_other.size():
            prepend = ""
            if is_other_tuple:
                prepend = "Entry {} in ".format(idx)
            raise RuntimeError("{}v has invalid size: should be {} but got {}.".format(
                               prepend, el_other.size(), el_v.size()))

def _check_requires_grad(inputs, input_type, strict):
    # Used to make all the necessary checks to raise nice errors in strict mode.
    if not strict:

    if input_type not in ["outputs", "grad_inputs", "jacobian", "hessian"]:
        raise RuntimeError("Invalid input_type to _check_requires_grad")
    for i, inp in enumerate(inputs):
        if inp is None:
            # This can only be reached for grad_inputs.
            raise RuntimeError("The output of the user-provided function is independent of input {}."
                               " This is not allowed in strict mode.".format(i))
        if not inp.requires_grad:
            if input_type == "hessian":
                raise RuntimeError("The hessian of the user-provided function with respect to input {}"
                                   " is independent of the input. This is not allowed in strict mode."
                                   " You should ensure that your function is thrice differentiable and that"
                                   " the hessian depends on the inputs.".format(i))
            elif input_type == "jacobian":
                raise RuntimeError("While computing the hessian, found that the jacobian of the user-provided"
                                   " function with respect to input {} is independent of the input. This is not"
                                   " allowed in strict mode. You should ensure that your function is twice"
                                   " differentiable and that the jacobian depends on the inputs (this would be"
                                   " violated by a linear function for example).".format(i))
            elif input_type == "grad_inputs":
                raise RuntimeError("The gradient with respect to input {} is independent of the inputs of the"
                                   " user-provided function. This is not allowed in strict mode.".format(i))
                raise RuntimeError("Output {} of the user-provided function does not require gradients."
                                   " The outputs must be computed in a differentiable manner from the input"
                                   " when running in strict mode.".format(i))

def _autograd_grad(outputs, inputs, grad_outputs=None, create_graph=False, retain_graph=None, is_grads_batched=False):
    # Version of autograd.grad that accepts `None` in outputs and do not compute gradients for them.
    # This has the extra constraint that inputs has to be a tuple
    assert isinstance(outputs, tuple)
    if grad_outputs is None:
        grad_outputs = (None,) * len(outputs)
    assert isinstance(grad_outputs, tuple)
    assert len(outputs) == len(grad_outputs)

    new_outputs: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...] = tuple()
    new_grad_outputs: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...] = tuple()
    for out, grad_out in zip(outputs, grad_outputs):
        if out is not None and out.requires_grad:
            new_outputs += (out,)
            new_grad_outputs += (grad_out,)

    if len(new_outputs) == 0:
        # No differentiable output, we don't need to call the autograd engine
        return (None,) * len(inputs)
        return torch.autograd.grad(new_outputs, inputs, new_grad_outputs, allow_unused=True,
                                   create_graph=create_graph, retain_graph=retain_graph,

def _fill_in_zeros(grads, refs, strict, create_graph, stage):
    # Used to detect None in the grads and depending on the flags, either replace them
    # with Tensors full of 0s of the appropriate size based on the refs or raise an error.
    # strict and create graph allow us to detect when it is appropriate to raise an error
    # stage gives us information of which backward call we consider to give good error message
    if stage not in ["back", "back_trick", "double_back", "double_back_trick"]:
        raise RuntimeError("Invalid stage argument '{}' to _fill_in_zeros".format(stage))

    res: Tuple[torch.Tensor, ...] = tuple()
    for i, grads_i in enumerate(grads):
        if grads_i is None:
            if strict:
                if stage == "back":
                    raise RuntimeError("The output of the user-provided function is independent of "
                                       "input {}. This is not allowed in strict mode.".format(i))
                elif stage == "back_trick":
                    raise RuntimeError("The gradient with respect to the input is independent of entry {}"
                                       " in the grad_outputs when using the double backward trick to compute"
                                       " forward mode gradients. This is not allowed in strict mode.".format(i))
                elif stage == "double_back":
                    raise RuntimeError("The jacobian of the user-provided function is independent of "
                                       "input {}. This is not allowed in strict mode.".format(i))
                    raise RuntimeError("The hessian of the user-provided function is independent of "
                                       "entry {} in the grad_jacobian. This is not allowed in strict "
                                       "mode as it prevents from using the double backward trick to "
                                       "replace forward mode AD.".format(i))

            grads_i = torch.zeros_like(refs[i])
            if strict and create_graph and not grads_i.requires_grad:
                if "double" not in stage:
                    raise RuntimeError("The jacobian of the user-provided function is independent of "
                                       "input {}. This is not allowed in strict mode when create_graph=True.".format(i))
                    raise RuntimeError("The hessian of the user-provided function is independent of "
                                       "input {}. This is not allowed in strict mode when create_graph=True.".format(i))

        res += (grads_i,)

    return res

# Public API

def vjp(func, inputs, v=None, create_graph=False, strict=False):
    r"""Function that computes the dot product between a vector ``v`` and the
    Jacobian of the given function at the point given by the inputs.

        func (function): a Python function that takes Tensor inputs and returns
            a tuple of Tensors or a Tensor.
        inputs (tuple of Tensors or Tensor): inputs to the function ``func``.
        v (tuple of Tensors or Tensor): The vector for which the vector
            Jacobian product is computed.  Must be the same size as the output
            of ``func``. This argument is optional when the output of ``func``
            contains a single element and (if it is not provided) will be set
            as a Tensor containing a single ``1``.
        create_graph (bool, optional): If ``True``, both the output and result
            will be computed in a differentiable way. Note that when ``strict``
            is ``False``, the result can not require gradients or be
            disconnected from the inputs.  Defaults to ``False``.
        strict (bool, optional): If ``True``, an error will be raised when we
            detect that there exists an input such that all the outputs are
            independent of it. If ``False``, we return a Tensor of zeros as the
            vjp for said inputs, which is the expected mathematical value.
            Defaults to ``False``.

        output (tuple): tuple with:
            func_output (tuple of Tensors or Tensor): output of ``func(inputs)``

            vjp (tuple of Tensors or Tensor): result of the dot product with
            the same shape as the inputs.


        >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(env:TORCH_DOCTEST_AUTOGRAD)
        >>> def exp_reducer(x):
        ...     return x.exp().sum(dim=1)
        >>> inputs = torch.rand(4, 4)
        >>> v = torch.ones(4)
        >>> # xdoctest: +IGNORE_WANT("non-deterministic")
        >>> vjp(exp_reducer, inputs, v)
        (tensor([5.7817, 7.2458, 5.7830, 6.7782]),
         tensor([[1.4458, 1.3962, 1.3042, 1.6354],
                [2.1288, 1.0652, 1.5483, 2.5035],
                [2.2046, 1.1292, 1.1432, 1.3059],
                [1.3225, 1.6652, 1.7753, 2.0152]]))

        >>> vjp(exp_reducer, inputs, v, create_graph=True)
        (tensor([5.7817, 7.2458, 5.7830, 6.7782], grad_fn=<SumBackward1>),
         tensor([[1.4458, 1.3962, 1.3042, 1.6354],
                [2.1288, 1.0652, 1.5483, 2.5035],
                [2.2046, 1.1292, 1.1432, 1.3059],
                [1.3225, 1.6652, 1.7753, 2.0152]], grad_fn=<MulBackward0>))

        >>> def adder(x, y):
        ...     return 2 * x + 3 * y
        >>> inputs = (torch.rand(2), torch.rand(2))
        >>> v = torch.ones(2)
        >>> vjp(adder, inputs, v)
        (tensor([2.4225, 2.3340]),
         (tensor([2., 2.]), tensor([3., 3.])))

    with torch.enable_grad():
        is_inputs_tuple, inputs = _as_tuple(inputs, "inputs", "vjp")
        inputs = _grad_preprocess(inputs, create_graph=create_graph, need_graph=True)

        outputs = func(*inputs)
        is_outputs_tuple, outputs = _as_tuple(outputs, "outputs of the user-provided function", "vjp")
        _check_requires_grad(outputs, "outputs", strict=strict)

        if v is not None:
            _, v = _as_tuple(v, "v", "vjp")
            v = _grad_preprocess(v, create_graph=create_graph, need_graph=False)
            _validate_v(v, outputs, is_outputs_tuple)
            if len(outputs) != 1 or outputs[0].nelement() != 1:
                raise RuntimeError("The vector v can only be None if the "
                                   "user-provided function returns "
                                   "a single Tensor with a single element.")

    enable_grad = True if create_graph else torch.is_grad_enabled()
    with torch.set_grad_enabled(enable_grad):
        grad_res = _autograd_grad(outputs, inputs, v, create_graph=create_graph)
        vjp = _fill_in_zeros(grad_res, inputs, strict, create_graph, "back")

    # Cleanup objects and return them to the user
    outputs = _grad_postprocess(outputs, create_graph)
    vjp = _grad_postprocess(vjp, create_graph)

    return _tuple_postprocess(outputs, is_outputs_tuple), _tuple_postprocess(vjp, is_inputs_tuple)

def jvp(func, inputs, v=None, create_graph=False, strict=False):
    r"""Function that computes the dot product between  the Jacobian of
    the given function at the point given by the inputs and a vector ``v``.

        func (function): a Python function that takes Tensor inputs and returns
            a tuple of Tensors or a Tensor.
        inputs (tuple of Tensors or Tensor): inputs to the function ``func``.
        v (tuple of Tensors or Tensor): The vector for which the Jacobian
            vector product is computed. Must be the same size as the input of
            ``func``. This argument is optional when the input to ``func``
            contains a single element and (if it is not provided) will be set
            as a Tensor containing a single ``1``.
        create_graph (bool, optional): If ``True``, both the output and result
            will be computed in a differentiable way. Note that when ``strict``
            is ``False``, the result can not require gradients or be
            disconnected from the inputs.  Defaults to ``False``.
        strict (bool, optional): If ``True``, an error will be raised when we
            detect that there exists an input such that all the outputs are
            independent of it. If ``False``, we return a Tensor of zeros as the
            jvp for said inputs, which is the expected mathematical value.
            Defaults to ``False``.

        output (tuple): tuple with:
            func_output (tuple of Tensors or Tensor): output of ``func(inputs)``

            jvp (tuple of Tensors or Tensor): result of the dot product with
            the same shape as the output.

        ``autograd.functional.jvp`` computes the jvp by using the backward of
        the backward (sometimes called the double backwards trick). This is not
        the most performant way of computing the jvp. Please consider using
        :func:`torch.func.jvp` or the
        :ref:`low-level forward-mode AD API <forward-mode-ad>` instead.

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