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Version: 2.0.1+cpu 

/ dest / register_dispatch_key.py

import itertools
import textwrap
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

from typing_extensions import Literal  # Python 3.8+

import torchgen.api.cpp as cpp
import torchgen.api.meta as meta
import torchgen.api.structured as structured
from torchgen.api.translate import translate
from torchgen.api.types import (

from torchgen.context import method_with_native_function, native_function_manager
from torchgen.model import (
from torchgen.selective_build.selector import SelectiveBuilder
from torchgen.utils import assert_never, mapMaybe, Target

def gen_registration_headers(
    backend_index: BackendIndex,
    per_operator_headers: bool,
    rocm: bool,
) -> List[str]:
    if per_operator_headers:
        headers = ["#include <ATen/ops/as_strided_native.h>"]
        headers = ["#include <ATen/NativeFunctions.h>"]

    if backend_index.dispatch_key in (DispatchKey.CPU, DispatchKey.Meta):
        headers.append("#include <ATen/EmptyTensor.h>")
    elif backend_index.dispatch_key == DispatchKey.CUDA:
        if rocm:
            headers.append("#include <ATen/hip/EmptyTensor.h>")
            headers.append("#include <ATen/cuda/EmptyTensor.h>")
    elif backend_index.dispatch_key == DispatchKey.MPS:
        headers.append("#include <ATen/mps/EmptyTensor.h>")
    elif per_operator_headers:
        headers += [
            "#include <ATen/ops/empty.h>",
            "#include <ATen/ops/empty_strided.h>",
            "#include <ATen/ops/_copy_from_and_resize.h>",
            "#include <ATen/ops/_copy_from.h>",
        headers.append("#include <ATen/Functions.h>")

    return headers

def gen_empty_impl_names(
    backend_index: BackendIndex,
) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]:
    empty_impl = None
    empty_strided_impl = None

    if backend_index.dispatch_key in (
        dispatch = str(backend_index.dispatch_key).lower()
        empty_impl = f"at::detail::empty_{dispatch}"
        empty_strided_impl = f"at::detail::empty_strided_{dispatch}"
    elif backend_index.dispatch_key in (
        empty_impl = "at::empty"
        empty_strided_impl = "at::empty_strided"

    return empty_impl, empty_strided_impl

def gen_create_out_helper(backend_index: BackendIndex) -> List[str]:
    if backend_index.dispatch_key == DispatchKey.Meta:
        empty_options = "options.device(at::kMeta)"
        empty_options = "options"

    empty_impl, empty_strided_impl = gen_empty_impl_names(backend_index)
    if empty_impl is None:
        return []

    return [
Tensor create_out(IntArrayRef sizes, IntArrayRef strides, const TensorOptions &options) {{
  if (strides.empty()) {{
      return {empty_impl}(sizes, {empty_options});
  }} else {{
      return {empty_strided_impl}(sizes, strides, {empty_options});

def gen_maybe_create_proxy_helper(backend_index: BackendIndex) -> List[str]:
    _, empty_strided_impl = gen_empty_impl_names(backend_index)
    return (
        if empty_strided_impl is None
        else [
c10::optional<Tensor> maybe_create_proxy(const Tensor &out, IntArrayRef sizes, IntArrayRef strides, const TensorOptions &options) {{
  if (out.strides() != strides) {{
    return {empty_strided_impl}(sizes, strides, options);
  return c10::nullopt;

def gen_resize_out_helper(backend_index: BackendIndex) -> List[str]:
    if backend_index.dispatch_key == DispatchKey.CompositeExplicitAutogradNonFunctional:
        # The function isn't used by this key (since only functional ops have a kernel for this key),
        # so we need to not include it to avoid a defined-but-not-used error.
        return []
    return [
void resize_out(const Tensor &out, IntArrayRef sizes, IntArrayRef strides, const TensorOptions &options) {
  TORCH_CHECK(options.dtype() == out.dtype(),
      "Expected out tensor to have dtype ", options.dtype(), ", but got ", out.dtype(), " instead");
  TORCH_CHECK(options.device() == out.device(),
      "Expected out tensor to have device ", options.device(), ", but got ", out.device(), " instead");
  const bool resized = at::native::resize_output(out, sizes);
  // Only restride if a resize occurred; otherwise we ignore the (advisory)
  // strides from the meta function and directly use the output tensor's
  // preexisting strides
  if (resized) {
    if (!strides.empty()) {
      // TODO: avoid the redispatch here
      out.as_strided_(sizes, strides);
    } else if (options.memory_format_opt().has_value()) {

def gen_check_inplace_helper(backend_index: BackendIndex) -> List[str]:
    return [
void check_inplace(const Tensor &self, IntArrayRef sizes, const TensorOptions &options) {
  // These checks are needed on those operators that:
  //   1) don't use 'TensorIterator' (e.g. 'addmm' and 'baddbmm')
  //   2) have particular typing rules (e.g. 'cumsum' and 'cumprod')
  // For other operators (e.g. 'add'), 'TensorIterator' already checks
  // these things separately.
  TORCH_CHECK(options.dtype() == self.dtype(),
      "Bad in-place call: ",
      "input tensor dtype ", self.dtype(), " and output tensor dtype ", options.dtype(), " should match");
  TORCH_CHECK(options.device() == self.device(),
      "Bad in-place call: ",
      "input tensor device ", self.device(), " and output tensor device ", options.device(), " should match");
  TORCH_CHECK(sizes == self.sizes(),
      "Bad in-place call: ",
      "input tensor size ", self.sizes(), " and output tensor size ", sizes, " should match");

def gen_registration_helpers(backend_index: BackendIndex) -> List[str]:
    return [

# Generates Register{dispatch}.cpp (e.g., RegisterCPU.cpp).
#   - The primary function of this file is to register all of the
#     implementations for the given dispatch key to the dispatcher,
#     so they are available for use in PyTorch.  If dispatch is
#     None, we generate schema (def) registrations and catchall
#     registrations.
#   - The secondary function of this file is to generate a wrapper
#     around functions.  In CPUType these wrappers do nothing
#     (and should be removed), but in other cases they handle
#     DeviceGuard. A small extra benefit of wrappers is they
#     are not overloaded, so they can be used in the registration
#     API without having to disambiguate which overload you want
#     (as would be the case if you directly registered native::
#     functions).
#   - The tertiary function of this file is to generate *static*
#     cpp API bindings which can be used to bypass dispatcher
#     directly to kernels, but with user-friendly cpp-style API
class RegisterDispatchKey:
    backend_index: BackendIndex

    target: Union[

    # Selector object to determine which operators to generate
    # registration code for.
    selector: SelectiveBuilder

    # Whether or not we are actually code-genning for ROCm
    rocm: bool

    # Whether or not to generate symint registrations or not.  External users
    # of codegen who don't care about symints can set this to false to get
    # non-SymInt codegen
    symint: bool

    # The class that all unstructured native functions live under. This is used to improve
    # compiler error messages when a kernel writer adds a native function with the wrong signature.
    # This is only used in unstructured kernels, since structured kernels already live in a class.
    # Finally, this field is currently Optional because it is only used by external backends.
    # It would be nice if we can add the same logic to in-tree kernels too, but that requires updating
    # all of the existing kernel signatures scattered across aten/src/ATen/native.
    class_method_name: Optional[str]

    # Only set to true in lightweight dispatch. If lightweight dispatch is enabled we are registering
    # operators into JIT op registry, thus we need to avoid generating code to register into the dispatcher.
    skip_dispatcher_op_registration: bool

    def gen_device_check(
        type: DeviceCheckType, args: List[Argument], method_name: str
    ) -> str:
        if type == DeviceCheckType.NoCheck:
            return "  // No device check\n"

        device_check = "c10::optional<Device> common_device = nullopt;\n"
        device_check += "(void)common_device; // Suppress unused variable warning\n"
        for arg in args:
            # Only tensor like arguments are eligible
            if arg.type.is_tensor_like():
                device_check += f"""
  c10::impl::check_and_update_common_device(common_device, {arg.name}, "{method_name}", "{arg.name}");"""
        return device_check

    def __call__(self, f: Union[NativeFunctionsGroup, NativeFunction]) -> List[str]:
        if isinstance(f, NativeFunctionsGroup):
            g: NativeFunctionsGroup = f
            # Note: We call gen_structured() if the operator is marked structured, regardless of the backend.
            # gen_structured() has special logic to handle auto-generated kernels.
            if g.structured:
                return self.gen_structured(g)
                return list(
                    mapMaybe(lambda f: self.gen_unstructured(f, g), g.functions())
        elif isinstance(f, NativeFunction):
            r = self.gen_unstructured(f)
            return [] if r is None else [r]

    def wrapper_kernel_sig(
        self, f: NativeFunction
    ) -> Union[NativeSignature, DispatcherSignature]:
        # The prefix is just to ensure uniqueness. The Dispatcher API doesn't guarantee unique kernel names.
        return DispatcherSignature.from_schema(

    def gen_out_inplace_wrapper(
        self, f: NativeFunction, g: Optional[NativeFunctionsGroup]
    ) -> Optional[str]:
        if g is None:
            return None
        k = f.func.kind()
        if k is SchemaKind.inplace:
            copy_op = "at::_copy_from"
        elif k is SchemaKind.out:
            copy_op = "at::_copy_from_and_resize"
            raise AssertionError("gen_out_inplace_wrapper called on a functional op")

        sig = self.wrapper_kernel_sig(f)
        name = sig.name()

        func_res = f"{name}_tmp"
        return_names = cpp.return_names(f)
        if len(return_names) > 1:
            updates = "\n  ".join(
                f"{copy_op}(std::get<{i}>({func_res}), {ret_name});"
                for i, ret_name in enumerate(return_names)
            returns = f'{sig.returns_type().cpp_type()}({", ".join(return_names)})'
            ret_name = return_names[0]
            updates = f"{copy_op}({func_res}, {ret_name});"
            returns = ret_name

        functional_sig = self.wrapper_kernel_sig(g.functional)
        wrapper_name = sig.name()

        return f"""\
{sig.defn(name=wrapper_name)} {{
  auto {func_res} = {functional_sig.name()}({", ".join(e.expr for e in translate(sig.arguments(), functional_sig.arguments()))});
  return {returns};

    def gen_structured(self, g: NativeFunctionsGroup) -> List[str]:
        metadata = self.backend_index.get_kernel(g)
        if self.backend_index.dispatch_key == DispatchKey.Meta:
            assert not self.backend_index.has_kernel(g.out), (
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