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Version: 2.0.1+cpu 

/ distributed / _shard / op_registry_utils.py

import functools
from inspect import signature
from .common_op_utils import _basic_validation

Common utilities to register ops on ShardedTensor, ReplicatedTensor
and PartialTensor.

def _register_op(op, func, op_table):
    Performs basic validation and registers the provided op in the given
    if len(signature(func).parameters) != 4:
        raise TypeError(
            f'Custom sharded op function expects signature: '
            f'(types, args, kwargs, process_group), but received '
            f'signature: {signature(func)}')

    op_table[op] = func

def _decorator_func(wrapped_func, op, op_table):
    Decorator function to register the given ``op`` in the provided

    def wrapper(types, args, kwargs, process_group):
        _basic_validation(op, args, kwargs)
        return wrapped_func(types, args, kwargs, process_group)

    _register_op(op, wrapper, op_table)
    return wrapper