from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
import torch
from torch.distributed._tensor.placement_types import DTensorSpec
# Common type aliases
ArgsType = Tuple[object, ...]
KwargsType = Dict[str, object]
# ATen op schemas could have Tensor, Tuple[Tensor] and List[Tensor], so output type sould
# be the same set of possiblities.
OutputSpecType = Optional[Union[DTensorSpec, Sequence[Optional[DTensorSpec]]]]
class OpSchema:
OpSchema is a data class that describes an operator input schemas, it
includes DTensor DTensorSpecs and non-tensor args/kwargs (positional order
preserved). It is mainly used by the dispatching logic below to run things like
sharding propagation.
Sharding propagation rules registered could utilize this data class and
do inplace update some fields (when necessary, i.e shape related ops) to make
sure the args/kwargs are legit before passing to the local tensor operator.
This is the main reason that we don't freeze this dataclass.
NOTE: greater access to the operator inputs comes with greater responsibility.
Here are some basic rules about what can be used and what can be changed.
func_schema: the function schema of the operator
args_schema: contains args except that the DTensor args have been replaced
with its DTensorSpec
kwargs_schema: contains kwargs except that the DTensor kwargs have been replaced
with its DTensorSpec
What can be used:
- every attribute within this class could be read to conduct
sharding propagation.
What can be changed:
- only the args_schema and kwargs_schema could be changed.
- every non-tensor args could be changed to accomodate for local tensor
operations (i.e. for ops like view/reshape/...)
- every "DTensorSpec" attribute inside `args_schema`, `kwargs_schema` and
`args_spec` SHOULD NOT be updated! DTensorSpec are read only and sharding
propagation shouldn't inplace update them, otherwise the input DTensor
placements will get implicitly changed and it's error-prone.
func_schema: torch._C.FunctionSchema
args_schema: ArgsType
kwargs_schema: KwargsType
is_inplace: bool = False
is_out_variant: bool = False
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
# simple analysis of function schema to determine
# if this is an inplace/out variant, it might not
# be entirely correct, but it's good enough for now.
self.is_inplace =[-1] == "_"
self.is_out_variant = "out" in self.func_schema.overload_name
def args_spec(self) -> Tuple[DTensorSpec, ...]:
args_spec: Tuple[DTensorSpec, ...]: contains a clean list of args spec list
with NO non-DTensor positional arguments (i.e. int/float/tuple, etc)
mainly used by sharding propagation to propagate the output spec
# filter out non-relavant values from args schema to get a clean spec list
# this would mainly be used by sharding propagation rules
return tuple(item for item in self.args_schema if isinstance(item, DTensorSpec))
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return (
f" args_schema={self.args_schema},"
f" kwargs_schema={self.kwargs_schema})"
def __hash__(self) -> int:
# NOTE: we turn kwargs_schema into a frozenset to hash as it would not be nested dict
frozen_set_kwargs_schema = frozenset(self.kwargs_schema.items())
return hash((self.func_schema, self.args_spec, frozen_set_kwargs_schema))
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, OpSchema):
return False
return (
self.func_schema == other.func_schema
and self.args_schema == other.args_schema
and self.kwargs_schema == other.kwargs_schema
class OutputSharding:
OutputSharding is a data class that is used by the sharding propagation
rules, it could set the output_spec upon successful propagation, and if
it failed, output_spec would become None and sharding propagation rules
could give a list of suggestions for inputs to reshard.
NOTE: the schema_suggestion generated by sharding propagation should be
exactly the same as the operator OpSchema, except the DTensor DTensorSpecs
output_spec: OutputSpecType
schema_suggestions: Optional[List[OpSchema]] = None
failed_reason: Optional[str] = None