# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates
from typing import cast, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple
import torch
from torch.distributed._tensor.op_schema import OpSchema, OutputSharding
from torch.distributed._tensor.ops.utils import prod
from torch.distributed._tensor.placement_types import DTensorSpec
def _replace_char_in_str(string: str, new_char: str, idx: int) -> str:
return string[:idx] + new_char + string[idx + 1 :]
def _inplace_rewrap_schema_suggestion(
suggestion: OpSchema, input_schema: OpSchema
) -> None:
suggestion_args_spec = suggestion.args_spec
new_arg_schema: List[object] = []
idx_of_args_spec = 0
for arg in input_schema.args_schema:
if isinstance(arg, DTensorSpec):
idx_of_args_spec += 1
suggestion.args_schema = tuple(new_arg_schema)
suggestion.kwargs_schema = input_schema.kwargs_schema
def _gen_reshard_suggestions(
op_schema: OpSchema,
input_dims: List[str],
input_specs: Tuple[DTensorSpec, ...],
dim_to_sharding: Dict[str, int],
pending_sum: List[int],
) -> OutputSharding:
suggested_arg_specs: List[DTensorSpec] = []
for input_dim, input_spec in zip(input_dims, input_specs):
dim_map = [dim_to_sharding[dim] for dim in input_dim]
suggested_schema = OpSchema(op_schema.func_schema, tuple(suggested_arg_specs), {})
_inplace_rewrap_schema_suggestion(suggested_schema, op_schema)
return OutputSharding(
failed_reason="Input placements op sharding propagation failed, need to reshard!",
def einop_rule(
equation: str,
op_schema: OpSchema,
linearity: bool = False,
enforce_sharding: Optional[Dict[str, int]] = None,
) -> OutputSharding:
Propagate the sharding of inputs to output for ops whose data
moves according to einsum notation. This is mostly borrowed
from @zdevito's sharding simulator. Examples:
mk,kn->mn - einsum
ij,ij->ij - addition
ij,j->ij - broadcasted addition
ij->i - reduction
Other ops could use this propagation algorithm when applied, note
that einsum propagation only deal with list of specs (DTensor specs)
as it only works on list of tensors!
linearity in einop_rule means that the calling op `f` follows this rule:
f(a + b) = f(a) + f(b)
In this case we can propagate the partial sum, note that linearity in einop
only applies to partial sum, not other operations like min/max (which are
associative but not linear).
# parse einop equation and extract arg specs
inputs, outputs = equation.split("->")
input_dims, output_dims = inputs.split(","), outputs.split(",")
input_specs = op_schema.args_spec
# NOTE: only support single output unless needed in future
output_dim = output_dims[0]
dim_to_sharding: Dict[str, int] = {}
dim_to_size: Dict[str, int] = {}
# record pending sum, key is mesh dimension, value is pending sum
# counter across input specs
pending_sums_counter: Dict[int, int] = {}
seen_shardings: Dict[int, str] = {}
needs_reshard = False
def merge_sharding(dim: str, a: int, b: int) -> int:
# merge the sharding of inputs if it's able to merge, i.e. we can merge
# replicate and shard to shard, but this will trigger an reshard operation
if a != b:
if a == -1 or b == -1:
# reshard the replicate to match the sharded one
nonlocal needs_reshard
needs_reshard = True
return a if a != -1 else b
# TODO: further merge the sharding properly (i.e. reshard one input to replicate)
raise RuntimeError(
f"{equation}: dim {dim} sharded two different ways: {a} and {b}"
return a
for input_dim, input_spec in zip(input_dims, input_specs):
# deal with partial sums
input_sums = input_spec.sums
for sum_dim in input_sums:
if sum_dim not in pending_sums_counter:
seen_shardings[sum_dim] = "+"
# update pending sum counter for pending sum mesh
# dimension with the occurance from each input
pending_sums_counter[sum_dim] = pending_sums_counter.get(sum_dim, 0) + 1
for idx, (dim, mesh_dim) in enumerate(zip(input_dim, input_spec.dim_map)):
if enforce_sharding and dim in enforce_sharding:
if enforce_sharding[dim] != mesh_dim:
needs_reshard = True
dim_to_sharding[dim] = enforce_sharding[dim]
dim_to_size[dim] = input_spec.shape[idx]
elif dim not in dim_to_sharding:
dim_to_sharding[dim] = mesh_dim
dim_to_size[dim] = input_spec.shape[idx]
dim_to_sharding[dim] = merge_sharding(
dim, dim_to_sharding[dim], mesh_dim
assert dim_to_size[dim] == input_spec.shape[idx]
# after merging sharding, we check if there're multiple
# sharding on the same mesh dim.
merged_sharding_for_dim = dim_to_sharding[dim]
if merged_sharding_for_dim != -1:
if (
merged_sharding_for_dim in seen_shardings
and dim != seen_shardings[merged_sharding_for_dim]
needs_reshard = True
seen_shardings[merged_sharding_for_dim] += dim
seen_shardings[merged_sharding_for_dim] = dim
if pending_sums_counter and not linearity:
# return reshard suggestion with no pending sum, because we already properly
# merge the sharding, this reshard suggestion is legit to use
return _gen_reshard_suggestions(
op_schema, input_dims, input_specs, dim_to_sharding, []
# It's a op that support linearity, but not all input arguments are partial
# we fail the sharding propagation with suggestion to make all inputs be
# partial on the corresponding mesh dim (all inputs should be partial for
# the mesh dims in order to execute locally and delay the sum reduction)
for value in pending_sums_counter.values():
if value != len(input_specs):
needs_reshard = True
for mesh_dim, dims in seen_shardings.items():
if len(dims) > 1:
# we found different input dims are being sharded on the same mesh dim
# in order to perform local op computation, we need to reshard inputs
# base on some simple heuristics, now we simply pick the one with least comm
# volume. (i.e. the input with least size)
# TODO: consider a more advanced heuristic to pick the best sharding
costs = []
for d in dims:
cost = 0
for input_dim, input_spec in zip(input_dims, input_specs):
if (
d in input_dim
and input_spec.dim_map[input_dim.index(d)] == mesh_dim
cost += prod(input_spec.local_shape) * input_spec.mesh.size(
d_to_keep_sharding = dims[costs.index(max(costs))]
for d in dims:
# update dim_to_sharding to keep the sharding of the dim with
# highest comm and make the rest of the dims to replicate
if d != d_to_keep_sharding:
dim_to_sharding[d] = -1
pending_sums = list(pending_sums_counter.keys())
if needs_reshard:
return _gen_reshard_suggestions(
op_schema, input_dims, input_specs, dim_to_sharding, pending_sums
# generate output pending sum if a dim is sharded, and it appears in input
# but not output
for dim, shard_on_mesh in dim_to_sharding.items():
if dim not in output_dims[0] and shard_on_mesh != -1:
# if no need to reshard, we directly generate the output sharding
output_dim_map = []
output_shape = []
for dim in output_dim:
if dim == "1":
# find output dim that is a singleton dimension, mark sharding and shape
return OutputSharding(
def pointwise_rule(op_schema: OpSchema, linearity: bool = False) -> OutputSharding:
Propagate the sharding for pointwise operations. Examples:
ij,ij->ij - addition/mul
ij,j->ij - broadcasted addition
alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
# find the max_dim first in case we need to broadcasting
input_specs = op_schema.args_spec
max_dim = max(input.ndim for input in input_specs)
dimchars = []
singleton_counter: List[int] = [0] * max_dim
for input in input_specs:
start_dim = max_dim - input.ndim
p = alphabet[start_dim:max_dim]
# handle the "broadcasting to a common shape case"
# see https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/notes/broadcasting.html
# If any of the dimensions is singleton dimension (i.e. 1).
# we mark the dim char as a special "1" to distinguish with
# the non-singleton dimension, so that sharding propagation
# should just ignore the singleton dimension.
if len(input_specs) > 1:
for i in range(max_dim):
if i < start_dim:
# treat the leading miss dim chars as singleton
singleton_counter[i] += 1
elif input.shape[i - start_dim] == 1:
# mark singleton dim char as a special "1" in einop rule
singleton_counter[i] += 1
p = _replace_char_in_str(p, "1", (i - start_dim))
out_dimchars = alphabet[:max_dim]
# check if we replace the all inputs dim char with singleton dimension,
# if we replace all inputs, we also need to replace the output dimension.
for output_dim_idx in range(len(out_dimchars)):
out_dimchar = out_dimchars[output_dim_idx]
if singleton_counter[output_dim_idx] == len(input_specs):
out_dimchars = _replace_char_in_str(out_dimchars, "1", output_dim_idx)
fmt = f"{','.join(p for p in dimchars)}->{out_dimchars}"
enforce_sharding: Dict[str, int] = {}
if op_schema.is_inplace:
# inplace op should keep the input sharding it writes to
for out_dimchar, mesh_dim in zip(out_dimchars, input_specs[0].dim_map):
enforce_sharding[out_dimchar] = mesh_dim
elif op_schema.is_out_variant:
out_spec = cast(DTensorSpec, op_schema.kwargs_schema["out"])
for out_dimchar, mesh_dim in zip(out_dimchars, out_spec.dim_map):
enforce_sharding[out_dimchar] = mesh_dim
return einop_rule(
def linear_pointwise_rule(op_schema: OpSchema) -> OutputSharding:
Linear pointwise operators can propagate pending reductions.
For example, c = add(a, b); if a is pending sum, then c will be
pending sum as well without any communication overhead.
return pointwise_rule(op_schema, linearity=True)
def reduction_rule(
op_schema: OpSchema,
dims: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None,
keep_dim: bool = False,
reduction_linear: bool = False,
) -> OutputSharding:
Propagate the sharding for reduction operations. Examples:
ij->i - sum on dim
reduction_linear means that the reduction `f` follows this rule:
f([f(a), f(b)]) = f([a, b])
reduction linear should be super set of linearity.
alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
# reduction op usually begin with a single tensor
input_spec = cast(DTensorSpec, op_schema.args_schema[0])
reduce_dims = range(input_spec.ndim) if dims is None else dims
if not reduction_linear:
# if the reduction is not linear, we need to clear the pending sum
# on the input spec, also replicate the reducing dimension if the
# reducing dimension is sharded, then suggest a resharding
reshard_dim_map = input_spec.dim_map
needs_reshard = False
for dim in reduce_dims:
if input_spec.dim_map[dim] != -1:
needs_reshard = True
reshard_dim_map[dim] = -1
needs_reshard = needs_reshard or len(input_spec.sums) > 0
if needs_reshard:
no_partial_spec = DTensorSpec.from_dim_map(
input_spec.mesh, reshard_dim_map, [], input_spec.shape
schema_suggestion = OpSchema(op_schema.func_schema, (no_partial_spec,), {})
_inplace_rewrap_schema_suggestion(schema_suggestion, op_schema)
return OutputSharding(
output_spec=None, schema_suggestions=[schema_suggestion]
input_chars = alphabet[: input_spec.ndim]
if dims is None and not keep_dim:
# reducing to a single scalar tensor, we just mark output as empty
out_dimchars = ""
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